Archive for October, 2009

Pe Fiumicino-Roma m-am trezit fara bagaje…

October 31, 2009

La caruselul de bagaje de pe Roma-Fiumicino, astazi am avut surpriza sa ma trezesc fara bagaje si o parte din acte…

Aviz amatorilor de emigrari prin Canada.

Am ramas doar cu un set minim de haine murdare, fara ustensile de spalat… Nu cred ca a fost o problema AirTransat, ci un joc al porcarilor de Toronto… Merci, Canada!

Ca René Mathis, sedus, abandonat si “dispus” de “veri”

October 28, 2009

Totul a inceput probabil cu 9/11 2001, cu DGPS-ul. A urmat fuck-up-ul numit Madrid 3/11 prin care popularii au fost inlocuiti cu socialistii in Spania. Probabil a fost undeva un joc socialist, in prezent un “schelet” in dulapul lui Tony Blair, si o “victorie” a MI6. Poate ca in Romania oamenii socialisti ai MI6 au fost unii ca jud. Furtuna si Adrian Nastase…
A urmat insa divortul meu de Simona Furtuna, si plecarea mea in Calgary in mai 2007. Acolo au intrat in joc “acoperirea” pentru Madrid, probabil serviciile Canadiene Militare. S-a pregatit si incercat permanent o recrutare MI6 sau altceva, sau posibil, macar un statut de persoana de sprijin, un “sifon”, in argoul “organelor”… Un exemplu ce pateste o persoana de sprijin este René Mathis, din 007 Quantum of Solace…
Jocul a fost sprijin pentru socialistii-laburistii lui Gordon Brown, terminandu-se oarecum cu demisia directorul MI6, cu a min. de interne Jaquie Smith si a lui Bob Quick, de la Scotland Yard…
(Rene Mathis este cel care il ajuta pe spionul James Bond in Quantum of Solace, si sfarseste impuscat de politie la tomberon. Aviz voluntarilor de treburi dintr-astea…)
S-a urmarit in Romanai sprijin pentru jocurile financiare Ford-SIF5 Oltenia, si posibil in perspectiva, un suport pentru Tony Blair in presedentia CE, si un atac potential asupra lui Barroso… Totul poate fi numit “VOLUNTARIAT PENTRU TONY”.
De aici si e-mailingul pe, si inchiderea, de pe care s-a cules informatia.. si cum, stiu baietii bine…
De aici si sugestiile trimise pe (Canada) de bodyguard, de sofer de ambulanta, podcast-uri BBC false, manevrele ??”NATO”?? Black Sea 2007, probabil mai mult exercitii psy-ops…
Cred ca totul a fost finantat de e-Health Ontario (1 miliard CAD). De acolo si sugestiile de conversie profesionala, si jocul Elodia-Cioaca, si sugestiile BBC de Basarabia…
Practic, pentru mine: furtul agendei – 1 data
Furt laptop Acer – vezi malware si hack-in de cateva ori
Telefoane furate Nokia E90 – The Gateway, mai 2009, si doua alte telefoane in Romania
Jocul Samsung de la Vodafone Craiova in vara-toamna 2007…
Hack-ing FIDO Motorola 647-889-5796
Hack-ing calculator Quick-X cand eram pe site Rogers…
Joc 7 ani in Tibet, serpasi, Noua Zeelanda, etc, implementat de fotograful si dealer Ford, Horatiu Buzatu – PNL Craiova, prieten cu Sergiu Dragancea si Simona Furtuna, oarecum
De acolo si intentia de domiciliu fortat in Victoria, sau jocul psihiatric tip socialist, inceput la Budapesta de grupul Kennedy-FBI (probabil)
Vezi socialismul Nord-American…
Din pacate, incep sa cred ca totul a inceput in iarna 1994, cand am vrut sa iau legatura cu “varul” Misu Negritoiu, pe atunci consilier prezidential la Cotroceni, oarecum “negrul” lui Ion Iliescu in opere economice. Vroiam sa-i cer parerea, si este foarte posibil sa se fi declansat o “reactie pozitiva” care a dus la multe jocuri de stanga… Sper sa ma insel, dar cred ca Misu Negritoiu stie mai multe, si in mod clar, ii cunoaste conjunctura lui Tony Blair. Posibil ca de la acea tentativa de audienta, sa fi devenit “carne de servicii”… Mama lui Misu a fost oarecum apropaiata a unor rude, in Dabuleni. Poate ca un onoorabil profesor de ASE stie si are mult mai multe contacte in Romania, si poate jongla jocuri socialiste…
Cred ca “varul” Misu m-a vandut ca si Taliban… Se spune ca si mama lui mi-a vandut un unchi… Asa ca nimic nou in familia Negritoiu… Un alt unchi prin alianta imi spunea ca in Scoala de Partid sau Securitate, cel care dupa 3 luni inca mai avea urme de bun simt, era dat afara… Misu a avut o cariera stralucita…


October 28, 2009

skip to main | skip to sidebar 200 sacs de paquetage marți, 27 octombrie 2009 Peter, lumea vorbeste…. Canada cheama la un dialog constructiv in “razboiul vizelor” cu UE Canada cheama la un dialog constructiv in Flickr Canada regreta ca UE vorbeste despre “amenintare” la adresa sa in razboiul vizelor si cheama la un “dialog constructiv”. “Regret ca Jacques Barrot a ales sa vorbeasca despre amenintare, in timp ce solutia pentru aceasta problema este un dialog constructiv”, a spus ministrul de externe Lawrence Cannon, relateaza NewsIn citand AFP. Ottawa a decis la 14 iulie sa restabileasca vizele de intrare pentru cetatenii din Cehia si Mexic, pentru a limita afluxul cererilor de azil, depuse mai ales de romi din Cehia care afirma ca sunt persecutati. Cannon a reamintit ca l-a primit la 1 octombrie la Ottawa pe omologul sau suedez Carl Bildt, a carui tara asigura presedintia UE. In prezenta ministrului canadian al imigratiei, Jason Kenney, chestiunea vizelor “a fost explorata in mod pozitiv, iar activitatea diplomatica va continua”, a precizat el. Comisarul european pentru imigratie Jacques Barrot a spus: “Aceasta situatie de discriminare fata de cetatenii cehi este inacceptabila si, daca nu se ajunge la niciun progres anul acesta, Comisia ar putea recomanda impunerea vizelor pentru canadienii care au pasapoarte diplomatice”. “Deocamdata suntem la stadiul de amenintare. Speram ca Ottawa va evolua”, a subliniat Barrot. Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 16:40 0 comentarii Noua adresa pana la zborul AirTransat Roma… Seaton Residence, 339 George St. Toronto Am fost “scos” de la The Gateway. Poate este mai bine, dar in pricipiu este pentru trei nopti, pana la zborul de vineri spre Roma Cam multi israelieni in acea rezidenta. Sper sa nu existe o repetare a situatiei Gerrard Bull din Bruxelles… Curios este ca atat centru Fred Victor (Employment Center cat si staff-ul The Gateway) aparent au urmat formari de catre armata canadiana. Case Manager-a de la The Gateway, Ann Andree se pare ca a fost si in Romania. Sa fie vre-un proiect pilot de PTSD, in care incercau sa ma “bage” cu forta? La Seaton, noua locatie, foarte multi fosti rezidenti de la The Gateway, si destui “mediteraneeni”. Sa fie ei cei care fac managementul cazului? Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 15:16 0 comentarii De la Fred Victor nu ies faxurile catre Crucea Rosie… Fred Victor inteleg ca este un centru finantat de armata canadiana, probabil din cauza asta nu se poate iesi cu un fax pe international. Se repeta situatia cu Posta Canadiana. Vai de democratia canadiana, de drepturile omului de aici… Nu ies faxurile catre Crucea Rosie Ottawa si catre International Red Cross Geneva… Ca la puscarie, ca la Stasi… Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 11:56 0 comentarii Ca René Mathis, sedus, abandonat si “dispus” Totul a inceput probabil cu 9/11 2001, cu DGPS-ul. A urmat fuck-up-ul numit Madrid 3/11 prin care popularii au fost inlocuiti cu socialistii in Spania. Probabil a fost undeva un joc socialist, in prezent un “schelet” in dulapul lui Tony Blair, si o “victorie” a MI6. Poate ca in Romania oamenii socialisti ai MI6 au fost unii ca jud. Furtuna si Adrian Nastase… A urmat insa divortul meu de Simona Furtuna, si plecarea mea in Calgary in mai 2007. Acolo au intrat in joc “acoperirea” pentru Madrid, probabil serviciile Canadiene Militare. S-a pregatit si incercat permanent o recrutare MI6 sau altceva, sau posibil, macar un statut de persoana de sprijin, un “sifon”, in argoul “organelor”… Un exemplu ce pateste o persoana de sprijin este René Mathis, din 007 Quantum of Solace… Jocul a fost sprijin pentru socialistii-laburistii lui Gordon Brown, terminandu-se oarecum cu demisia directorul MI6, cu a min. de interne Jaquie Smith si a lui Bob Quick, de la Scotland Yard… (Rene Mathis este cel care il ajuta pe spionul James Bond in Quantum of Solace, si sfarseste impuscat de politie la tomberon. Aviz voluntarilor de treburi dintr-astea…) S-a urmarit in Romanai sprijin pentru jocurile financiare Ford-SIF5 Oltenia, si posibil in perspectiva, un suport pentru Tony Blair in presedentia CE, si un atac potential asupra lui Barroso… Totul poate fi numit “VOLUNTARIAT PENTRU TONY”. De aici si e-mailingul pe, si inchiderea, de pe care s-a cules informatia.. si cum, stiu baietii bine… De aici si sugestiile trimise pe (Canada) de bodyguard, de sofer de ambulanta, podcast-uri BBC false, manevrele ??”NATO”?? Black Sea 2007, probabil mai mult exercitii psy-ops… Cred ca totul a fost finantat de e-Health Ontario (1 miliard CAD). De acolo si sugestiile de conversie profesionala, si jocul Elodia-Cioaca, si sugestiile BBC de Basarabia… Practic, pentru mine: furtul agendei – 1 data Furt laptop Acer – vezi malware si hack-in de cateva ori Telefoane furate Nokia E90 – The Gateway, mai 2009, si doua alte telefoane in Romania Jocul Samsung de la Vodafone Craiova in vara-toamna 2007… Hack-ing FIDO Motorola 647-889-5796 Hack-ing calculator Quick-X cand eram pe site Rogers… Joc 7 ani in Tibet, serpasi, Noua Zeelanda, etc, implementat de fotograful si dealer Ford, Horatiu Buzatu – PNL Craiova, prieten cu Sergiu Dragancea si Simona Furtuna, oarecum De acolo si intentia de domiciliu fortat in Victoria, sau jocul psihiatric tip socialist, inceput la Budapesta de grupul Kennedy-FBI (probabil) Vezi socialismul Nord-American… Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 08:10 0 comentarii sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2009 Magna audios….. Foarte curios, nu reusesc sa-mi postez anumite fisiere audio… Pe cine deranjeaza chestiile astea? In plus, “baietzii” de aici au devenit mult prea “pushi”-i, de ne-suportat. Poate ca si Florian Coldea ar putea sa aiba grija de niste antibiotice pentru infectii urinare, si mai putin sa “distribuie” inregistrari din Casa Bulacu… Vad ca oferta si presiunile sunt ghidate spre un fel de “institutionalizare” in insula Vancouver, in orasul Victoria, un fel de lagar de concentrare pentru “surse” eventuale canadiene. Cred ca tot asa functioneaza si Guantanamo, doar ca este mult mai concentrat. Vineri am zborul spre Roma cu Air Transat, sper sa fie OK. Am auzit ca un vietnamez a fost agresat de politia canadiana. Cunoscutul vietnamez care mi-a spus despre job nu a mai aparut la munca de miercuri… Ce sa fie, ce sa fie… Parca G.C.Paunescu a “intepat” pe vietamezi de zahar, iar cativa au fost executati in Vietnam pentru tradare. Tot el ocupa si hotelul Lido, al fam. dr. Angelescu… Tupeu mare pe nea Gica de la DIE… Curios, Mircea Badea cu “In gura presesi” este taiat aici in Toronto. Pe cine deranjeaza el, nu inteleg. Intr-o cautare google scria cineva despre niste “gaozari fundamentalisti” din Toronto. Posibil sa fie acestia cei care aveau oferta mulatra, sunt gay, sau recrut… Parca scria cineva despre facut curatenie la porci. Sa fie vorba de mine, cand am maturat saptamana trecuta in curtea Quick-X din Mississauga? Din pacate, se pare ca sunt complet incomunicado, Nokia E90 Comunicator mi-a fost furat la The Gateway din prima saptamana, FIDO Motorola mi-a “crapat” hardware-ul, iar de la service-ul de la Eaton Centre nu mai vrea sa se intoarca, iar cartela 647-889-5796 mi-a fost blocata de baietzi… Nesimtiti, porcii astia gripati… Ma intreb daca toti cei care arata relativ ostentativ echipamentele sportive The North Face sunt dintre “gaozarii fundamentalisti” sau dintre looser-ii gen biciclistul din Mallorca. Curios, la cateva zile dupa Mallorca, s-au produs niste jocuri dubioase pe aoclo. Pe google, pe, imi vin genul asta de “trimiteri” contextuale (Boeing, probabil) : emplois – – Emplois en comptabilité et finance (Au Québec) ——————- East ascends, West wanes in re-ordered world economy * Share with friends Close Email Please enter a valid e-mail address Please enter a comma delimited list of valid e-mail addresses Other ways of sharing: o Tweet this on Twitter o Share on Facebook o Add to Delicious o Submit post to o Seed this post at Newsvine * Print or License Close o Print this page o License this story * Recommend | 5 Times * * Column * * Comments (2) * GWYN MORGAN Published on Monday, Oct. 26, 2009 12:00AM EDT Last updated on Monday, Oct. 26, 2009 3:22AM EDT Gwyn Morgan is the retired founding CEO of EnCana Corp. ***** Recessions are high-profile times for economists and financial analysts. One popular focus is the “shape” of the recovery. Optimists think it will be V-shaped; the more cautious predict it will be U-shaped. Those who believe that house prices and the stock market are ahead of the real economy foresee a W shape. Then there’s the dreaded L shape. But such speculation misses the bigger question: What will our “after the recovery” world actually look like? Start by thinking back only 15 months: World oil prices hit $147 (U.S.) a barrel, transferring enormous wealth to oil-exporting states. Demand for raw materials (such as cement, copper, zinc, nickel and steel), combined with labour shortages, played havoc with construction projects. Global food shortages and price hikes fuelled riots in developing nations. China’s embrace of market principles had transformed it into the world’s workshop, displacing much of the West’s labour-intensive manufacturing. India emerged as the leading global services economy. The “after the recovery” picture will no doubt reflect some of these trends, but what will have changed? The first place to look for an answer is the country that dominated world affairs before its domestic mortgage meltdown ignited a global meltdown. Optimists remind us that the U.S. economy has always been the most resilient example of what the late Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter labelled capitalism’s “creative destruction.” But current realities tell us our neighbour is unlikely to lift up the world again this time. There is no credible scenario for turning around growth of the country’s $8-trillion national debt. Huge stimulus spending and corporate bailouts are adding even more trillions, yet the Obama administration doesn’t seem to have heard the adage, “When you are in a hole, stop digging.” Interest payments and new spending on health care and other initiatives ensure a continuation of out-of-control, trillion-dollar-plus deficits. Some 39 American states are technically bankrupt. Meanwhile, President Barack Obama and his leftist colleagues throw sand in the gears of Corporate America, the only engine that has ever powered the U.S. economy out of peril. One of his first initiatives was a bill to remove the right of workers to a secret ballot before union certification, further reducing productivity and competitiveness. The administration’s plan to double-tax foreign subsidiaries of the country’s enviable stable of global companies risks the loss of important head offices. Lastly, it’s payback time for debt-laden Americans who shopped the world to prosperity on borrowed money. The United States isn’t the only developed nation in dire economic straits. The U.K.’s debt- and deficit-to-GDP ratios are climbing at an alarming rate, and the populace has one of the world’s highest average negative net worth per citizen. Low birth rates throughout the European Union, combined with an aging population in which 20 per cent are over the age of 60, means stifled economic growth along with the financial impossibility of maintaining social programs. Japan’s chronic economic problems, meanwhile, show no prospect of improvement. In sharp contrast, China and India are achieving growth even in the depths of a global recession, and they aren’t the only rising Asian stars. In recent years, the potential of Vietnam’s nearly 90 million people has been unleashed, and there is increasing realization that Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation at 230 million, is on track to becoming the next Asian economic force. The sun is also rising for resource-rich countries. Higher oil prices are reinvigorating exporters, most notably in the Mideast. Prices for base metals and other raw materials have increased, with Canada and Australia among the winners. Think of a global economic triangle: Western consumer countries form one side, Asian workshop countries form another, and resource-producing nations the third. Before the recession, this model saw consumer goods bought by the West, manufactured in the East, using raw materials and fuel from resource countries. But how has the West paid for these imports? By going deeper and deeper in debt. In 2008, the United States, together with Spain, Britain, France, Italy, Australia, Greece and Portugal, registered a total current account deficit of $1.3-trillion. Meanwhile, China and the oil-exporting countries registered a combined current account surplus of $1.2-trillion. (Canada’s resource exports, primarily oil and gas, left us as one of the few Western countries with a current account surplus.) Such imbalances can continue only so long as resource-exporting countries recycle their largesse back into U.S. dollars, and workshop countries continue to send their export revenues to buy the growing debt of consuming countries. (Hence, China holds mainly U.S. Treasury bills in its $1-trillion U.S.-dollar foreign reserves.) These enormous global economic imbalances were unsustainable before the meltdown and they are even less sustainable now. So what will “after the recovery” world look like? History will record the arrival of a new world order, with global economic growth dominated by the East, while the overextended West faces the consequences of living beyond its means for far too long. Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 18:13 0 comentarii THANKS… Daca reusesc sa ies din Canada, poate ca imi iau o masina adevarata, cum nu am datorii, si spun ca si capsunarii din Spania, aratand actele masinii… Cam asta am impresia ca s-a intamplat in Toronto si Mississauga, dupa 2 mai 2009… ———— Playing politics with our prisons October 24, 2009 Gaming the system. According to the federal Conservatives, that’s what hardened criminals are doing in jail: dragging out their cases, prolonging their time in the roughest, toughest provincial jails, so that when ultimately convicted, they can count on reduced sentences from judges – who usually grant double credit for time served in these harsh facilities. At least that’s the premise behind Ottawa’s latest “truth in sentencing” legislation now wending through Parliament. By compelling judges to recognize only actual time served – that is, removing judicial discretion to grant extra credit for substandard conditions – the government claims it is now getting tough on crime. Trouble is, there’s no solid evidence – only anecdotal arguments – that criminals consistently instruct their lawyers to drag their feet so they can languish in the worst provincial jails just to get extra credit. If anyone is gaming the system, it’s the government, backed by most opposition MPs. They are playing political games with the lives of prisoners, the money of taxpayers, and the safety of all citizens. Nor is there any persuasive logic behind the discredited, American-style, mandatory minimum sentences for serious crimes that deprive judges of any discretion in dealing with non-violent drug users – another government measure before Parliament. The Conservatives seem determined to make crime pay – for them, at the voting booth – by preying on people’s insecurities and fears that crime is on the rise. In fact, crime rates have been declining over the past quarter-century. Yet public perceptions are vulnerable to exploitation by politicians keen to burnish their credentials as tough on crime. Mindful of the electoral stakes, the opposition Liberals and New Democrats are playing along lest they become easy targets for Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s crime-fighting rhetoric in the next campaign. But if crime-fighting pays dividends for politicians on the hustings – and cows opposition MPs into silence – it will leave taxpayers footing the bill. By dramatically ramping up the number of prisoners doing jail time – and serving longer time – the Conservatives are setting the stage for an expensive prison-building program. Statistics Canada projects incarceration will grow at a rate of 10 per cent once the changes are implemented. That translates into 3,000 new beds for men, which will cost taxpayers billions of dollars. Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan has admitted a major building program is in the works. That’s a game we can’t afford to play. Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 09:47 0 comentarii Scoreboard implicatii Clearstream 1.- demisie Sarkozy Jr. 2. – proces Vivendi – Edgar Bronfman – Paris 3. – New York class suit contra Vivendi 4. – Roman Polanski – 2 ani – sa fi fost oarecum “contractor” al Min. Externe Canadian – situatia Maxime Bernier – cum am fost dat afara din Ambasada Canadei din Geneva – martie 2008??? 5. – multe investigari white-collar crime in New York 6. – BAE Systems – amenda 500 milioane Euro pt. coruptie Arabia Saudita – de la BAE am primit dupa intoarcerea din Calgary 2007 anumite telefoane si “jocuri” de asa-zisa angajare 7. – 500000 Euro – BBC Romania amenda inainte de retragere din Romania – jocuri Basarabia, studii etc… Probabil 6. si 7. au fost jocurile de neutralizare a mea, scoatere din politica, si “institutionalizare”, folosind o substitutie cu Miron, din cauza depasirii bugetului unor operatiuni “speciale”. S-a incercat recrutare MI6, CIA si alte mici jocuri… 8. – noul sef al Toronto Police – afro-american 9. – primarul Toronto nu mai candideaza pt. al 4-lea mandat iiii – vezi razboiul drogurilor in Canada si Toronto – si contractorii CSIS, CIA, RCMP si altii in jocurile politice canadiene Jocul “incomunicado” Toronto – regim detentie tip Guantanamo/Gitmo ?? – cover-up 9/11 si 3/11 Madrid – blatul Tory-Liberali pt. sell-off 2009 – Magna, Nortel etc etc etc… – jocul cover-up MoD Canada – Peter MacKay – fotografii militari – vezi Kodak EasyShare de la Staples… – lovituri sub centura Ford catre GM… – jocul comisioanelor Metrorex-Bombardier (Praga, Stockholm) posibile catre PDL – Ford – SAH la Magna&Sberbank – Opel Probabil partea informativa ar fi un gen DIE Stefan Alexia, apropiat al SIF 5 Oltenia, si un Tyler Drumheller, “black projects”, CIA Europa… Alte nume din UK sau Moscova, nu cunosc… Despre situatia mea personala, pana sa incerc sa vorbesc si cu Miron, pe mobilul lui: —- Sri Lanka pressured to probe war abuses October 24, 2009 Lydia Polgreen NEW DELHI–International pressure is mounting on Sri Lanka’s government to investigate atrocities committed during the final stages of its war with the Tamil Tiger insurgency after two reports detailing alleged human rights abuses were released this week. The European Union and the U.S. State Department reports come as Sri Lanka faces intensifying criticism for keeping more than 250,000 Tamils, displaced by the fighting, in closed camps that critics have likened to internment camps. The government has said it plans to allow 80 per cent of these people to return to their homes by the end of January. The EU report, which could lead to the withdrawal of trade concessions worth tens of millions of dollars to Sri Lankan garment and fisheries industries, represents the first time the government has faced a serious sanction as a result of its conduct of the war. EU sources told Reuters the report showed evidence of police violence, torture and breaches of labour laws, notably the use of underage children. Economists and business officials said the loss of the trade concessions could be a serious blow to an already-ailing Sri Lankan economy. The country’s large garment industry, which employs about 270,000 workers directly and another 50,000 indirectly, will likely bear the brunt of the impact because as much as 60 per cent of the country’s apparel exports go to the European Union. Tariffs on some products could go from zero or near zero to between 5 per cent and 18 per cent, said E.M. Wijetilleke, chief executive of the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka. Such increases could sink smaller companies that cannot cut costs to match bigger and lower-cost producers in China and India, he added. The State Department report, which was released Thursday, was a catalogue of largely unverified abuses by Sri Lankan forces and the Tamil Tigers based on reports from the American embassy in Colombo. Between 7,000 and 20,000 civilians were allegedly killed in the country’s northeast from January to May, when the Tamil Tigers were defeated, according to UN and independent estimates. Because of limited access to the war zone by independent aid groups, human rights investigators and journalists, the report does not draw conclusions but urges the Sri Lankan government to investigate the allegations. Questioned why the report did not take a tougher line, State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said the Obama administration was calling on the Sri Lankan government to open the closed areas to international scrutiny, to investigate the allegations, and to bring to justice anyone responsible for atrocities. &&&&&& Schiller: ‘The slap heard around the web’ October 24, 2009 Bill Schiller {{GA_Article.Images.Alttext$}} Party official Yu Fuqin was stripped of post three days after bloggers reported her attack on tour guide. BBS.163.COM DUNHUANG, CHINA–When a husband and wife team of Communist Party officials from the fabled oasis town of Turpan decided to travel on the government dime this month, this remote city in the Gobi Desert seemed a splendid destination. Dunhuang has a fine selection of hotels. It’s a day’s drive from Turpan. And it’s home to the Mogao caves, a UNESCO heritage site of ancient murals of staggering, jaw-dropping beauty. But what Yu Fuqin and her husband Deputy Col. Chen Wei didn’t factor in was China’s so-called “human flesh search engine” – a million-plus posse of freewheeling cyber citizens ceaselessly roaming the web looking for people behaving badly. A uniquely Chinese phenomenon, it is an engine that never idles and – in corruption-rife China – never runs out of gas. So when the first photos of Yu Fuqin were posted on the web after she’d brazenly slapped the face of a teenage tour guide who had politely asked her not to touch the 1,000-year-old murals – the rallying cry went out. “Let the human flesh search engine begin!” announced a blogger on, a popular interactive website. “Investigate that deputy colonel,” cried another. “He must be a corrupt official, otherwise his wife wouldn’t be so vicious.” And so the engine swerved into the fast lane. Within hours the husband and wife team were identified by name, their Communist Party positions confirmed, the licence plates of the four government cars they’d commandeered for private use traced, and Yu and Chen were objects of national ridicule. Within 80 hours of “the slap heard around the web,” both were stripped of their Communist Party posts and, according to an official announcement, Chen was sacked from his position in a semi-military organization that controls vast tracts of the economy in China’s restive province of Xinjiang. The saga of Yu and Chen demonstrates the power of the World Wide Web, even here in China, where the government maintains tight controls on print and broadcast media as well as the Internet. As testament to that control, just this week the rights group Reporters Without Borders ranked China 168th out of 175 nations rated for press freedom. Under such circumstances, the human flesh search engine – helped by citizen journalists toting photo phones and operating at lightning speed – can play a positive watchdog role, analysts say. “Because China lacks both a sound legal system as well as a healthy anti-corruption mechanism, it plays a key supplemental role,” says Chang Ping, chief researcher at Nandu Communications Institute in the southern city of Guangzhou. But the “human flesh search engine” – the term is a direct translation from the Chinese – also has its limits, he notes. If high government officials or politically sensitive topics are involved, “they’ll block netizens,” says Chang, often by using keyword filtering techniques. Still, the human flesh search engine continues to take down the corrupt, the callous and the high-handed, satisfying a deep need among the Chinese whose disgust for government corruption is constant. One of the most satisfying takedowns occurred last year involving a smug, pot-bellied government official in the southern city of Shenzhen, who – caught in the act of trying to force an 11-year-old girl into a restaurant men’s room – turned on her horrified parents. “Do you know who I am?” the man shouted in videos subsequently mounted on the web. “I was sent here by the ministry of transportation in Beijing. I have the same rank as your mayor!” When the parents pressed the official with the fact of his attempted molestation, he sneered at them saying, “I did it! So what? How much money do you want? Give me a price. I’ll pay it!” The dark drama was posted all over the web in livid colour with sound and subtitles. The official, identified within hours by China’s web posse, was ultimately cleared of criminal charges but swiftly removed from his post. Analyst Chang notes that the web vigilantes actually help the government, giving them clear opportunities to relieve the pressure to do something about corruption. But the search engine has been used for more partisan purposes too. Troublingly so. One of the most repulsive examples also occurred last year. Following riots in Tibet, Chinese student Grace Wang of Duke University in the United States was the target of a vicious “human flesh search engine” attack by China’s fen qing, or angry youth, after she attended a rally promoting Chinese dialogue with Tibet. Her Chinese identity number, American address and other personal data – as well as her parents’ address in China – were posted on the Net and she was branded a “traitor.” Wang received hate mail and death threats, including one saying that her body would be “chopped into 10,000 pieces” if she ever returned to China. A photo purporting to be a bucket of feces being dumped on her parents’ doorstep was posted on the web after her parents had gone into hiding. In the main though, the popularity of the human flesh search engine here resides in the pleasure of the powerless watching the powerful brought low. The popular view on the web is that Yu Fuqin and her husband had it coming. Angered at having been singled out for touching the priceless murals, witnesses said she left the cave, returned with two large men, then marched straight to the tour guide – then still in mid-tour – swore at her and slapped her twice in the face, reducing her to tears. While other tourists stood in stunned silence, Yu marched back outside. When police arrived Yu refused to accompany them in the police cruiser to the station, imperiously insisting on being driven in the government vehicles she and her husband had arrived in. At the station her husband was reported to have said, “Who’s in charge here? I want to speak to him alone and tell him my identity … we are people of status.” Not any longer. As for the teenage tour guide, whose surname is Zhao, she is still recovering at home from the shock of the experience, says Luo Yao, who heads the reception office in Dunhuang. “She’s still a little depressed by what happened. But she’s quite satisfied by how promptly the situation was dealt with,” he says. —- Metro Toronto human rights group takes up case of Sri Lankans 23 October 2009 05:57 Members of a Toronto-based human rights group say 76 Sri Lankans detained after they arrived off the B.C. coast in a rusty freighter are entitled by law to timely refugee hearings. Todd Ross of Canadian Human Rights Voice says members of the group have come to Vancouver because they’re concerned about whether the men are getting that. Potential refugee claimants detained in Canada must have a detention review hearing within 48 hours after entering the country. But so far, only 16 of the men have had hearings before the Immigration and Refugee Board since being taken into custody on Saturday, and all have been denied release because they’re considered a flight risk. Ross says about 60 Tamil families from across Canada have offered to house the men or support them while they go through the refugee claims process. The Canadian Tamil Congress says the men risked their lives to flee persecution in a country embroiled in the aftermath of a bloody 26-year civil war. Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says the RCMP are investigating the migrants to determine if any of them have any connections to terrorist or criminal organizations. THE CANADIAN PRESS —— The Star Logo Back to Mexican woman deported to her death Mexican woman deported to her death October 23, 2009 Nicholas Keung {{GA_Article.Images.Alttext$}} Nuemi, left, and daughter Bebe sought refuge in Canada from a drug lord, but were sent back to Mexico when their refugee claims were rejected. (Oct. 18, 2009) DAVID COOPER/TORONTO STAR “A woman between the ages of 20 and 30 was found murdered – and with evidence of childbirth – with blows to her body and a bullet in the forehead, a classic revenge from drug trafficking,” said a June 5 story in the Mexican newspaper El Informador de Jalisco. A death certificate later classified the woman’s death as a homicide. What the coroner’s office didn’t mention was that the 24-year-old murder victim and her mother and sister had twice sought refuge in Canada, in 2004 and 2008, from drug traffickers. The same men are thought to have kidnapped and killed young Grise, leaving the fate of her baby unknown, after she was forced back to Mexico. Grise’s tragic death highlights the need to give refugees a right to appeal when their applications are rejected, say Toronto advocates. “We need to have an immigration ombudsman to look into mistakes made in the immigration and refugee system,” said Francisco Rico-Martinez of FCJ Hamilton House refugee shelter, which the family contacted for help. “The system does make mistakes.” Both Immigration Minister Jason Kenney’s office and the Immigration and Refugee Board declined to comment on the case. On Tuesday, Parliament’s citizenship and immigration committee voted 6-5 to establish an appeal division to hear the cases of failed refugee claimants. All five Conservative MPs voted against it. The recommendation now goes to Parliament for a vote that will hinge on Liberal support. Both the New Democrats and Bloc Québécois staunchly support an appeal unit. FCJ Hamilton House persuaded the federal government to issue a visitor’s visa so the surviving mother and sister could return to Canada earlier this month. “I am happy and sad to be back,” said a tearful Nuemi, the dead woman’s mother. “I’m sad because my daughter had to be killed in order for Canada to believe in our story. The price is just too high.” She asked that the Star not publish the family’s full names out of fear for her relatives’ safety in Mexico. Nuemi, 44, along with Grise, 24, and Bebe, 17, first arrived in Canada in 2004, after Nuemi’s ex-husband was murdered by Colombian drug traffickers associated with the La Familia Michoaeana gang in Mexico. The gangsters believed the man had stolen their drug money and passed it to his ex-wife, she said. In 2005, their asylum claim was rejected. The board said, among other things, that the family hadn’t made enough effort to seek help from Mexican authorities. “I changed my residence 10 times to avoid our attackers. Every time, they found us,” said a grieving Nuemi. “Canada has to recognize that Mexico is a war zone run by drug cartels. The government just can’t protect its own citizens.” Rico-Martinez said an appeal process in such cases “would allow another pair of eyes to look at the case. It would give the claimant a second chance to address those concerns.” A subsequent pre-removal risk assessment, carried out by a federal official, recognized the family faced “subjective fear” in Mexico but said they hadn’t refuted arguments that they would be protected by the state back home. Facing deportation, the family went into hiding. But in August 2008, when Grise returned to Mexico to visit her dying grandmother, she was attacked and raped, leaving her pregnant. She came back to Canada but was deported in December. Her mother and sister were deported in February. Grise was kidnapped again last March, then seven months pregnant. Her body was found in June. The death certificate determined a Caesarean section had been performed about a month before she was killed, the whereabouts of the premature baby unknown. Nuemi had to pay Ottawa $3,400 for the expenses of their deportation before she and Bebe were granted the temporary visa for a tenuous safety back in Canada. Lawyer Aviva Basman, of Toronto’s Refugee Law Office, called her clients’ tragic story “symbolic” of Canada’s attitude to asylum seekers from Mexico, which Ottawa doesn’t see as a refugee-producing country. Citizenship and Immigration Canada said the government makes every effort to ensure that people are not removed to a situation of risk. “In rare cases, persons removed from Canada fall victim to unfortunate circumstances, which may or may not be related to factors examined in the pre-removal risk assessment,” the department said in a statement to the Star. “The government would not necessarily be opposed to an appeal mechanism in the context of a streamlined, reformed asylum process.” Kenney slapped visa requirements on visitors from Mexico and the Czech Republic this summer to curb rising asylum claims, claiming too many were bogus. He is also said to be seeking new regulations to expedite claims from ostensibly democratic nations such as Mexico. “Then we see a case like this,” said Basman, who wants Ottawa to give the family permanent resident status. “This is an extraordinary, tragic reminder that there are real consequences to this political posturing.” —- Chiar sa fie probleme cu apa calda in Toronto… vad multa lume scarpinandu-se in cap, sa nu aiba apa calda la dush??? Nici asigurarea prin RBC Travel nu o pot face… de la wireless-ul Starbucks Church/Adelaide… Biletul l-am cumparat pt. 30 oct. catre Roma prin AirTransat, e-Ticket, 210 CAD… sper sa-l pot folosi totusi, Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 08:27 0 comentarii Postări mai vechi Abonaţi-vă la: Postări (Atom) Facebook Badge Mihai Bulacu Create your badge Persoane interesate Arhivă blog ▼ 2009 (274) ▼ octombrie (103) Peter, lumea vorbeste…. Noua adresa pana la zborul AirTransat Roma… De la Fred Victor nu ies faxurile catre Crucea Ros… Ca René Mathis, sedus, abandonat si “dispus” Magna audios….. THANKS… Scoreboard implicatii Clearstream Dosarul MAGNA-Opel O intrebare de raspuns si de decis – pozitia mea M… FT – The beast of the new journalism Daca as fi castigat in Canada mai mult de 9CAD/ora… Ce am vrut si ce a iesit… Bello e impossibile Jucarii pentru copii si IT… Vad ca “baietzii” Soros sunt activi.. Comportare paranoida in Canada??? In cazul in care exista o dublura, multe jocuri se… De ce nu pot sa-mi creez PIN la Parca l-am vazut pe undeva pe PM Steven Harper man… DNH – Do Not Hire – HR Canadian Fax MAE Ottawa OK, catre MApN Bucuresti – nu poate… The new cold war – despre defectari… Drepturile omului Canada… Articole bogus in TorontoSun – 22 oct – ziar din D… Optiunile personale – dupa oferta The Gateway – bu… Controlul media in Canada??? Zbor Berna – Toronto 2 mai 2009 Bafta mare guvernantilor canadieni.. Sper sa ajung sanatos in Europa…. Employment Canada post 9/11 2001, si Calgary 2007 Employment Canada pre 9/11 Refuzuri Bancare Toronto 2009 Passport Romania + foto Luzern, Apr. 2008 + coresp… Oferta… pe ce buget sa fie asta??? Impresariat – Cat costa sa aduci o trupa de top in… Modelul bi-polar politic… Studii canadiene – datorii etc etc etc… Free to go/liber de plecare… World Health Organization – Custodial psychiatric … American Eagle 1998 Sindromul cheii de gat… Cardul Metro Cash & Carry pe VFS Romania srl – Mih… Sa se faca la The Gateway Toronto clinical testing… oct 16-18 2009 Articole de negasit pe… Opinion: Crooks, black swans and the culture of ve… Eutanasiere canadiana comandata de Regina??? Despre politica Despre parasute… Incomunicado FIDO 647-889-5796 The Man who Stares at Goats (George Clooney) Body of lies (Leonard di Caprio, Russell Crowe) Human traficking… Cornel Nistorescu – un editorial din Editie Specia… Aparent blogul meu se comporta ca un sourceforge.n… Si a existat pe undeva un fax trimis catre Magna, … Despre Volvo T850 si accidente… Dupa caderea Guvernului Boc II, sa incerc sa evit … 2 for the price of one Joc MI6 in Toronto sau smecherii cu NHL/NFL? eHealth si plecare urgenta spre Europa continental… Sa existe cumva “o situatie” BlackBerry? Vad ca polonezii sunt in stare sa-si suporte, prin… Corespondenta trista din Toronto, daca o vede cine… Gladiatorii moderni in lumea post-industriala Cred ca sunt deja in portbagajul de Toronto 200 – Memorii printate 10 Oct. 2009 Felicitari Pres. Obama pt. Nobel… 200 Memorii Seria drepturile omului in America de Nord & Deten… Portbagajul de Toronto Downtown… pt. gasca de la… Altii primesc bani, pe mine incearca sa ma recrute… Povestile nord-americane, ale generatiei StarTrek … Despre foaia de hartie si pix… Cred ca numai italienii mai stiu sa respecte drept… Parca mai era si un script mistic – ia uite cum se… Pe scenarii si pe insert-uri dintr-astea se asigur… Sclavia… cum se va termina totul oare??? aparent… Sclavie canadiana – proxenetul probabil Federal Bu… Blaturi politice canadiene… Despre libertatile reale canadiene, nu conform sta… ALDE, International Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross ALDE, International Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross Urgenta necesara plecarea din America de Nord Deal-ul Magna-Opel… care sa fie lista completa d… Cheap settlement romano-canadian – pensie servicii… Good luck, Mr. President Obama… ai sigur nevoie … Seria Security Certificates Canada – business de s… Gra(ng)urii Ioan GROSAN, De… Jocurile juridice-security-psihiatrice din Toronto… Valonia sub asediul cineastilor Alba-neagra cu actele… Se mai poate “ciupi” ceva prin leverage, se pare….. 21 – Sterling si Tetris-ul romanesc 20 – Cover-up oltenesc 13 – Cei 11 ani ca ostatic in Romania 12 – Scenariul unei substitutii Probabil Security Certificates, filajul si toate d… Job description pt. Wire-Shop incercat de mine in … Sa existe pe undeva o legatura intre mine si aface… Ce ne facem cu provocarile din Toronto??? Jat Airways Flight Academy 1 octombrie Destinations… ► septembrie (52) ► august (10) ► iulie (20) ► iunie (21) ► mai (27) ► aprilie (7) ► martie (8) ► februarie (12) ► ianuarie (14) Despre mine Mihai Bulacu Dupa 11 ani de Romania, dupa 6 ani de America de Nord, sper ca in Romania va exista o economie reala, nu calea Argentinei, din pacate cunoscuta – Peron, Evita etc etc… Vizualizaţi profilul meu complet

Voluntariat pentru Tony Blair…

October 27, 2009

Ca René Mathis, sedus, abandonat si “dispus” Totul a inceput probabil cu 9/11 2001, cu DGPS-ul. A urmat fuck-up-ul numit Madrid 3/11 prin care popularii au fost inlocuiti cu socialistii in Spania. Probabil a fost undeva un joc socialist, un “schelet” in dulapul lui Tony Blair, al MI6. Poate ca in Romania oamenii socialisti ai MI6 au fost unii ca jud. Furtuna si Adrian Nastase… A urmat insa divortul meu de Simona Furtuna, si plecarea in Calgary in mai 2007. Acolo au intrat in joc “acoperirea” pentru Madrid, probabil serviciile Canadiene Militare. S-a pregatit o recrutare MI6 sau altceva, sau posibil, persoana de sprijin, “sifon”, in argoul “organelor”… Un exemplu ce pateste o persoana de sprijin este René Mathis, din 007 Quantum of Solace… Jocul a fost sprijin de socialistii lui Gordon Brown, terminandu-se oarecum cu demisia directorul MI6, cu a min. de interne Jaquie Smith si a lui Bob Quick, de la Scotland Yard… S-a urmarit sprijin pentru jocurile financiare Ford-SIF5 Oltenia, si posibil in perspectiva, un suport pentru Tony Blair in presedentia CE, si un atac potential asupra lui Barroso… Totul poate fi numit “VOLUNTARIAT PENTRU TONY”. De aici si e-mailingul pe, si inchiderea, de pe care s-a cules informatia.. si cum, stiu baietii bine… De aici si sugestiile trimise pe (Canada) de bodyguard, de sofer de ambulanta, podcast-uri BBC false, manevrele ??”NATO”?? Black Sea 2007, probabil mai mult exercitii psy-ops… Cred ca totul a fost finantat de e-Health Ontario (1 miliard CAD). De acolo si sugestiile de conversie profesionala, si jocul Elodia-Cioaca, si sugestiile BBC de Basarabia… Practic, pentru mine: furtul agendei – 1 data Furt laptop Acer – vezi malware si hack-in de cateva ori Furt Nokia E90 – The Gateway, mai 2009, de 2 ori in Romania Jocul Samsung de la Vodafone Craiova… Hack-ing FIDO Motorola 647-889-5796 Hack-ing calculator Quick-X cand eram pe site Rogers… Joc 7 ani in Tibet, serpasi, Noua Zeelanda, etc, implementat de fotograful si dealer Ford, Horatiu Buzatu – PNL Craiova, prieten cu Sergiu Dragancea si Simona Furtuna, oarecum De acolo si intentia de domiciliu fortat in Victoria, sau jocul psihiatric tip socialist, inceput la Budapesta de grupul Kennedy-FBI (probabil) Vezi socialismul Nord-American…

Magna audios…..

October 27, 2009

Foarte curios, nu reusesc sa-mi postez anumite fisiere audio… Pe cine deranjeaza chestiile astea?
In plus, “baietzii” de aici au devenit mult prea “pushi”-i, de ne-suportat. Poate ca si Florian Coldea ar putea sa aiba grija de niste antibiotice pentru infectii urinare, si mai putin sa “distribuie” inregistrari din Casa Bulacu…
Vad ca oferta si presiunile sunt ghidate spre un fel de “institutionalizare” in insula Vancouver, in orasul Victoria, un fel de lagar de concentrare pentru “surse” eventuale canadiene. Cred ca tot asa functioneaza si Guantanamo, doar ca este mult mai concentrat. Vineri am zborul spre Roma cu Air Transat, sper sa fie OK.
Am auzit ca un vietnamez a fost agresat de politia canadiana. Cunoscutul vietnamez care mi-a spus despre job nu a mai aparut la munca de miercuri… Ce sa fie, ce sa fie… Parca G.C.Paunescu a “intepat” pe vietamezi de zahar, iar cativa au fost executati in Vietnam pentru tradare. Tot el ocupa si hotelul Lido, al fam. dr. Angelescu… Tupeu mare pe nea Gica de la DIE…
Curios, Mircea Badea cu “In gura presesi” este taiat aici in Toronto. Pe cine deranjeaza el, nu inteleg. Intr-o cautare google scria cineva despre niste “gaozari fundamentalisti” din Toronto. Posibil sa fie acestia cei care aveau oferta mulatra, sunt gay, sau recrut… Parca scria cineva despre facut curatenie la porci. Sa fie vorba de mine, cand am maturat saptamana trecuta in curtea Quick-X din Mississauga?

Din pacate, se pare ca sunt complet incomunicado, Nokia E90 Comunicator mi-a fost furat la The Gateway din prima saptamana, FIDO Motorola mi-a “crapat” hardware-ul, iar de la service-ul de la Eaton Centre nu mai vrea sa se intoarca, iar cartela 647-889-5796 mi-a fost blocata de baietzi… Nesimtiti, porcii astia gripati…

Dosar pozitie Magna – opinii

October 24, 2009

sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2009

Scoreboard implicatii Clearstream

1.- demisie Sarkozy Jr.
2. – proces Vivendi – Edgar Bronfman – Paris
3. – New York class suit contra Vivendi
4. – Roman Polanski – 2 ani – sa fi fost oarecum “contractor” al Min. Externe Canadian – situatia Maxime Bernier – cum am fost dat afara din Ambasada Canadei din Geneva – martie 2008???
5. – multe investigari white-collar crime in New York
6. – BAE Systems – amenda 500 milioane Euro pt. coruptie Arabia Saudita – de la BAE am primit dupa intoarcerea din Calgary 2007 anumite telefoane si “jocuri” de asa-zisa angajare
7. – 500000 Euro – BBC Romania amenda inainte de retragere din Romania – jocuri Basarabia, studii etc…
Probabil 6. si 7. au fost jocurile de neutralizare a mea, scoatere din politica, si “institutionalizare”, folosind o substitutie cu Miron, din cauza depasirii bugetului unor operatiuni “speciale”. S-a incercat recrutare MI6, CIA si alte mici jocuri…
8. – noul sef al Toronto Police – afro-american
9. – primarul Toronto nu mai candideaza pt. al 4-lea mandat
iiii – vezi razboiul drogurilor in Canada si Toronto – si contractorii CSIS, CIA, RCMP si altii in jocurile politice canadiene

Jocul “incomunicado” Toronto – regim detentie tip Guantanamo/Gitmo ??
– cover-up 9/11 si 3/11 Madrid
– blatul Tory-Liberali pt. sell-off 2009 – Magna, Nortel etc etc etc…
– jocul cover-up MoD Canada – Peter MacKay – fotografii militari – vezi Kodak EasyShare de la Staples…
– lovituri sub centura Ford catre GM…
– jocul comisioanelor Metrorex-Bombardier (Praga, Stockholm) posibile catre PDL
– Ford – SAH la Magna&Sberbank – Opel

Probabil partea informativa ar fi un gen DIE Stefan Alexia, apropiat al SIF 5 Oltenia, si un Tyler Drumheller, “black projects”, CIA Europa… Alte nume din UK sau Moscova, nu cunosc…

Despre situatia mea personala, pana sa incerc sa vorbesc si cu Miron, pe mobilul lui:

Sri Lanka pressured to probe war abuses

October 24, 2009

Lydia Polgreen

NEW DELHI–International pressure is mounting on Sri Lanka’s government to investigate atrocities committed during the final stages of its war with the Tamil Tiger insurgency after two reports detailing alleged human rights abuses were released this week.

The European Union and the U.S. State Department reports come as Sri Lanka faces intensifying criticism for keeping more than 250,000 Tamils, displaced by the fighting, in closed camps that critics have likened to internment camps.

The government has said it plans to allow 80 per cent of these people to return to their homes by the end of January.

The EU report, which could lead to the withdrawal of trade concessions worth tens of millions of dollars to Sri Lankan garment and fisheries industries, represents the first time the government has faced a serious sanction as a result of its conduct of the war.

EU sources told Reuters the report showed evidence of police violence, torture and breaches of labour laws, notably the use of underage children.

Economists and business officials said the loss of the trade concessions could be a serious blow to an already-ailing Sri Lankan economy. The country’s large garment industry, which employs about 270,000 workers directly and another 50,000 indirectly, will likely bear the brunt of the impact because as much as 60 per cent of the country’s apparel exports go to the European Union.

Tariffs on some products could go from zero or near zero to between 5 per cent and 18 per cent, said E.M. Wijetilleke, chief executive of the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka. Such increases could sink smaller companies that cannot cut costs to match bigger and lower-cost producers in China and India, he added.

The State Department report, which was released Thursday, was a catalogue of largely unverified abuses by Sri Lankan forces and the Tamil Tigers based on reports from the American embassy in Colombo.

Between 7,000 and 20,000 civilians were allegedly killed in the country’s northeast from January to May, when the Tamil Tigers were defeated, according to UN and independent estimates.

Because of limited access to the war zone by independent aid groups, human rights investigators and journalists, the report does not draw conclusions but urges the Sri Lankan government to investigate the allegations.

Questioned why the report did not take a tougher line, State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said the Obama administration was calling on the Sri Lankan government to open the closed areas to international scrutiny, to investigate the allegations, and to bring to justice anyone responsible for atrocities.


Schiller: ‘The slap heard around the web’

October 24, 2009

Bill Schiller

Party official Yu Fuqin was stripped of post three days after bloggers reported her attack on tour guide.

DUNHUANG, CHINA–When a husband and wife team of Communist Party officials from the fabled oasis town of Turpan decided to travel on the government dime this month, this remote city in the Gobi Desert seemed a splendid destination.

Dunhuang has a fine selection of hotels. It’s a day’s drive from Turpan. And it’s home to the Mogao caves, a UNESCO heritage site of ancient murals of staggering, jaw-dropping beauty.

But what Yu Fuqin and her husband Deputy Col. Chen Wei didn’t factor in was China’s so-called “human flesh search engine” – a million-plus posse of freewheeling cyber citizens ceaselessly roaming the web looking for people behaving badly.

A uniquely Chinese phenomenon, it is an engine that never idles and – in corruption-rife China – never runs out of gas.

So when the first photos of Yu Fuqin were posted on the web after she’d brazenly slapped the face of a teenage tour guide who had politely asked her not to touch the 1,000-year-old murals – the rallying cry went out.

“Let the human flesh search engine begin!” announced a blogger on, a popular interactive website.

“Investigate that deputy colonel,” cried another. “He must be a corrupt official, otherwise his wife wouldn’t be so vicious.”

And so the engine swerved into the fast lane.

Within hours the husband and wife team were identified by name, their Communist Party positions confirmed, the licence plates of the four government cars they’d commandeered for private use traced, and Yu and Chen were objects of national ridicule.

Within 80 hours of “the slap heard around the web,” both were stripped of their Communist Party posts and, according to an official announcement, Chen was sacked from his position in a semi-military organization that controls vast tracts of the economy in China’s restive province of Xinjiang.

The saga of Yu and Chen demonstrates the power of the World Wide Web, even here in China, where the government maintains tight controls on print and broadcast media as well as the Internet.

As testament to that control, just this week the rights group Reporters Without Borders ranked China 168th out of 175 nations rated for press freedom.

Under such circumstances, the human flesh search engine – helped by citizen journalists toting photo phones and operating at lightning speed – can play a positive watchdog role, analysts say.

“Because China lacks both a sound legal system as well as a healthy anti-corruption mechanism, it plays a key supplemental role,” says Chang Ping, chief researcher at Nandu Communications Institute in the southern city of Guangzhou.

But the “human flesh search engine” – the term is a direct translation from the Chinese – also has its limits, he notes.

If high government officials or politically sensitive topics are involved, “they’ll block netizens,” says Chang, often by using keyword filtering techniques.

Still, the human flesh search engine continues to take down the corrupt, the callous and the high-handed, satisfying a deep need among the Chinese whose disgust for government corruption is constant.

One of the most satisfying takedowns occurred last year involving a smug, pot-bellied government official in the southern city of Shenzhen, who – caught in the act of trying to force an 11-year-old girl into a restaurant men’s room – turned on her horrified parents.

“Do you know who I am?” the man shouted in videos subsequently mounted on the web. “I was sent here by the ministry of transportation in Beijing. I have the same rank as your mayor!”

When the parents pressed the official with the fact of his attempted molestation, he sneered at them saying, “I did it! So what? How much money do you want? Give me a price. I’ll pay it!”

The dark drama was posted all over the web in livid colour with sound and subtitles.

The official, identified within hours by China’s web posse, was ultimately cleared of criminal charges but swiftly removed from his post.

Analyst Chang notes that the web vigilantes actually help the government, giving them clear opportunities to relieve the pressure to do something about corruption.

But the search engine has been used for more partisan purposes too. Troublingly so.

One of the most repulsive examples also occurred last year. Following riots in Tibet, Chinese student Grace Wang of Duke University in the United States was the target of a vicious “human flesh search engine” attack by China’s fen qing, or angry youth, after she attended a rally promoting Chinese dialogue with Tibet.

Her Chinese identity number, American address and other personal data – as well as her parents’ address in China – were posted on the Net and she was branded a “traitor.” Wang received hate mail and death threats, including one saying that her body would be “chopped into 10,000 pieces” if she ever returned to China.

A photo purporting to be a bucket of feces being dumped on her parents’ doorstep was posted on the web after her parents had gone into hiding.

In the main though, the popularity of the human flesh search engine here resides in the pleasure of the powerless watching the powerful brought low.

The popular view on the web is that Yu Fuqin and her husband had it coming.

Angered at having been singled out for touching the priceless murals, witnesses said she left the cave, returned with two large men, then marched straight to the tour guide – then still in mid-tour – swore at her and slapped her twice in the face, reducing her to tears.

While other tourists stood in stunned silence, Yu marched back outside. When police arrived Yu refused to accompany them in the police cruiser to the station, imperiously insisting on being driven in the government vehicles she and her husband had arrived in.

At the station her husband was reported to have said, “Who’s in charge here? I want to speak to him alone and tell him my identity … we are people of status.”

Not any longer.

As for the teenage tour guide, whose surname is Zhao, she is still recovering at home from the shock of the experience, says Luo Yao, who heads the reception office in Dunhuang.

“She’s still a little depressed by what happened. But she’s quite satisfied by how promptly the situation was dealt with,” he says.

Toronto human rights group takes up case of Sri Lankans
23 October 2009 05:57

Members of a Toronto-based human rights group say 76 Sri Lankans detained after they arrived off the B.C. coast in a rusty freighter are entitled by law to timely refugee hearings.

Todd Ross of Canadian Human Rights Voice says members of the group have come to Vancouver because they’re concerned about whether the men are getting that.

Potential refugee claimants detained in Canada must have a detention review hearing within 48 hours after entering the country.

But so far, only 16 of the men have had hearings before the Immigration and Refugee Board since being taken into custody on Saturday, and all have been denied release because they’re considered a flight risk.

Ross says about 60 Tamil families from across Canada have offered to house the men or support them while they go through the refugee claims process.

The Canadian Tamil Congress says the men risked their lives to flee persecution in a country embroiled in the aftermath of a bloody 26-year civil war.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says the RCMP are investigating the migrants to determine if any of them have any connections to terrorist or criminal organizations.


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Back to Mexican woman deported to her death
Mexican woman deported to her death

October 23, 2009

Nicholas Keung

Nuemi, left, and daughter Bebe sought refuge in Canada from a drug lord, but were sent back to Mexico when their refugee claims were rejected. (Oct. 18, 2009)

“A woman between the ages of 20 and 30 was found murdered – and with evidence of childbirth – with blows to her body and a bullet in the forehead, a classic revenge from drug trafficking,” said a June 5 story in the Mexican newspaper El Informador de Jalisco.

A death certificate later classified the woman’s death as a homicide.

What the coroner’s office didn’t mention was that the 24-year-old murder victim and her mother and sister had twice sought refuge in Canada, in 2004 and 2008, from drug traffickers. The same men are thought to have kidnapped and killed young Grise, leaving the fate of her baby unknown, after she was forced back to Mexico.

Grise’s tragic death highlights the need to give refugees a right to appeal when their applications are rejected, say Toronto advocates.

“We need to have an immigration ombudsman to look into mistakes made in the immigration and refugee system,” said Francisco Rico-Martinez of FCJ Hamilton House refugee shelter, which the family contacted for help. “The system does make mistakes.”

Both Immigration Minister Jason Kenney’s office and the Immigration and Refugee Board declined to comment on the case.

On Tuesday, Parliament’s citizenship and immigration committee voted 6-5 to establish an appeal division to hear the cases of failed refugee claimants. All five Conservative MPs voted against it.

The recommendation now goes to Parliament for a vote that will hinge on Liberal support. Both the New Democrats and Bloc Québécois staunchly support an appeal unit.

FCJ Hamilton House persuaded the federal government to issue a visitor’s visa so the surviving mother and sister could return to Canada earlier this month.

“I am happy and sad to be back,” said a tearful Nuemi, the dead woman’s mother. “I’m sad because my daughter had to be killed in order for Canada to believe in our story. The price is just too high.” She asked that the Star not publish the family’s full names out of fear for her relatives’ safety in Mexico.

Nuemi, 44, along with Grise, 24, and Bebe, 17, first arrived in Canada in 2004, after Nuemi’s ex-husband was murdered by Colombian drug traffickers associated with the La Familia Michoaeana gang in Mexico. The gangsters believed the man had stolen their drug money and passed it to his ex-wife, she said.

In 2005, their asylum claim was rejected. The board said, among other things, that the family hadn’t made enough effort to seek help from Mexican authorities.

“I changed my residence 10 times to avoid our attackers. Every time, they found us,” said a grieving Nuemi. “Canada has to recognize that Mexico is a war zone run by drug cartels. The government just can’t protect its own citizens.”

Rico-Martinez said an appeal process in such cases “would allow another pair of eyes to look at the case. It would give the claimant a second chance to address those concerns.”

A subsequent pre-removal risk assessment, carried out by a federal official, recognized the family faced “subjective fear” in Mexico but said they hadn’t refuted arguments that they would be protected by the state back home.

Facing deportation, the family went into hiding. But in August 2008, when Grise returned to Mexico to visit her dying grandmother, she was attacked and raped, leaving her pregnant. She came back to Canada but was deported in December. Her mother and sister were deported in February.

Grise was kidnapped again last March, then seven months pregnant. Her body was found in June.

The death certificate determined a Caesarean section had been performed about a month before she was killed, the whereabouts of the premature baby unknown.

Nuemi had to pay Ottawa $3,400 for the expenses of their deportation before she and Bebe were granted the temporary visa for a tenuous safety back in Canada.

Lawyer Aviva Basman, of Toronto’s Refugee Law Office, called her clients’ tragic story “symbolic” of Canada’s attitude to asylum seekers from Mexico, which Ottawa doesn’t see as a refugee-producing country.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada said the government makes every effort to ensure that people are not removed to a situation of risk. “In rare cases, persons removed from Canada fall victim to unfortunate circumstances, which may or may not be related to factors examined in the pre-removal risk assessment,” the department said in a statement to the Star. “The government would not necessarily be opposed to an appeal mechanism in the context of a streamlined, reformed asylum process.”

Kenney slapped visa requirements on visitors from Mexico and the Czech Republic this summer to curb rising asylum claims, claiming too many were bogus. He is also said to be seeking new regulations to expedite claims from ostensibly democratic nations such as Mexico.

“Then we see a case like this,” said Basman, who wants Ottawa to give the family permanent resident status. “This is an extraordinary, tragic reminder that there are real consequences to this political posturing.”
Chiar sa fie probleme cu apa calda in Toronto… vad multa lume scarpinandu-se in cap, sa nu aiba apa calda la dush???
Nici asigurarea prin RBC Travel nu o pot face… de la wireless-ul Starbucks Church/Adelaide…
Biletul l-am cumparat pt. 30 oct. catre Roma prin AirTransat, e-Ticket, 210 CAD… sper sa-l pot folosi totusi,

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 08:27 0 comentarii

Dosarul MAGNA-Opel

FT – Haggling heaps the pressure on Brussels

By Nikki Tait in Brussels

Published: October 15 2009 03:00 | Last updated: October 15 2009 03:00

The blatant haggling over jobs and plants during the Opel sale is putting heavy pressure on Brussels, which must ultimately decide whether the plan complies with state aid rules.

Some officials are understood to be concerned that the European Commission could be tainted for years if it “rubber-stamps” a deal in which financial contributions by countries and local job commitments appear to have been linked. European Union state aid and internal market rules bar this.

But the growing consensus among member states involved in the Opel sale, and increasing support from unions for the Magna plan in countries such as the UK, are also increasing the political pressure on Brussels not to interfere.

How to handle the situation – and whether, in particular, to open a formal investigation into the Magna proposals, which could then take months – is believed to be a matter of intense high-level debate at the European Commission.

One crucial question is whether José Manuel Barroso, European Commission president, will want to take on Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, whose government threw its weight behind the Magna bid.

Publicly, Brussels says only that it is still waiting to see final details of the Magna deal’s financial arrangements. But some suggest that an internal decision on how to proceed may be more imminent. To date, the EU competition commissioner Neelie Kroes has been emphatic that governments should not “bribe” car companies to steal jobs from other countries. She has also warned about the amount of over capacity in the sector and said that she “cannot accept companies becoming addicted to aid”.

Meanwhile, the commissioner last week sent a letter to government ministers stressing that the Commission needed to be sure that “no conditions contrary to internal market principles” were attached to any aid.

But Ms Kroes has made no further comment since the talks between Magna and the various national governments intensified and the prospect of a signed deal this week began to loom. The Commission’s options range from behind-the-scenes pressure to a full probe of the Magna deal.

Competition lawyers are clear that tying aid to fav-ouring domestic jobs is unacceptable.

“State aid control was put in place to avoid the race for subsidies,” says Jacques Derenne, partner at Lovells’ law firm.

But they are also aware that state aid – always one of the more political areas of competition policy – has had a bumpy ride over the past 12 months and that Ms Kroes, in particular, has been forced to battle repeatedly to avoid erosion of the rules.

When the financial crisis first hit, there were some calls to suspend the state aid rules altogether, so that governments could bail out ailing sectors more easily. That step was averted, but the Commission did agree to some temporary relaxation in the rules.

The regime then lost more credibility after a battle between the Commission and the French government over its aid to the car sector, which critics claimed was protectionist.

In January, the French government proposed a €6bn ($9bn) rescue plan for its car industry but there was fierce debate over whether this was linked to unwritten promises not to shed jobs in France. The tussle ended with some government assurances but these never fully dispelled the concerns.

Since then the Commission has held a firm line in the numerous pending bank restructuring deals – winning back some respect for competition lawyers. “I think people are seeing that there is some benefit to this oversight from the Commission,” says Catriona Hatton, at Hogan & Hartson law firm in Brussels.

One further consideration for the Commission if it decides against instigating a full inquiry is whether any of Opel’s competitors – or other interested parties – might intervene.

In principle, they could ask the European courts to overrule the Commission on either procedural or substantive grounds.

That may be an unlikely scenario but it does have precedents: for example, the Commission’s initial decision to authorise government payments to -Belgium’s La Poste in 2003 was subsequently overturned by the courts, following an appeal from competitor Deutsche Post, and a full probe was eventually instigated.

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FT – Spotlight turns on Magna’s treatment of its employees

By Bernard Simon in Toronto

Published: October 15 2009 03:00 | Last updated: October 15 2009 03:00

With unions now taking centre-stage as the Opel sale nears completion, the spotlight will turn to how Magna treats its workers.

Over the past 15 years or so, the Canadian parts supplier has evolved from simply regarding unions as unwelcome in its North American plants to courting them in a way few other employers in the car industry have done.

Indeed, the relationship has grown so close that some outsiders question whether the unions and Magna are serving workers’ best interests in North America.

Hemi Mitic, a labour consultant who negotiated numerous deals with Magna in his previous job as a senior official at the Canadian Auto Workers union, is full of praise for Frank Stronach, Magna’s founder and chairman. “I cannot think of any time when he has not kept his commitment, whether in writing or verbally. Frank has told me many times that he doesn’t have bad employees, he has bad managers,” he said.

Prior to the recent rapprochement, Magna did its utmost to keep the unions at bay by encouraging what Mr Stronach describes as

“a strong sense of ownership and entrepreneurial energy”. It balances generous incentives and an emphasis on teamwork with a single-minded work ethic, an unrelenting drive to squeeze costs, and a sensitivity to outside scrutiny.

Mr Stronach has put this philosophy into practice through a corporate constitution and an employee charter. It promises to pay wages and benefits competitive with Magna’s rivals and “other plants in your community”. Workers have access to a confidential corporate “hotline”.

But, as with Magna’s view of trade unions, the constitution and charter have evolved to take account of the company’s rapid growth and changing business conditions.

A provision requiring senior managers’ salaries to be pegged “below industry standards” has been dropped. Magna has also put a wage freeze in place and benefit cuts are in the pipeline. Scepticism of its apparent love-in with unions was in evidence last month when workers at Unimotion Gear, a Magna subsidiary, refused to sign up to a deal known as the Framework for Fairness, between the company and the CAW, under which the union has given Magna a no-strike commitment in exchange for wide latitude to organise at its plants.

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FT – Industry: Export-led economy forced into a rethink

By Eric Frey

Published: October 22 2009 16:01 | Last updated: October 22 2009 16:01

After nearly a decade of growth, Austria’s industrial sector was hit hard by the fall-out from the financial crisis. The dependence on exports, a successful formula for so many years, turned into a liability when the global recession led to the cancellation of orders. Machinery makers and car parts suppliers, often closely linked with German producers, were particularly badly affected.

“As it was an imported crisis, the brunt of it was first felt by those companies that are oriented abroad,” says Christian Helmenstein, chief economist of the Association of Industry. “These were the ‘gazelles’ that had done the most to invest in innovation and new plant. But now the pain has spread to other sectors, including even the food industry.”

Even though there are signs of recovery, industry leaders do not expect an early return to the previous peaks. And they worry that the system of collective wage bargaining between trade unions and employer groups, which has helped to keep labour costs low in the past, will this time result in wage increases that could hurt competitiveness and worsen the malaise.

Industry in Austria provides jobs for 660,000 people, a fifth of the labour force, and generates nearly a quarter of gross domestic product. Output expanded by 50 per cent from 2003 to 2008, one of the highest growth rates in western Europe.

Beside a successful expansion in central and eastern European markets, the main source of growth was the automotive industry, where small and medium-sized Austrian companies produce parts mostly for German car makers.

BMW and General Motors operate production sites for engines in Austria, and the Canadian car-part group Magna, has most of its European plants in Styria, the birthplace of the company founder and largest shareholder, Frank Stronach.

Last year, the 700 companies in the sector employed 175,000 workers and generated sales of €22.5bn ($33.8bn), of which 90 per cent were for export.

Hundreds of other groups are dependent on the car industry, including Voestalpine, the steel group. Its biggest business unit, which generates 37 per cent of group sales, produces steel for the automotive sector.

Austria does not have its own car brand but its dependence on the sector is even more pronounced than in Germany. So the near-collapse of car sales in Europe in the spring had a devastating effect. Industrial production fell 12.8 per cent in July from a year earlier; capital goods production fell 20.6 per cent. Most companies kept layoffs to a minimum and resorted to short-time working, taking advantage of subsidies.

When car sales recovered thanks in part to cash-for-clunkers schemes, Austria’s automotive sector gained some respite. As demand increased, Voestalpine ended short-time working at its largest plant and chief executive Wolfgang Eder currently predicts a return to profitability for the steel group next year.

But economists worry that another decline in demand for vehicles will force a wave of layoffs, which would depress private consumption and hit other sectors of the economy.

“These schemes boosted sales of small cars, so there the setback will be felt most strongly,” says Mr Helmenstein. “A sustained upswing in the automobile sector will only start with the arrival of new technologies, such as electric cars, and that will take several years.”

Meanwhile, the market for commercial vehicles, which is more important to Austrian companies than private cars, will remain depressed until there is a broad recovery in European trade, he adds.

Meanwhile, in other sectors, oil and gas concern OMV has had a difficult year due to the decline in oil prices, while brick maker Wienerberger has suffered from the sharp retreat in housing construction in many European markets.

However, fears of a wide-spread credit crunch for industrial groups because of the banking crisis were allayed after the government committed €10bn for loan guarantees to the corporate sector. The measure helped to free the flow of fresh funds to industry, corporate leaders reported.

Mr Helmenstein expects industrial output to rise, but to remain below the peaks of 2007-08 for years to come. As economic growth in Europe is set to limp behind other world regions, Austrian companies will have to look beyond their traditional customers in western and eastern Europe and try to develop new markets in Asia, Latin America and the middle East, he says.

“That, however, is more difficult due to the small size of most of our companies. We have the advantage of flexibility, but a handicap when it comes to far-flung internationalisation.”


Driving up the value chain: Magna steers its way into a more important role in European carmaking

When Frank Stronach left Austria for Canada in 1954, the 18-year-old probably imagined returning home as a rich and successful man, writes Haig Simonian. But even his wildest dreams may not have foreseen the rise of Magna International, which grew out of the small tool and die shop he opened in Toronto three years after his arrival.

Magna has been catapulted into the headlines because of its bid for Opel, the European arm of General Motors. But even before its current prominence, the company was among the world’s leading car components and pressings makers.

Austria represents the group’s only exposure to whole vehicle building and development, rather than just the parts.

Although little known outside the country, Austria has a rich automotive history. For more than a century, the companies that became Steyr-Daimler-Puch, based in Graz, built vehicles and engineering systems, most recently specialising in advanced transmissions and four-wheel-drive technology. In 1998, Magna bought the business, since renamed Magna Steyr.

Mr Stronach’s company employs about 11,000 people in Austria. Almost 8,000 work at Magna Steyr – one of the biggest industrial employers in Austria, and a significant force in research and development.

Contract manufacturing has seen Magna Steyr build various vehicles, most notably BMW’s highly successful X3 offroader.

Production has been hit by the broader industry downturn; from a peak of almost 250,000 vehicles in 2006, output will probably be less than 100,000 this year. Nevertheless, that remains far above the 40,000 total when Magna bought the company. Moreover, the outlook looks promising, as Graz’s customer base has expanded beyond Daimler and Chrysler.

But while a valuable source of employment and prestige, it is probably Magna’s investment in vehicle development and new technology that is the group’s biggest long-term contribution to Austria’s economy.

Magna has boosted Graz’s reputation as an engineering centre, and reinforced the role of its well-established technical university in engineering studies. That has been underpinned by Mr Stronach’s decision in 2003 to fund four chairs at a university institute named in his honour.

The professors specialise in automotive engineering, vehicle safety, tools and forming, and production science and management, in the only example of a public-private partnership in Austrian higher education.

In time, students trained there may boost Magna’s ambitions to build expertise at its Graz operations.

Magna’s latest focus is to develop Graz into a centre for alternative fuel systems – notably electric drive. At this year’s Geneva motor show, Magna unveiled its Mila EV – a platform for an electric car developed entirely in Graz.

The company hopes its ideas and knowhow could create the same business opportunities for Graz in alternative power that it has already gained in four-wheel-drive technology.

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FT – GM ready to unveil Opel deal

By John Reed in London and Mark Mulligan in Madrid

Published: October 15 2009 03:00 | Last updated: October 15 2009 03:00

General Motors is set to announce today it has reached a definitive agreement to sell 55 per cent of Opel to Magna International and Sberbank, despite failing to reach agreement with its Spanish workers on the future of a production line.

Binding share purchase agreements are expected to be signed today between GM and the Canadian company and the Russian bank, according to two people briefed on the plans.

The announcement is exp-ected late this afternoon, though one of the people said it could slip to tomorrow or Saturday.

GM, which began seeking buyers for Opel in February bec-ause its US bail-out loans barred it from subsidising lossmaking overseas operations, wants to close the deal by November 30.

Magna has had a week of intense shuttle diplomacy as it has worked to shore up agreements with Opel/Vauxhall’s unions on the 11,500 or so job cuts it wants.

On Tuesday it secured agreement from the UK’s Unite union on production and jobs at GM’s two UK plants.

In Spain, union leaders and regional government officials are scheduled to sit down with Magna today for a third day of talks on the future of Opel’s plant near Zaragoza.

Central and regional government officials said yesterday they had received written guarantees from Magna on the “medium and long-term” future of production, but wanted commitments on investment and jobs between now and 2013.

Without these, they said, the facility could effectively be wound down, making it easier for the new owners to renege on those promises in five or 10 years’ time. Workers are prepared to cut the 500,000-vehicle plant’s output to 400,000, but not to Magna’s desired 320,000.

Despite differences, there were hopes of broad agreement today, Spanish officials said.

GM is counting on shoring up firm agreements on jobs and plants between today’s signing and the deal closing.

The transaction is subject to approval by the European Commission, which has said it will veto any deal that violates its market principles.

Governments led by Germany and the UK are haggling over terms and apportioning of the €4.5bn ($6.7bn) of loan guarantees needed to restructure Opel. Poland, Austria and Hungary are expected to contribute, as will Spain if it secures the agreement it is seeking on the Zaragoza plant.

While GM will say Opel is to remain an integral part of its global product development, the spun-off group will have independent-minded owners, a German head and a strategy focused on expanding in Russia.

Editorial Comment, Page 10 World View, Page 18

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— aparent problema lay-off in Spania – jocuri Ford / Spania iese 1 an mai tarziu din recesiune..
Din presa am constat ca grupul Magna a fost “executat” cu cash-cow-ul probabil, Magna Entertainment, in Delaware sau Maryland… (doar entertainment inca mai aduce probabil bani in America de Nord, cat o mai aduce…)
– jocuri si acuze de abuz asupra angajatilor Magna… – media – lupte intre team-urile de facilitatori de deal???
– acuze si sapaturi de 18-20 ani – imprumuturi sau ajutor unor “lobbisi” sindicali – CAW Canadian Automotive Worker in Toronto Star… Astia dezgroapa morti vechi, nu gluma…

Unions reach deal on Opel cuts

By Mark Mulligan in Madrid and John Reed in London

Published: October 23 2009 03:00 | Last updated: October 23 2009 03:00

Spanish unions reached an agreement with Magna International on planned job cuts at Opel, clearing one more hurdle to its takeover of General Motors’ European operation.

Germany and UK are also close to agreeing terms of the deal’s €4.5bn ($6.7bn) financing. Participants in the long-running negotiation said yesterday that they hoped to sign sale agreements shortly.

“We want to close the deal as soon as possible,” said Siegfried Wolf, Magna’s co-chief executive, in Madrid after meeting with union and government officials. “We expect to sign the agreement in the next couple of days.”

Magna agreed to reduce the number of job cuts at Opel’s plant at Figueruelas, near Zaragoza, to 900, from an already-reduced 1,350. Its initial restructuring plan envisaged about 1,700 cuts, from a workforce of 7,200.

The unions said that Magna had also promised to maintain the plant’s two assembly lines and one body panel stamping line. They said the revised deal guaranteed the continued operation the Figueruelas plant for the next 10 years.

Magna had earlier given assurances on long-term output at the factory. However, workers feared losing part of its production, which would eventually be shifted to Opel’s plant in Eisenach, Germany.

Labour leaders said they had won assurances that the plant would handle a minimum of 70 per cent of total production of Opel’s new Corsa model between 2010 and 2013, and then 72 per cent after that.

The unions said that plans for a series of one-day strikes, starting next Wednesday, would remain in place until union members had ratified the deal with the Canadian company. A vote is expected on Monday.

Britain’s Unite union last week said it had secured Magna’s agreement to reduce the number of job cuts planned at Vauxhall’s two UK plants and keep them running beyond 2013.

A meeting is scheduled for today between officials from Germany’s central and regional governments and the UK to review the final terms of the loan guarantees needed to finance Opel’s sale to Magna and Russia’s Sberbank.

Germany is expected to commit to underwrite the full €4.5bn, but will be asking other European countries to take on a portion of the loan guarantees.

According to a person close to the discussions, the UK is the only other government that has thus far committed take part. However, Spain, Poland, Austria, and Hungary, which have Opel plants but did not take direct part in negotiation of the financing’s terms, may also participate.

GM and Magna are expected to announce the deal in a written statement. A person close to the US carmaker said that it would not contain full details of where the cuts across GM’s operations would fall, final details of which could be agreed before the deal’s planned closing on November 30.

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Si un articol BOGUS din Toronto Star 3 nov.
GM delays final deal date… – vezi jpg…

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 08:19 0 comentarii

O intrebare de raspuns si de decis – pozitia mea Magna…

Trebuie sa-mi pregatesc privat o pozitie in situatia MAGNA, in care aparent Serviciile de Informatii nord-americane au facut niste jocuri care se manifesta prin sclavie moderna, folosind “istoricul” 9/11 si 3/11 Madrid.
Din aceste jocuri au intrat toate scripturile popa, cardinal, homosexual sau casatorie cu mulatra… Nu am nimic cu nici una dintre astea, dar eu am fost tratat ca si un “asset” de vandut si inchiriat. Proexenetii clari au fost anumiti agenti de influenta din Oltenia, cu “apartinatorii” lor fie de la Washington, Ottawa, Londra sau Moscova, care in mod clar, sunt profesionisti…
De aici si filme gen Bourne Ultimatum, unde pe rolul de “rogue” CIA director aparea un actor care semana foarte bine cu fostul socru, jud. Furtuna, in perioada preluarii pachetului de actiuni de Daewoo de catre Ford de la SIF5 Oltenia. Probabil parte dintre “staff-ul” SIF5 a lucrat cu Ford, si a vandut parte din “proprietary information” catre Ford. De acolo si presiunile cu Daniel si fratele lui (patriarhul Romaniei), jocurile cu gemenii, cu eventuala substitutie a mea cu Miron. Am impresia ca Miron se intalneste astazi in Craiova cu presedintele Basescu, in anturajul SIF5, ca un fel de “status report” pentru evolutia viitoare a acestui “parteneriat”. Sper ca Miron, in eventualitatea ca are intentia de afaceri, sa lucreze pe numele lui si pe istoricul lui profesional, educational si social, nu pe al meu…
Eu sunt european, roman, si sper un job european. Am sustinut deal-ul oarecum, daca blogul meu este vizibil, ca si nationalist european, in fata unui cumparator asiatic…
Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 08:08 0 comentarii

FT – The beast of the new journalism

By Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson

Published: October 15 2009 03:00 | Last updated: October 15 2009 03:00

When Tina Brown turned her back on magazines a year ago to launch a website called The Daily Beast , some scoffed in the media world she once reigned as editor of Vanity Fair and The New Yorker .

What, the critics asked, did a woman whose career had spanned lavish glossies from Tatler to Talk, know about the demands of online journalism? And what space was there for what sounded like yet another aggregator-blog hybrid, even if it was to be leavened by contributions from Ms Brown’s famous contact book?

For some, even its name, taken from Scoop , Evelyn Waugh’s satire of Fleet Street, seemed a sign that Ms Brown and Barry Diller, whose IAC internet empire funded the launch, just didn’t get the internet.

One year on, as she scans her BlackBerry in London’s Sanderson Hotel, Ms Brown can point to a top 10 position on Technorati’s ranking of influential blogs, ahead of celebrity gossip site and Andrew Sullivan’s well-established politics blog, The Daily Dish .

In September, the site attracted 3.9m unique users, its highest monthly audience. Ms Brown says it has become “the smart person’s news site”.

Adapting to the “breakneck speed” of online commentary took a while, Ms Brown admits. Now, however, she is racing to bolster her roster of contributors with a staff of full-time writers and sub-sites such as Sexy Beast, Art Beast, Book Beast and Hungry Beast, even before the core site has broken even.

She is also getting back into printed media. Given her record, it is startling when she announces that she sees no future for long-form magazine pieces “of the old kind”, outside the pages of The New Yorker, The Atlantic and Vanity Fair, and proclaims that “books are the new magazines”.

However, Daily Beast writers are to be encouraged to “exercise their narrative journalism muscles” through a tie-up with Perseus Books to produce books of no more than 50,000 words.

“People’s time spans are so short, they either want a short ‘nerve centre’ piece immediately, or they want a short book they can read on a plane,” she says. “A lot of stuff about the [financial] meltdown I would have liked to be marinated over three or four months, but I didn’t want to wait a year and a half.”

The model, which will be tested in January with a book by John Avlon called Attack of the Wingnuts , will be to launch e-books for Amazon’s Kindle or Sony’s Reader, and then to print paperbacks for titles that have sold well.

Such initiatives are being rolled out at a stage when no one is prepared to disclose The Daily Beast’s revenues, and when advertising is sparse in a harsh commercial climate.

Caroline Marks, The Daily Beast’s general manager, says this is by design. “Barry Diller has been very clear about building quality content businesses and giving them room to build their audiences before foisting break-even on them,” she says in an interview in IAC’s New York headquarters.

The Daily Beast was, from the start, in part an experiment to find a better class of online advertising in a market where infinite supply has dragged down rates.

In an effort to charge premium prices, the site has targeted upmarket brands with the promise of customised packages that could reach a sought-after audience of affluent, educated and engaged readers.

Its efforts have seen a sponsored interview with Bottega Veneta’s “revered creative director” take over a spot in the rotating box of top stories on the home page, and a British Airways-branded “arrivals board”, highlighting recently posted stories alongside offers on flights to London. Such initiatives Paramount Pictureshave shown a willingness to give advertisers prime editorial slots at a time when many US newspapers agonise about carrying advertising on their front pages.

“All our programmes have been custom-built, and everything has been at a premium to the standard rate,” Ms Marks says, although she says, in time, these experiments will crystallise into “standard custom” formats.

Mr Diller remains “a big believer” in online advertising, she adds, although he also thinks that subscription models being tested by many large publishers will establish themselves over the next five years.

Mr Diller admits that it is not yet clear whether The Daily Beast has found a better model. “It’s not yet in evidence, but I’m hopeful,” he says in a telephone interview. “At some point, advertising is going to evolve from banners and 200 x 300 boxes that aren’t particularly compelling.”

Mr Diller hopes that is going to happen “before we run out of money” but insists he has not put “a judgment-day date” on when IAC will decide whether or not The Daily Beast can pay its way. “We’ll all know it when we know it,” he says.

A year after a launch that was brought forward to catch the final weeks of the US election, but which caught the post-Lehman Brothers collapse in advertising markets, Mr Diller says he is undeterred by the conditions that have wrought havoc even on established media owners such as Condé Nast and The New York Times.

“I like leading into a bad economy,” he explains. “I think it’s a pretty good discipline if you’re in a lousy environment. Nobody expects much of you, so you can work under dark, and that edge of ‘my God, what are we doing’ I think is positive.”

For Ms Brown, the problems of traditional media are as much to do with “self-inflicted damage” stemming from “corporate greed” as with competition from the internet.

Speaking hours before a book launch for her husband, Harry Evans, that was filled by grand old names from journalism’s print heyday, she warns: “These big companies are cutting editorial costs to get greater returns. The product becomes an empty shell and readers drift away.”

The Daily Beast remains a largely US phenomenon and still trails The Huffington Post , Drudge Report and in traffic figures, although Ms Marks hopes to be of similar size to Huffington’s site by the 2012 US election.

For now, Mr Diller expresses satisfaction: “It’s so much more than I thought it would be at this early stage in terms of audience, and in terms of establishing itself as this thing, this Beast.”

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. You may share using our article tools. Please don’t cut articles from and redistribute by email or post to the web.

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 08:07 0 comentarii

vineri, 23 octombrie 2009

Ce am vrut si ce a iesit…

Probabil se lucra pe mine un proiect gen Munk Warriors din The man who stares at goats, cu George Clooney…
Daca ajung cu bine in Europa si nu sunt eutanasiat de MI6 sau gasca Nord-Americana, am ceva proiecte serioase… (ATPL Vrsac, Serbia, 35000 Euro, taxe)
Pe acolo s-au “varsat” multe bombe si depleted uranium-ul lasa urme si provoaca multe canceruri populatiei… Dar decat ofiter SAS homosexual, cum sugera BBC-ul, mai bine Vrsac… Sau cum acopera Peter MacKay in Canada, cu toata “fauna” de la The Gateway si Quick-X
Asa creezi un suspect de terorism, si il si elimini pana la urma….

Acum se manifesta prin diverse mici provocari, si expedieri la Moscova… Cred ca spionii de pe aici trebuie sa citeasca un pic de istorie, si dupa sa “inghita” povestile “fructelor” de la MI6 despre Moscova. Astazi de 3 ori mi s-a aratat ca trebuie sa zbor la Moscova.
Acelasi lucru era aruncat de “echipa” BBC Romania, spre Basarabia. Probabil le lipseau mortii in strada, in miscarile de strada de la Chisinau. Eu stiu ca sunt inginer, nu sclav de vanzare al Reginei, al lui Jean Chretien sau Pres. Obama…

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 11:46 0 comentarii

Bello e impossibile

Pentru o politiciana canadiana, mult noroc si tot suportul meu. Nu cred ca o voi putea vota, dar keep in touch…

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 11:20 0 comentarii

Abonaţi-vă la: Postări (Atom)

// //

200 – postari 22 oct

October 23, 2009

vineri, 23 octombrie 2009

Am impresia ca sunt vandut de la unii la altii, intre nativi, jamaicani, probabil contract din partea Canadian/US intelligence agencies…

Un alt articol de negasit: Toronto Star 23 oct 2009
Kenney says migrants probed for terror ties
Toronto Star (23 Oct 2009) onlinePressDisplay offers current issues of Toronto Star in the original form. Now you can read digital replicas … Kenney says migrants probed for terror ties …… – Similar –
Passenger wanted in Sri Lanka22 Oct 2009 … 26-year-old migrant suspected of terrorism, ties to Tamil Tigers; … Immigration Minister Jason Kenney’s spokesman said he could not confirm … The Sri Lankan Consul-General in Toronto, Bandula Jayasekara, … US says Sri Lanka should investigate alleged atrocities, open Tamil camps to inspection … – Similar –
Canada tipped off to migrant ship21 Oct 2009 … Gary Anandasangaree, Canadian Tamil Congress lawyer, says his group … them for possible rebel ties and rebuilds their home villages. … But Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said all those aboard the … ‘Toronto 18’ terrorist jailed seven years … Afghan prisoner torture probe continues: Oct 20 … – Similar –

Show more results from
LankaWeb News ArchiveTue, 20 Oct 2009 18:52:33 -0400 The Editor The Star Toronto, Ontario Dear … OTTAWA CITIZEN Sir: “Would-be migrants should face scrutiny, Kenney says”. … It was a war against terrorist.If the Rajapaksha government did not do what they … The EU published a probe on Monday that found Sri Lanka in breach of human … – Cached – Similar –
News Articles – Canadian – Immigration Watch CanadaSeptember 5, 2009: Election Watch : Immigration Minister Jason Kenney …. April 7, 2009: McGuinty Says Parents Want Income, Immigration Data On Each Public School …. October 15, 2008: Canadian Terror Messages Worrying Officials …… January 12, 2006: Aid Urged For Foreign Professionals (The Toronto Star) …… – Cached – Similar –
JKRSOTHY: Canada to take hard line with would-be migrantsToronto lawyer Gary Anandasangaree showed up at the Canada Border Services … some are members of the Tamil Tigers, which Canada considers a terrorist organization. … Mr. Kenney noted that asylum claims have increased by almost 70 per cent over the past …. EXCLUSIVE-UPDATE 3-EU probe slams Sri Lanka on hum. ……/canada-to-take-hard-line-with-would-be.html – Cached – Similar –
Canada’s Immigration Headline NewsOTTAWA — Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says the government is trying …. As Canadian officials probed his professional expertise and personal history …. Migrant workers without health coverage a swine flu risk: union rep …… At a news conference in Toronto , Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said while …

Nicolas Cage inteleg ca are probleme mari financiare, este aproape in faliment: el a jucat in Lord of War – situatia Victor Bout

Back to Ex-Vivendi boss, Bronfman face trial in Paris
Ex-Vivendi boss, Bronfman face trial in Paris
October 23, 2009

Former Vivendi vice-president Edgar Bronfman Jr. denies charges.


PARIS–Former Vivendi CEO Jean-Marie Messier and other ex-top executives including Edgar Bronfman Jr. have been ordered to stand trial here on charges of misleading investors over the firm’s health while they were transforming the once-stodgy water utility into a high-flying film, music and pay TV giant.

Vivendi SA, which is a plaintiff in the case, said in a statement Thursday it was reviewing the order by investigating magistrate Jean-Marie d’Huy. It was not immediately clear when the trial would be held.

The judge’s decision to put Messier, the one-time star of the French business world, and six other former Vivendi executives on trial ignores a recommendation by Paris prosecutors earlier this year that the case be thrown out.

Prosecutors cited insufficient evidence. The examining magistrates investigating the case were not obliged to follow the prosecutors’ recommendation.

Lawyers for both Messier and Bronfman Jr. said their clients deny the charges.

The probe began in 2002 after a complaint by shareholders alleging that the company under Messier deliberately misled investors into buying or holding Vivendi stock.

Six other former top company officials are charged in the case, including Bronfman Jr., Vivendi’s former executive vice-president, and former chief financial officer Guillaume Hannezo.

Investigators looked into accusations the company published false balance sheets for the fiscal years 2000 and 2001 and issued deceptive information about its forecasts.

Under Messier’s leadership, Vivendi embarked on a huge expansion. Vivendi’s shares lost more than 80 per cent of their value as the company ran up billions of dollars of debt in a buyout binge that included the Universal film studios and music label in the United States, European pay-TV station Canal Plus, a French publishing arm and the country’s No.2 mobile operator. Vivendi sold many of its businesses, including Universal, to right itself.

Messier, who during his heyday lived in an $18 million (U.S.) apartment in New York, was sacked by Vivendi’s board of directors in July 2002 and the company underwent drastic restructuring.

Messier’s lawyer Olivier Metzner expressed surprise that the magistrate went against the prosecutors’ recommendation, but said his client was facing the prospect of a trial “with serenity.”

“He himself believes that there are no charges to bring against him,” Metzner said.

Earlier this month, Vivendi, Messier and Hannezo went on trial in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, accused of lying to the public by hiding its precarious financial condition in 2001 and 2002. The company says it acted properly.

Associated Press, Reuters

Curios, din ce stiu, oligarhii G.C.Paunescu si Irinel Columbeanu sunt in oarecare relatii de afaceri cu basarabenii (originari) Bronfman… Amandoi au afaceri in Canada si in Franta…
Poate ca de acolo a si aparut Tolea/Anatol, nume comun in spatiul basarabean..

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 06:11 0 comentarii

joi, 22 octombrie 2009

Daca exista o dublura a mea folosita pentru aviatie sau afaceri cu armament, asa numitele operatiuni speciale, atunci inteleg multe dintre fostele mele relatii, inclusiv fosta casatorie. Inteleg si jocul religios, sau tentativele de “expediere” a mea in uniforma, intr-o ierarhie dura.
Probabil ca jocuri puternice, daca a fost cumva vorba despre Boeing Helicopters sau 9/11 2001 au pus la bataie resurse mari, si protectia pe masura.
S-au folosit atat servicii de informatii nationale, militare, cat si retele private de informatii. Poate ca factura eHealth Ontario este parte din platile facute acestor servicii, sper sa ma insel…
Oricum, banii pentru orice operatiune se platesc din ceva pana la urma, ei lasa o urma, mai usor sau mai greu de acoperit.
Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 16:37 0 comentarii

Sa existe cumva un alt Mihai Anatol Bulacu in Canada ruland cu
Sa fie vre-o legatura intre Tim Horton’s – Politia Canadiana si Mihai Bulacu, nascut pe 2 mai 1966??
Astept raspunsuri, desi ceva miroase foarte urat in Toronto… Sa fie Margaret Triantafyllou, absolventa de cursuri de inginerie la Concordia Univ. Montreal, angajata la Bell Helicopter Textron, Montreal, cea care ruleaza un Mihai Bulacu pe wellfare Quebec??? prin absurd? De la ea am “cunoscut” realitatea canadiana, cand mi-am colectat hainele in saci de gunoi, prin mai 1996… Stiu barbatii cum se intampla in anumite situatii de cuplu.
Sau exista in acest moment in SUA un Mihai Bulacu cu mama lui, lucrand in Pensilvania, Philadelphia, la Boeing Helicopters??? Un anume Marius Bulacu exista prin 2007, l-am gasit pe internet parca, in Philadelphia…

Coincidente curioase in prezent:
– Lavinia Stan, fosta profesoara de stiinte politice la Concordia, acum in Nova Scotia, care apare pe internet ca poarta un pin, o insigna CIA, sa fi fost “arsa” si ea cu situatia Mihai Bulacu, din hazard, pe cand lucra la Concordia? In ultima sapt. din iunie 2007 in Calgary am cautat-o pe internet-ul din librarie pe Lavinia Stan dupa ce o vazusem la TV si ii citisem articolele in RL… Cineva a fost foarte insistent atunci, urmarindu-ma in libraria din Calgary, nu-mi amintesc numele, dar dintre cele mai “fancy”. Poate ca eu eram deja un “target”, si automat si Lavinia Stan a fost “contaminata”… Nu stii cum functioneaza protectia informativa in spionajul industrial, in furturi de identitate… Sa-si fi terminat in acest mod si ea cariera politica?
– Prof. Nicolae Tudoroiu, fost doctorand la Concordia Univ. si profesor part time este incomunicado, in Canada si Romania, acum profesor acum la Colegiul St. Anne de Bellevue Montreal…
– Nicolas Cage, actorul, cel care a jucat in Lord of War, este falit personal, din ce apare in sectia Entertainment… Poate ca prin vre-o coincidenta nefericita a atins un nerv, si s-a ars si el…
– Anul acesta au murit gen. DIE Plesita, si saptamana aceasta, Radu Timofte, fost director SRI (leucemie)… Coincidente…
– Accidentul mortal din 1999 al Falcon-ului Min. Adj de Externe grec, spre Romania. In acel moment, eu lucram cu Plexaco, firma din Atena de furtune…

Coincidenta foarte curioasa, pe care am patit-o in cateva situatii in Toronto: cand incerc sa-l sun pe Miron pe mobilul lui 0722 307337, imi raspunde o voce gen secretare… Este el tinut incomunicado, sau canadienii ma tin pe mine incomunicado??? Vocea feminina este aceeasi, si am patit-o de cel putin 4 ori in cele aproape 6 luni de cand sunt aici. Astazi de dimineata, aceeasi situatie.

Ma gandesc ca prin absurd, poate sa existe o legatura cu moartea/sinuciderea Roxanei Radulescu, sotia lui Dan Radulescu, fost Service Engineering Bombardier Regional Jet pe 30 apr. sau 1 mai 1996… 2 copii fara mama, aparent in urma unei depresii. Sa fi fost o intimidare pe undeva, mai ales ca Roxana facea car-pooling cu mine la Innotech in acea perioada… Poate trebuia creata presiune… Nu stii niciodata cum se “protejeaza informativ” anumite operatii sensibile..

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 14:08 0 comentarii
Adam Resurrected (2008) More at IMDbPro »
Photos (see all 7 | slideshow)

User Rating:6.4/10 739 votes
MOVIEmeter: Down 7% in popularity this week. See why on IMDbPro.
Director:Paul Schrader

Writers:Yoram Kaniuk (novel)
Noah Stollman (screenplay)

Contact:View company contact information for Adam Resurrected on IMDbPro.
Release Date:12 December 2008 (USA) more
Genre:Drama | War more
Tagline:In a world gone mad, being insane was just a way to fit in. more
Plot:In the aftermath of WWII, a former circus entertainer who was spared from the gas chamber becomes the ringleader at an asylum for Holocaust survivors. full summary | add synopsis
Plot Keywords:Dog | Circus | Holocaust | Concentration Camp | Nazi more
(43 articles) This Week In DVD: September 22nd
(From FilmSchoolRejects. 22 September 2009, 11:09 AM, PDT)
This Week on DVD: Observe and Report, Lymelife, Star Trek: Tng Motion Picture Collection
(From FilmJunk. 22 September 2009, 9:52 AM, PDT)

User Comments:Good Movie, Good Performance more (15 total)


Cast (Cast overview, first billed only)

Jeff Goldblum … Adam Stein

Willem Dafoe … Commandant Klein

Derek Jacobi … Dr. Nathan Gross

Ayelet Zurer … Gina Grey
Hana Laszlo … Rachel Shwester
Joachim Król … Abe Wolfowitz
Jenya Dodina … Gretchen Stein (as Evgenia Dodina)
Tudor Rapiteanu … David
Veronica Ferres … Frau Fogel
Idan Alterman … Arthur

Juliane Köhler … Ruth Edelson
Dror Keren … Dr. Uri Slonim
Shmuel Edelman … Dr. Shapiro (as Schmuel Edelman)
Yoram Toledano … Tarshish (as Yoram Tolledano)
Mickey Leon … Golomb
Create a character page for: Dr. Nathan GrossGina GreyRachel ShwesterAbe WolfowitzGretchen SteinDavidFrau FogelArthurRuth EdelsonDr. Uri SlonimDr. ShapiroTarshishGolomb———–more…


Sponsored Links (What’s This?)
Survive 2012? * Good luck. Visit to discover the truth.
Vancouver Film School * Write your movie: one-year screenwriting studies program.


Additional Details
Also Known As:Adam Ben Kelev (Israel: Hebrew title)
Ein Leben für ein Leben – Adam Resurrected (Germany)
MPAA:Rated R for some disturbing behavior, sexuality, nudity and some language.
Parents Guide:Add content advisory for parents
Runtime:106 min
Country:Germany | USA | Israel
Color:Black and White | Color
Aspect Ratio:2.35 : 1 more
Sound Mix:Dolby Digital
Certification:USA:R | Portugal:M/16 (Qualidade)
Filming Locations:Castel Film Studios, Bucharest, Romania more
Company:July August Productions more


Fun Stuff
Trivia:Moni Moshonov was cast as Arthur but had to drop due to schedule conflict and was replaced by comedian-actor Idan Alterman. more
Quotes:Adam Stein: I live in a lovely valley, but the heights are gone forever. There are no more frightful deserts, and I no longer leap into the fire, I am afraid I will get burned. Sanity is pleasant and calm, but there is no greatness, no true joy, nor the awful sorrow that slashes the heart. more


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User Comments (Comment on this title)
19 out of 27 people found the following comment useful.
Good Movie, Good Performance, 14 March 2009

Author: marksalerno1982 from United States

Jeff Goldlum does the best “Jeff Goldblum” in the business. If you hire him to do a “Jeff Goldblum” performance, it’s like money in the bank. But _Adam Resurrected_ is not that. Goldblum’s Adam is a nuanced, unpredictable and intelligent piece of work, the best of his career thus far. Indeed, the film as a whole represents a welcome return to adult themes and emotions. Sorrow, loss, power, human dignity, and human degradation are but some of the themes at work in Schrader’s movie. Happily, we are not handed a tidy resolution (with the requisite “redemption” at the end), but a deep sense that life is a complicated, conflicted and layered experience. See this film when and if you get tired of CGI effects, Ben Stiller fart jokes and “the genius of Seth Rogen.”

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more (15 total)

Message Boards
Discuss this movie with other users on IMDb message board for Adam Resurrected (2008) Recent Posts (updated daily) User
Did anyone hear Howard Stern talk about seeing this? walternefflives
Goldblums accent. Curly_G
Borat Resurrected? vebmetal
very good film! Ankzy
Awful cover rainbowbrite93
DVD release: September 22 rainbowbrite93

If you enjoyed this title, our database also recommends:
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Slaughterhouse-Five Escape from Sobibor Zwartboek Paragraph 175
IMDb User Rating:
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Aparent, mare parte dintre jocurile 401 facute la The Gateway Toronto si la Quick-X Mississauga seamana oarecum cu descrierea acestui film… Sa fie pe undeva vre-o “plagiatura” facuta de RCMP/Military Intelligence intr-o aparenta tentativa de “friendly interrogation”, sau “friendly enhanced interrogation”, sau poate chiar recrutare? Doar nu suntem in Kafka…

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 12:24 0 comentarii

Parca l-am vazut pe undeva pe PM Steven Harper mangaind un caine la vamii…

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Adam Resurrected (2008) More at IMDbPro »
Photos (see all 7 | slideshow)

User Rating:6.4/10 739 votes
MOVIEmeter: Down 7% in popularity this week. See why on IMDbPro.
Director:Paul Schrader

Writers:Yoram Kaniuk (novel)
Noah Stollman (screenplay)

Contact:View company contact information for Adam Resurrected on IMDbPro.
Release Date:12 December 2008 (USA) more
Genre:Drama | War more
Tagline:In a world gone mad, being insane was just a way to fit in. more
Plot:In the aftermath of WWII, a former circus entertainer who was spared from the gas chamber becomes the ringleader at an asylum for Holocaust survivors. full summary | add synopsis
Plot Keywords:Dog | Circus | Holocaust | Concentration Camp | Nazi more
(43 articles) This Week In DVD: September 22nd
(From FilmSchoolRejects. 22 September 2009, 11:09 AM, PDT)
This Week on DVD: Observe and Report, Lymelife, Star Trek: Tng Motion Picture Collection
(From FilmJunk. 22 September 2009, 9:52 AM, PDT)

User Comments:Good Movie, Good Performance more (15 total)


Cast (Cast overview, first billed only)

Jeff Goldblum … Adam Stein

Willem Dafoe … Commandant Klein

Derek Jacobi … Dr. Nathan Gross

Ayelet Zurer … Gina Grey
Hana Laszlo … Rachel Shwester
Joachim Król … Abe Wolfowitz
Jenya Dodina … Gretchen Stein (as Evgenia Dodina)
Tudor Rapiteanu … David
Veronica Ferres … Frau Fogel
Idan Alterman … Arthur

Juliane Köhler … Ruth Edelson
Dror Keren … Dr. Uri Slonim
Shmuel Edelman … Dr. Shapiro (as Schmuel Edelman)
Yoram Toledano … Tarshish (as Yoram Tolledano)
Mickey Leon … Golomb
Create a character page for: Dr. Nathan GrossGina GreyRachel ShwesterAbe WolfowitzGretchen SteinDavidFrau FogelArthurRuth EdelsonDr. Uri SlonimDr. ShapiroTarshishGolomb———–more…


Sponsored Links (What’s This?)
Survive 2012? * Good luck. Visit to discover the truth.
Vancouver Film School * Write your movie: one-year screenwriting studies program.


Additional Details
Also Known As:Adam Ben Kelev (Israel: Hebrew title)
Ein Leben für ein Leben – Adam Resurrected (Germany)
MPAA:Rated R for some disturbing behavior, sexuality, nudity and some language.
Parents Guide:Add content advisory for parents
Runtime:106 min
Country:Germany | USA | Israel
Color:Black and White | Color
Aspect Ratio:2.35 : 1 more
Sound Mix:Dolby Digital
Certification:USA:R | Portugal:M/16 (Qualidade)
Filming Locations:Castel Film Studios, Bucharest, Romania more
Company:July August Productions more


Fun Stuff
Trivia:Moni Moshonov was cast as Arthur but had to drop due to schedule conflict and was replaced by comedian-actor Idan Alterman. more
Quotes:Adam Stein: I live in a lovely valley, but the heights are gone forever. There are no more frightful deserts, and I no longer leap into the fire, I am afraid I will get burned. Sanity is pleasant and calm, but there is no greatness, no true joy, nor the awful sorrow that slashes the heart. more


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User Comments (Comment on this title)
19 out of 27 people found the following comment useful.
Good Movie, Good Performance, 14 March 2009

Author: marksalerno1982 from United States

Jeff Goldlum does the best “Jeff Goldblum” in the business. If you hire him to do a “Jeff Goldblum” performance, it’s like money in the bank. But _Adam Resurrected_ is not that. Goldblum’s Adam is a nuanced, unpredictable and intelligent piece of work, the best of his career thus far. Indeed, the film as a whole represents a welcome return to adult themes and emotions. Sorrow, loss, power, human dignity, and human degradation are but some of the themes at work in Schrader’s movie. Happily, we are not handed a tidy resolution (with the requisite “redemption” at the end), but a deep sense that life is a complicated, conflicted and layered experience. See this film when and if you get tired of CGI effects, Ben Stiller fart jokes and “the genius of Seth Rogen.”

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more (15 total)

Message Boards
Discuss this movie with other users on IMDb message board for Adam Resurrected (2008) Recent Posts (updated daily) User
Did anyone hear Howard Stern talk about seeing this? walternefflives
Goldblums accent. Curly_G
Borat Resurrected? vebmetal
very good film! Ankzy
Awful cover rainbowbrite93
DVD release: September 22 rainbowbrite93

If you enjoyed this title, our database also recommends:
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Slaughterhouse-Five Escape from Sobibor Zwartboek Paragraph 175
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Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 12:24 0 comentarii

Parca l-am vazut pe undeva pe PM Steven Harper mangaind un caine la vamii…

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Adam Resurrected (2008) More at IMDbPro »
Photos (see all 7 | slideshow)

User Rating:6.4/10 739 votes
MOVIEmeter: Down 7% in popularity this week. See why on IMDbPro.
Director:Paul Schrader

Writers:Yoram Kaniuk (novel)
Noah Stollman (screenplay)

Contact:View company contact information for Adam Resurrected on IMDbPro.
Release Date:12 December 2008 (USA) more
Genre:Drama | War more
Tagline:In a world gone mad, being insane was just a way to fit in. more
Plot:In the aftermath of WWII, a former circus entertainer who was spared from the gas chamber becomes the ringleader at an asylum for Holocaust survivors. full summary | add synopsis
Plot Keywords:Dog | Circus | Holocaust | Concentration Camp | Nazi more
(43 articles) This Week In DVD: September 22nd
(From FilmSchoolRejects. 22 September 2009, 11:09 AM, PDT)
This Week on DVD: Observe and Report, Lymelife, Star Trek: Tng Motion Picture Collection
(From FilmJunk. 22 September 2009, 9:52 AM, PDT)

User Comments:Good Movie, Good Performance more (15 total)


Cast (Cast overview, first billed only)

Jeff Goldblum … Adam Stein

Willem Dafoe … Commandant Klein

Derek Jacobi … Dr. Nathan Gross

Ayelet Zurer … Gina Grey
Hana Laszlo … Rachel Shwester
Joachim Król … Abe Wolfowitz
Jenya Dodina … Gretchen Stein (as Evgenia Dodina)
Tudor Rapiteanu … David
Veronica Ferres … Frau Fogel
Idan Alterman … Arthur

Juliane Köhler … Ruth Edelson
Dror Keren … Dr. Uri Slonim
Shmuel Edelman … Dr. Shapiro (as Schmuel Edelman)
Yoram Toledano … Tarshish (as Yoram Tolledano)
Mickey Leon … Golomb
Create a character page for: Dr. Nathan GrossGina GreyRachel ShwesterAbe WolfowitzGretchen SteinDavidFrau FogelArthurRuth EdelsonDr. Uri SlonimDr. ShapiroTarshishGolomb———–more…


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Additional Details
Also Known As:Adam Ben Kelev (Israel: Hebrew title)
Ein Leben für ein Leben – Adam Resurrected (Germany)
MPAA:Rated R for some disturbing behavior, sexuality, nudity and some language.
Parents Guide:Add content advisory for parents
Runtime:106 min
Country:Germany | USA | Israel
Color:Black and White | Color
Aspect Ratio:2.35 : 1 more
Sound Mix:Dolby Digital
Certification:USA:R | Portugal:M/16 (Qualidade)
Filming Locations:Castel Film Studios, Bucharest, Romania more
Company:July August Productions more


Fun Stuff
Trivia:Moni Moshonov was cast as Arthur but had to drop due to schedule conflict and was replaced by comedian-actor Idan Alterman. more
Quotes:Adam Stein: I live in a lovely valley, but the heights are gone forever. There are no more frightful deserts, and I no longer leap into the fire, I am afraid I will get burned. Sanity is pleasant and calm, but there is no greatness, no true joy, nor the awful sorrow that slashes the heart. more


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19 out of 27 people found the following comment useful.
Good Movie, Good Performance, 14 March 2009

Author: marksalerno1982 from United States

Jeff Goldlum does the best “Jeff Goldblum” in the business. If you hire him to do a “Jeff Goldblum” performance, it’s like money in the bank. But _Adam Resurrected_ is not that. Goldblum’s Adam is a nuanced, unpredictable and intelligent piece of work, the best of his career thus far. Indeed, the film as a whole represents a welcome return to adult themes and emotions. Sorrow, loss, power, human dignity, and human degradation are but some of the themes at work in Schrader’s movie. Happily, we are not handed a tidy resolution (with the requisite “redemption” at the end), but a deep sense that life is a complicated, conflicted and layered experience. See this film when and if you get tired of CGI effects, Ben Stiller fart jokes and “the genius of Seth Rogen.”

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Did anyone hear Howard Stern talk about seeing this? walternefflives
Goldblums accent. Curly_G
Borat Resurrected? vebmetal
very good film! Ankzy
Awful cover rainbowbrite93
DVD release: September 22 rainbowbrite93

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Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 12:24 0 comentarii

DNH – Do Not Hire – HR Canadian

Se pare ca un mecanism serios HR in Quebec si poate in intreaga Canada era asa-zisa procedura (de securitate) HR DNH, Do Not Hire… Eu am asistat probabil in cafeteria de la Bombardier DSD in 20-21 aug. 1996 la o astfel de intalnire intre fostul supervisor Pat Huston, HR asist. Nancy Jobidon, Chris Koening (cred ca era si el la masa) si “inginerul” avionics, cunoscut al lui Harry Chung din Hamilton. Nu imi amintesc numele acestui francofon, mustacios, dar Harry il stie precis…
Intalnirea a avut loc cu cateva zile inainte de vinerea 23 august, de lay-off..
Din ce stiu, in toata Canada au loc aceste intalniri de personal in care se decid cei care nu vor fi angajati. Foarte probabil situatia prezenta, inclusiv “agresiunea conjugala” implementata de Simona Furtuna in Romania face parte din cover-up-ul de 1 miliard de CAD finantat de e-Health Ontario. Probabil Simona, fosta mea sotie este ofiter de informatii romani, “assigned” la acest proiect… Cred ca situatia a fost “implementata” la DSD de RCMP-ul canadian, ca o acoperire a posibilului furt de identitate. RCMP-ul canadian se pare ca elibereaza end-user-certificates folosite in exportul de armament…
In Canada, RCMP-ul are si atributiile ORNISS-ului romanesc, de eliberare a Security Clearance. Probabil in 1996-1997 echipa Gordon Diamond, Pat Huston, Chris Koening au pregatit cu colaborarea RCMP un dosar de suspect de spionaj, cuplat cu DNH… Asa s-a pregatit o posibila afacere Clearstream, Tigareta sau Acte pentru Bout…
Probabil eu am fost “stampilat” incepand cu 1996 cu ceva negativ, si am fost “eliminat” profesional pe spatiul NATO… De acolo, nici o sansa de proces, decat de “carca”, de munca de jos… Este cazul de zburat urgent in Italia sau Elvetia…
Probabil acum in Canada sau in zona Toronto functioneaza sub pretextul gripei porcine, H1N1, un fel de stare de necesitate, unde guvernarea reala o face RCMP-ul impreuna cu Canadian Military Intelligence, in acelasi timp contractandu-se diverse chestii “murdare”, gen accidente, intimidari, diferitelor grupuri etnice, mafii sau grupuri de interese: jamaicani sau caraibieni, activi in afacerile cu droguri.

Incep sa cred ca exista si o “mica” problema in Romania, legata de zona Baia Mare – poate ceva drone au facut niste “explorari geologigice” ilegale in cadrul unor manevre NATO… Este problema SRI-ului romanesc, probabil. Acolo s-au prabusit in 1996 un avion de Flight Inspections, si prin 2007 o drona aeriana, parca…
Din pacate, vazand situatia polonezului “taserizat” in Vancouver de RCMP, constati ca in Canada anglofona deja functioneaza o societate gen Chile, Argentina… Sa existe inclusiv aruncati din elicoptere, “inechati” in ape inghetate? Ca in regimul Pinochet?

Ma gandesc ca o ipoteza foarte paranoida ar fi ca Fortele canadiene din Afganistan si Iraq sa aiba niste abuzuri si crime, si au nevoie de token de negociere, iar eu pic bine pt. asa ceva… Sper sa ma insel


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Thursday, Oct. 22, 2009
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Comedian: End World Hunger? Sell the Vatican Queen Awards Chrétien Order of MeritSource: The Canadian Press
Posted: 10/21/09 8:42AM
Filed Under: Canada
LONDON – Former prime minister Jean Chretien has been awarded the Order of Merit by the Queen in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

Seventy-five-year-old Chretien is only the fourth Canadian to be presented with the order.

The Day in PhotosAP Photo/ Ian Nicholson, pool218 photos Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II presents the Order of Merit to former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, accompanied by wife Aline at Buckingham Palace, London, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2009.(Note: Please disable your pop-up blocker),feedConfig,entry&id=583370&pid=583369&uts=1256046426
The Day in Photos
Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II presents the Order of Merit to former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, accompanied by wife Aline at Buckingham Palace, London, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2009.
AP Photo/ Ian Nicholson, pool
The Day in Photos
Journalist Maziar Bahari is shown in this undated photo. Bahari, a Canadian citizen, had been detained in Iran without charge according to Newsweek. Newsweek Magazine confirms Iranian-Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari was freed from custody on Saturday Oct. 17, 2009. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ AP – HO Newsweek

President Barack Obama visits the Dr. Martin Luther King Charter School in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans, La., Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009.

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark returns to Aleksandra Wozniak of Canada during their quarter final match at the Japan Women’s Open tennis tournament in Osaka, Japan, Friday, Oct. 16, 2009. Wozniacki won 6-2,7-6,6-2.

AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye

Fishermen demonstrate off the coast of the village of Malkiya, Bahrain, at sunset Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009, claiming coast guard boats are intentionally tearing their nets and harassing them at sea. Fishermen nationwide have been complaining that coastal development is wiping out fish and shrimp near the Persian Gulf island and those near Malkiya say troubles with authorities are only compounding their problems.

AP Photo/Hasan Jamali

A model displays an outfit by Ukrainian designer Oksana Karavanska during a Fashion Week in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, Oct.15, 2009.

AP Photo/Sergei Chuzavkov

OMON, riot police officers detain Red Youth Vanguard leader Sergei Udaltsov during an unsanctioned protest against the results of local elections in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Oct. 16, 2009. Moscow police have broken up a small group of protesters demanding the cancellation of local election results across Russia and detained some of them.

AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel

Nepal’s shortest man Khagendra Thapa Magar, center, plays a guitar as he celebrates his 18th birthday in Pokhara, 200 kilometers (125 miles) southwest of capital Katmandu, Nepal, Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009. Magar, who is 20 inches (50 centimeters) tall and weighs 4.5 kilograms (10 pounds), has applied to the Guinness World Records to be named the world’s shortest man. Also seen are his younger brother Mahesh Thapa Magar, 13, and Min Bahdur, his care taker right.

AP Photo/Bharat Koirala

Couples from around the world cheer up after the mass wedding ceremony at a Sun Moon University in Asan, south of Seoul, South Korea, Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009. The Unification Church organized biggest mass wedding in a decade, a spectacle church officials said involves 40,000 people around the world.

AP Photo/ Lee Jin-man

The hands off a joint statue of Akenathen and Nefertiti, from around B.C. 1350, seen at the “Neues Museum”, New Museum, on the so-called Museum Island in Berlin, Germany, Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009. Berlin’s Neues Museum will be reopened on Friday, Oct. 16, 2009, more than 60 years after World War II bombing left much of the building in ruins. The building will be reopened after a decade of painstaking restoration work, marking a major step forward in a marathon project to revive the German capital’s neoclassical Museum Island complex. British architect David Chipperfield reconstructs the remains of the ‘Neues Museum’, originally built by Friedrich August Stueler between 1843 and 1855.

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

Pakistani police officers carry an injured colleague during a crackdown operation against terrorists at a police training school in Lahore, Pakistan on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009. Teams of gunmen attacked security sites Thursday across the eastern city of Lahore, paralyzing Pakistan’s cultural capital, while a car bomb devastated a northwest police station, killing dozens in an escalating wave of terror in this nuclear-armed U.S. ally.

AP Photo/K.M.Chaudary

The others were neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield and former prime ministers William Lyon Mackenzie King and Lester B. Pearson.

The award, called a “gift from the sovereign,” is given to those who show “exceptional distinction” in the arts, learning, sciences and public service.

Only 24 living members can hold the order. It places Chretien’s name alongside figures like Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela.

Chretien was Canada’s 20th prime minister, leading three majority governments between November 1993 and December 2003.

When he first heard he was to be awarded the order, Chretien had said he was surprised, honoured and grateful.

“I did my job as best I could and Her Majesty was gracious enough to recognize that,” he said.

The order is considered a special honour as it is given by the Queen herself and not on ministerial advice.

Royals in the News Alastair Grant, AP28 photos June: According to a report, public funding for Queen Elizabeth II and the royal family cost U.K. taxpayers $1.14 each last year — a 5-cent increase from the previous year. Here, the royals gather at Buckingham Palace in June 2008.(Note: Please disable your pop-up blocker),feedConfig,entry&id=584808&pid=584807&uts=1256128926
Royals in the News
June: According to a report, public funding for Queen Elizabeth II and the royal family cost U.K. taxpayers $1.14 each last year — a 5-cent increase from the previous year. Here, the royals gather at Buckingham Palace in June 2008.
Alastair Grant, AP
Alastair Grant, AP
Royals in the News
May: Muggers attacked Princess Eugenie and two friends in Cambodia’s capital, The Sun reported Monday. The princess’s police bodyguards grabbed one thief but let him go when the other attacker began pelting the group with stones. The princess and her friends were whisked to safety. Eugenie, 19, is the younger daughter of Prince Andrew and his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson.

Christopher Furlong, Getty Images

April: In what some are calling the “royal romp,” two people were arrested April 25 for allegedly having sex on the lawn outside Windsor Castle while tourists filmed them. Queen Elizabeth II was in the castle at the time. Here, the castle is shown in a 2004 file photo.

Carl De Souza, Getty Images

March: Britain’s Prince William said in a children’s news broadcast that when he was little, he didn’t want to be a king, but a policeman. William, 26, also said he acquired a “Harry Potter” scar by being hit with a golf club.

Samir Hussein, WireImage/Getty Images

February: Members of the British royal family turned out Feb. 24 to watch Queen Elizabeth II unveil a memorial to her late mother, Queen Mother Elizabeth. The 9-foot, 6-inch statue bronze statue was erected near an existing statue of her late husband, King George VI. The beloved “Queen Mum” died in 2002 at the venerable age of 101.

Samir Hussein, WireImage

February: Prince Charles remembered his grandmother fondly during the unveiling ceremony on the Mall in London. “How blessed we were to have known her and her generosity of spirit,” he said.

Kirsty Wigglesworth, AP

February: Prince Harry was accused of making racist remarks — yet again. Comedian Stephen K. Amos told a British TV show on Feb. 10 that the 24-year-old prince remarked, “You don’t sound like a black chap,” after a performance for Prince Charles late last year.

Getty Images (2)

January: Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip were the targets of a possible assassination plot during a visit to Australia in 1970, a retired detective recently claimed. The detective said plotters tried to derail their train in mountains near Sydney.

Julian Herbert, Getty Images

January: Britain’s Prince Harry sits with former girlfriend Chelsy Davy at a cricket match in 2007. British newspapers reported in January that the couple ended the relationship.

Matt Dunham, AP

January: A British newspaper published video on Jan. 10 that shows Prince Harry using the phrases “our little Paki friend” and “raghead” to refer to military colleagues in 2006. He issued an apology for his remarks and said he didn’t use the terms in malice.

Toby Melville, AP

January: Princess Beatrice’s BMW — a birthday gift from her father, Prince Andrew — was stolen in London, a British newspaper reported Jan. 8. The Sun said Beatrice left the car unlocked with the keys in the ignition when she went into a store.

Dan Kitwood, Getty Images

Entry into the order was marked by the Queen presenting him Tuesday with an eight-pointed cross, finished in red-and-blue enamel. The imperial crown is in the centre and the words “For Merit” are etched in gold surrounded by a laurel wreath.

First elected to Parliament in 1963, Chretien became Liberal leader in 1990. As prime minister, he was responsible for ending federal deficit financing which had reached $42 billion annually by the time he took office.

Chretien spent much of his time and effort in office fighting Quebec separatists and the Parti Quebecois. The federal side narrowly defeated a proposal on Quebec sovereignty in a bitterly contested 1995 referendum.

Also significant was Chretien’s commitment to the war in Afghanistan after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Later, he refused to join the invasion of Iraq without the UN’s backing.

His exit from office was marked by a divisive feud with his successor and longtime finance minister, Paul Martin, and by the Quebec sponsorship scandal – over which Martin struck a federal inquiry.

The scandal, involving hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds to Quebec ad agencies, contributed to the Liberal government’s defeat in 2006.

Last year, a federal judge dismissed the inquiry’s conclusion that Chretien and his top aide bore responsibility for the scandal, ruling that public comments by the commissioner, Justice John Gomery, showed bias and that he prejudged the issues.

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Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 09:55 0 comentarii

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Mihai Bulacu Dupa 11 ani de Romania, dupa 6 ani de America de Nord, sper ca in Romania va exista o economie reala, nu calea Argentinei, din pacate cunoscuta – Peron, Evita etc etc…

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e-Health Ontario si cover-up Toronto

October 22, 2009

joi, 22 octombrie 2009

Protection for nannies
October 22, 2009

It took seven months and a serious change of heart. But the Ontario government is finally getting serious about protecting live-in caregivers from routine exploitation.

Many of the more than 20,000 nannies in Ontario arrive here deep in debt after paying thousands of dollars in fees to recruiters, who often lure them with phantom job offers.

Now, legislation introduced by Labour Minister Peter Fonseca would ban recruiters from charging nannies any fees, with stiff penalties of up to $50,000 for violators. The bill would also bar employers from trying to pass through recruitment costs to nannies, and prosecute any other intermediaries trying to collect fees.

This is progress. When nanny abuses were first given prominence last March in a series of stories by Star reporters Dale Brazao and Robert Cribb, the labour minister tried to wash his hands of the issue. Fonseca argued that it was up to Ottawa to act – despite the fact that employment standards are primarily a provincial responsibility.

If passed, the new law would ban reprisals and specifically outlaw employers or recruiters taking a nanny’s passport, work permit or other property. The bill would also beef up enforcement. It’s about time.

— varianta initiala, la intoarcerea in Romania, probabil pe care a mers jud. Furtuna, dr. Cornel Boiangiu, afacerile Tigareta I-IV, Bricheta etc etc, TVA Dolj…
(probabil scenariu Hollywood-CIA)
Toronto Sun 21 oct 2009 – articol de ne-gasit pe internet:
Judge slams CSIS for filtering Harkat data
$1 billion wasn’t wasted, top health official says
October 22, 2009

Tanya Talaga

Embattled deputy health minister Ron Sapsford says he was not aware untendered contracts were given out by eHealth Ontario until he “heard about it in the press,” and he denies the province’s auditor general was blocked from investigating the agency.

Sapsford, one of the most powerful senior bureaucrats in the province, spoke publicly for the first time Wednesday about the $1 billion electronic health records scandal before an all-party legislative committee looking into the affair.

“The notion $1 billion has been wasted is simply not accurate in my view,” Sapsford told the committee, arguing there has been value obtained for the money spent, such as the creation of a secure network to drive the project forward.

However, he did acknowledge “some mistakes were made in the management of procurements” on a couple of projects. Those errors have since been addressed, he said.

Provincial Auditor General Jim McCarter this month issued a scathing report on the largely failed 10-year effort to create electronic health records, pointing to a lack of planning, as well as loose financial controls that cost taxpayers millions.

As top health bureaucrat, Sapsford helped create the electronic health records program. As the Star reported earlier, he earned a salary last year of $433,611 plus $64,781 in taxable benefits that was channelled through Hamilton Health Sciences to skirt government pay guidelines.

New eHealth board chair Rita Burak told the committee the people of Ontario are owed an apology. The eHealth scandal has rocked the Liberal government since May amid revelations the agency handed out millions in untendered contracts and hired high-priced, out-of-province consultants who earned up to $3,000 a day yet expensed minor items such as a cup of tea for $1.65.

Health Minister David Caplan resigned earlier this month; eHealth CEO Sarah Kramer and board chair Dr. Alan Hudson left their positions in June.

The mess has “undermined the public’s confidence” in the agency, Burak said. “The very serious issue of untendered consulting contracts at eHealth has unfortunately taken focus away from the important issue of patient care and progress toward an electronic health record. For this, I believe the people of the province are owed an apology.”

However, New Democrat committee member France Gelinas (Nickel Belt) told reporters she’s not sure if the apology should come solely from Burak because a “lot of people are guilty” in the scandal.

“It was nice of her to mention this, but it has yet to come,” said Gelinas. “She’s absolutely right, the people of Ontario are owed, at a minimum, an apology.”

Burak told the committee eHealth has made strides to move away from its dependence on consultants. When the ministry’s electronic health records program was transferred to the agency in April, there were 600 employees and 385 consultants, but by the end of September, there were 286 consultants, she said. By the end of the fiscal year, there will be 160 consultants.

Sapsford told the committee he stressed to former eHealth leaders the importance of conflict-of-interest and procurement policies.

“I underlined the importance of it and received assurance from the agency they were applying it.”

Sapsford denied McCarter’s claim that his office was blocked for months from investigating eHealth, which was established in 2008 after its predecessor, Smart Systems for Health Agency, was dissolved.

There was a “difference in perspectives” regarding the appropriate scope of the audit and the evaluation measures, Sapsford said. “The basic issue was not resolved until the auditor phoned me to explain the perceived lack of access,” he said. “The problem was immediately resolved.”

Also Wednesday, Gelinas received support from the standing committee on public accounts for two NDP motions to help prevent another agency mess. The first is for the auditor to conduct spot audits on consulting contracts and the second is to examine how senior provincial bureaucrats in the health ministry, hospitals and local health integration networks are compensated.

Outside committee, Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak expressed astonishment that Sapsford knew nothing of the untendered contracts until reading about it in the newspaper. “It is incredible to believe that $1 billion in taxpayers’ money got flushed down the drain and that … consultants got fat and rich on the contracts and nobody knew about it,” said Hudak.
Travers: Pro-military Tory image under fire
October 22, 2009

James Travers

OTTAWA—Friendly fire is politically deadly. It comes from unexpected directions, hits sensitive targets and can’t be returned without making the situation worse.

Rick Hillier and Richard Colvin have Stephen Harper’s government in those crosshairs. Doubts about Conservative priorities are raised in a new book from the former chief of defence staff critical of the Prime Minister’s advisers, and in memos from the senior Canadian diplomat warning of Afghanistan prisoner abuse. Hillier directly and Colvin by implication suggest a ruling party that publicly makes so much of its support for the military is privately more concerned with protecting its political skin than doing right by the troops.

Hillier’s claim is that Harper’s inner circle, borrowing a page from the George W. Bush war manual, tried to keep the image of flag-draped coffins off the evening news. Resisted as an affront to honour and tradition, the military stood its ground and continues celebrating the returning dead as war heroes.

If Hillier’s recollections of battles with the Prime Minister’s infamously controlling office are embarrassing, Colvin’s reports are devastating. Beyond putting Defence Minister Peter MacKay on the political defensive, they pile evidence on the suspicion that Conservatives jeopardized soldiers by ignoring what was happening in notorious Afghanistan prisons.

Here’s the problem. International law prohibits transferring prisoners to those who torture. To knowingly do so risks making soldiers, along with the chain of command, complicit in war crimes.

Colvin’s first-hand accounts were detailed in 2006 dispatches widely circulated within government. They make clear that ministers knew, or should have known, about serial abuse warnings more than a year later when they stood in the Commons dismissing torture allegations as Taliban propaganda.

MacKay, then foreign affairs minister, says Colvin’s memos never reached his desk, and is trying to find out why. That’s a seminal question demanding candid explanation. It’s hard to believe that congenitally risk-averse mandarins didn’t protect themselves by making sure ministers were fully briefed on a hypersensitive issue that in 2007 was being raised in Parliament often.

Allow MacKay the benefit of the doubt. But temper that benevolence with consideration of the political conditions at the time.

By late March 2007, two defence ministers, one Liberal and one Conservative, had suffered career-limiting damage by too carelessly handling the prisoner transfer file. Self-preservation alone would suggest no defence or foreign affairs minister, senior bureaucrat or political staffer, would let ignorance expose that flank.

Adding to the rotten smell are government efforts to thwart an inquiry into what military police knew about Afghan prisoner abuse. It’s that inquiry, now suspended by legal wrangling and government foot-dragging, that forced Colvin’s reports and their far-reaching implications into the public spotlight.

There’s no question Tories are spending lavishly, if not always prudently, on a military that previous administrations let fall on hard times. It is also true the ruling party successfully wove that materiel and morale support into the fabric of its own partisan definition.

But friendly fire is now hitting a vulnerable target. A prime minister and a ruling party with deserved reputations for seeking political advantage everywhere weren’t willing to sacrifice much of anything in the best interest of foot soldiers.

James Travers’ column appears Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 06:15 0 comentarii
In acelasi timp, mobilul lui Miron este ghidat in alta parte, eu sunt izolat complet… Cred ca trebuie faxat la Drepturile Omului…
CRTC allows telecoms to ‘throttle’ web traffic
October 22, 2009

Madhavi Acharya-Tom Yew

Canada’s big telecom firms will be allowed to regulate traffic on their Internet networks – and put the brakes on those who use too much bandwidth – but only under strict guidelines.

In a ruling Wednesday, the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission did not ban the practice known as “throttling” but it did institute new rules on how companies such as Bell Canada, Rogers Communications Inc., and Telus Corp. manage the packets of information that move at lightning speed on their networks.

Some Internet activities such as streaming movies and television shows use far more bandwidth than others such as email, web surfing, or online shopping.

Throttling occurs when Internet service providers, known as ISPs, use sophisticated software to detect so-called “bandwidth hogs,” and basically steer them over to the Internet’s slow lane. Heavy users say their service abruptly slows when it is throttled.

The industry argued at hearings before the CRTC this summer that throttling was necessary to prevent a small minority of heavy users from clogging up their networks and degrading service for everyone.

“Canada is the first country to develop and implement a comprehensive approach to Internet traffic-management practices,” commission chair Konrad von Finckenstein said in a statement.

The CRTC said its first preference is that Internet providers invest in increasing the capacity of their networks. Providers that need to manage traffic should impose higher charges on heavy users, rather than throttling or degrading the signal.

But if networks believe they need to resort to throttling, the commission said retail customers must be given 30 days notice and wholesale customers at least 60 days notice before restrictions are put in place.

If throttling had been banned, “it could have been disappointing for customers,” said Ken Engelhart, chief of regulatory affairs for Rogers. “If you wanted to talk to your friends around the world on your computer, you might find your call was being crowded out by other people engaging in peer-to-peer.”

Peer-to-peer sites are used to exchange large video and music files over the Internet.

The commission has also established a complaint mechanism for consumers.

“In the main it’s a positive step forward. The CRTC has set up a pretty good framework for dealing with this issue,” said Michael Geist, a University of Ottawa law professor who specializes in technology issues.

“The big concern, though, is on the enforcement side,” he said. “They’ve really thrown this into the lap of individual Canadians to file complaints.”

That will be no easy task, said Steve Anderson, coordinator of a national coalition called

“The ISPs have 15 to 20 lobbyists working on this, whereas I don’t. The CRTC is saying: `go ahead, prove the case,’ but it’s not that simple, really.”

Michael Hennessy, senior vice-president, government and regulatory affairs at Telus, said the firm welcomes the ruling, even though it does not employ throttling.

The ruling struck a balance between an open web and the potential need of some telecoms to manage traffic, he said.

“We are pleased that the CRTC recognizes that, as the Internet becomes more video-centric and more interactive, there will be potential times when some sort of traffic management may have to be considered.”

Earlier this year, the CRTC sided with Bell on its use of throttling during peak periods, but, at the same time, launched a review of the issue, resulting in Wednesday’s decision.

The commission said the new rules take effect immediately.

With files from Canadian Press
Scandal snares IBM executive ZoomBookmarkSharePrintListenTranslateIBM Corp. put a top executive on leave yesterday after he was charged in an insider trading scandal for allegedly leaking secrets about IBM’s earnings and financial dealings with corporate partners.

The company said Robert Moffat, a senior vice-president and cost-cutting maven who was considered a possible candidate to succeed CEO Sam Palmisano, no longer serves as an officer of the company.

A woman who answered the phone at Mr. Moffat’s home in Connecticut said he would not comment. Kerry Lawrence, a lawyer representing Mr. Moffat, said the U.S. government hasn’t accused Mr. Moffat of profiting from the alleged scheme.

“Not only have they not alleged that, but that definitely did not happen,” Mr. Lawrence said.

Rodney Adkins, who has been senior vice-president in charge of development and manufacturing, was tapped to assume Mr. Moffat’s position on an acting basis. That gives him oversight over IBM’s mainframes and computer servers.

Mr. Adkins is the highestranking black executive IBM has ever had.

Mr. Moffat was one of six executives and hedge fund managers arrested last Friday in connection with a wideranging scam that authorities say generated more than $25million (U.S.) in illegal profits.

The bust ensnared one of America’s wealthiest men, Raj Rajaratnam, a portfolio manager for the Galleon Group hedge fund; two people from another hedge fund; and figures from chip maker Intel Corp. and consulting firm McKinsey&Co.

The hedge fund defendants are accused of trading securities in several publicly traded companies based on confidential information they got from the executives.
Mr. Moffat’s arrest is a rare stain on the reputation of IBM, which promotes “trust in all relationships” as one of its key values.

Mr. Moffat, a college track star who has worked at IBM since 1978, is known as an operational expert who has worked in some of IBM’s toughest divisions trying to unlock more profit. That included the personal computer business, which IBM sold in 2004 to China-based Lenovo Group.

IBM has trumpeted Mr. Moffat’s ability to slash costs and make the company faster and more efficient, particularly in manufacturing.

Mr. Moffat, 53, is accused of supplying Danielle Chiesi, who worked for a hedge fund known as New Castle, details about IBM’s earnings; the timing of a restructuring at IBM partner Advanced Micro Devices Inc.; and the financials of Sun Microsystems Inc., whose books IBM was poring over this year as part of an acquisition bid.

It’s unclear from the court filings how Mr. Moffat would have benefited. Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Moffat’s lawyer, declined to comment further on the case.

His arrest comes after a tough stretch for IBM, which is based in Armonk, N.Y.

Two weeks ago the company acknowledged that the U.S. Justice Department is looking into allegations the company abused its dominant position in mainframe computers, one of IBM’s most important products. And last week the company reported higher quarterly profit and boosted its 2009 earnings forecast, but the stock fell.

The Associated Press


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Ignatieff gets his facts wrong in Arar case
October 22, 2009

Tonda MacCharles

Maher Arar talks with reporters in Ottawa, after testifying via video link to a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee hearing in Washington, Oct. 18, 2007. U.S. legislators apologized to Arar for his seizure by U.S. officials who took him to Syria where he was tortured.


OTTAWA–Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has told a British newspaper that Canada dispatched Maher Arar to Syria to be tortured.

Ignatieff made the erroneous statement in an interview published in September in The Observer while clarifying his stand against torture. He has had to defend himself against persistent accusations, often made by Conservative opponents, that he supports “torture-lite” based on his previous writings on the subject.

“Canada sent Maher Arar (a Canadian engineer) to Syria, and a court found that he had been subjected to extraordinary rendition, that his claims (of torture) were true and that he had delivered no intelligence to anybody. It was a disgrace. So, we don’t do it. Ever. Period. Off the table. We don’t get other people to do our dirty work for us, and we don’t do dirty work ever.”

Arar was sent to Syria by the United States in late 2002 after he was detained while in transit to Canada through JFK Airport in New York.

Contrary to what Ignatieff said, no court has made findings of fact in Arar’s case.

A Canadian commission of inquiry – not a court – that heard some evidence in secret concluded the American authorities deported Arar under the Bush administration’s extraordinary rendition program, first to Jordan and then on to Damascus, where he was jailed without charges for more than a year by Syrian military intelligence.

The former Liberal government in Ottawa consistently denied it ever played a role in Arar’s rendition, and the inquiry concluded Canadian officials were not directly complicit in the affair.

Arar, a Syrian-Canadian computer software consultant, said he was tortured during the first two weeks in Syria, and for most of the rest of the year he was jailed in inhumane conditions in a small, dirty cell he labelled “the grave.”

The American and Syrian governments refused to participate in the inquiry led by Justice Dennis O’Connor, and Arar did not testify.

Nevertheless, O’Connor concluded in September 2006 the Americans “very likely” deported Arar on the basis of erroneous information the RCMP provided that he was a suspect with terrorist links.

The government, under Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, apologized to Arar for the role its agents played and settled a lawsuit out of court for $10.5 million.

Arar is still attempting to sue American authorities over his ordeal.

The Star requested an interview to discuss Ignatieff’s statement, but his spokeswoman, Jill Fairbrother, declined the request.

“It’s clear and I don’t think he’ll have much to add if the subject is torture.”

When told that Ignatieff was wrong and asked if she could verify the quote, Fairbrother said she no longer had a tape recording of the interview.

Ignatieff returned to Canada from the U.S. in 2005 to run as an MP. He was elected as an MP in January 2006, and was in Canada when the O’Connor inquiry reported.

UBC law professor Michael Byers said while public figures sometimes make mistakes, Ignatieff’s statement was related to his own position on torture, “a matter on which he wrote extensively while a Harvard professor, with those writings having since been subject to intense scrutiny.”

“For him to get the facts wrong on the highest profile case of torture involving a Canadian citizen is deeply worrying.

“It suggests a certain lack of attention to detail, and perhaps even concern, on a matter that was engaging the Canadian public, a commission of inquiry, and courts in both Canada and the United States at the very same time that he was expressing opinions on torture in The New York Times.”
In acelasi timp, ofertele sunt pensie medicala dupa anumite tratamente, cred genul pe care le-a avut si Michael Jackson, Yasser Arafat, genul care se rezolva terminal…

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 06:07 0 comentarii
Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 06:03 0 comentarii

miercuri, 21 octombrie 2009

The Tailor of Panama (2001) More at IMDbPro »
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User Rating:6.0/10 12,828 votes
MOVIEmeter: No change in popularity this week. See why on IMDbPro.
Director:John Boorman

Writers (WGA):John le Carré (novel)
Andrew Davies (screenplay) …
Contact:View company contact information for The Tailor of Panama on IMDbPro.
Release Date:20 April 2001 (Canada) more
Genre:Drama | Thriller more
Tagline:In a place this treacherous, what a good spy needs is a spy of his own.
Plot:A tailor living in Panama reluctantly becomes a spy for a British agent. full summary | add synopsis
Plot Keywords:Panama | Spy | Tailor | President | Debt more
Awards:1 nomination more
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Cand vad in jur “foscaiala” de numere de masini cu VY, VT, VK (probabil sugestii Virginia You, Tu sau Capital), nu pot decat sa ma gandesc la “bodyguarzii” de magazin sau biblioteca, probabil fosti recruti abandonati in cimitirele locale… Aviz amatorilor de senzatii tari…
Sper ca Inchisoarea de pe Aeroportul din Kandahar sa nu se fi mutat la The Gateway Toronto sau la Quick-X din Mississauga, prin cine stie ce “inginerii sociale” absurde. Am o senzatie ca anumite persoane care au fost oarecum mai amabile cu mine au fost “potcovite” cu dosare penale, sau cu “clesti” solizi… Cred ca este cazul de fax catre UN Human Rights Comission din Geneva, pentru aparenta hartuire si intimidare a unui martor. Cred ca s-a cam importat in Ontario modelul chinezesc, si este foarte trist… Incep sa ma intreb daca pres. Obama isi merita Nobelul pentru pace… In cazul asta, este periculos de exagerat cu plangerile si reclamatiile, deoarece modelul sovietic si ceausist prevedea internare psihiatrica dupa 3 plangeri facute, revoltatului respectiv…
Din pacate, cum vad eu jocul asta, este doar unul de pierdere, iar de castigat vor avea doar cei care s-au saturat de unipolaritatea americana…

Vad ca pe Francesca sau Francescele din Toronto le cheama fie Margaret T. fie alte figuri de stil, dar cu procedura cunoscuta si povestita de toti ofiterii de CI… Nimic nou in America de Nord, este Internationala Epoletilor… pentru parlamentul European, in bun spirit Gordon Diamond. Sper sa nu fie si bombe pe traseu..

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 10:06 0 comentarii

Sper sa ajung sanatos in Europa….

Sper sa ajung cu bine in Europa, desi provocarile sunt cam dese… Cineva din anturajul SPP, cunoscut al pazei lui Ion Iliescu imi spunea in iulie 2007 ca as putea avea o ciroza…
Sau poate pe aeroportul Pearson, in timp ce ma imbarc s-ar putea descarca vre-un pistol, sau un teaser… S-a mai intamplat asa ceva…
Oricum, Simona Furtuna (0744 277 079, 0251 410431, 0251 416216) nu imi mai este sotie, deci contact ar fi doar mama mea Bulacu Viena, nascuta Dobre, si Miron George Bulacu
Cl.Bucuresti M8A, Apt. 3, Craiova, Romania
+40 722 307337
+40 351 402723
+40 251 414705
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Employment Canada post 9/11 2001, si Calgary 2007

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 07:46 0 comentarii

Employment Canada pre 9/11

Probabil asa a inceput Afacerea Tigareta I-IV din Romania, poate exista si o legatura cu afacerea Clearstream, poate ca si o mica legatura cu Madrid 3/11, de care ministrul canadian al apararii Peter MacKay stie, din ce vad (legatura Orsova 1986) si mai mult ca sigur gen. Gordon Diamond, seful lui Pat Huston de la Bombardier DSD
Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 07:43 0 comentarii

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Mihai Bulacu Dupa 11 ani de Romania, dupa 6 ani de America de Nord, sper ca in Romania va exista o economie reala, nu calea Argentinei, din pacate cunoscuta – Peron, Evita etc etc…

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Despre parasute si Clearstream Canada si Romania – eventual

October 17, 2009

vineri, 16 octombrie 2009

Despre parasute…

Spunea prin ’96 in Montreal un sofer de taxi, fost fotograf la Sportul, ca in Canada tuturor “parasutelor” le creste valoarea… Evolutia lui, a dat un faliment personal, a facut niste smecherii, niste inginerii financiare canadiene… Nu stiu daca Iorgu Banica, “bronzat” de Bucuresti este bagat in Acte pentru Bout sau altceva, dar sunt insa convins ca este in legatura cu SPP-ul romanesc, la varf…
Si cu Canada, este situatia similara cu Capsunarii in Spania, acele filmulete de pe, care stiti cum se termina: cu Audi A6, dupa ce sunt aratate actele, “smecherul” spune “Sugeti p…a, ca nu va cumparat voi una ca asta!”. Si sa stiti ca are foarte mare dreptate acel smecher, si pres. Basescu stie aceleasi lucruri, si multi altii… Daca emigrati, vedeti ce sperante va puneti in viitor, si sa cautati referinte serioase…
Eu am impresia ca sunt intr-un “culoar”, oarecum legat de G.C.Paunescu, cel care a “tunat” Bancorex-ul de 300 milioane euro, un fel de nas al Nadiei Comaneci. Sunt convins ca GCP este bagat acum in ingineriile cu carbon, sau “imputerniciti” ai lui. Trebuie sa vad cum reusesc sa evadez din acest “culoar” de inginerii financiare ale magnatului de la Gazeta de Sud… (nea Gica de la DIE, cum il numea Catavencu la un moment dat). GCP s-ar putea sa fie foarte informat despre moartea la Viena a lui Marin Ceausescu, daca nu ma insel, o “sinucidere” tip Erbasu.. Bobby Paunescu are “investitii” si proiecte cinematografice in Hollywood, si probabil de acolo au aparut multe “griji” si jocuri tip Hollywood in jurul mea, de acolo canadienii nu stiu decat despre Nadia Comaneci ca si Roman, care nu este decat o fosta gimnasta maritata relativ bine cu un fost sportiv american… Nu vad de ce trebuie eu sa intru in acest joc de semi-asistat, semi-institutionalizat…
Am impresia ca am fost “aruncat” in Toronto cu o istorie “prefabricata” de spion sau politist acoperit… Asta ca sa fiu imediat recrutabil sau tinta pentru toti, politisti ca si ceilalti, aparent in modul asta a functionat din ce stiu in Montreal si ulterior in Toronto un anume Florin Niculescu, dresor de caini al politiei, si, din ce am auzit, cu mari probleme, inclusiv masina sarita in aer in Canada… Nu stiu ce jocuri face el, dar se pare ca s-a urmarit sa fiu folosit pe scenariul lui… Stiu ca avea nas un director in SRI din timpul lui Iliescu, director adjunct… Aveti grija cu cine aveti de-a face, si fiti atenti in ce jocuri sunteti impinsi…
Jocul respectiv a fost insa inceput in Craiova, imediat dupa Calgary 2007, deci banuiesc ca modelul provine de aici…

Foarte interesanta chestia de mai jos, mai ales ca s-a sugerat pensie de handicapat sau de nativ, de indian, de aborigen..

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MacKay, military slam Taliban bribe report
Last Updated: Friday, October 16, 2009 | 6:26 PM ET Comments137Recommend27CBC News
Canadian soldiers patrol an area in the Dand district of southern Afghanistan in June. Canada is denying reports that insurgents were paid off in the war-torn country. (Colin Perkel/Canadian Press) Defence Minister Peter MacKay is dismissing reports that Canada paid off insurgents in Afghanistan as likely “Taliban propaganda.”

Speaking in St. John’s Friday, MacKay said it was the first that he had heard of suggestions that Canada had given money to the Taliban.

He was responding to a report from Agence France-Presse that cited an unnamed Western military source and suggested that Canadian soldiers made payments to insurgents to reduce violence in Kandahar.

Defence Minister Peter MacKay says reports that Canada paid off insurgents in Afghanistan are likely ‘Taliban propaganda.’ (Tom Hanson/Canadian Press)
In Afghanistan, Maj. Mario Couture — a spokesman for Canadian forces in the southern Afghan area of Kandahar — called the news report “totally baseless.”

Couture said Canadians do pay Afghans to do development work and to turn in weapons.

“We do pay Afghans with money but we pay Afghans for the work they do,” he said. “It’s legit money for legit work.”

On Thursday, the Italian government and NATO officials denied reports in the Times of London that Italy paid off the Taliban to keep the peace in parts of Afghanistan patrolled by Italian troops.

Retired Canadian major-general Lewis MacKenzie suggested the notion of bribes to the Taliban “smells of a really intelligent piece of propaganda.”

at 7:48 PM ETThe Taliban would be more likely to be bought off by the liberals, who’d promise them a free ticket, multi-generational welfare for them and all their wives, a $1000/yr per wife burkha allowance, and sharia law in canada in exchange for voting liberal.

Now the tamil tigers and their supporters are out of business, the libs will need to rent themselves another ethnic voting bloc…010Agree 1DisagreePolicy Report abuseEmmyPankhurst wrote:
Posted 2009/10/16
at 7:48 PM ETThe problem here is that Peter McKay and Stephen Harper have lost all credibilty in what they say.

I believe retired general Lewis MacKenzie though, sounds like “a really intelligent piece of propaganda.”

That said, how can we be sure that the Afghan villagers receiving money aren’t turning around and giving that money to the Taliban when our forces move on to other areas?101Agree 0DisagreePolicy Report abuseForestDump wrote:
Posted 2009/10/16
at 7:45 PM ETMB_Nick wrote:
Posted 2009/10/16
at 7:07 PM ETMaybe it is the Taliban who have paid off the French media.

+++++++++++ Good question. Unless of course the French press has morals and would never do something even close to that.111Agree 1DisagreePolicy Report abusePostradomus wrote:
Posted 2009/10/16
at 7:44 PM ETGreasemoney? I thought that crap ended with Mulroney & shriber?121Agree 2DisagreePolicy Report abuseForestDump wrote:
Posted 2009/10/16
at 7:41 PM ETIf that was the case we wouldn’t have lost the 130+ Canadian good.303Agree 0DisagreePolicy Report abuse
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O chestie interesanta, min. canadian al apararii are acces probabil la Dosarul Procuraturii Militare Orsova 8 mar 2006, si este parlamentar pentru Halifax, de unde provine Innotech Aviation – IMP Group, si alte personaje din armata… El s-ar putea oarecum sa fie apropiat de lobby-ul european al lemnului, de care depinde intru-catva si Miron, fratele meu. Poate ca din cauza asta mi se arata metrul de tamplarie in Ambasada Canadei in Bucuresti… Poate ca el este dintre cei care au acoperit oarecum “Acte pentru Bout”, sau chiar DGPS-ul… Hai sa nu ne ambalam…
Din ce citesc in presa canadiana, se pare ca PM-ul Harper se bazeaza pe generali, ca in Argentina anilor ’80. Sper sa ma insel… Pentru Innotech Montreal, de discutat ar fi cu Gary Nash, Halina Brand si Rosetta Sirianni, fosta HR… In Halifax, Tom Galley si poate tatal lui Chris Koening de la Bombardier DSD, colonel pensionar.

Pana la urma, incep sa am impresia ca sunt si eu, si Miron, si Peter MacKay oarecum legati de dosarul Clearstream, daca mai poate fi considerat un dosar, ci o situatie, o comisie parlamentara sau NATO… Deja nu mai este o afacere, este o situatie care trebuie depasita. Problema este insa seria de morti, dosare penale, Security Certificates si multe, foarte multe abuzuri si incalcari grave ale drepturilor omului…

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 15:53 0 comentarii

Incomunicado FIDO 647-889-5796

Avetzi grija ce electronica cumparati din Canada. Experienta cu Kodak EasyShare C433 mi s-a repetat cu celularul Motorola. La FIDO shop din Eaton Center nu am primit inlocuitor pentru el, iar vanzatorul sper sa nu-mi fi inlocuit SIM-ul cu altul. Posibil sa fi fie cineva interesat sa puna mana pe telefon si pe SIM. Acelasi lucru s-a intamplat in Franta, cand am fost la Toulouse, cu un SIM Orange, care mi-a disparut din casa dupa Calgary 2007.
Sa-mi fi facut angajatul FIDO Michael Maturine o “inlocuire” rapida a SIM-ului cumva, cand i-a facut telefonului o verificare in back-office???
Vad ca au aparut in jur genul de lucratoare tip Sora Diesel…
Avetzi grija oameni buni, si cu Canada, nu doar cu SUA..
Cred ca din cauza asta mi se arata discret tampla… Multa lume posibil isi pune intrebarea ce cautam pe aici, ca sa lucram pe 9 CAD/ora, sa cumparam electronica relativ putin fiabila, fara garantii, fara inlocuitor, fara service…
Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 10:24 0 comentarii

The Man who Stares at Goats (George Clooney)

– raw material – note de la premiera filmului..
Toronto 13 sept. 2009 – Church St. blocata de masini de politie – de ce oare?
Fort Bragg ’82
Ford Motor – vezi Taurus Kuwait, AH 1 Cobra
Warrier Monks – ? project Olliver North??
Defence Intelligence Agency – parca vad Elena, angajata Metro Craiova – cand sunata, spune ca este “business” intalnirea cu mine
russians – psychotrans – Siberia
“It’s on the move, soldier”
Sell us to another group – Iraq –> CIA
psychic warriors, Angels of Death – vezi jocul Wikipedia, St. Michael
pony tail – maj/col. Bill Djinga – Area 51
Gregorian Bivolaru, MISA, Monica Macovei
Jedy Warriors
Reg Brigades, Rote Armee Faktion
– pisica, il gatto, motanul incaltat – jocuri Gatheway Toronto…
CIA – “Fuck the French” – fractura col femural a mamei cand eram in Franta??? – set-up viitor pt. profil de suspect?
kidnapper – appologize bad apples
Regan Star Wars movies, indieni
MkUltra & LSD – Montreal – sinucideri
Imaging dept. X-Ray – goats
socialism crestin-protestant – Talpes, Claudiu Cucu, Becali???
power games de indivizi afectati de PTSD cumva???
vezi profilul disponibilizat sau angajat contractor militar
“legumizare” psy-ops a jucatorilor din domeniu ??Keiretsu Ford-Boeing??
Creative Solutions on (G)WOR – outsourced tomy company – Kevin Spacey
subliminal messages
“push” combat
muzica, flashing ligths – cum se face ca deasupra mea neonul este tot asa, la bed #59 la The Gateway Toronto??
Cancer, AIDS –
Blackhawk Down 2003 – WE LOST THE INITIATIVE – reactive behaviour
you are the mission, Bob
they didn’t put me in prison – 23 hours listening
first assist. dir. David Webb
Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 08:16 0 comentarii

Body of lies (Leonard di Caprio, Russell Crowe)

Pe unde sa treaca Linia Huntington in Canada si SUA? Cum sa se pozitioneze corporatiile relativ de aceasta linie.

In film: “You have seen our faces, you know what it means…”
700 phone numbers to evaluate: cam atatea am avut si eu in agenda furata pe aeroportul din Geneva
cutremurul din Aquilla, IT
cine a creat jocul de neutralizare Poneiul Roz: fundamentalist – legata probabil de staff-ul PNTCD si afacerea Motorola
results oriented organization: CIA – Jordania – political advisor – 12 hours to get the deal
probabil neutralizare prin crearea unui asa-zis ex-security consultant – jocul facut la Paris in prezenta lui Cristi Nisipasu de “antreprenorul” lui Ctin. Furtuna (restaurare hotel in Franta)
vezi jocul de comportament in oglinda – “jocurile” de la Assystem 2008, in Metrou…
Omark Sadiki: someone who fits the role of jihadist without being a jihadist – architect, charity islamic groups – Dubai, UAE
—> guilty by association – Incirlik – “Brothers of awareness” – vezi colegi, vecini in Canada <— provocari???

vezi jocul acte si diplome din Elvetia – Rosenheim??? – cele 3 fete frumoase din gara, noaptea…
vezi superba profesoara de 25 ani din Chicago, din Mallorca…

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 08:08 0 comentarii

Human traficking…

Gigi Becali, trimis in judecata pentru trei infractiuni de lipsire de libertate

Gigi Becali, acuzat de lipsire de libertate
Clipuri video

* Becali: Sunt acuzat ca i-am privat de libertate pe hotiBecali: Sunt acuzat ca i-am privat de…
* Gigi Becali a fost ridicat de politisti de la domiciliul sau din PiperaGigi Becali a fost ridicat de…


* Prezidentiabilul George Becali va fi trimis in judecata!
* Hotii masinii lui Becali au fost trimisi in judecata
* Becali: Nu voi citi materialul de urmarie penala, eu stiu cel mai bine ce am facut
* Gigi Becali, trimis in judecata pentru trei infractiuni de lipsire de libertate
* Dosarul lui Gigi Becali se muta la Parchetul General
* Procesul lui Becali, amanat pentru ca europarlamentarul este plecat la Monte Carlo

Galerie foto

* Mandat de arestare – Bodyguarzi Gigi BecaliMandat de arestare – Bodyguarzi Gigi…
* Gigi Becali, in timpul perchezitiei locuintei sale din PiperaGigi Becali, in timpul perchezitiei…

Gigi Becali, trimis in judecata pentru trei infractiuni de lipsire de libertate

Gigi Becali va fi judecat in dosarul sechestrarii hotilor masinii alaturi de alte cinci persoane, informeaza Parchetul General. Avocatul europarlamentarului spune ca acesta isi va demonstra nevinovatia in instanta

Procurorii Sectiei de Urmarire Penala si Criminalistica din cadrul Parchetului de pe langa Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie au dispus trimiterea in judecata, in stare de libertate, a lui Stefan Dediu, sub aspectul comiterii a trei infractiuni de lipsire de libertate, Catalin Otto Zmarandescu, Mihai Mila si Niculaie Dumitrascu, pentru aceleasi infractiuni, Marcel Popa, care mai este acuzat de uz fara drept de arma neletala supusa autorizarii, si Romulus Dumitrescu, politist, sub aspectul comiterii a trei infractiuni de complicitate la lipsire de libertate si a unei infractiuni de favorizare a infractorului, relateaza NewsIn.

Parchetul arata ca probatoriul administrat in cauza a relevat faptul ca, in noaptea de 26 spre 27 ianuarie, Dediu Stefan , Zmarandescu, Mila, Dumitrascu si Popa, instigati de Gigi Becali, “actionand impreuna si folosind violenta, le-au imobilizat si rapit pe partile vatamate N.T., M.S. si S.C.D. pe care le-au transportat, impotriva vointei acestora, intr-un local din orasul Voluntari, judetul Ilfov, sechestrandu-le aproximativ doua ore si supunandu-le la suferinte fizice si psihice”.

Procurorii precizeaza ca inculpatii i-au obligat pe presupusii hoti sa scrie declaratii prin care recunosteau comiterea unei infractiuni. S-a mai retinut, totodata, ca inculpatul Romulus Dumitrescu a acordat sprijin celorlalti in actiunea acestora de sechestrare a partilor vatamate, neluand masurile legale impuse de calitatea sa de politist.

Intre timp, sapte persoane implicate in furtul unor masini de lux, printre care se afla si cea a finantatorului Stelei, Gigi Becali, au fost trimise in judecata pe 24 septembrie.

Bogdan Vlad, avocatul lui Becali, a declarat ca Becali sau isi va demonstra nevinovatia in instanta, sperand ca pe baza probelor aduse de aparare, europarlamentarul sa fiei achitat de acuzatiile de lipsire de libertate.

UNODC report on human trafficking exposes modern form of slavery


A Global Report on Trafficking in Persons launched today by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) provides new information on a crime that shames us all.

Based on data gathered from 155 countries, it offers the first global assessment of the scope of human trafficking and what is being done to fight it. It includes: an overview of trafficking patterns; legal steps taken in response; and country-specific information on reported cases of trafficking in persons, victims, and prosecutions.

At the launch of the Report in New York, the Executive Director of UNODC, Antonio Maria Costa said that “many governments are still in denial. There is even neglect when it comes to either reporting on, or prosecuting cases of human trafficking”. He pointed to the fact that while the number of convictions for human trafficking is increasing, two out of every five countries covered by the UNODC Report had not recorded a single conviction.

According to the Report, the most common form of human trafficking (79%) is sexual exploitation. The victims of sexual exploitation are predominantly women and girls. Surprisingly, in 30% of the countries which provided information on the gender of traffickers, women make up the largest proportion of traffickers. In some parts of the world, women trafficking women is the norm.

The second most common form of human trafficking is forced labour (18%), although this may be a misrepresentation because forced labour is less frequently detected and reported than trafficking for sexual exploitation.

Worldwide, almost 20% of all trafficking victims are children. However, in some parts of Africa and the Mekong region, children are the majority (up to 100% in parts of West Africa).

Although trafficking seems to imply people moving across continents, most exploitation takes place close to home. Data show intra-regional and domestic trafficking are the major forms of trafficking in persons.

The United Nations Protocol against Trafficking in Persons – the foremost international agreement in this area – entered into force in 2003. The Report shows that in the past few years the number of Member States seriously implementing the Protocol has more than doubled (from 54 to 125 out of the 155 States covered). However, there are still many countries that lack the necessary legal instruments or political will.

“This Report increases our understanding of modern slave markets, yet it also exposes our ignorance”, said Mr. Costa. “We have a big picture, but it is impressionistic and lacks depth. We fear the problem is getting worse, but we can not prove it for lack of data, and many governments are obstructing”, he admitted. The head of UNODC therefore called on governments and social scientists to improve information-gathering and -sharing on human trafficking. “If we do not overcome this knowledge crisis we will be fighting the problem blindfolded”, he warned.

In a Panel Discussion on “Exposing Denial and Benign Neglect”, Mr. Costa called on governments, the private sector, and the public at large to step up the fight against trafficking in persons. “More must be done to reduce the vulnerability of victims, increase the risks to traffickers, and lower demand for the goods and services of modern-day slaves”, he said.

To increase public awareness of human trafficking and rally the world to fight it, Mr. Costa appointed Academy Award-winning actress Mira Sorvino as a Goodwill Ambassador to Combat Human Trafficking. “We know that Mira’s commitment to the plight of trafficking victims will move people to take action against modern-day slavery”, said the Executive Director of UNODC.

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UNODC report on human trafficking exposes modern form of slavery
12 Feb 2009 … 12 February 2009 – A Global Report on Trafficking in Persons launched today by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) provides ……/unodc-report-on-human-trafficking-exposes-modern-form-of-slavery-.html – Cached – Similar –
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons
A Global Report on Trafficking in Persons launched today by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) provides new information on a crime that ……/human-trafficking/global-report-on-trafficking-in-persons.html – Cached – Similar –
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3. | Philippines
The Philippine Government was placed in Tier 2 in the 2007 U.S. Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report for not fully complying with the … – Cached – Similar –
4. | United States of America
2007 U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report … Report on Activities to Combat Human Trafficking: Fiscal Years 2001 – 2005 (Department of ……/united_states_of_america – Cached – Similar –
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
16 Jun 2009 … The 2009 Trafficking in Persons Report on 175 nations is the most … The U.S. Government is committed to combating human trafficking and … – Cached – Similar –
Trafficking in Persons Report 2009
The human trafficking phenomenon affects virtually every country, including the United … -PDF Version: Trafficking in Persons Report, June 2009 [22488 Kb] … – Cached – Similar –
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USDOJ: What We Do: Fight Trafficking in Persons
Trafficking in persons — also known as “human trafficking” — is a form of … Report on Activities to Combat Human Trafficking, Fiscal Years 2001-2005 … – Cached – Similar –
Hillary Clinton releases human trafficking report | Madam Secretary
16 Jun 2009 … The report assesses more than 170 countries on what efforts their governments are taking to stop human trafficking. ……/hillary_clinton_releases_human_trafficking_report – Cached – Similar –
U.S.: Human-Trafficking Report Finds Key Criminals Often Go …
“Sveta,” a victim of human trafficking in Moldova, cited as having one of the worst records in fighting the problem (file photo) (RFE/RL)The US State … – Cached – Similar –
Human Trafficking, Modern-day Slavery, Forced Labor & Debt Bondage
Trafficking in persons is one of the greatest human rights challenges of our time.” [U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons Report, June 2003] … – Cached – Similar –
News results for human trafficking reporting

UN agency calls for better monitoring to combat human trafficking …‎ – 1 hour ago
There has also been progress on data collection on human trafficking within the European Union (EU). And yet, as the report pointed out, there is a lot of …
UN News Centre – 4 related articles »
University director arrested for human trafficking in the Netherlands‎ – NRC International

Searches related to: human trafficking reportinghuman trafficking modern day slavery human trafficking sexual exploitation human trafficking forced labor combat human trafficking
human trafficking report 2009 human trafficking victims human trafficking saudi arabia human trafficking afghanistan
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Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 07:59 0 comentarii

Cornel Nistorescu – un editorial din Editie Speciala de Oltenia (Craiova)

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Cornel Nistorescu, 15 martie 2009
Filosoafa turismului românesc, înălţată la rang de ministru cu fustă scurtă, vrea să ne relanseze în lume cu mitul lui Dracula. Cică ar fi imaginea cea mai reprezentativă! Provoacă şi atrage peste tot! Atâta doar că Dracula nu e bine legat de brand-ul de ţară. În asta ar sta necazul nostru. Avem de-a face cu o problemă veche. Preocuparea aceasta pentru brand-ul de ţară ţine de câţiva ani. De fapt, România e locuită de milioane de cetăţeni care se plâng că ţara lor n-are o imagine. N-are brand! Ei nu realizează nicio clipă că nu fac mare brânză. Că brand-ul de ţară sunt chiar ei. Adică să avem un brand bine promovat în lume, care să ne scutească de toate necazurile! Cunoscut şi de amărâţii din Rio şi din Buenos Aires! Să vină toţi în vizită în ţara lui Dracula, să mănânce brânză olandeză, mere turceşti, roşii greceşti şi marocane, să se urineze prin porumbiştile de pe marginea drumului (dacă nu cumva opresc în dreptul unor buruieni până la genunchi), să se mulţumească pe bani buni cu o cameră sindicalistă şi cu mici şi o ciorbă de burtă tăiată cu apă rece, să nu zică mâc când le umblăm în poşetă sau în buzunare, să ia trenul prăfuit şi murdar până la Târgu Jiu, să vadă Masa Tăcerii şi Coloana Infinitului împreună cu ţigănuşii cu mâna întinsă. Clar? Avem brand deştept de ţară, îi fentăm pe toţi! Le astupăm gura şi ochii la cele nasoale şi îi facem să se mulţumească doar cu partea noastră de geniu. Cu Casa Memorială George Enescu din Sinaia! Nu cu gropile şi cu câinii de pe strada până la ea! Cu Palatul Cantacuzino din Bucureşti, zis Muzeul Muzicii, unde avem şi cârciumioară! Cu cetatea din Râşnov, nu cu cozile kilometrice şi cu demenţii de pe şosele până la ea! Toţi românii vor brand de ţară! Unul genial, deştept, strălucitor! Şi, dacă se poate, brand-ul să muncească şi să aibă idei în locul tuturor! Şi să se spele pe mâini. Şi să spele veceurile publice. Şi să astupe gropile. Când toţi românii, inclusiv politicienii, cred că brand-ul de ţară face minuni, de ce n-ar crede şi Nuţi? Creşte PIB, creşte nivelul de trai, creşte producţia de electronice şi de soft-uri! Să nu mai vorbim de bunuri pentru export, conturi în bănci, vile, pensii, autostrăzi! Toţi guvernanţii cred că, dacă am reuşi să punem o stea de Mercedes pe imaginea României, ţara chiar va deveni şi va funcţiona ca un Mercedes! În ieftinătatea şmecheriei noastre balcanice, suntem gata să credem că o asemenea găselniţă ne scapă de toate belelele! Ceea ce este şi fals, şi cretin, şi contraproductiv!
Înaintea brandului de ţară ar trebui să începem cu ţara însăşi şi cu noi înşine. Să ne uităm în oglinzi să ne vedem cum suntem şi cum stăm. Şi pe urmă să ne apucăm de treabă, nu de vândut imagini contrafăcute!Din păcate umblăm ca disperaţii după un brand de ţară şi nu găsim o oglindă în care se ne privim cu luciditate!

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 06:40 0 comentarii

joi, 15 octombrie 2009

Aparent blogul meu se comporta ca un

Am citit zilele trecute prin presa ceva despre Liban, paradisul spionilor. Incep sa cred ca un circ similar se desfasoara in Toronto, si de acolo toate “intamplarile” cu laptop-ul, cu celularul care aparent lucreaza in retea din State sau Israel…
Poate ca este ca in Desperate Housewifes, unde toata lumea prelueaza informatii, creaza scenarii si manipuleaza lovituri de eliminare a unor nedoriti, a unor adversari, rivali…
Tot asa si cu Swine Flu, o “gogoasa” bio-medicala, din ce se pare.
Din blogul meu s-a creat munitie de atacuri politice, ca la biliard, posibil, asupra unor persoane diverse. Nu stiu daca blogul este vizibil altora, este posibil sa fie approach-ul sandbox din IT.
Este evident ca in presa locala din Toronto, chiar in cea nationala canadiana au aparut multe pseudo-articole, diverse media inserts. Probabil totul provine din DGPS-Arizona, posibil Israel, si din “handler-ii” acestui account, Radu Berceanu si actualul VP EPP, Marian Jean Marinescu. Am inteles ca amandoi au fost banuiti ca fiind agenti de influenta israelieni, mai mult sau mai putin. Poate ca ministrul de externe italian Franco Frattini a renuntat la postul de comisar european vazand riscurile acestei afaceri tip Gerrard Bull, cel impuscat de Mossad in Belgia…

Mai devreme am incercat sa obtin un interviu, o audienta la Magna, iar telefonul pe care l-am folosit cu sim-ul FIDO 647-889-5796 nu a trecut, a fost rejectat de retea. Macar 911 a sunat, desi nu sunt sigur daca nu sunt “translatat” in State. Aceeasi situatie mi s-a intamplat folosind calling-card IP catre Romania, incercand sa sun pe fratele meu sau fosta sotie privind divortul, fie numerele sunand clar in gol, fie raspunzand voci complet aiurea.
Miron are 0722 307337, iar Simona Furtuna 0744 277079. Fostul ei sot, fostul director APIA, Sergiu Dragancea are sora si cumnatul in Africa de Sud, unde astazi sau ieri am citit in ziar despre o Olga impuscata in masina…
Am impresia ca exista un joc juridic undeva, care muta locatia in care ma aflu in New York, Manhattan, legat de anumit proces, de care nu am idee. Sunt convins ca jud. Furtuna a functionat ca un fel de om de legatura in fosta functionare unipolara, intre Romania si State, posibil agent MI6. Este insa posibil ca acest joc sa cada. Cred ca el il proteja pe Adrian Nastase, poate ii juca intr-un fel pe Monica Macovei si Catalin Predoiu. Este o vorba siciliana care spune: “Tine-ti prietenii aproape, dar dusmanul si mai aproape.” Cred ca aceasta a fost ratiunea casatoriei mele de 10 luni cu fiica lui…
Probabil a avut o carte de jucat, pe care a jucat cat a putut de mult. Sa fie adevarate cele 40 milioane de Euro comisioane?

Publicat de Mihai Bulacu la 13:56 0 comentarii

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200 memorii

October 10, 2009

The Cubanian Story Memories from an European Cuba CUBANIADA Amintiri cubaneze – Sfarsitul tranzitiei la romani Introducere Someone was writing that the political system of the ex-Soviet Union behaves like a riding club, where all the people is jockeying, being either on the horse, or beside it. It is like a Cineva scria despre sistemul politic al Uniunii Sovietice ca este ca un club de calarie, in care toata lumea “jockeyaza”, fiind cand in sa, cand alaturi, totul fiind relativ, ca o bursa a pariurilor, a cotatiilor si influentei. Probabil tot asa functioneaza si lumea politica romaneasca, fiind coordonata de un numar de “personaje” din umbra, care ii controleaza pe actorii vizibili. In mod sigur controlul provine din dosarele de santaj, de infiltrari, de abuz in functie, de comportament sexual eventual deviant (parca odata exista un anume decret 400 pe de o parte, si pe de alta metoda “sotiilor KGB”). Fiecare dintre noi este mai mult sau mai putin sensibili la astfel de presiuni, conteaza doar durata si intensitatea lor pana sa cedezi. Probabil puterea cea mai mare o au cei care au arhiva cea mai cuprinzatoare si cei care sunt cei mai dispusi la compromisuri, cei pregatiti la orice pentru putere, influenta si control. I remember an uncle, deceased in the meantime, who said that in the Securitate School the first Imi amintesc cum un un unchi prin alianta, decedat intre timp, povestea ca in Scoala de Securitate sau Scoala de Partid, in primele 3 luni se distrugea caracterul. Cei care mai aveau scrupule, cei care nu erau “desensibilizati”, nu aveau sanse de promovare, fiind chiar eliminati din scoala. S-ar putea ca totul sa fie in Linia Huntington, cea care face separatia intre culturile orientale si centraleuropene. In Romania, aceasta separatie se afla teoretic pe Arcul Carpatin, dar liniile de demarcatie sunt mult mai vage in prezent, din diversele motive de migratie economica, sociala si chiar din emigratia masiva. Se poate ca adevaratul raspuns al incetineala cu care se produce reformarea si europenizarea societatii romanesti sa stea in numerosii ofiteri si agenti acoperiti, aflati in Justitie, Politie, DNA, Parchete, care, in pura traditie de servicii au fost “vanduti” la propriu diverselor servicii straine, multe dintre ele ostile actualelor aliante ale Romaniei – NATO, UE. Ei sunt probabil cauza blocarii lustratiei, a mentinerii fostilor in functiile si pozitiile de control, in “topirea” bancilor si in capitalizarea miliardarilor de carton, a exponentilor Top 300, Top 500. Acesti agenti acoperiti sunt cei care au recrutat si impins mediocritatile in Parlament. Tot ei sunt dintre cei care-i trateaza pe unii dintre conducatorii, politicienii purtatori de mesaj si continut, pe cei care incearca sa fie si initiatori de act politic si de conducere fie drept alcoolici, iresponsabili (Presedinte), pe altul il numesc Moliceanu, iar pe altul Prostanacul. Canalele de lansare a zvonurilor de obicei sunt “cainii” de paza, soferii si secretarele de la cabinete, sursele “ponturilor” si a stirilor “fierbinti” din presa si media. Acum, dupa moartea lui Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu, se pare ca orice lustratie a incetat, orice efort in directia respectiva s-a terminat. Vom trai si vom vedea. Intrebarea este daca ne aflam in Europa, in UE, sau ne aflam in mai aproape de CSI, traind intr-o tara gen Cuba. Numai asa putem intelege de ce suntem tratati drept cetateni de categoria a II-a, ca balcanici, de ce suntem numiti “pulime” sau similar. Numai astfel poti intelege de ce calitatea functionarilor publici este cea care este, de ce saracia se intinde, si de ce declinul demografic pare chiar a se accentua. Incerc sa-mi scriu amintirile, trairile mele din ultimii 11 ani, dupa revenirea din Canada, dar corelate cu istoria recenta, cu copilaria mea, cu viata parintilor mei, a bunicilor. Incerc sa leg aceste lucruri de Oltenia, de Craiova, de Bechet, si de lumea politica, si, din pacate, de servicii, Securitate, fosta sau prezenta, un pic prea influenta in vietile noastre. Exista razboiul contra terorismului GWOT – Global War on Terror, exista teroristi, dar mai exista si drepturi si libertati ale omului, exista si responsabilitate fata de cetatean, si ar trebui sa existe sanse egale de reusita si de integrare. Incerc sa-mi relatez experientele, intamplarile care m-au afectat, si voi face toate eforturile sa nu blamez sau sa acuz pe nedrept pe nimeni, sau sa incerc sa ma disculp pe mine pentru deciziile luate gresit in viata, in anumite momente, sau pentru cursul neplacut al evenimentelor si mai ales, al vietii mele, sociale, economice, profesionale, si intr-o perioada, a aspiratiilor cu tenta politica. 1971-1973 – Intre anii 1971-1974 s-a construit sub management englezo-belgian sistemul de irigatii Sadova-Corabia, finantat de Banca Mondiala, proiect implementat de expatriati.In perioada respectiva, Dr. Mihai Bulacu, tatal, era medic de medicina generala al proiectului, al personalului din zona. Este posibil ca in perioada respectiva sa fi fost “plantate” cateva sotii-amante unora dintre expatriati, fete care ulterior si-au “luat zborul” din raiul socialist catre tari mai calde, mai bogate, mai primitoare. Tatal meu a functionat din 1963 pana in 1989 ca medic, si ulterior si director al spitalului Bechet, Dolj. Zona prezenta relativ importanta in situatiile de protectie civila, din cauza riscurilor de accident nuclear la Centrala Atomo-Electrica de la Kozlodui, Bulgaria, aflata la 10-12 km distanta. 1982 – Prin februarie-martie 1982, in timpul trimestrului II al Clasei a X-a, la Liceul Nicolae Balcescu cred ca a avut loc o tentativa de recrutare a mea de catre ing. Alexa – probabil gen. DIE Stefan Alexa, fostul Adjunct DIE (Directia Informatii Externe, divizia de Spionaj Extern a Securitatii). Ing. Alexa avea acoperirea de instructor CC al PCR pentru zona Dolj. In momentul respectiv, in Craiova functiona societatea mixta Olcit SA (joint-venture al statului roman cu Citroen-Franta). Gen. DSS Alexa sau Alexia era din ce se relateaza, seful directiei francofone. Pretextul intalnirii elevului de 16 ani cu “notabilitatea” DIE a fost doua abonamente de intrare la meciurile de fotbal la Universitatea Craiova. La cateva luni dupa intalnirea cu ing. Alexa de la Casa Plesea – Craiova, a urmat o tentativa de intimidare de catre maiorul DSS Cizmaru, cunoscut al familiei unui coleg al fratelui meu, familie de ingineri constructori. Pretextul maiorului Cizmaru a fost un cartus 7.62mm ne-folosit, pe care Cizmaru afirma ca fiul cel mare al acestora, in armata TR in momentul respectiv, l-ar fi sustras si ni l-ar fi vandut mie sau fratelui meu. Din ce am auzit, maiorul Cizmaru nu mai este in viata in prezent, posibil a incetat din viata inca din ´94-´95. 1984 – 1985 – Serviciul militar T.R. La parastisti Caracal. Am avut printre comandantii de pluton pe nepotul gen. Vasile Milea, cel care s-a sinucis in dimineata zilei de 22 dec. 1989. Am avut si alti ofiteri, unii dintre ei chiar in SPP, in diversele administratii viitoare, Iliescu, Constantinescu, Basescu… Am avut ocazia sa fac salturile cu parasuta, dar nu mi-am luat brevetul din cauza unor accidente intamplate in unitate. Regret ca nu am primit brevetul de parasutist militar, dar in rest a fost o experienta foarte interesanta si relativ utila. Colegii au fost foarte interesanti, personalitati deosebite, multi dintre ei. Ma intreb cati dintre ei mai sunt in tara, ce cariere profesionale, sociale sau politice au urmat. Imi amintesc cu placere de salturile cu parasuta si de aerul destul de placut, de elitist de acolo. Imi amintesc de comandantul unitatii, cu care am sarit odata din “tractorul zburator” AN-2, dupa reluarea salturilor, dupa un accident mortal. 1985 – Mai 1985. Eu fiind inca in armata, tatal meu a fost diagnosticat cu cancer de colon, si a fost operat de catre renumitul dr. Setlacek la Spit. Fundeni, Bucuresti. Dr. Dan Setlacek a gasit metastaze hepatice, dand speranta de viata doi ani. Tot de atunci, tatal meu nu a mai apelat la serviciile lui Vasile Nita, sofer, om de incredere, si secretar PCR Spitalul Bechet. In iulie 1985, am participat la o tabara de alpinism in Cheile Turzii, tabara de initiere organizata de un coleg de armata din Cluj, alpinist entuziast si plin de initiative. 1986 – 8 martie – Excursie de alpinism la Herculane, unde a avut loc “incidentul” cu granicerii de la Orsova, fiind luati, anchetati, interogati de catre graniceri si Procuratura Militara. Ancheta a fost blocata si incheiata – cred eu – dupa interventia unor prieteni ai tatalui meu, fosti colegi de scoala. Sa fi fost acest incident cu Procuratura Militara o tentativa de recrutare, de intimidare, sau doar o intamplare nefericita a unor adolescenti entuziasti? 1988-1989 Fratele meu, Miron George Bulacu efectueaza serviciul militar T.R. La Parasutisti Buzau, T.R. Fratele meu este fost sportiv, atlet, dar fara rezultate spectaculoase, din clasa sportiva a lic. Nicolae Balcescu, Craiova, actual Colegiu Carol. Si eu si Miron l-am avut director la liceu pe prof. Nicolae Andrei, fratele min. de Externe Stefan Andrei, si posibil, consatean cu gen. Stefan Alexa (ultimul din Podari-Gura Vaii) Este posibil ca Miron sa fi fost recrutat de ceva cadre din cadrul serviciilor de informatii ale armatei. De retinut ca in curtea unitatii de Parasutisi Buzau functiona faimoasa unitate de Cercetare Diversiune din care s-a remarcat comandantul ei, Col. Gh. Trutulescu in Afacerea Tigareta II si scandalurile care i-au urmat. Nov. 1988 – Juramantul militar al lui Miron. Dupa juramant, l-am dus pe tatal meu la Restaurantul Capsa, impreuna cu un prieten din copilarie, mecanic auto la Fiat Bujoreni. Casa Capsa era inca o adevarata perla a Bucurestiului, pastra in continuare elitismul interbelic, in ciuda lipsurilor si cartelelor de alimente din perioada ceausista. Tatal meu era internat la Spit. Fundeni, si urma sa fie operat in curand. 1989, 1-2 Apr. – deces Dr. Mihai Bulacu la Bechet, unde inca mai activa ca medic, si director al Spit. Bechet. Coincidenta, este gasit in coma dimineata de Vasile Nita, vecin, secretar PCR la Spital, si sofer de ambulanta. Intamplator, fratele meu a primit chiar atunci o permisie (lunara) de la Parasutisti Buzau, fiind in Craiova. 1992 – Emigrare Canada-Quebec. Traducerile in engleza si franceza sunt facute in Craiova la o fosta vecina, traducatoare autorizata, relativ ruda cu sotia unui politician marcant al momentului. Si fiica si ginerele acesteia vor trece prin emigrarea canadiana, in Quebec, revenind ulterior in tara, dupa un timp petrecut in Montreal. 1991 – Mai sau iunie – Dupa o perioada de urmarit atent politica, m-am inscris in PNTCD in Craiova. In primavara 1990, dupa alegerile din 20 mai am participat un pic la “Piata Universitatii” de Craiova, un fenomen relativ palid, comparand cu Piata Universitatii din Bucuresti de la acea data… Mai-iunie 1992 – Emigrare Canada, cu plecare de la Praga cu CSA. In Montreal, la YMCA (Young Man Christian Association, hotelul de receptie pentru imigranti) am intalnit fam. Teodorescu, din Buzau, cu fiul sau Remus, coleg de armata cu Miron, fratele meu. Fam. Teodorescu era un caz relativ singular, dintre cei dezamagiti de democratia originala a FSN-ului, care dupa Mineriada din Iunie 1990 au ales calea emigrarii, ca multi alti tineri de atunci. Probabil astfel, prin emigrarea din ´90-´91 a disparut mare parte din Generatia X din societatea romaneasca. Tot in Montreal, in primele luni am intalnit si alti imigranti, mai vechi, unii tot craioveni. Dintre acestia, un cercetator in informatica a fost cel care mi-a sugerat sa urmez Master-ul in aeronautica. Eu inclinam atunci spre un MBA, mai interesant si mai valoros, dupa parerea mea pe piata romaneasca. Imi cumparasem deja materialele pt. TOEFL si GMAT, si parcursesem cateva teste de pregatire. Tot atunci am cunoscut un alt craiovean, inca inginer, lucrand ca rezident temporar in Elvetia. El a fost cel care mi-a laudat Elvetia ca stat aproape ideal. Ambii lucrasera in Craiova la IUG, Intreprinderea de Utilaj Greu. Cel care lucra inca in Elvetia fusese ghid ONT sau BTT, activitate care se stie ca necesita pana in 1989 o “afiliere” sau macar o colaborare cu anumite servicii… 1994 – Preluarea uzinelor Oltcit de catre Daewoo, aparent “mosita” de echipa Iliescu-Vacaroiu. 1994 – Deschiderea punctului de traversare a Dunarii pe bac la Bechet de SPET SA, facand parte din holdingul George Constantin Paunescu, spunandu-se pe atunci ca ar fi apropiat al unor patronate ruse, sau din CSI, dar si a multor grupuri occidentale. 1995 – ianuarie – Fiind in tara de Sarbatori pentru patru saptamani, am avut un interviu de angajare la Metro Cash&Carry Romania pentru un post de achizitor pe birotica-papetarie. Interviul a fost printr-o cunoscuta agentie de recrutare a momentului, iar seful cel mare sau seful diviziei era la momentul respectiv un ex-iugoslav, sarb sau croat. La agentia de recrutare lucra o fosta colega de liceu, absolventa de Fizica. In perioada respectiva ma gandeam sa revin in tara, invidiind oportunitatile, conditiile de angajare si de plata ale expatriatilor. 1995 decembrie – interviu la Steilmann Romania cu presedintele filialei romane, Romeo Pomponiu, fiul vecinei mamei mele, avocata pensionara. Victor Pomponiu, fratele cel mare, era un fost coleg de facultate de Drept al lui Adrian Nastase, functionand ca personal MAE la Berna sau Geneva in momentul respectiv. Eu eram proaspat intors din Canada, dupa despartirea de Margaret, greco-macedoneanca, colega de serviciu. 1996 – martie – Interviu DacAir cu presedintele companiei si seful tehnic. Oferta a fost relativ interesanta, un pic peste piata salariilor la momentul respectiv. Directorul sau directorul general al companiei a intrat ulterior in politica, in administratia centrala, cred. Eu am refuzat oferta de inginer de intretinere in aeronautica, intorcandu-ma in Canada dupa 3 luni de stat in Romania activ, cautand in zadar un job de tip “expat”…. Vise… 1996 iunie-august – Angajat de proba la Bombardier Defense Systems Division – Mirabel – ca Inginer de Proposal pe partea tehnica-electrica. Dupa interviul cu Randy Shelaga il voi avea ca sef in locul acestuia pe Pat Huston, si seful departamentului Proposal Special Mission Aircraft, pe gen. in retragere Gordon Diamond (Armata Canadiana). La Bombardier DSD se desfasura in momentul respectiv mentenanta pentru avioanele F-18 ale Armatei Canadiene. Ulterior, DSD a fost cumparat de L-3, un mare contractor aeronautic si pe securitate-aparare, mai ales in domeniul electronic. 1996 – iunie – Mi s-au facut un test antidrog si vaccinari in timp ce lucram pentru Bombardier DSD la un laborator de analize in Laval-Nord. Mi s-au cerut si facut atunci in afara de analize si testul anti-drog si niste vaccinari tropicale, pentru calatoriile de contractare/proposal. Mi s-a eliberat chiar si carte de credit American Express corporate atunci. 1993 – 1996 M.Eng. (Master in Inginerie) la Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, program comun al univesitatilor McGill, Concordia, Ecole Polytechnique si UQAM, pentru formarea specialistilor in aeronautica din Quebec. Din septembrie 1994 am lucrat in industrie. In cursul programului M.Eng. am realizat cateva mici proiecte si rapoarte. Programul l-am incheiat cu un raport despre Aplicatiile GPS-ului Diferential la Aterizari in aviatia comerciala, folosind referinte comerciale si carti tehnice, printre altele Honeywell Aerospace. 1997 ianuarie – decembrie – Everett, WA, SUA – Boeing Commercial 777 – Inginer contractor pentru proiectare sisteme electrice (scaune, oxigen, lavatories, parca si ceva sisteme din partea de cargo…) 1997 aprilie – Din cauza ezitarilor si mai ales a situatiei incerte a unor proiecte, am ratat inscrierea din aprilie sau mai la City University MBA, program finantat partial de Boeing. Mare greseala… Daca as fi urmat programul, cu siguranta nu as mai fi plecat din companie. 1997 noiembrie – in ziua in care am fost instiintat ca trebuie sa-mi re-innoiesc viza de munca pentru SUA la punctul de intrare, aflat la 4500 km distanta, in Vermont, mi s-a furat (sau am pierdut mai putin probabil) portofelul cu actele 1997 – decembrie – Dupa ce am lucrat o saptamana la FLS Aerospace (Gatwick, UK), unde nu am fost platit, am revenit in tara. De fapt ma intreb daca nu chiar a fost ceva deliberat, atragerea mea din Boeing catre FLS Aerospace, in Europa/Anglia, si dupa aceea, intoarcerea in Romania. In momentul respectiv, la FLS Aerospace compania Tarom isi sub-contracta reparatiile. Radu Berceanu cred ca era Ministrul Transporturilor atunci. El ma vazuse in Craiova dand un Curriculum Vitae pentru Petre Roman colonelului SPP Liviu Maria, fost comandant la Parasutisti Caracal. 1997 – decembrie – Am cumparat un apartament de doua camere pe str. Barca / Margeanului in Sect. 5, Bucuresti de la un fost boxeur, si in prezent, antrenor copii la Clubul Dinamo. Respectivul fusese rezident in Germania intre 1990-1994. Circulau vorbe intre vecini ca vanzatorul apartamentului ar face parte din anumite clanuri/grupuri bucurestene, mai mult sau mai putin implicate in afaceri tulburi. 1997 – Revelion la discoteca Gin-Gin Craiova cu Dr. Any V, sora unui coleg de liceu. La mesele vecine, viitoare fosta sotie SF cu al ei sot in momentul respectiv, si alti cunoscuti. Any V. este nepoata de general DSS din Brasov, unde peste ani dispare o anume avocata Elodia, si unde o firma cu care am lucrat isi schimba numele la Registrul Comertului din Soft Ric SRL in Compania Soft Ric SRL. Sa fie cumva coincidente, sa fie conspiratii… 1998 – februarie – Dupa interviu de angajare, obtin post de inginer tehnic la Connex-Mobifon pentru zona Craiova. Din pacate, sperand in ceva mai bun, am refuzat oferta. Cred ca a fost prima mare greseala, dupa cumpararea apartamentului in zona din Sect. 5. 1998 – iunie – Am urmat un Curs de Brokeraj la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, unde mi s-a cerut certificatul de nastere pentru inscriere, certificat pe care urma sa nu-l mai gasesc dupa curs. Cursul a fost tinut de persoane relativ publice; intr-una dintre zile prelegerile fiind tinute chiar de Ioana Maria Vlas. Au mai lecturat atunci alti fosti brokeri sau fosti rezidenti in State. In primavara-vara lui 1998 incepuse deja scaderea la Bursa, iar eu am considerat ca deja varsta mea este un impediment, si nu am mai dat examenul. In saptamana urmatoare cursului, am cumparat din Germania un Peugeut 205 second-hand, inscris printr-o firma, ca substitut la plata taxelor vamale. Atunci autoturismele inscrise ca aport de capital in natura la o firma erau scutite de taxele vamale. 1998 – iunie – Vacanta in Creta, cu turul insulei si vizite culturale. Tot timpul am avut nostalgii mediteraneene, mai ales cu Grecia. Octombrie – noiembrie – La HelExpo Bucuresti am intalnit reprezentantii firmei Plexaco SA din Atena, Grecia, al doilea mare producator de tubulatura flexibila. In anul viitor, unul dintre actionari, pensionar, mi-a povestit prezentarea facuta de el la un seminar tinut la Hotelul Athenee Palace Bucuresti in 1971 sau 1972 pledand pentru folosirea tubulaturii PVC in irigatii, in locul celei din aluminiu, pentru sistemul de irigatii Sadova-Corabia. 1998 – Cred ca atunci are loc falimentul companiei aeriene DacAir. Probabil in aceeasi perioada au fost preluate la buget si falimentele Bancorex si BankCoop, ulterior avalizate de BCR. Cineva disponibilizat de la Bancorex mi-a spus ca G.C.Paunescu a devenit relativ ostil PNTCD. Nu am nici o certitudine, dar aceasta remarca este similara cu cea a unei rude, implicata in sistem, care m-a avertizat la revenirea mea in tara, la sfarsitul lui 1997, ca PNTCD trebuie sa dispara. 1999 – sfarsitul lui ianuarie – Participare la expozitia Agrotika Salonik, cel mai mare targ-expozitie de agro-business din Balcani. Am facut traseul Craiova-Salonic cu Peugeut-ul 205, iar la intoarcere, pe zapada de la Sofia la Craiova, adevarat raliu nocturn de iarna. Aventuri de iarna, amintiri din Canada, sau de la drumul Montreal-Seattle din 1996, decembrie. 2000 – martie – Plexaco, firma din Atena, intra in parteneriat cu o firma din Ramnicu Valcea-Petrosani, condusa de cineva din fostul staff al Oltchim. Cu o jumatate de ora inainte de momentul cand urma sa ma intalnesc cu cineva de la firma respectiva, la intrarea in Bucuresti, la intersectia Valea Cascadelor, o basculanta s-a oprit cu dificultate pe trotuar chiar in spatele masinii mele, eu fiind in ultima masina la coada de la semafor. Este foarte neplacut sa privesti prin retrovizor cum o basculanta pare ca nu se mai opreste decat pe trotuar, indreptandu-se spre tine. Doar cu 5-10 minute in urma acestui “incident” fusesem apelat pe mobil de cei cu care urma sa ma intalnesc, cei de la Oltchim-Rm. Valcea si Petrosani. Sa fi fost o mica “conditionare”, un mic avertisment pentru mine? 2000 – decembrie – Cesiunea firmei Virtual First Services SRL din Craiova si vanzarea autoturismului Peugeut 205 catre un alt craiovean. 2001 – 15 martie – St. Patrick’s la Dublin – Am plecat spre Dublin-Irlanda, in speranta unei angajari in IT sau altceva. Atunci industria Irlandei era infloritoare, dar si viata scumpa. Vineri 16 martie – Drum si intalnire la Leuven, la Vlericks School of Management, unde am avut o discutie pentru MBA cu sefa de program la momentul respectiv. Sotul acesteia fusese in echipa de lansare a unei firme de tigarete in Romania, si mi-a spus ca am facut o mare greseala revenind in Romania, fara un contract sau ceva foarte solid pregatit dinainte. Din cauza grevei Cailor Ferate Belgiene, am petrecut o noapte in Gara Centrala din Bruxelles. Am avut o conversatie cu un zairez, aparent si el blocat de greva in gara. Dimineata, in trenul spre Germania, Frankfurt sau Koln, am avut ca vecin un profesor din Sibiu, economie sau stiinte sociale, visiting in Franta, cu fiul in sistemul francez de invatamant. 2001 – 11 septembrie – Au loc atacurile teroriste de la New York si Pentagon. In perioada respectiva, eram activ in tentative de proiecte IT. 30 octombrie 2001 – Cu doua zile inainte de plecarea mea programata spre Elvetia si Germania de Sud, mama mea a avut un AVC (accident vascular cerebral). 2002 – august – Interviu de angajare la Hamburg – Buxtehude la Kid Systeme 2002 – septembrie – Mi s-a eliberat pasaportul CRDS – Cetatean Roman cu Domiciliul in Strainatate – de la Pasapoarte Bucuresti – str. N. Iorga. Intentionam sa plec foarte curand spre Germania, Anglia, Franta, sau daca nu reuseam sa gasesc un serviciu, spre Canada. 2002 – noiembrie – Participare la Salon de l’Externalisation – La Defense, Paris impreuna cu Cristi Nisipasu. La plecarea din tara, la Bucuresti, presedintii George Bush si Ion Iliescu admirau curcubeul in piata Palatului. La intoarcere, am gasit-o pe mama mea, Angela Bulacu cu fractura de col femural pe partea stanga. Complicatii – ocluzie intestinala – iar in fisa de diagnostic apare cancer intestinal in loc de fecalom…. Se mai intampla si mici greseli medicale… 2003 – martie – Participare la MedTechShow la Stuttgart, Germania, sperand sa obtin ceva contracte de asamblare pentru medical devices sau cablaje pentru Romania. Aveam posibilitate de a utiliza un mediu steril pentru aceste asamblari, inchiriindu-l, iar pentru cablaje existau mai multe variante. La sfarsitul lui martie, interviu de angajare la UTI Systems pentru proiectul radar GapFiller cu Dl. Flaviu Raducan si Dl. Ilie. In acelasi timp imi lansasem eu proiectul de cablaje si incepusem sa ofertez la lista de clienti din Europa. Am vazut atunci pentru prima data un formular de Security Clearance, sau ceva echivalent in Romania. Nu am fost foarte interesat de angajare, eu lansandu-mi deja proiectul de atelier de cablaje, si ofertarile. 2004 – martie 9-11 – Impreuna cu Liviu Bobeica am plecat la Londra, schimband autocarul in Munchen. Am calatorit la Swindon, unde exista cea mai mare concentratie de firme contractoare pe cablaje si instalatii electrice. Pe 10 martie, am vizitat 7-8 firme de cablaje in Swindon, inclusiv Sourcing Manager-ul de la Tyco Europe. La intoarcere, in EuroLines spre Koln, am auzit despre atentatul cu bomba de la Gara Attocha din Madrid. 2004 – 15 iulie – Calatorie de contractare la Pleystein, Bavaria, si Bor, Cehia unde l-am intalnit pe Michael Millard. Ne-am inteles cu el si asociatii lui sa lucrez pentru ei in Bechet, facand un joint-venture, eu lucrand sub “umbrela” lor de agrementari ISO9001. Ii asteptam pe parteneri la inceputul lui septembrie in Romania, urmand ca imediat sa dam drumul la productie. August – amenajari Bechet, pregatiri pentru asociere cu firma lui Millard. 2004 – august – L-am intalnit pe dr. Cornel Boiangiu, atunci singurul deputat PNTCD in Parlament, printr-o colega de liceu si amica, Diana Neamtu. Impreuna cu dr. Boiangiu activa si Cornel Andrei, care afirma ca i s-a facut mai mult sau mai putin un flagrant de catre col. Tulitu de la Politia de Frontiera Dolj/Bechet. In perioada respectiva, dep. Cornel Boiangiu aduce in conducerea PNTCD pe Gh. Ciuhandu, si posibil pe unii dintre cei mai apropiati de Adrian Nastase. 2005 – 4-6 martie – Are loc Congresul PNTCD, unde Boiangiu este scos, iar echipa Milut-Ciuhandu ia puterea. Are loc si tentativa de fuziune PNTCD-AP-URR pentru crearea PPCD. Dr. Lucian Orasel, initial aliat cu Boiangiu, blocheaza prin justitie crearea PPCD. Eu si altii cativa am fost dintre cei care s-au opus crearii PPCD, prin disparitia PNTCD. 2005 – martie – Am intrat in contact cu un grup de cercetare in fiabilitate de la Univ. Cranfield. Aveam sansa de a intra ca si cercetator, ceva in domeniul metodelor numerice. “Consiliera” mea Diana Neamtu imi sugereaza ca ar fi posibile ceva posturi in administratie in cazul in care au loc alegerile anticipate. Din pacate, dupa cum vad acum, am renuntat la plecare. 2005 martie – Calatorie la Poiana Mare cu ocazia re-alegerilor locale, cu PNTCD-istii, in momentul respectiv Emil Dumitrescu si Cornel Boiangiu. Boiangiu a “fortat” o intalnire cu Ion Iliescu, aflat si el in turneu de sustinere a PSD-istilor. Se pare ca Iliescu a evitat intalnirea cu Boiangiu. Sa fi urmarit Boiangiu sa-si prezinte un “recrut” potential, un protejat, sau sa forteze el o re-intrare in viata activa politica, de unde fusese practic scos de aripa Nastase…? 2005 – aprilie – mai – Are loc rapirea ziaristilor din Iraq, Marie Jeanne Ion, Sorin Miscoci, Ovidiu Ohanesian. Care sa fie pozitiile lui SRI, DGSM si SIE, unde se pare ca au existat chiar confruntari intre respectivele servicii. Care sa fi fost bugetul total al rapirii: cineva avizat spunea 50-100 mil. Euro… Are loc si eliberarea jurnalistei franceze Florence Aubenas si de asemenea a italiencei Juliana Sgrenna, cu moartea carabinierului italian care o insotea… 2005 primavara – L-am secondat pe Dr. Boiangiu in cateva intalniri, cat sa “umplu” timpul pana la plecare. Au aparut niste sugestii gen “sa ma adun de pe drumuri”, sa ma casatoresc. Am si cunoscut anumite “caractere” mai curioase, cu istorii foarte interesante, gen Miki D, o doctorita, divortata, fost casatorita cu un palestinian din Valea Bekaa din Liban. Sa fi fost acele intalniri pur intamplatoare, sau eram intr-un mediu special, mai controlat. Respectiva cunoscuta a fost indisponibila in perioada rapirii ostateticilor… Am renuntat la plecare, ostatecii din Iraq au fost eliberati, l-am intalnit si pe Ctin. Ticu Dumitrescu in Craiova cu ocazia dezvelirii unei statui. 2005 – Am re-intalnit-o pe viitoarea sotie, S.F. Am petrecut Craciunul, iar Revelion la Hotel Intercontinental Bucuresti cu S.F. 2006 – 27 ianuarie – Cununie si masa la Hotel Jiul din Craiova. Din ce stiu, fostul socru C.F. si dr. Cornel Boiangiu erau in anumite relatii, probabil profesionale, si intr-o anumita masura, politice. 2006 – martie – Saptamana de voiaj, “saptamana de miere” era prevazuta la Roma, in timpul Congresului PPE. Eram deja in conflicte, si avand in vedere acestea, am declinat calatoria la Roma, urmand discutie de separatie. 2006 mai – Am plecat in voiaj la Belfort, Franta, la UTBM, la invitatia prof. Herlea. Am avut o oferta de PhD, de doctorat, dar fara finantare evidenta, urmand ca eu sa contribui cu ceva cheltuieli si in acelasi timp, sa caut finantari. Am renuntat, avand in acelasi timp o colaborare cu firma ReliaSoft din Arizona, USA, pe partea de mentenanta-fiabilitate. In acelasi timp, S.F., cu care ma re-impacasem, era intr-un voiaj cultural la Madrid si Barcelona. In mai-iunie 2006 am aplicat la burse o serie de burse GMFUS – George Marshall Fund US, in Germania, Turcia, dar fara rezultate in perioada respectiva. Referintele le-am cerut prof. Herlea si dr. Boiangiu, amandoi fiind activi inca in Crestin-Democratie. 2006 – iunie – Saptamana de fiabilitate la ReliaSoft Europe, Varsovia. La intoarcere, pe aeroportul Otopeni, am aflat despre scandalul Leh, “teroristul butelie” din Timisoara… 2006 – 2 sau 3 sept. – Otopeni, dus S.F. avion KLM catre New York. Sa fi intalnit in aeroport pe cineva, sa fi fost expus eu in aeroport cuiva? La cateva zile a murit Silviu Brucan, “oracolul de la Damaroaia” 2006 sept – Gasesc intr-o cautare google sau cu un alt motor pe pagini despre dr. Cornel Boiangiu, relatate de un anume Epure si despre anumiti morti de la evenimentele din dec. ’89 din Craiova (Jianu), spunand ca Boiangiu ar fi fost recrutat in ’56-’58 de DSS sau retele estice…. Cred ca site-ul, seria de pagini, avea numele Chinatown, pentru unele dintre pagini. Dr. Boiangiu a fost deputat si senator, membru in Comisiile de Control SIE si ulterior cred, in cea de Ordine Publica… Dupa situatia asta, paginile dispar din cautarea, iar paginile sunt suspendate, relativ similar cu situatia mea cu un blog yahoo360. 2006 10 nov. – Are loc divortul meu de S.F. 15 nov. – Prezentari ReliaSoft la Brasov Universitatea Tehnica Brasov si la Tarom Serv. Tehnic, pe Bucuresti-Otopeni. 2007 9 sau 10 ian. – Interviu Wienerberger-Porotherm Bucuresti, zona Europa House, ca inginer de vanzari 2007 – 15 ian. – M-am deplasat la un interviu de angajare la Pilatus, Stans, Elvetia. I-am avut la interviu pe viitorul sef, un olandez, dar si un fost coleg, de la Canadair din proiectul comun Global Express. Am intalnit si s-a deschis o discutie de colaborare cu o firma de consultanta olandeza, firma activa in proiecte aeronautice europene. 2007 – 6 feb. – Are loc scandalul “Electricianul si Tamplarul”, cei doi muncitori arestati in timp ce faceau fotografii intr-o baza militara americana din Iraq – Adrian Gancean, Nelu Ilie. Scandalul duce pana la demisia Ministrului de Externe Razvan Ungureanu si a directorului SIE Claudiu Saftoiu. Atat Ganceanu cat si Ilie aveau varste apropiate cu a mea. 2007 – February 20 – Train trip to Prague, Czech Republic, eyeing a position with Honeywell Avionics Europe, with Karell Stellner. I discussed with the respective HR specialist about the people I knew from Honeywell, for my experience with Honeywell Differential GPS, my project from Ecole Polytechnique from Montreal. The respective specialist belonged to a different department, division, and did not know any of the people I mentionned. 2007 – March – Flight with BlueAir to Lyon, France, and job interview with JetAviation Basel, for the Airworthiness-Certification Office, with Katia Schlosser and Stefan Vincentini. The job-interview was quick, short in duration, with two engineers, apparently not very important for the company, being a kind of support job, not a direct productive one. Coincidently, in the same period it was active the scandal about the illegal detention centers in Central and Eastern Europe, along with flights of business jets. 2007 – May-June – Flight BlueAir to Koln, Germany, and afterwards with British Airways Frankfurt-London-Calgary (Alberta). I was in touch with Matrikon, an IT solutions provider from Edmonton and Calgary. I have been working for five weeks with Staples Business Depot, Downtown Calgary. I´ve shared a bungalow with three other fellows, a Korean, Jason, Paul, a Belfast-Nord Ireland, expert in accoustics, and another, originar from Quebec. Plec in Canada, incercand sa obtin o colaborare cu Matrikon. Zbor cu British Airways Frankfurt-Londra-Calgary, AB. Am lucrat pentru cinci saptamani la Staples Business Depot. Am locuit intr-un bungalou, ocupand o camera, vecini fiind trei “baieti” intersanti: Jason, koreanul, Paul, nord-irlandez, expert in acustica si un altul, canadian din Quebec sau Ontario, zona Ottawa-Hull, avand un M.Sc. stiinte politice, fluent in chineza. Cam curioase aceste competente lingvistice si profesionale… Aparent ei stiau mult mai multe decat mine, si incercau sa vada ce stiu eu… 2007 – May 6 – Death of my aunt, Oprica Mateescu-Dobre, the older sister of my mother in Bechet, due to a gastric hemorragy. She was 81 or 82 years old. 2007 – July 2-3 – Return flight from Calgary to London-Bucharest with almost free first class upgrade on British Airways. The plane, a Boeing 777, might had the electrical power seats systems possible designed by me… In the plane, a Sunday Telegraph feature about a fictional MEP Elisa Correr, some cartoons about the European Parliament. The same day there were also some incidents with islamist militants in Scotland, doctors and some people from the medical environment. 2007 – July 30 – Death of the Patriarch Teoctist, due to a possible medical malpractice, debatable. There were discussions and questions in the medical procedure taken by the team of Dr. Sinescu and the swiftness for the surgical procedures in Urology for Prostate Cancer. 2007 – September – Craiova – Bought a car, the Volvo T850 with 1500 Euros, registered in England, where owner appeared a named Cherciu from Manchester or Dublin, Ireland. I was to receive the registration papers bearing my name. The sellers vanished from town afterwards, one of them being arrested in England, and due to be deported. I did not receive the registration certificate, and the car has been stolen from me. I had only one key for the ignition, the pair being missing since I bought the car. 2007 – 3 sept. – La sfarsitul lunii august mi-am deschis procedura de repatriere, pe 3 septembrie eliberandu-mi-se cartea de identitate Mihail-Anatol Bulacu. Este prima data cand am avut nevoie de certificatul de nastere duplicat, dupa disparitia originalului, urmata la mult timp de regasirea lui printre acte. Este posibil ca o substitutie a acestui certificat sa fi fost facuta in safe deposit box-ul de la CIBC Downtonwn Calgary, in timpul celor 7 saptamani din Canada. Duplicatul mi-a fost adus de o cunoscuta, agent imobiliare, ulterior plecata in Olanda. 2007 – 26 nov – Au log alegeri europarlamentare: am mers la sediul de pe Kisseleff, unde l-am intalnit pe Mircea Geoana, Adrian Severin. L-am condus la aeroport pe prof. Herlea, candidatul PNTCD la Parlamentul European. In perioada respectiva, nu mai aveam pasaport, intervenind schimbarea de prenume, Mihail, in loc de Mihai, in vechiul pasaport. 2007 – dec – Drum prin Bulgaria, catre Macedonia, fara pasaport, doar cu carte de identitate. Sa fi fost cumva o modalitate de a iesi din spatiul UE? In perioada respectiva, Monica Macovei era coordonatoare anti-coruptie in Macedonia. Sa se fi urmarit cumva o “disparitie” a mea din spatiul UE, lasand pe Mihai-Anatol Bulacu, cine sa fi fost el, in locul meu? In Macedonia a fost prins incercand sa treaca fraudulos spre Grecia fostul meu chirias de la Bechet, Caldararu, fratele cel mic al celui care in prezent este in Spania, fost schimbator de valuta in Craiova, si apropiat al unora dintre cei de la Directia de Finante Publice Dolj, unde s-au “sifonat” 700 milioane euro prin personaje gen Boierica, Fotescu, Dalgoci si altii. 2008 – ianuarie Am inceput sa lucrez la Assystem Romania. In ziua in care urma sa incep, am intalnit pe in autocar fina lui Costin Georgescu, fostul director SRI in perioada CDR. Am lucrat in Sema Park-Myo, printre colegi avand multi juniori sau studenti, dar si anumite personaje aparent cu alte misiuni si preocupari. Firma era franceza, dar sefii francezi nu se prea implicau in activitatea noastra. 2008 – Februarie – Am refuzat din pacate oferta Renault Technologie Roumanie 2008 – martie – Plecare spre Gyor, ulterior trenul spre Geneva, unde am ajuns in ultima zi a Salonului Auto de la Geneva. Am incercat sa-mi prezint situatia, cu lipsa disparitia-re-aparitia diplomelor, cu schimbarea de nume atat la UNHCR, la OMS, dar fara succes. In zilele respective, vice-presedintele Elvetiei era in vizita in Iran pentru contractarea livrarilor de gaze. Am fost atat la Clubul Presei din Geneva cat si la Consiliul Ecumenic Geneva, unde in zilele respective era prezenta delegatia Patriarhiei Moscovei. Este posibil ca tatal meu sa fi fost membru in ceva comitete eparhiale, fiind in anumite relatii cu familia unui fost Patriarh. Nu am informatii precise, stiu doar ca a fost coleg de facultate cu nepotul sau nepoata unui Patriarh al Romaniei. 2008 – aprilie – Am facut demersuri si plangere pentru schimbarea numelui si presiunile facute intr-o perioada prin Politia Comunitara la CEDO Strassbourg. M-am deplasat si la Haga la Tribunalul Penal International. Nu mi s-a dat acces, reusind doar sa las cate o depozitie scrisa. 2008 mai – Visited Switzerland and Northern Italy, Como lake, Lugano, Berne. In the night of Eastern, Orthodox style, there was a group of luxury cars, bulgarians, mostly. 2008 June – Sold the vineyard, 1 ha, to a Spanish guy, who tries to start a vegetables farm in Bechet. Afterward, I did a trip on the traject Sofia-Beograd-Novi Sad-Vienna-Linz-Tirol and back, -Szeged. Someone made me an offer of unskilled worker for Southern France and Belgium, which I declined due to lack of means… The eventual partner-employer was not really trusthworthy, also.. 2008 – July – Installation of IPS Irineu as Mitropolite of Oltenia, and IPS Teofan as Mitropolite of Moldova, in line for the Romanian Patriarch position. In Craiova, for the installation, the Romanian president Basescu is present, along with local officials. 2008 – august – In presa sau la stiri se relateaza despre centru de tratament Alzheimer la Arad, ca un fel de azil, sustinut guvern, ambasada Canadei si ambasada SUA. Mi s-a parut cam suspecta aceasta stire. Tot in perioada respectiva, E.D., fost coleg PNTCD imi sugera sa obtin prin dr. Boiangiu o pensionare. Se mai sugera tot atunci o internare in sanatoriu TBC. 2008 – 30 Sept. – Bucuresti – Job-interview for employment with GECI ROmania for the Skylander project 2008 – 10 Oct – Car accident of Jorg Haider, right-wing nationalist Austrian politician 2008 – 11 oct – Are loc vernisajul expozitiei foto a lui Horatiu Buzatu la Teatrul National Craiova. Relativ neplacut surprinsi de prezenta mea sunt Diana Neamtu, Florin Iacobescu, Nicu Beletei, etc… La iesirea de la expozitia lui Buzatu, am intalnit pe fostii socri si cativa fosti colegi de liceu, oarecum intamplator. 01 Diary of a “Ghost” Today, August 31st 2008, I start writing on my diary, on my journal, putting on paper my recent happenings. I re-start now what I interrupted last year, between September and November, due to various reasons. Actually, during that period I have been involved without my consentment in a very strange serie of situations, with reasons in the political and social local and national scene. It “happened” then that my yahoo360 “claryfying” blog not to be visible, maybe it was too sensible for some actors of the political scene, or for eventual or possible script-writers. I think only the future will clarify if it was only an impression, or if there were really issues a shade too sensitive, to be protected, for various reasons (economical, politica, security and who knows for which reasons..) My name is Mihai Anatol Bulacu, and not Mihail Anatol how it “happened” to appear on the duplicate of the birth certificate issued in February 1999. The original went missing in the summer of 1998, probably following my registration of the brokerage-dealer training by the Bucharest Stock Exchange from June 1998. I did not graduate the training, but I have been lectured by well known authorities in the area, among them Ms. Ioana Maria Vlas, the fund-manager of the later bankrupted FNI, and an actual scape-goat for the respective financial scandal. At that moment, in Southern-Eastern Asia, the stockmarket decline was in proceedings, Russia was close to finacial meltdown, following Bulgarian meltdown of 1997. In my case, age was already a bit too high, so I was cautious in proceeding with this change in career, as broker, trader or dealer. I also did not have at all the capital for being an investor. The knowledge was useful, but, unfortunately, I did not run any investment, I did not buy any shares or bonds, until now… So, I am Mihai A. Bulacu, born on May 2nd, 1966 in Corabia, Olt, Romania. My parents were: the father, Mihai, physician, director for some time of the Bechet hospital, until his death, on April 2, 1989. My mother, Angela (-Viena ), professor of Romanian-French, converted later into logoped for the Hospital No. 3 in Craiova. The grandparents from my mother side were Ion and Maria (Popa Matei) Dobre. Maybe by omission, due to shortening of family name by civil authorities at some moment I appeared as of Slavic origin. Maybe this was to be a reason of nuisance in eventual HR and personnel files in sensitive industries I have been later working – Montreal and Everett, WA, when working for Boeing. I think that my grand-father on my mother side had one grand-father himself of Serbian or Macedonian origin. That grand-grand-father was constructor, relocated to southern Oltenia region, and acted as a mason in Dabuleni-Dolj. My physical aspect is a bit Slavic, being very often asked if I am of Polish or Yugoslavian origin. Ion Dobre, my grandparent had at some time an assembly shop for Singer knitting machines, and producing some spares and accessories for the machines in the area, in Bechet. The respective business was launched in 1932. The starting capital was obtained by the exploitation of a wooden surface, a forest located on one of the Danube islands. In 1933 he built his house and shop in Bechet, using as a power generation an internal combustion engine, for electricty and power. The assembly business proceeded relatively OK until 1948. The parts were partly usinated in Craiova, at the old Bratasanu plant, (future November 7th, and later Popeci). During the second world war he was not drafted, and he was neither involved into politics. He was not involved in the nationalistic movement, the Legionaristic of 1938-1941. It seems he was a voter in the liberal or centre-right area, probably voting with the PNL or PNT, interested in free competition. I heard he was concentrated during the war for digging trenches, but not as a soldier. He had a large family, 4 girls and a son, Paul. They witnessed in Bechet at the coming and withdrawal of Axis troups, Germans and Austrians, with small incidents, then at the passing of US bombers based in Italy toward the oil fields from Ploiesti-Prahova. They later witnessed the coming of the “liberation” Soviet forces. It seems they had at some moment even a few Russian or Siberian, with small “bachic” incidents… suffering for the far located families. In 1947-1951, following the so-called Nationalisation, the abdication of King Michael, and the consequent sovietisation of Romania, the house and shop from Bechet have been requisitioned by the Gura Jiului Rayon, and the Dobre family has been evacuated to Dabuleni. They lived in the grand-grand-parents house, the Popa Matei Dobre house. In the respective house there are now living the nephews of In casa respectiva, acum locuiesc nepotii Opricai Dobre-Mateescu, fiica cea mare a lui Ion Dobre. O coincidenta curioasa a fost decesul ei printr-o hemoragie gastrica la o saptamana dupa plecarea mea intempestiva din mai 2007 in Calgary-Canada. Dar la 82 de ani se pot intampla foarte rapid complicatii terminale, asa ca nu este cazul sa ne punem intrebari. In concluzie, la inceputul anilor ’50, in casa lui Ion si Maria Dobre de pe Strada Principala, actual A.I.Cuza au fost instalati administratorii comunisti, printre altii tovarasul Untaru, tatal col. ec. DSS (poate chiar SRI) Untaru, ultimul presedinte-director FNI Dolj, si a unor apropiati ai tov Dindere, presedintele Raionului. Dindere este un nume important in istoria comunista a Doljului, facand parte din prima generatie de formatori de personal si structuri de conducere comuniste. Mama mea imi povestea despre audientele bunicii mele, Maria Dobre, la tovarasul Dindere, Papura sau Nasteselu in vederea recuperarii atelierului, a inventarului din el. Din ce am auzit, in echipa Oltcit cineva din familia respectiva avea o anumita pozitie administrativa. By 1995, I think, the Dobre family has been allowed to return to their house-shop, but the shop inventory has disappeared. From what I have been told, the apprentices, some of them a kind of Bulgarian with komintern affiliation, the then “professional revolutionaries”, how they were named at the moment, had a hand in what happened to the inventory. Names like Kinchu Karsofski, Cimu, maybe the then CAP president Tulitu. During those very complicated and Cred ca in jur de 1955 familiei Dobre i s-a permis intoarcerea in casa-atelier, dar inventarul disparuse, se evaporase. Din ce am aflat, fostii ucenici si ceva concurenta, de origine alogena-bulgara, s-ar fi implicat in disparitia inventarului atelierului. In vremurile acelea tulburi, nu poti acuza pe nimeni, totul fiind, ca si in prezent, relativ. Nu poti da vina pe un presedinte de CAP Tulitu, un Kinchu Karsofski, un Cimu sau alti revolutionari de profesie ai locului. Probabil acestia nu au fost decat simpli profitori ai “vidului” de putere si legislativ de atunci, mai abili in a lansa ceva. Dupa 1950, dupa ce fusese scos din casa si atelier, Ion Dobre isi castiga existenta reparand arme de vanatoare si producand ace si piese de schimb pentru masinile de tricotat, impreuna cu fiul lui Paul. Afacerea mergea rezonabil, dar cu “hartuiala” de rigoare din partea administratiei fiscale, doar era comunism. Paul Dobre, nascut in 1934, a putut chiar sa-si cumpere o motocicleta MZ, dar a murit ca urmare a unui accident rutier la Slobozia in 1963. Sotia sa, Veronica, a ramas cu infirmitate la un picior, iar Paul a murit pe loc. Veronica, matusa mea, a revenit in Novaci-Gorj, iar vara mea Mihaela a urmat Geologia la Bucuresti. Am ceva semne de intrebare in legatura cu accidentul de motocicleta al lui Paul si Veronica, mai ales ca masina care i-a lovit – camion – nu era inmatriculata, sau soferul nu avea permis, existand ceva neclaritati in legalitatea celui care a produs accidentul. Sa fi fost cumva o “corectie” aplicata de sistem cuiva care devenea un pic prea vizibil, prea flamboiant pentru o zona puternic proletcultista? Poate ca micul intreprinzator, barbat de succes, cu dare de mana strica mitul clasei muncitoare in salopeta, a taranilor din CAP-urile proaspat consolidate. Cred ca la Dabuleni-Dolj s-a afirmat generalul DSS/KGB Nicolae (fiul lui Andruta) Ceausescu, viitorul Presedinte al Replublicii Socialiste Romania prin folosirea pistolului…. Oricum, vremurile au fost tulburi, si nu mai poti acuza pe nimeni de nimic. Trebuie doar clarificate niste aspecte, inteles momentul de atunci, sa reusim sa evitam intoarcerea la abuzurile si anormalitatea epocii. Poti doar sa amintesti de Bechetul interbelic, micul targ dunarean, cosmopolit, cu farmacisti evrei, cu cerealisti greci, armeni, romani, nume de mult disparute de acolo. Au ramas doar niste pietre de cimitir, paraginite, abandonate, uitate de familiile plecate cine stie pe unde in tara sau in lume. Regret ca inca nu am ajuns in cimitirul vechi din Bechet, sa privesc crucile respective si sa-mi fac o impresie asupra societatii din micile targuri-port dunarene interbelice. Cred ca mix-ul cosmopolit din Bechetul dunarean pre 1947 am senzatia ca il gasesti acum in municipiul Craiova, oras de 300000 locuitori. Bechetul nu mai reprezinta decat o mica localitate de pe harta, un punct de trecere spre Bulgaria, un loc din care cine poate pleca pleaca, iar cine ramane, ramane doar din cauza ca nu are de ales. Este o localitate amenintata de desertificarea sudului Olteniei, de nisipurile migratoare, si poate de enclavizarea pe care o enunta un general al armatei romane, trecut rapid in rezerva ulterior. Am o impresie ca evolutia Bechetului se repeta cu evolutia Craiovei, la o scara mult mai mica, bineinteles. Vad insa anumite trend-uri, anumite tendinte, lipsa si aici a oportunitatilor, a sanselor. Poate ca Robert D. Kaplan, cu a lui “Anarhia care va veni” poate explica un pic aceste degradari urbane, aceasta regresie economica si sociala. Numai un sociolog, cineva cu acces la statisticile reale poate intelege ce si unde nu functioneaza acum, in Romania din UE a anului 2008-2009. The grand-parents on my father side, Ariton and Elisabeta Bulacu, actually the aunt and uncle of my father were teachers. My father was the nephew of Elisabeta Vancea-Bulacu, from Dobrotesti-Amarasti, Dolj. Ariton Bulacu, born in Valea Stanciului-Dolj, was trained as a teacher in Craiova. It seems he had as colleague the subsequently famous Social-Democrate and later Communist official, Stefan Voitec. Voitec has been even minister of education in one of the Communist cabinets, and is now known because of the villa of Bucharest, Mihaileanu St. actually purchased by the President of Romania, Mr. Traian Basescu, along with the media coverage about this property… During the second world war, Ariton Bulacu has been acting as commander or second in command for a Red Cross or medical evacuation train, captain in the Royal Romanian Army, transporting injured between Odessa-Russia and Austria-Switzerland. I remember my “playing” with his uniform, some decoration and military markings. I also heard Ariton Bulacu has been acting as a commander of “Strajeri”, the boys-scouts of the period. After August 23 1944, the capitulation of the Romanian Army, he has been de-mobilized, put into forced retirement and he and his wife, forced out of the education system, and forced to agricultural work, probably from 1948. Both of them worked as farmers, small surface agricultural exploitation, or as daily labour. Both of them have been working as agricultural workers, daily labour for the CAP (Cooperative Agricultural Farming of the period). My father has been accepted for medical studies at the University of Bucharest only after his parents gave up the use of their land usage, renounced to use for their own economical interest the land. It seems they have been re-accepted in the state education system only after donating, after integrating their agricultural surfaces and farming equipment to the Cooperative Agricultural farming of the period. It is now very interesting to see how the actual mayor of Bechet, retired border police colonel, ancient Securitate lieutenant-major, maybe even participant i n the November 15, 1987 reprimation of Brasov, also son of the general manager of the period Cooperative farm during the Este interesant sa vezi in Bechet ca primar pe colonelul pensionar de Politie de Frontiera, fost locotenent major DSS, poate chiar implicat in reprimarea din 15 noiembrie 1987 Costel Tulitu, fiul fostului presedinte CAP din perioada colectivizarii. Am vazut campania locala electorala la TV in care contra-candidatul acestuia afirma despre Tulitu ca ar fi multi-milionar in euro. Este foarte posibil pentru un ofiter competent sa acumuleze asemenea capital, mai ales daca-si gestioneaza bine economiile. Marius Oprea, consilierul actualului Prim Ministru Tariceanu poate ca stie mai multe despre 15 noiembrie 1987 la Brasov. Sunt de acord ca este foarte posibil ca sa fie o persoana competenta, dar parca prea seamana a intoarcere in timp. Sper sa fie o persoana democractica, sa nu fie marcat de autoritarismul carierei sale. Cred ca o situatie similara a avut si mama mea, care nu a putut urma facultatea decat mult mai tarziu. Ea a putut lucra doar in Hunedoara la Combinatul Siderurgic ca muncitoare, pontatoare, si ulterior la Cavnic-Maramures, ca invatatoare. Imi povestea cum era adusa din post in post de Militie inapoi, cand nu ii era permis accesul in orase. Multe detalii similare le putem citi in Marin Preda – “Cel mai iubit dintre pamanteni”. Sper sa nu ne intoarcem la acele vremuri apuse, dar “tesatura” care se vede prin politica pare inclinata sa dea timpul inapoi, si nu sa ne intoarca spre Europa. Tatal meu, Mihai, nascut pe 16/22 feb. 1933, a urmat gimnaziul la Corabia, avandu-i colegi pe multi fii de negustori, agricultori din zona, ulterior sefi/gestionari in comertul socialist, iar printre altii si pe un anume col. Gacea. Liceul l-a urmat in Craiova, la Lic. Nicolae Balcescu, actualul Colegiu Carol I. Din ce stiu, initial a dat examen la Arhitectura, cred ca a urmat anul I, si s-a retras, ulterior urmand Medicina din Bucuresti. Cred ca stagiatura a facut-o tot in Bucuresti, iar dupa am inteles ca a fost casatorit cu cineva din Brasov, dar mariajul nu a rezistat in conditiile vietii rurale de la Bechet, unde a revenit la parintii adoptivi. S-a recasatorit cu Angela, mama mea in ’65, eu nascandu-ma in ’66 iar fratele meu Miron in ’69. Nasii nostri de botez au fost familia Ciocan, medici la Corabia pe atunci, nasa fiind colega de facultate cu tatal meu. Dupa ceva timp, familia Ciocan s-a mutat in Slatina, ulterior Bucuresti, avand si o functie prin Sindicatele Medicale sau Crucea Rosie Romana. Incerc sa iau legatura cu Georgel, fiul lor, am inteles ca este regizor sau profesor de operatorie, dupa o schimbare de cariera din inginer in cinematografie… Poate m-ar ghida in pregatirea unui scenariu. Nasa-mea stiu ca era consateanca din zona Buzau, cu Cornel Burtica, unul dintre “contenderii” la succesiune a regimului Ceausescu, un rival al lui Ion Iliescu. Un altul, Virgil Trofin, se pare ca a avut un accident de munca, in timp ce era director de IAS in apropierea Baraganului. Din pacate, solutia care a iesit, solutia Iliescu, dupa parerea mea a fost clar cea mai paguboasa pentru Romania. Poate ca solutia militara Stanculescu era si ea binevenita, dar ce am avut, si ce avem in continuare, este solutia chiar nefericita. Care ar fi fost Romania de azi daca in loc de echipa Iliescu-Roman, cu mineriadele lor, cu distrugerea adusa, am fi avut pe cineva cu o baza economica si expunere serioasa la economia de piata, cum erau Burtica sau Stanculescu? Consider ca echipa Iliescu-Brucan-Barladeanu a reprezentat o echipa de propagandisti cu orientare dura comunista, si avand vechime si poate pregatire serioasa in anumite lucruri mai acoperite, mai “covert”. Poate si din cauza asta exista o structurare sociala in Romania de o anumita natura. Parca Presedintele Bush Sr a pierdut alegerile spunand “Read my lips: no more taxes”, si i s-a raspuns cu “It´s the economy, stupid”. Pana la urma, politica pe stomacul si ´cu buzunarul gol nu prea are sanse de reusita. Mama mea a urmat liceul Elena Cuza, ulterior Filologie Istorie. Dupa absolvirea lui, a avut “valul” de neplaceri din cauza originii nesanatoase, chiar cu re-aduceri din post in post – nu chiar asa de grave – de la Combinatul Siderurgic Hunedoara. Acolo a avut colegi de munca inclusiv fosti deportati in Siberia, etnici germani, unii chiar fosti national-socialisti, evrei, partizani comunisti greci refugiati, un adevarat cocktail politic. Ulterior a fost invatatoare la Cavnic-Maramures, si cred ca a asistat de pe margine la capturarea lui Ion Ioanid, cu despadurirea unui munte intreg. Au ajutat-o mult sora ei si cumnatul, ingineri minieri, Ion si Marieta Ionescu. Pe unchiul Uta l-am vazut viu ultima data in ’98 de Paste, citind impreuna Forbes si urmarind biografia lui Boris Berezovski. Prin 2002 a murit in spital, nepotul meu gasindu-l cu cearsaful pe fata. Unchiul meu, discutand despre teroristii din decembrie 1989 spunea ca nu cunoaste decat unul, acesta fiind nepotul lui… Asta este viata si asa se moare in Romania! Mama-mea a urmat Institutul Pedagogic din Cluj si ulterior la Fara Frecventa Filologia din Iasi. Imi povestea ca in perioada respectiva apareau la Cluj fostii universitari, proaspat iesiti din puscarii si re-educarile staliniste si dejiste. Cred ca imediat dupa ’50 lucrase la Bechet la o statie de egrenat bumbac cu o dna Nitescu, fiica Maresalului Prezan. Este posibil ca intre colegii de munca de acolo sa mai fi fost si fratele marelui activist PCR Mihnea Gheorghiu, nu am o confirmare. Asta a fost soarta elitelor antebelice, asa s-au inlocuit cu Kominternistii si cu noile elite, asa s-au ocupat casele, proprietatile si fabricile… Dupa moartea tatalui ei, Ion Dobre, in ’63, a revenit in Bechet, a lucrat ca profesoara la scoala veche din Bechet (cea din Vale, din zona inundabila). In 1977 ne-am mutat in Craiova, dupa cutremurul de 7.3 grade. Am trecut prin faza “mansarda”, iar dupa prin apartamentele comuniste… ne-decomandate si ulterior decomandate, prin repartitiile prin Spitalul 3. Ma intreb daca au existat cumva ceva resentimente ale fostilor angajati de la Spitalul 3, in privinta mutarii familiei mele in Craiova, ci poate eventual rivalitati ale unor doctori, catre familia noastra, practic o fosta colega. Este posibil ca profilul meu sa-i fi interesat si s-a considerat ca poate fi folosit, manevrat in bun spirit de re-educare… Vom trai, si vom vedea. Sunt lucruri la care nu am datele, iar manipularile, intoxicarile, fie de dragul artei, fie dupa un scenariu, sunt in desfasurare. Totul poate fi posibil, dar nu vad care este miza jocului in prezent. Am urmat clasele 1-5 la Bechet, avand invatator un domn Sarpe, si in clasa a V-a, profesor de matematica pe actualul director adjunct Rotaru de la Colegiul Carol… Clasele 6-8 le-am urmat la Liceul de Filologie Istorie, cu diriginta pe dna Parvulescu, din Predeal. Cu ea am “facut” Bucegii si zona vaii Prahovei, in cateva drumetii, cu colegii si copiii unor profesori de la Liceul de Filologie Istorie. Director era Hariton Stoiculescu, finul prof. Nicolae Andrei, cred, fratele unui alt “creier” al epocii Ceausescu post ’68, ministrul de externe Stefan Andrei. Colegul de banca din scoala generala, la Liceul de Filologie Istorie, un pic mai “bronzat”, Titel Mihalcea, cu apucaturi neo-naziste, s-a sinucis in armata facuta la trupele de Securitate, iar un altul, Norocel Pana, am inteles ca a suportat foarte dificil sau nici nu s-a putut adapta carierei, dupa ce mama sa l-a impins in cariera militara – Liceu Militar-Scoala de Ofiteri. Se pare ca mediul coercitiv face pe multi sa capoteze, poate ca la PsyOps-ul Armatei Romane s-au facut statistici serioase pe subiectul aceasta. Imi amintesc ca in toamna trecuta s-au facut anumite operatiuni si experimente ca o continuare a unor exercitii NATO. Intre 1980-1984 am urmat liceul l-am la Colegiul Carol I, fost Nicolae Balcescu, in treapta I avand-o diriginte pe dna Ioanitoiu, iar treapta a II-a pe prof. Barcau de chimie, director fiind prof. Nicolae Andrei, pe Cristian Mirescu, actual director in Ministerul Educatiei, inginer-profesor de materii tehnice electrice. Am luat ceva meditatii de matematica cu prof. Marin Nisipeanu. El mi-a fost primul Mos Craciun la 3 ani, din ce am inteles, fiind atunci profesor de matematica stagiar la Liceul Teoretic Bechet, si cu prof. ing. Topan la fizica, pentru facultate, ca toata lumea ce se respecta. Imi amintesc de problemele care le-am avut cu analiza matematica in anul III, cand urmam Scoala Populara de Arta – fotografie si operatorie… In iulie 1984 am fost admis la Fac. de Electrotehnica/Sectia Automatizari si Calculatoare, Univ. din Craiova. Serviciul militar obligatoriu l-am facut la Parasutisti Caracal, T.R., avandu-l pe col Dan Gabor comandant de regiment, nume cunoscut la TVR in dec. ’89. De acolo s-au lansat viitorii SPP-isti Liviu Maria si Denis Diaconescu. In plutonul III, grupa 3-a i-am avut pe Branzescu si ulterior pe “bibanul” – prima generatie de soldati ai lui – lt. Tudor, nepotul gen. Vasile Milea. Am facut 4 salturi cu parasutai, in timpul celor noua luni intamplandu-se doua accidente mortale, si cateva usoare, gen glezne, comotii, genunchi dizlocati, aterizari pe ambulante, taiat pompi pentru eliberarea cupolelor de parasute. Intre ’85-’90 am urmat Automatica, Automatizari Industriale in cadrul Facultatii de Electrotehnica, in prima semigrupa, sefa de semigrupa fiind fata fostului Primar al Craiovei Ion Lungu, cel care a supervizat constructia tramvaiului craiovean. Primarul Lungu ca si de altfel intreaga conducere PCR Dolj a fost demisa dupa vanatoarea de mistreti din noembrie ’87 in care cineva dintre participanti a impuscat accidental instructorul CC din perioada respectiva; in arhiva Cuvantului Libertatii stiu ca sunt detalii. Sa fi inceput atunci “curatenia” locului, pregatind sosirea coloanei a V-a pentru Marea Revolutie din Decembrie ´89? Prim secretar PCR era Ioan Traian Stefanescu, ITS, unul dintre viitorii exclusi de la privatizarile de succes, un intelectual relativ de anvergura. Poate vre-odata aflu si motivele excluderii acestuia de la “cascaval”. Secretar III cu probleme economice era un fost vecin, inginerul Nescu, ulterior sef al Garajului Partidului, consultant pe calitate, cunoscut al lui Cornel Boiangiu, viitorul meu mentor politic. Sa fie cumva si ing. Nescu un participant din spate al activitatilor socio-economice din Oltenia, din moment ce tot timpul l-a avut sub ochi pe Miron, sau era doar un vecin deranjat de chiriasii mei greci? Rector cred ca a fost dl. Campeanu (Masini Electrice), iar pro-decan cu strainii Dan Nicolae, tatal lui Cristian, colegul de armata al meu. Imi amintesc nunta lui Cristian, la care am fost invitati impreuna cu multi dintre colegii de armata din Cluj, Timisoara; Cristian isi avea invitatii in Crama Minerva din Craiova, iar in Sala Maura a aceluiasi complex Minerva avand nunta un alt fost coleg, Cornel Cotoi. Ne-am dus noi, ne-invitatii, la Cornel, si unul din noi i-a zis in gluma “Ciocio, suntem alaturi de tine…”. Amandoi au divortat intre timp, dupa casatoriile acestea facute la 21 ani. Cristian, din medic s-a convertit in IT Project Manager, Marketing Manager la firma tatalui sau, iar Ciocio a evoluat ca zilier, muncitor la negru sau oficial in Israel, Italia, Spania, fiind inginer TCM-ist. Asa a evoluat societatea post-decembrista. Dan Nicolae semana un pic ca si situatie cu Neal Daniels din Bourne Ultimatum, am inteles ca ar fi colonel, iar Cotoi sr. era doar un activist PCR de mana a doua… Sociologia poate explica traiectoriile ulterioare ale fiilor, poate cu bagaje intelectuale similare, dar din pacate, unii cu handicapul “informativ”… A fi sau a nu fi in servicii…? Din ce stiu, dintre colegii de armata, facultate, liceu, nu avem nici un oligarh sau mini-oligarh, doar functionari, specialisti, ceva oameni de afaceri medii, nici macar politicieni, ci cel mult sub-sub-secretar de stat. Dan Nicolae mi-a dat recomandarea pentru M.Eng. la Montreal, el a lucrat in Maroc dupa ’90 la Casablanca, a functionat ca si consultant Kappa (RAEF – Romanian American Enterprise Fund), a fost si un apropiat al lui fostului ambasador american James Rosapepe, un manager bun, un tip foarte versatil… Sa fie cumva un spion de bine? Din moment ce a avut amabilitatea sa-mi dea o recomandare, o scrisoare de referinta, numai de bine despre el. Ce a facut, daca a facut, este problema lui, nu a mea. The other reference for the M.Eng. from Ecole Polytechnique from Montreal has been provided by prof. Ctin. Marin, who presently has both of his children in Canada. Cealalta referinta pentru M.Eng. din Montreal am avut-o cred de la prof. Ctin. Marin, Regulatoare, cel care isi are acum ambii copii bine insurubati in Canada. Cred ca si prof. Topan de la Bazele Electrotehnicii mi-a dat referinte. Intrebarea este, de ce eu in Canada am urmat sugestiile unui individ care nu-mi inspira deloc incredere, Petre Dini, si nu am urmat ce simteam eu ca trebuie, ca mi se potriveste, MBA-ul? Eram in biblioteca Univ. Concordia, pregatind GMAT si TOEFL cand Valery Fabrikant, un universitar-cercetator ruso-israelian a impuscat cateva persoane, prin iulie-aug. 1992. Nici in liceu, nici in facultate nu am fost Top 5%, am fost 25%, cred. Am citit si facut ce mi s-a parut mie util si nu m-am “indopat” cu teorii sterile. Poate de-asta mi s-a parut scoala in Canada mai naturala, mai utila, pregatindu-te pentru lucrurile aplicative. Mai tarziu, regretand ca nu am urmat MBA-ul cand aveam varsta potrivita, am urmat ceva cursuri de initiere bursiera, atat in Canada, la Bursa din Montreal, cat si autodidact. In Romania am intentionat sa-mi iau un certificat de broker sau trader, dar am renuntat pana la urma vazand declinul bursei din ´98, si poate, si din cauza varstei. Cunostintele le am, poate ca le voi pune in valoare daca voi avea capitalul de investit, vreodata. Singura tranzactie bursiera pe care am facut-o a fost o vanzare a actiunilor de la IAR Ghimbav-Brasov, in primvara 2008, ca sa-mi platesc deplasarile la CEDO, ONU Human Rights Commission Geneva si Tribunalul Penal International de la Haga incercand sa reintru in posesia numelui original si a pasaportului… Imi amintesc de muncile agricole ale anului II cred, la Boureni sau Motatei, zona Calafat, unde colegii au fost “disciplinati”, exmatriculati chiar, suspendati, Mirel Miulescu, coleg de armata printre ei, Marian Zane, Dragos Profir. Decanul/pro-rector Dan Nicolae s-a ocupat de ancheta impreuna cu actualul comisar sef Bica. Eu, din fericire, eram plecat, si m-am ales doar cu o sticla de 1 l de coniac bauta si cu multe injuraturi de la Miulescu… Unul dintre ei a mers pana acolo incat a bagat o vaca in grajdul transformat in dormitor al fetelor: zicea ca o vaca in plus, nu conteaza. 02 – Aventurile mele cu DSS-ul romanesc Imi amintesc o amenda primita odata: in timpul serviciului militar, in 1985, in aprilie sau mai: intr-o duminica dimineata orele 03-05, am fost amendati de Militie cu concursul “solistului”, tenorului Mihai G., iesind de la tatal lui “Tapu”, maior DSS Popa, care ne-a “irigat” din belsug cu vin. El canta “Ioane, Ioane, toata lumea doarme.” La colt, la Foto Unirea, la 150 m era dispozitivul cunoscut cu porecla de “capra cu trei iezi”, subofiterul insotit de trei soldati in albastru, care ne-a rupt PV de “Tulburarea linistii publice”. Sa fi fost cumva implicat decedatul col DSS Popa, cunoscut al unui cunoscut personaj din Top 300, mare operator pe piata de capital, in prezent, sa fi fost cumva o “lucratura” viitoare contra mea, mai ales ca Mihai G. este doar reprezentant de vanzari acum? Nu mai stiu cand si unde am platit, pus amenda, stiu ca s-a facut ceva caz la Caracal in unitate, si incep sa ma gandesc ca poate e un pic de framing, de mici inscenari in caz ca este nevoie. Ar fi de verificat daca CI-istul (ofiterul de contra-informatii) al unitatii de Parasutisti Caracal sa fi stiut mai multe. Se pare ca anumiti dintre colegii de serviciu stiau suspect de multe detalii despre serviciul meu de la Parasutisti Caracal – am luat-o ca pe o coincidenta, dar poate ca lumea este mica, nu este atat de mare. Sau poate ca urmare a intalnirii mele cu generalul de Securitate Stefan Alexia, in iarna-primavara ’82… Cred ca respectivul “incident” soldat cu amenda s-a intamplat toata situatia dupa operatia de cancer cu metastaze a tatalui meu. O coincidenta relativ curioasa au fost ceva referiri facute la diverse mici intamplari din armata de la Caracal de catre cativa colegi relativ anonimi, in perioada de angajare de la Assystem Romania, firma franceza din Bucuresti, de anul acesta, inainte de voiajul meu pana la Geneva, la ONU Human Rights Commission, CEDO si TPI Haga, soldate in final cu revenirea la Mihai Anatol… Cred ca prima tentativa de recrutare a mea s-a produs in februarie-martie 1982 in actuala Casa Plesea, spatiul in care se gaseste in prezent PSD, PDL si PNTCD Dolj, precum si cateva ligi pentru apararea drepturilor omului. Acolo functiona in acel moment scoala interjudeteana de Partid. Nu-mi amintesc prea bine, dar cumva, cineva mi-a sugerat ca este “trendy” sa am legitimatie-abonament de fotbal, asa ca tatal meu l-a contactat pe un sef al clubului Universitatea, si sot al profesoarei de sport. Am primit abonamentele respective, legitimatiile de la un anume ing Alexia sau Alexa, instructorul CC (Comitetul Central PCR) pentru Dolj sau pentru Oltenia. Cred ca pana la urma respectivul era gen Stefan Alexia, director adjunct DIE/CIE pe directia francofona, cel care coordona uzinele Oltcit si toata activitatea pe partea aceasta, cel care “acoperea” tot ce era legat de francezii de la Oltcit. Poate eu si fratele meu, cunoscatori de franceza, un pic de germana, ceva engleza, am fi reprezenat niste recruti interesanti pentru anumite activitati mai mult sau mai putin acoperite… Se stie ca foarte multe dintre realizarile si asa-zisul “progres si cercetare tehnologice” ale epocii de aur proveneau din diverse activitati mai mult sau mai putin de spionaj industrial si alte activitati acoperite. Prin vara lui ’82, la cateva luni distanta, am fost vizitat acasa de un maior de securitate, Cizmaru, aparent fost invatator, originar din zona Gangiova, Gighera. Din ce am auzit, dupa ’89, el era ar fi functionat ca un fel de recruiter pentru elevi si tineret. Din ce am auzit, respectivul ar fi gestionat o parte dintre tinerii care au iesit in Decembrie ´89 in strada. Nu am date, foarte posibil sa ma insel. Este posibil ca mai multi dintre tinerii masa de manevra din dec. ’89 sa fi fost “puii” lui si ai omologilor lui din tara. Pretextul lui Cizmaru a fost ca venea din partea fratelui unui coleg, Dervesteanu, fiu de inginer constructor, militar T.R. atunci, care ar fi avut niste probleme cu cartuse. Noi aveam medalioane tuburi cu glont trase, aduse de asa-zisul “om de incredere” al tatalui meu, sofer si secretar de partid la Spitalul Bechet, Vasile Nita. Din ce am impresia, mai ales ca Nita si-a vandut casa construita pe un lot al bunicilor mei Bulacu la Bechet si s-a retras la Calafat, este posibil ca Nita sa fie subofiter acoperit. Poate ca arhivele Militiei Rurale ar explica destule, poate ca anumiti ofiteri de informatii sau de Militie-Politie sa stie multe despre Nita. Nita a functionat ca o “umbra” a tatalui meu, mai degraba “filator”. Stiu ca ii cunostea destul de bine pe multi dintre cunoscutii tatalui meu, inclusiv doctorita Georgescu, cumnata ing. Costin Georgescu, fostul director SRI in perioada guvernului CDR si al presedentiei Constantinescu, si colega de facultate a fostului deputat Cornel Boiangiu. In continuare, maiorul Cizmaru a facut presiuni asupra noastra, mai ales a mea, a intimidat-o tentativ pe mama mea, ducand-o cu masina ostentativ la serviciu etc.. recuzita standard a “baietilor” de atunci, creand atmosfera intre colegii de munca. Cizmaru si-a oprit presiunile dupa ce tatal meu a apelat la fostul lui coleg de gimnaziu, in momentul respectiv ceva sef al Militiei Municipiului Craiova, sau la Serv. Economic, iar acesta i-a cerut sa opreasca “miscarile”. Tot in perioada respectiva au avut loc in Bucuresti o serie de spargeri in locuintele diplomatice, cu furturi de bijuterii si alte lucruri. Se spune ca autorii ar fi fost asa-zisi bolnavi, internati in momentul respectiv la Spitalul Poiana Mare, unde director era Cornel Boiangiu. Dupa seria de spargeri, probabil in urma presiunilor straine, s-a ajuns la Boiangiu, care a fost arestat pentru complicitate. Este foarte posibil sa fi fost o inscenare, sau sa fi fost un pic de toleranta, numai cine a facut anchetele si respectiv le-a finalizat sau musamalizat poate sa stie. Este posibil ca Boiangiu sa fi fost implicat in chestii mai complicate, posibil ofiter acoperit DSS, lucruri relatate de unii pe blog-uri sterse intre timp (, Chinatown…). Dr. Boiangiu a fost cercetat si arestat, el fiind de asemenea arestat in perioada de liceu, in timpul miscarilor din Ungaria 1956 si acuzat de actiuni anti-statale. Este foarte posibil sa fi fost doar o inscenare, dupa anumite proceduri comune ale epocii. Din ce stiu, ofiterii care l-au anchetat, Boghici, de la Economic si Bica, se pare ca au avut ceva probleme. Boghici chiar s-a mutat definitiv din Craiova in Transilvania, el fiind prieten foarte apropiat al tatalui meu. Posibil col. Ion Boghici, de la Serviciul Economic, sa fi lezat anumite interese si “parteneriate” speciale, poate de natura economica sau informativa, cand s-a ocupat de ceva anchete de trafic si contrabanda cu aur, confiscand aur de la rromi din Dolj. Oricum, situtatia era foarte “gri” in perioada respectiva, si banuiesc ca presiunile mari din diverse parti, iar realitatea este undeva la mijloc, numai persoanele in cauza putandu-se pronunta sau clarifica lucrurile. Prin februarie 1985 tatal meu a fost diagnosticat cu cancer de colon, iar la operatia facuta de dr. Dan Setlacek la Spitalul Fundeni Bucuresti s-au gasit metastaze hepatice. Dr. Setlacek a dat 2 ani supravietuire, in final fiind 3 ani si ceva. Operatia a avut loc in iunie 1985, iar decesul pe 2 aprilie 1989. Consider, uitandu-ma in spate, ca este foarte probabil sa fi fost provocat acest cancer, posibil o iradiere usor acoperita in cancer profesional. In zona Bechet contaminarea era permanenta, scaparile si alarmele de contaminare radioactiva de la Centrala Nucleara Kozlodui, din Bulgaria fiind destul de frecvente in perioada respectiva. Cancerurile, malformatiile congenitale si leucemiile sunt si au fost foarte intalnite in zona, chiar si in directia vanturilor dominante. Circula o gluma, spunandu-se ca la fiecare vanatoare impreuna Ceausescu-Jivkov (presedintele Bulgariei din perioada respectiva), se impacau si se puneau la sertar statisticile si situatia reala privind contaminarea si statisticile de canceruri, leucemii si malformatii congenitale din zona; atunci cand apareau ceva tensiuni romano-bulgare, imediat aceste statistici erau cerute de urgenta, ca prioritate de stat. In jocul acesta romano-bulgar erau implicate contaminarea radioactiva produsa de Kozlodui si poluarea chimica de la Giurgiu catre Valea Trandafirilor din Bulgaria. Ce ma face sa cred ca in cazul tatalui meu a fost altceva este faptul ca acesta a functionat ca medic de familie, de medicina generala al personalului Santierului Sistemului de Irigatii Sadova-Corabia, construit in ’72-’75 cu management si personal expatriat, englez si belgian. Din ce stiu, in perioada respectiva au existat cateva casatorii cu expatriatii ale unora dintre fetele noastre. Cate dintre ele au fost “implanturi”, agente sau cine mai stie ce. Foarte probabil ca o cunoscuta, consateanca, pe care am sunat-o atat la plecarea mea catre Swindon in 2004, pe 9 sau 10 martie, si pe la care am trecut in dec. 1997, dupa revenirea din SUA, de la Boeing sa fie implicata. Ea era apropiata de ambasadorul in Anglia, Sergiu Celac, acuzat de politie politica, din ce am inteles. Tatal meu era apropiat si de dr. Homeag, un ginecolog de renume al orasului, care la scurt timp dupa ’85 a avut un fel de “flagrant”, care i-a adus arestare, cercetari prelungite in arest… Sa fi fost si Homeag dintre cei care cunosteau identitatile anumitor “fete”? Sa fi fost si marele actor Amza Pellea dintre cei care au cunoscut aceleasi lucruri? Sa fi fost Amza dintre cei care au format anumite Mata Hari romance, si a platit cu viata pentru a proteja identitatile unor “fete”? Dr. Homeag a murit in ’94-’95, infarct sau AVC, avand in acelasi timp reputatia de persoana cam sonora in Craiova. Sunt convins ca tatal meu a avut contacte serioase cu Securitatea, cu DSS – Departamentul Securitatii Statului, ca director de spital, ca medic in zona de granita, si mai ales ca medic de familie a unor eventuale “agente”. Foarte posibil sa fi existat ceva clauze de confidentialitate, scrise sau ne-scrise. Stiu ca el i-a urmarit atent evolutiile lui I.M.Pacepa, asculta Europa Libera zilnic, probabil ERl era sursa standard de informare pentru “nomenklatura” de nivelul 2 si 3, PCR si pentru ceilalti, serviciile de forta. Dr. Cornel Boiangiu, medic psihiatru, a lucrat o perioada in teritoriul Spitalului Bechet, fiind ulterior director al Spitalului. de Boli Psihice Poiana Mare, si dupa ’89, politician PNL, PNL-CD, PNTCD si in prezent, retras din politica. A fost senator si deputat, secretar sau membru in comisii de control SIE, SRI si Ordine Publica. Este posibil sa fi avut adversitati cu tatal meu, cunoscute fiind adversitatile din lumea medicala, lume plina de orgolii puternice, de ego-uri supradimensionate. Poate ca anumite iesiri mai xenofobe ale dr. Boiangiu i-au adus adus prejudicii reputatiei, punand presiuni asupra carierei sale politice, si poate ca acestea au fost un model pentru mediatizatul “Ponei roz”, cu tot scandalul ulterior. Eu am functionat o perioada scurta relativ ca un fel de asistent, pentru cateva luni, cam in perioada crizei ziaristilor ostateci din Iraq al dr. Boiangiu. Am incercat atunci, impreuna cu prof. Lucian Orasel, sa impiedicam o tentativa de uzurpare a PNTCD, de schimbare a numelui, si de anumite fuziuni destul de dubioase. Actiunea aceasta a noastra, de fapt a Grupului de Initiativa a prof. Orasel a reusit sa pastreze partidul, dar ne-a atras foarte mari adversitati. Nu imi este clar cine sa fie acel ponei, cu accesele lui xenofobe, si cu imaginea sugerata de comportare fascistoida, si sper sa nu fie cumva dr. Boiangiu sau eventualii lui colaboratori, printre care m-am numarat si eu. O alta situatie interesanta, o coincidenta stranie ar putea fi excursia de alpinism la Herculane, intarziata dupa intalnirea cu granicerii din gara CFR Orsova de pe 8 martie 1986. In vara ’85, dupa armata, am participat la o tabara de alpinism pe Cheile Turzii cu fosti colegi de la Parasutisti, printre ei si celebrul Dan Pavaloiu, de la TVR Cluj. A fost foarte placut si instructiv, o initiere interesanta in alpinism, camping, chiar si un conflict cu niste “bikeri” locali. In primavara ’86, imediat dupa ce s-a topit zapada, impreuna cu doi frati, montaniarzi din Craiova, am hotarat sa facem o iesire de catarare la Herculane, nu mai am numele celor doi. Urma sa ne intalnim in gara Herculane cu un coleg de facultate din Tr. Severin, el student seralist, speolog cu experienta. Adrian B. urma sa vina sambata dupa-amiaza. Noi intentionam sa facem singuri o zi de trasee. La coborarea din personalul Craiova-Orsova patrula de graniceri ne-a intrebat daca avem harti, barci pneumatice, saltele, camere gonflabile etc. Posibil ca aceasta sa fi fost procedura standard, sau noi sa fi aparut suspecti, cu rucsacii, castile de protectie pentru escalada etc. Cum aveam harti, ne-au dus sub amenintarea armelor la Unitatea de Graniceri din Orsova, si ni s-au luat declaratii. Eu aveam in agenda mea un numar de telefon din New York al surorii lui Mihai M., amic din copilarie, mecanic auto. Mihai lucra atunci in sistemul Ciclop Bucuresti, fiind si un cunoscut al anturajului regizorului Sergiu Nicolaescu si a unor persoane din stafful fost senatorial al lui fostului presedinte Ion Iliescu. El este un apropiat al unor grupuri de interese SPP si fost sofer la Securitate in armata, genul care “difuzeaza” acelasi gen de lucruri si bancuri, glumitze si chestii similare. Parca s-au facut odata ceva cercetari sociologice despre modul de lansare al zvonurilor. Poate ca unii dintre “soferii” si apropiatii secretariatelor potentatilor sunt cheia zvonurilor, informarilor si mai ales dezinformarilor. Este posibil ca oprirea si luarea noastra sub escorta sa fi fost “orchestrata”, nu am nici un indiciu, dar nu o pot nega. Sa fie cumva “baietzii” CI de la Parasutisti cumva? Ce a fost o pura coincidenta a fost nr. de telefon al Nicoletei din New York in agenda mea, luat pur din greseala. Am mai avut si o harta fotocopiata a zonei Valea Cernei, fotografie alb-negru, xerox-urile fiind tare rare pe atunci. Cum eu eram fotograf amator, mi-era mai simplu sa imprim o fotografie dupa harta respectiva. Probabil in dosarul respectivului procuror militar – in mapa lui profesionala exista pe undeva detalii ale “pieselor” din dosarul meu. Nu am ajuns mai departe, treburile au fost aplanate de tatal meu, cu ajutorul unui colonel procuror militar, Truta, care a murit in ’88-’89, accident, cadere pe gheata…. din ce am auzit, cadere violenta, comotie cerebrala, ceva similar. Imi amintesc o petrecere “bahica” a procurorului Truta, dar nimeni nu este perfect, si din ce am impresia, era sub stress puternic. Sa fi stiut unii ca el ce urmeaza? Din ce am auzit mai tarziu, au mai fost cazuri de morti violente in cazul unor procurori militari, cazuti in gol in lift in toamna ’89, mai mult sau mai putin suspect. M-am interesat la Procuratura Militara Dolj daca exista sau a existat un dosar de cercetare penala pe numele meu pentru martie 1986 si mi s-a spus ca nu exista dosar. Am fost intrebat doar daca am primit citatii. Ulterior, in iunie ’90, am urmat o concentrare la Parasutisti Buzau, cu avansarea la grad de sublocotent, ca toata lumea. Nimeni nu mi-a zis nimic despre un asemenea dosar. Poate ca un asemenea dosar era ceva pus la “gheata”, just-in-case… Eu am facut serviciul militar voluntar la parasutisti, spre deosebire de colegii de facultate, care fusesera repartizati la Securitate. Sa fi existat undeva, intre eventualii factori de decizie ceva resentimente fata de mine, de spiritul meu de ne-implicare, de stat in afara grupului, in pur spirit makarenkian, al “Poemului Pedagogic”, de re-educare neo-stalinista? In noembrie – decembrie ’88 am devenit membru PCR, urmare a unor discutii purtate de mine cu o anumita persoana din activul PCR al Municipiului Craiova, vecin la acea data. Santajul ca “ai fost membru de partid” comunist poate cadea, deoarece carnetul acela rosu reprezenta singura sansa de iesire din sub-sub-mediocritate, el fiind compromisul minim pentru o speranta de viata si cariera spre decenta, dar in nici un caz o garantie. Compromisurile mai mari poate ca aduceau sanse mai multe, dar cu un pret… Secretarul PCR pe Automatica, fost profesor, avandu-si fiul emigrant in State, mi-a reprosat imediat “de ce m-am apucat sa vorbesc cu… vecinul”. Cam asa functiona sistemul RSR, aparent schimbarile sunt minore, cam tot pe acolo suntem, daca nu mai jos. In aprilie 2007 am primit de la CNSAS adeverinta ca nu am dosar de Securitate din datele primite pana in momentul respectiv. Cred ca la acea data arhivele PCR nu erau inca accesibile. Din ce cred eu, dosarul meu era si este activ in anumite servicii, nu stiu insa la care dintre ele. O alta tentativa, presiune de intrare in servicii am avut-o in primavara ’91, de la vecinul de la apartamentul de vis-a-vis, colonel DSS vechi, pensionar la acea data, care il cunoscuse si pe tatal meu. Atunci eram somer in Craiova tranzitiei, desi mai figuram angajat la IEMI SA Pipera, iar vecinul, in spirit de “white knight” mi-a dat solutia salvatoare sa intru in SRI. In momentul respectiv eu asteptam deja emigrarea spre Canada. O coincidenta dubioasa este faptul ca amicul care mi-a spus despre posibilitatea emigrarii in Quebec a avut un accident interesant: dupa 2001: i-a ars complet Dacia Nova sau Solenza, taxi, in parcare, dupa ce s-a intors din cursa. Era foarte intrigat de acest accident, nu stiu precis cand a patit chestia asta… Am inteles ca nici asiguare nu avea la ea, deci a trebuit sa-si acopere integral pierderea. Sa fi fost vre-un avertisment, sa fi fost o pura intamplare? Intre taximetristi sunt convins ca exista multe rivalitati, intre soferi, intre operatorii de taxi… Motive s-ar putea gasi, realitatea cine stie care este. Sa fi fost totusi un avertisment ca Gabriel N. sa-si tina gura, sa nu vorbeasca ceva? Tot o situatia curioasa a patit si Fredy, din acelasi grup, cel cu care urma sa plec spre Elvetia – Germania de Sud cand mama mea a avut accidentul vascular cerebral de la sfarsitul lui octombrie 2001. Fredy a fost oprit pe autostrada in Germania de o echipa anti-terorism, cu armele indreptate spre masina lor, si verificati la sange. Sa fie cumva o coincidenta, sa fi fost introdus si el pe o lista, cum am eu impresia ca sunt si eu? Sau sa fi fost o actiune de intimidare, pentru a pastra linistea asupra unor situatii? Ce sa fi cauzat oprirea de catre politia de interventie anti-tero pe autostrada a unui grup de electricieni/ingineri electromecanici din Baden-Wurtemberg? In iunie 1992 am emigrat in Canada, in Montreal. Am plecat in principiu neobserat, fara sa trec prin procedura de lichidare, de predat buletin si toate celelalte acte, proceduri care duceau in final la faimosul pasaport albastru la momentul respectiv, CRDS, Cetatean Roman cu Domiciliul in Strainatate. Nu eram sigur ce voi gasi in Montreal, stiam ca este criza, recesiune, si mi s-a parut mai simplu sa plec cu pasaport verde, turistic, ca sa pot reveni fara mare tam-tam in tara in caz de ne-adaptare la Canada. Aveam cunostinta de cateva persoane care renuntasera la rezidenta in Canada in anii aceia, din varii motive. Exista in acea perioada un adevarat cod al culorilor la pasapoarte, in afara de cel verde, turistic, cel albastru, CRDS, mai existand si pasapoartele diplomatice, daruite din plin de echipa Iliescu apropiatilor lor, si mai existand, ca mostenire a comunismului, pasapoartele maro, pentru apatrizi, expulzati, dizidenti, cei lasati fara cetatenia romana, pasapoarte cu valabilitate foarte scurta. Nu am idee cu ce fel de pasapoarte paraseau tara etnicii germani sau evrei, dar banuiesc ca dupa plata multor “datorii” si varii donatii a proprietatilor catre statul roman sau terte persoane si personajele aflate in pozitii de control, paraseau tara cu astfel de pasapoarte. Doar livretul militar l-am predat, apeland la un cunoscut, medicul Comisariatului Militar Dolj din momentul respectiv. El era prieten de familie, chiar si eu eram in relatii bune, el fiind prieten apropiat si colaborand frecvent cu tatal meu pe linia de incorporari/recrutari. Am pastrat astfel toate actele romanesti, cu exceptia livretului militar, si nu am mai trecut prin “briefing-ul” patriotard de la Serviciul Pasapoarte. Sa fi atras acest lucru atentia negativa asupra mea? Am inteles ca la putin timp dupa plecare am primit o convocare la Comisariat. Dr.Procopie a avut o condamnare sau o inscenare posibila, finalizata cu o condamnare. Nu pot sa stiu daca a fost o coincidenta sau tot o orchestrare. Parca un pic cam multe coincidente… Poate ca felul in care am evitat circuitul standard de fise de lichidare, circuitul actelor in natura, nu le-a placut unor anumite personaje, si am fost pus la index. Repartitie am primit in vara ’90 la terminarea facultatii la IEMI SA. Toamna 1990 reprezenta deja somaj tehnic mai mult sau mai putin evident, iar toti cei cu potential plecasera fie in domeniul privat, fie la Ministerele de forta, fie in servicii pe parte tehnica, transmisiuni. Tot acolo, un coleg, mi-a sugerat sa vad “Identitatea lui Bourne”. El lucra partial sau urma sa se mute la jandarmerie. Sa fi fost un test, sau poate ca deja o “operatiune” era in desfasurare. Filmul l-am vazut la Mihai, amicul avand sora la New York, cosmeticiana, si cumnatul marinar, transformat in bucatar (sa fi fost cumva sotul Nicoletei ofiter de transmisiuni cumva…?). Privind retrospectiv, M.Eng. de la Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, nu mi-a fost foarte profitabil, doar ca am trecut prin niste companii mari, am simtit industriile high-tech, am inteles cum functioneaza industria aeronautica. Ca experienta de viata, poate ca a fost util, dar pecuniar, departe. Chiar, imi amintesc de Diana N., colega de liceu, fosta amica, si consiliera si analist politic, cum afirma intr-o discutie informala despre cineva din Craiova ca ar avea interdictie de lucru in industria aeronautica. Nu-mi amintesc clar momentul in care Diana mi-a spus acest lucru, dar poate ca atunci se intamplase fie ceva in legatura cu identitatea mea, iar eu, re-aparand pe piata muncii din aeronautica nu faceam decat sa atrag atentia la eventualul “impostor” care avea actele cu numele meu asupra lui. Este un scenariu posibil, dar ceva aparente par sa existe. Sa fi fost aceasta chestie cu interdictia pe aeronautica un fel de test aplicat mie de catre “colega” mea de liceu in sprijinul unor servicii, un fel de update permanent al serviciilor asupra a ceea ce stiu eu sau am simtit din ce se intampla in jur? Am crezut ca feminismul ei si acuzatiile ei de misoginism la adresa mea sunt doar refulari, si nu fac parte dintr-un scenariu elaborat. Intelectualele noastre “subtiri” se prostitueaza intelectual ieftin in lipsa altor optiuni mai serioase in Romania. Se spunea o gluma in anii ´80: cand cineva spunea ca lucreaza in cercetare in Romania, raspunsul normal era o ridicare din sprancene, deoarece cercetare se mai facea in momentul respectiv doar la Securitate. 03 – Aventura Canadiana Era prin ianuarie 1991, cand inca mai lucram la IEMI SA din Pipera, Bucuresti, si toata firma era intr-un fel de somaj tehnic. In naveta mea saptamanala catre Craiova, un amic mi-a spus despre lansarea programului de emigrare catre Quebec. In consecinta, am aplicat imediat, si am asteptat chemarea la interviu, care s-a concretizat prin februarie 1992, urmata de analizele medicale si emigrarea rapida. Am intrat in Montreal, Canada pe 1 iunie 1992, cu 1000 USD in buzunar, dupa o seara de petrecere intre bursierii CEU (Central European University) la Praga, din programul MBA finantat de miliardarul George Soros. Doi dintre bursieri mi-au fost vecini in compartimentul de tren spre Praga. Intrebat de ofiterul de imigratie canadian despre “money in possession”, am spus ca nu prea am, si am primit cazare gratis la YMCA Downtown pentru aproape 1 luna. A fost un ajutor fantastic, ceva care dupa aceea nu s-a mai intamplat multor emigranti. Cand esti ametit de emigrare, ajuns intr-o tara complet noua, fara prieteni, fara familie, fara sa ai pe cineva care sa te astepte, ingrijorat de toate complicatiile si de stresul adaptarii, orice ajutor pica grozav. Am intalnit acolo familia Teodorescu, din Buzau, cu Remus, fiul cel mare, coleg de armata cu fratele meu Miron la Buzau, la Parasutisti. Ei sunt dintre cei plecati dupa 13 iunie 1990, dintre cei care au “mirosit” de aproape revolutia/lovitura din dec. ’89. Au trecut cu totii, parinti si copii, prin azil politic in Franta, Belgia sau Olanda. Spuneau ca au fost cazati chiar intr-o inchisoare convertita in Olanda, au fost “squatteri” in Belgia, ocupanti de cladire abandonata, etc… In YMCA mai erau cazati si “containeristii”, cei care intrasera in Canada in containere, cu rezervele de ciocolata, pregatiti sa suporte cele 10-15 zile de traversare, imbarcati de multe ori in Belgia sau Olanda, la Anvers sau Rotterdam. Toti cei pe care-i vedeai erau experiente complete si diverse la purtator. Sunt convins ca in YMCA a fost si altceva, decat doar un centru de primire de urgenta. Avea un Gym, in care nu am intrat, avea etajele pentru turistii si utilizatorii standard, turism de afaceri sau turism pur si simplu. Poate ca era si un centru de primire improvizat atunci, in vara 1992, cand razboiul din Croatia doar incepuse, iar refugiatii incepusera sa curga, departe de zona de conflict. La Praga, in aeroport, erau multi serbo-croati pe cale sa plece spre America de Nord. Aveam un pic impresia ca YMCA-ul era si o sala cu oglinzi semi-transparente, unde erai urmarit, unde unii erau “sortati”. Nu le poti reprosa nimic canadienilor, isi apara teritoriul. Se spunea la un moment dat ca in Toronto aparusera acei Sasha Kalasnikov, baietzii cu arme. Prin ’89 in Montreal magazinele grecilor, blanariile, erau sparte de conationali de-ai nostri, unii mai “bruneti”, care intrau in vitrina cu camioanele si devalizau. Cum sa ii poti acuza atunci pe vecinii nostri un pic mai apropiati, austrieci, nemti de masurile luate? Pana la urma si romanii trebuie sa-si creeze institutiile pentru azilanti si eventualii imigranti, gen YMCA, COFI (Cours Orientation Formation Immigrants), si institutii similare care vor trebui sa functioneze: Armata Salvarii, Supa Saracului, azilul de noapte, ingrijirea batranilor, evacuarea medicala MedEvac, pompierii voluntari etc. Exista acum doar bugetari, functionari publici, relativ aroganti sau macar defensivi cu job-urile lor, uneori chiar incompetenti, uneori penal de rau intentionati. Nu exista cote de handicapati – persoane cu dizabilitati – la angajari, sau nu se aplica, nu exista re-insertie pentru persoanele marginalizate, pentru veterani de razboi, nu functioneaza medierea, s-au distrus complet eventualele programe de practica industriala, stagiile de formare profesionala. In Canada am ajuns la inceputul lui iunie 1992, eu intentionand fie angajare, desi cu experienta de munca cam redusa, fie sa urmez un MBA in engleza. Am fost ghidat insa spre M.Eng. de catre craioveanul Petre Dini, care mai tarziu mi-a ridicat multe semne de intrebare. Eu i-am cerut initial parerea despre MBA, iar el mi-a spus sa merg pe inginerie, pentru ca numai evreii fac afaceri, iar la afaceri unii pierd… Are dreptate, dar sunt convins ca daca imi urmam instinctul, mi-era mult mai bine, si poate ca anumite lucruri nu se intamplau. Cine sa fie pana la urma Petre Dini, fostul cercetator de la Centre de Recherches Informatiques de Montreal? Sa fi fost cumva el implicat in anumite lucruri, sa fi avut cumva nevoie de o “acoperire”, de o “fatza” de folosit pentru anumite lucruri? Sa fie Dini in legatura cu persoane potente financiar, din Top 50 Romania? Sa fie el in legatura cu lumea de afaceri din Craiova, sau sa fi lucrat cu un serviciu, care a sesizat oportunitatea si a “inhatat-o”? Sa fi fost el un “facilitator” academic, dupa modul cum ma sfatuia ca nu am stofa pentru afaceri? Eu sunt vorbitor de engleza, franceza, ceva italiana, si ceva germana, iar fizionomia ma poate trece drept serbo-croat, polonez, roman si poate chiar slav estic. Sa fie in interesul unor anumite servicii sa ghideze un individ singur pe caile lor, folosindu-i eventual identitatea? Cei care au vazut filmul “Lords of War” cu Nicholas Cage pot intelege cui ii sunt necesare acte pe nume diferite: traficantilor de arme, serviciilor secrete. Se stie ca imediat dupa primirea noastra in NATO, si mai recent, dupa primirea in Uniunea Europeana, au inceput sa circule liste cu incompatibili pentru noile functii. Aceste liste au generat insa si “inchiderea” unor proiecte, a unor operatiuni mai mult sau mai putin acoperite, active peste tot in lume. Retele mai vechi sau mai noi SIE/DIE din Montreal au trebuit sa-si re-orienteze sau pur si simplu sa se “dea la fund”. Aceste operatiuni au necesitat resurse, poate s-au facut pe alte nume, pe identitati asumate, unele fictive. Traficantul ucrainian de arme Yuri Orlov, interpretat de Nicholas Cage in film spunea ca are cinci randuri de acte diferite, pe nume diferite, in genti diferite… Pentru a intelege cu adevarat ce fel de afaceri cu armament s-au facut, recomand “Amintiri din Portbagaj” a lui Ovidiu Eduard Ohanesian. Filmul cu Nicholas Cage da o perspectiva mult simplificata, reducand la articole simple, gen cartuse, arme, grenade. In realitate, se poate sa fi fost vorba, in unele deal-uri facute de anumite servicii tehnice romane si straine, de afaceri mult mai complexe, rachete, sisteme de navigatie, piese de schimb pentru armament. Daca unele scandaluri aparute in presa si investigate de jurnalisti sunt adevarate, atunci valoarea numai a catorva dintre aceste deal-uri trece peste un miliard de dolari (ex. dezafectarea unor unitati de rachete anti-aeriene de la Tecuci si Ineu…). Tot asa, ar fi de urmarit si Afacerile Tigareta 1, 2 si urmatoarele, care au fost practic exporturi de armament platite in contrapartida cu tigarete, potrivit postarilor pe internet ale unora din acuzatii din lotul colonelului SPP Trutulescu. Unul din subiectii rapirii din Iraq si autorul investigatiilor s-a retras in presa de cancan si activitate de paparazzi… Eu, avand exact aceeasi varsta cu Victor Bout, ofiterul GRU sau KGB intrat la inceputul anilor ´90 in afaceri de armament, probabil ca am fost doar un furnizor de identitate, subiect al unui furt de identitate. Daca as fi avut ocazia sa aflu cu ce acte a fost arestat in Thailanda Victor Bout si as avea o proba ca asupra lui au existat acte pe numele meu, atunci poate as avea ceva sanse in justitie… Chiar in cazul in care aceste tranzactii au incalcat embargouri, au schimbat destinatia unor transporturi, nu sunt singulare, facute doar de romani. Acest gen de tranzactii sunt facute de toti exportatorii de tehnologie si de armament din lume. Toti respecta legea pana la o limita, dar concurenta este acerba, ca si profiturile si riscurile implicate de tranzactii, presiunile si spionajul din domeniu. Cine nu mai “fura un pic pe la colturi”, iese din piete, si merge spre faliment. Bout nu a vandut doar pentru rusi, se pare ca a avut un portofoliu foarte larg de furnizori, atat din Est cat si din Vest, din Nord cat si din Sud. Cele doua ierni canadiene, lucrand la Media Post, distribuind flyere la -30 grade celsius sambetele dimineata in cutiile postale mi-au dat banii de buzunar pentru perioada studiilor. Nu mi-a placut, a fost greu, frig, fara multumiri spectaculoase. Au facut-o multi dintre cunoscutii mei, chiar la 55 ani, unii dintre ei. Am facut si multe greseli, n-am fost prea pozitiv, dar nu era usor. Am si incercat cam “sus”. Poate ca daca eram mai modest in aspiratii, in obiective, imi atingeam lucruri mai tangibile. Probabil ca la un moment dat am atras atentia, fie a fost o “depasire”, “overpass”, overshoot, care a declansat altceva catre persoane mult mai puternice si mai periculoase, care m-au “impins” pe un “canal” dubios. Nu stiu ce s-a intamplat cu fostii colegi de la Ecole Polytechnique, este posibil ca unii dintre cei de origine araba sa fi avut ceva probleme dupa 11 Septembrie 2001, poate ca unii au fost mai activi in activitati islamice. Nu mi s-ar parea iesit din comun sa aflu ca unul dintre fostii colegi de cursuri din Montreal sa fi trecut prin ceva investigatii sau chiar un “stagiu” la baza Guantanamo, o detentie de durata mai scurta sau mai lunga. Totul este posibil, din pacate. Amintiri placute am despre abonamentele la Financial Post, la Globe and Mail, la The Economist, lectura Financial Times etc. Ce inseamna puterea de cumparare in formarea cuiva, dar poate ca exista si riscuri inerente in asemenea lecturi. Daca nu aplici si doar speri ca vei avea vre-odata ocazia sa aplici… Este clar ca Romania a involuat economic, nu cred ca este peste nivelul anilor ´85-´89. Pana la urma, in Craiova actuala, singura afacere de subzistenta rezonabila o constituie taximetria, care in conditii bune si ore prelungite poate asigura aproape 1000 Euro/luna, cazul fericit, fara amenzi, accidente etc. Imi amintesc de amicii mei din Montreal, Marco, mexican, si Veronique, sotia lui, frantuzoaica. Marco si Veronique realizau dublari in spaniola pentru America Latina, si-mi povesteau despre poluarea din Mexico City si despre taximetrie, activitatea de subzistenta acolo. Exista similitudini intre Romania anilor 2005 si dupa, si Mexicul anilor ´90. Job-ul la Sextant Avionique Montreal a fost interesant, a fost sansa de a intra pe piata muncii nord-americana, si chiar pe cea aeronautica. Nu ai des asemenea ocazii. Eu am intrat in locul unui canadian francofon care a refuzat in ultimul moment job-ul, fiind “furat” cu o oferta permanenta de Bombardier-Canadair, din ce am inteles. Dupa aceea a urmat Innotech Aviation, firma care le facea pe toate, completion center-ul pentru avioane de afaceri. Erai la 10-20 m distanta de avion, orice problema si greseala iti venea in cel mai scurt timp, uneori adusa de muncitorul sud-american, irlandez, canadian, quebecos sau roman, foarte vocal. Tot acolo vedeai clar ce ai facut, aveai certitudinea ca functioneaza sau ca ai dat-o in bara. Acolo l-am avut coleg pe Ted Lorentzatos, grecul originar din Galati, caracter interesant. El isi povestea divortul cauzat, dupa spusele lui, de activistele feministe prietenele fostei sotii, lucrand ca “social worker”, si isi refacea viata cu o columbianca angajata ONU, la IATA Montreal (International Air Transport Association). Si Ted a avut o viata agitata, cu emigrarea in Chile la 20 de ani, cu ceva timp inainte de lovitura de stat a generalului Pinochet. Poate ca unii ca el la 20-30 ani au facut revolutii in America de Sud, poate ei stiu mai multe despre cum se face o revolutie, despre “stangismul” unora ca Salvador Allende. Era si Stan Dimitropoulos, inginerul grec, fost inginer in armata greaca, proprietarul zgarcit imobiliar, cateva apartamente, cel care se zbatea pentru cat mai multe ore de over-time (150% salariu). Am avut destui colegi englezi, irlandezi, am avut colegi brazilieni, argentinieni. Interesant personaj era si colegul meu Harry C., chinez a doua generatie nascut in Canada, care avusese vecin acolo si coleg pe termen lung un roman nascut in Canada. Harry cunostea bine bucataria vecinilor romani. De la el m-am specializat in dim-sun de sambata dimineata, cu el m-am familiarizat cu gustoasa bucatarie chinezeasca. Tot respectul pentru fosta mea sefa Halina B. poloneza de origine, care m-a ajutat destul de mult, dar care m-a si folosit in “luptele” ei cu fostul meu sef Garry N., scotianul. La Halina am gasit proposal-ul Honeywell SLS-2000, printre multele “free-uri” care erau trimise de producatorii de componente, sisteme, sau pe langa Avionics Magazine, care-mi vine gratis si in Romania, dupa mai mult de 11 ani, proposal pe baza caruia mi-am facut raportul-proiect de sfarsit de M.Eng. (Aplicatiile GPS-ului Diferential la Aterizare). Innotech era o firma mica si flexibila, care nu platea mult, sub-mediu, dar te re-primea. Erai tot timpul intr-un fel de job temporar. Existau si “permanentii”, cei ca Ted sau Stan, angajati de peste 20 ani la firma, care tot timpul bombaneau cate ceva, despre ore, despre over-time, despre pontaj, si mai ales despre cafea. Innotech Aviation din Montreal, facea parte din grupul IMP din Nova Scotia, Canada, avand chiar un hotel in Moscova, opera zboruri si inchiriere de avioane de afaceri prin Europa si Rusia. Am avut la un moment dat coleg, pe perioada de vara, fiul unui diplomat rus, student, angajat o perioada chiar si la IBM Canada. IMP, Innovative Maritime Products, cred ca acesta era numele corect, era o firma in domenii tehnologice, dar si investitor imobiliar (real estate). Mai neplacuta pentru mine a fost experienta cu Bombardier Defense Systems Division, de la Mirabel (insemna o naveta zilnica de 40-60 km, din centru sau din marginea de nord a Montreal-ului). Pe aeroportul Mirabel in momentul respectiv aterizau doar zborurile intercontinentale si charter-ele, si avioanele militare, transport si lupta. Am dat interviul de angajare cu cineva, ca dupa aceea sa ma “trezesc” cu altcineva sef, pe care, daca as fi stiut, as fi declinat din start oferta. (cu cateva luni in urma ii contra-semnasem proiectele facute de el cu ani in urma, si lucram intre cunoscuti comuni, el canadian, eu imigrant, mai tanar, bineinteles…). Cred ca acolo s-au “tolerat” mult mai bine decat s-ar tolera in Romania o situatie similara…. Am impresia ca la DSD a inceput situatia mea de semi-”stafie”, ceva s-a intamplat, am trecut poate printr-un NATO pre-clearance, care cine stie ce a scos la iveala, poate ca Chris K., colegul meu de “cub” (cublicle) nu m-a prea simpatizat, multe pot fi posibilitatile.Oricum, eu eram foarte “verde” atunci, deci “fraged” pentru oricine rau intentionat sau profesionist in anumite lucruri. Dupa legatura mea cu greco-canadiana, de fapt greco-macedono-canadiana Margaret T., cand am locuit pe Pine Beach in Dorval intr-un bloculet al carui proprietar era un DDR-ist, am intrat intr-un lant de evenimente cam negative: drumul in Romania, cu interviuri de angajare, printre care si DacAir-ul lui GCP, DSD-ul cu Chris K. si tatal lui, colonel pensionar angajat la Innotech IMP, si alti colegi. Eu am aplicat la o pozitie complet civila intr-o sectie civila, ceva care semana relativ mult cu Innotech-ul, si pana la urma am gasit o firma militara, cu mentalitatile caracteristice; de la ce se spunea ca se va proiecta/oferta, m-am trezit ca am de-a face cu produse si sisteme 100% militare, sau cel putin 50%… Nu aveam si nici nu puteam obtine NATO clearance in timp scurt, plus ca mai si “circulasem” prin Europa si Romania, Romania lui Gh. Fulga si Ion Iliescu, si a altor nume similare. Poate ca unii inteleg o atmosfera mai tensionata, aproape “toxica”, unde accesele de paranoia sunt puternice… Am fost “terminat” in perioada de proba, 23 august ’96, cred ca dupa 10 saptamani. Cineva care trece prin emigratie, care a stat in alt mediu singur, poate intelege si aprecia altfel nevoile celor singuri, departe de familie: sinuciderea Roxanei R., o cunoscuta si colega de servici, in varsta de 33-35 ani, cu 2 copii, imediat dupa ce a fost pusa pe liber este un lucru care arata incercarile emigratiei. Sunt convins ca si “capsunarii” trec prin diverse incercari dure, ei fiind cei care aduc banii in Romania, spre desebire de multii “bugetivori”, cum ii numea un fost Prim Ministru, Nicolae Iorga. In Romania, ma intreb cat ajuta familia, pentru ca societatea, sistemul medical, nici o sansa… Poate ca militarii din Iraq-Afganistan au un pic de sprijin, desi…. Roxana si Dan R. au plecat din Romania dupa ce au absolvit aeronautica in Bucuresti, iar Dan a lucrat chiar pe la flotila Politiei sau MI-ului, probabil ca au plecat pentru copii, pentru o viata mai buna pentru ei, pentru realizare profesionala si sperante reale de viitor… El era fiu de medici, am inteles avand vila pe undeva prin Bucuresti. Este dura pentru toata lumea adaptarea la asemenea schimbari. Roxana doar avusese si ea interviu de angajare cu Bombardier DSD pentru acelasi grup, era foarte vesela, desi cam instabila, isi dadea atunci examenul de conducere. Ceea ce a destabilizat-o a fost disponibilizarea ei de la Innotech, firma in care lucram si eu in momentul respectiv. Un lucru care m-a marcat a fost gluma lui Ted, daca o pot numi gluma, pe 2 mai dimineata: (2 mai este ziua mea de nastere, iar in 1996 implineam 30 ani). Nu imi mai amintesc exact replicile, dar a fost ceva in genul: “Baaai, am doua chestii pentru tine”, “Da, Ted”, “La multi ani de ziua ta!”, “Merci, Ted”, “S-a sinucis Roxana.” , “Fara bancuri, Ted!”. (Ted Lorentzatos era cunoscut pentru glumele lui, multe cam putin gustate de noi) “Baaai, hai sa-l sunam pe Ursu la Canadair “- Ursu era Dan, sotul Roxanei, amic bun al meu. Numai asa poti intelege emigratia, traind alaturi de asemenea situatii. Eu am condus-o pe Roxana la Innotech, in ziua in care a primit “pink slip”-ul, scrisoarea de notificare. Am incercat sa o incurajez, dar cred ca deja avusese caderea, iar la 3-4 zile s-a sinucis, aruncandu-se de pe un pod. Despre lucrul in cadrul grupului Proposals de la Bombardier DSD Mirabel, nu pot sa spun decat ca a fost un pic mai “white collar”, fiind o activitate spre marketing. Handicap a fost accentul, nu eram unul de-al lor, iar seful cel mare al departamentului era un general in retragere, cu pretentiile lui mai cazone, cumva. A fost o greseala ca am plecat de la Innotech, o firma care platea putin, dar nu-ti purta pica daca plecai, si te re-primea cu usurinta. Acum Bombardier DSD nu mai exista, a fost integrata in grupul L-3, cel care produce multe sisteme de securitate, printre care detectoarele din aeroporturi, benzile de bagaje cu scanare pentru explozibili si altele. Poate ca a fost o “fuziune prin absorbtie” dictata de piata, de situatiile concrete de acolo. Nu stiu la ce data a fost Bombardier DSD cumparat de L-3 Communications (sau alta divizie), nici care este actualul statut al prof. Paraschivoiu, oltean din Tg. Jiu, cred, de la Mecanica a Ecole Polytechnique, si a fiului acestuia, angajat atunci la DSD. Poate ca s-a incercat astfel crearea unui “canal” de marketing diferit de cel constituit de firma de transport aerian DacAir din Bucuresti, poate ca eu am fost un “mismatch”…. Nu stii niciodata care este realitatea, care este “pojghita” de iluzii, cosmetica, nu intelegi care proiect este lasat sa mearga si care este “terminat”… Cred ca scopul de a urma M.Eng.-ul a fost in interesul unora, al celor care mi-au folosit identitatea si credentials-urile. Imi pare rau ca dupa terminarea studiilor si dupa raportul de sfarsit de studii nu am mai trecut pe la Ecole Polytechnique, eu lucrand deja in Everett, WA, la Boeing, la 5000 km distanta, pe coasta de Vest a Statelor Unite. Nu am nici macar fotografiile de absolvire, atat de des intalnite in America de Nord. Diploma si brosurica in care erau listati absolventii pe departamente si catedre, editata de Ecole Polytechnique mi-au fost trimise de prietenul meu, nea Iulica Teodorescu, inginerul mecanic din Buzau, radio-amator, care la 55 ani se reprofilase in sofer de camion intre Montreal si New York, Philadelphia. Cu el am mers odata la New York, cu camionul. M-a lasat in terminalul de containere Newark, New Jersey, iar eu am vizitat pentru o zi Manhattan-ul. Am urcat pe unul dintre gemeni, pe WTC si am vizitat si New York Stock Exchange, consider deplasari clasice pentru New York. Alte destinatii le voi vizita la urmatoarea mea calatorie in acolo. Am plecat din State de la Boeing dupa ce am primit oferta de angajare la FLS Aerospace din Londra, aeroportul Stansted. Era interesanta ca si salariu, era in Europa, ce ma interesa, si eram atras sa inteleg viata din Anglia. Din pacate, nu a mers, sarbatorile de iarna fiind aproape, si eu contand pe proiectul Bell Helicopter Textron in Romania, la IAR Brasov. Poate ne amintim si despre acel proiect, in care investitia era conditionata de achizitia unor elicoptere de atac. A aparut insa criza din Asia de Sud-Est, cea din Rusia, si perspectivele regionale ale Romaniei s-au deteriorat. Astfel a disparut si acel proiect de transfer de tehnologie, noi putand vedea acum grevele sindicalistilor din aceste industrii asa-zis strategice, la Brasov, Craiova si poate altele mai putin cunoscute, in zone mai “obscure”. In acest mod, Romania incepe sa nu mai aiba industrii serioase tehnologice in aeronautica, iar mana de lucru calificata fie s-a reorientat, fie a emigrat de mult spre zone mai serioase economic si social. 04 – Madrid 3/11 si Swindon, Marea Britanie, 2004 In martie 2003 am avut o tentativa de afaceri de contractari pentru productie de medical devices la MedTechShow la Stuttgart, cel mai important targ-expozitie din Europa pe domeniul respectiv. Speram sa gasesc clienti pentru asamblare de medical devices – aparatura medicala, electronica medicala, implanturi, plasticuri, etc pentru uz medical. Chiar in zilele targului a avut loc ocuparea Iraqului urmata de arestarea lui Saddam Hussein, cunoscute sub numele de cel de-al doilea razboi din Golf. In zilele targului, in timp ce consumam un meniu chinezesc cu 6-7 Euro intr-un Imbiss din gara din Stuttgart, am vazut pe televizoare garii atacarea Iraqului. La targ nu am reusit sa contractez nimic, decat promisiuni politicoase, dar am tras concluzia ca singura sansa este sa obtin contracte de asamblare de cablaje. Fusesem deja la interviu de angajare in Romania pentru Leoni Bistrita, atunci cand se lansase unitatea de cablaje pentru Mercedes A Klasse si pentru BMW, folosind fost personalul tehnic de la o sectie reconvertita profesional din zona. Dupa Stuttgart, la expozitia respectiva am ajuns la concluzia ca singurele produse fezabile ar fi cablajele, folosind in principal ca personal femei, ceva similar cu productia de confectii si incaltaminte in regim de lohn, dar mai tehnologica. Mi-am facut un site de ofertare,, si am inceput sa trimit ofertele pe mail. Am primit destule raspunsuri, dar nimic serios ca sa sper ca am sanse si perspective durabile de reusita. Cred ca ajunsesem sa am 7-8000 de pozitii in baza de date pentru Europa, firme care ar fi avut continut de cablaje, cu economii justificabile prin productia near-shore care ar fi fost in Romania. Tot in martie 2003 am avut un interviu la UTI Systems pentru programul de productie de radaruri GapFiller LockheedMartin sub licenta, dar care nu m-a tentat, mai ales vazand dosarul de security clearance, si colegii de serviciu, toti fosti militari sau absolventi de Academie Militara. Nici nu eram eu prea sigur de plata eventuala, si mai ales ca speram sa-mi reuseasca proiectul meu cu cablajele, dupa vizita la Stuttgart. Speram ceva in legatura cu firma Stork, cei care preluasera activele dupa falimentul Fokker Aircraft din Olanda, cu ei avand ceva colaborari cei de la Aerostar Bacau in directia de uzinari mecanice. Vara si toamna lui 2003 am completat lista, am tot ofertat, dar nu a aparut nimic concret. Am mai facut atunci si ceva “tamplarie” si do-it-yourself in casa, cateva debarale, care au iesit relativ rezonabil. In martie 2004, impreuna cu amicul meu din Bacau-Comanesti, Liviu B., si el fost rezident canadian, absolvent de MBA la HEC (Hautes Etudes Commerciales) din Montreal, urma sa plecam spre Londra cu autocarul, cu Eurolines, cred. La Munchen am ramas pentru o zi, dupa ce am pierdut legatura spre Londra din cauza intarzierii din vami. Am asistat la o lansare Swarowski la magazinul central din Munchen, genul de Harrods, LaFayette, sau Victoria, bucurestean. Liviu B. isi are si el tatal imobilizat, din cauza unei arterite, avand drept consecinta amputarea unui picior. Cred ca afectiunea tatalui lui a avut loc in 2002 – 2003. La Londra m-am despartit de B., el a ramas in Londra, iar eu am plecat spre Swindon, orasul in care erau cele mai multe firme de cablaje, cred ca 11-15 in total, dupa cautarile mele web. Am dormit intr-un hotel de 2*, mai ieftin, unde camera costa 30-35GBP, acolo am pierdut si inelul cu initiala MB, faimosul inel (ca intr-o reclama la un cunoscut talk-show, unul l-am pierdut, pe celalalt l-am vandut). Ziua urmatoare am vizitat parte dintre firmele de cablaje: ASD Distribution, Hindmarsh Connect Ltd., Kembrey Wiring Systems, Lake Intercom Sys, Sources UK, Tyco Electronics UK, si inca multe altele. Ciudat, dupa plecare mea in Canada din 2007, nu mai regasesc respectivele carti de vizita… Ce sa se fi intamplat oare cu ele, sa mi le fi subtilizat cineva din casa? Nu cred, nu s-ar intampla asa ceva intr-o tara din UE… poate doar in America Latina, sau in spatiul Ex-Sovietic. Cartile de vizita erau in casa la plecarea mea in Canada din mai-iunie 2007, stiu sigur. Tot asa, nici contractul de la TAD Systems, pentru Boeing nu-l mai gasesc, doar cartea de vizita a lui Mike Leeson, agentul de la TAD cu care tratam. Cred ca similar mi s-au sters si niste inregistrari de pe dischete 3.5″, pe care aveam arhivate datele din timpul studiilor din Canada, de la Ecole Polytechnique. Resimt foarte mult lipsa acestor date, in special a copiilor rapoartelor de studii si proiectelor de la Ecole Polytechnique, precum si foarte multe e-mailuri arhivate. Este foarte posibil ca din cauza depozitarii ne-corespunzatoare sa fi pierdut acele date. Mare pacat, pentru aceasta pierdere foarte surprinzatoare de date si arhiva personala. Intalnirile din Swindon au fost promitatoare, asa ca speram ca voi prinde lucrari sa-mi pot “tine” incarcata cu lucrari o echipa de 10-15 angajati. M-am hotarat asadar sa nu continui drumul spre Canada, ci sa revin spre tara, spre Romania. In auto-gara, in Victoria Coach Station am luat autocarul spre Koln, spre Germania, unde aveam legatura spre Romania. In Koln se gaseste EASA (European Aircraft Safety Association, sau EuroControl, trebuie sa verific), si din ce stiu, cartierul general continental al Ford Corporation Europe. Imi pare tare rau, dar inca nu am avut ocazia sa vizitez orasul Koln. Era 10 martie… Inainte de plecarea spre Swindon am sunat ceva cunoscuti si fosti colegi de liceu sau facultate, mai “insurubati” in Londra, antreprenori in constructii. In seara de 10 martie am plecat spre Germania. Dimineata, in autocar, am auzit in germana despre atentatul cu bomba de la gara Attocha din Madrid, spuse clar despre morti, multi romani intre acestia, in total 190-195 de morti. Intamplator, sunt vecin cu doi raniti de la Madrid-Attocha, unul fiindu-mi vecin de scara, iar celalalt locuind la scara vecina, unul foarte grav si unul mai putin grav, un timpan perforat, din ce am inteles. Prin atentatul din 11 Martie 2004 de la Madrid, gara Attocha, s-au produs o serie de schimbari pe scena politica europeana, unele care au afectat inclusiv Romania: a cazut guvernul de centru-dreapta, popular, din Spania al lui Jose-Maria Aznar si au venit socialistii lui Zapatero. Partidul Popular al lui Aznar il consideram mai apropiat, cum eram membru PNTCD, sa zicem partid-frate, afiliat tot la ICD (Internationala Crestin Democrata) si PPE (Partidul Popular European), dar nu activ. Astfel un atentat terorist a avut urmari majore in jocurile globale de putere. Mai grav, de fapt foarte grav, este cand tu esti cel lovit, cel pus intr-o postura neplacuta, pus la colt. Dupa atentatul respectiv, s-au schimbat guverne in Europa, in Spania de la populari s-a trecut la socialisti, in Romania PNTCD-ul aproape a disparut, a ramas doar ceva patrimoniu, sedii, mobilier, cu un presedinte, mai mult director general si presedinte de patronat, iar PD-ul, initial membru important al Internationalei Socialiste, unde obstructiona accesul fostilor lor colegi FSN, PSD, a trecut “abrupt” spre dreapta, spre populari, chiar spre Crestin-Democratie. Multe si incurcate sunt caile Domnului, parca se spune… In drum spre Romania, la intoarcerea de la Swindon, m-am oprit in Nurnberg-Erlangen la un amic. Am vizitat atunci Salonul IWA de arme/camping de la Nurnberg, una dintre expozitiile de profil cele mai cunoscute in Europa. In tara, dupa o noua serie de mailing-uri, am ajuns sa am o tentativa de contractare cu o firma din Bavaria, cu biroul in Pleystein, ultimul orasel din Germania, langa granita, si cu spatiile de productie in Bor, in Cehia. Pe 15 iulie 2004 m-am intalnit cu respectiva firma, in Pleystein-Bavaria, iar in septembrie. urma sa ii astept la Bechet, urmand sa dam drumul la lucru, ca Joint-Venture sub umbrela lor, ISO 9002 si toate celelalte agrementari si proceduri. Baza lor de productie la momentul respectiv din Bor era intr-o fosta unitate militara transformata in parc industrial si parca, intr-o sala de sport. Aveau deja pregatite utilajele pentru expediere, cele pentru noua capacitate de productie intentionata, ambalate, gata de expeditie spre noua capacitate de productie. Pentru inceput, in vara 2004, am facut amenajarile intr-un garaj de la casa bunicilor de la Bechet, spatiu care accepta 12 posturi de lucru, urmand eventual sa inchiriez o hala, fostul SMT Bechet, 1200 mp, in cazul in care afacerea demara cu bine. Am stricat materiale ale unor amici care produceau contoare de taxi, carora le sunt recunoscator ca inca nu m-au “executat” pentru pagubele facute lor de angajatele mele, cu al lor on-the-job-training. Cele mai bune dintre acestea erau disponibilizate RomTelecom, absolvente ale unui liceu de electronica din Bucuresti, aparent unic pe tara. Din pacate nu a iesit nimic, in septembrie Michael Millard, partenerul de afaceri, unul dintre cei 3 asociati din firma respectiva, mi-a spus ca au renuntat la Romania si s-au mutat in Tunisia cu afacerea lor de cablaje, cu scuzele de rigoare si cam atat… Asa functioneaza externalizarea, near-shore-ingul in contractare: acelasi lucru l-am patit in 2008, atunci cand cand lucram pentru Assystem Romania, firma franceza, dar pe parte de proiectare. In 2 luni, doua proiecte au “murit”, s-au inchis, unul care fusese lansat in urma cu 5-6 luni, iar al doilea care era in stadiul de fezabilitate la momentul respectiv. Cel care a “murit” a fost mutat in India, el functionand la “ralenti” de 2-3 luni in Romania, iar celalalt s-a prefererat sa ramana in Franta… Asta este viata pe outsourcing – near-shore – externalizare. It’s a hard world! Asa putem intelege si economiile facute de Nokia la Cluj, si reactia germanilor din zona Dortmund privind relocarea Nokia in Romania. Am mai primit, urmare a mailing-ului meu din 2003 – 2004 diverse cereri de oferta pentru servicii de sub-contractare, de la anumiti irlandezi, englezi. Din pacate, momentul optim este depasit, Romania nu mai este deloc o tara low cost, o destinatie recomandabila pentru investitori. Este dificil de vandut o tara in astfel de conditii, cand incepi sa nu mai ai avantaje competitionale. Poate ca este momentul sa avem cu totii o lectura a “Avantajului concurential” a lui Michael Porter, atat noua, celor cu sperante de implicare in afaceri, cat si celor care pretind ca fac politica pentru dezvoltarea tarii, care ar trebui sa fie preocupati de existenta unui mediu de afaceri competitiv, prietenos pentru investitori. Foarte importanta este insa si protectia micilor investitori si oameni de afaceri impotriva concurentei ne-loiale si a hartuielilor din partea asa-ziselor organe de control, si a spionajului industrial, sau macar a unor mici “ciupeli” informative… gen clienti, procedee de lucru, solutii tehnologice, proceduri, retete. Din ce stiu, atat in secretul bancar, in investitii, in avocatura, dar mai ales in economie trebuie garantata protectia informatiei firmei. Eu, personal, am avut ocazia sa suport pe pielea mea “scurgeri” de date, de clienti. Anumite proiecte personale le-am vazut aproape copiate de altii. Incep sa cred ca am fost tot timpul spionat… In momentul in care iti desfasori cel mai mult activitatea on-line, pe calculator, este foarte posibil sa fii usor victima unor astfel de activitati. Daca, mai grav, exista complicitati intre anumite servicii, care executa interceptari de date si voce, legal sau ilegal, si anumite grupuri specializate in activitati de spionaj industrial si economic, atunci chiar nu ai nici o sansa de reusita. Cred ca dl. gen. Ilie, directorul UTI Romania in protectia informatiei, cu care am avut interviul de angajare in 2003 poate confirma, avand in principiu cam acelasi profil academic ca si domnia sa. Cred ca este una dintre persoanele in masura sa confirme riscurile de scurgeri de date economice, proiecte personale sau comerciale, private sau corporatiste. Din pacate, la noi, in Romania, s-au “acoperit” sub pretextul sigurantei nationale diverse interceptari de voce, date, informatii tehnice, multe dintre ele soldate cu pierderi comerciale greu de cuantificat, si foarte greu de probat. Este problema serviciilor sa se asigure si sa garanteze ca datele si informatiile economice sau personale interceptate legal sau ilegal nu sunt distribuite unor terti, in scopuri pur mercantile ale anumitor ofiteri-agenti sau -factori de raspundere implicati in respectivele operatiuni. Aceste aspecte sunt foarte complexe, si sunt similare proceselor juridice in domeniile copyright-ului, insider trading (in domeniul financiar, bursier), sau a conflictului de interese. Cu totii cunoastem legislatia copyright-ul pentru muzica si filme, programe informatice, dar din pacate, din anumite complicitati, in Romania s-a ajuns la o mica “coterie”, un parteneriat reciproc avantajos intre persoanele bine-platite din aceste agentii si ONG-uri din protectia drepturilor de autor si organele de control legale. Eu am fost implicat in cateva proiecte IT folosind medii open-source si Linux, si posibil am lezat anumite interese si lobby-uri ale distribuitorilor, importatorilor si integratorilor. Se stie ca informatia “calda” este bine platita, si daca este furata si valorificata imediat, valoreaza foarte mult. Toti actorii SIE, DSS, si Informatii Militare cu state de lucru in spionajul industrial stiu foarte bine cum s-au procurat tehnologii si fabrici intregi in perioada ceausista din spatiul NATO. De studiat ar fi unde, in ce firme si organizarii si in ce domeniu, si anume ce fel de activitati desfasoara aceste persoane in prezent. De vazut este daca nu cumva isi valorifica experienta in interesul personal sau chiar in activitati de tip criminal, economico-financiar, sau chiar implicati in anumite grupuri de criminalitate organizata, cu legaturi cu mafii trans-frontaliere, sau activitati teroriste…. Trebuie vazute si identificate anumite legaturi de tip RICO si implicarea in presiuni politice a acestor “specialisti”, cu implicatii in drepturile omului, in libera concurenta, in economie de piata functionala si intr-o justitie independenta, apolitica, functionala si competenta, respectiv a unui stat de drept, european, membru al Uniunii Europene, al OSCE, si nu unul de tip lumea a treia, sau de tip stat sovietic, Congo etc… Mugur Ciuvica, fostul consilier al Presedintelui Emil Constantinescu, victima a asa-numitului Scandal Armaghedon, “ridicat” de pe strada poate da informatii asupra activitatilor si “acoperirii” legale a multor dintre aceste operatii in forta a unor asa-zise organe abilitate ale statului de drept. 11 – Jocul romanesc al anilor 2008 – 2009 18 oct. 2008 Sa ne inchipuim un joc european, in care miza este controlul rutelor Est-Vest, Nord-Sud, rutiere, energetice si de hidrocarburi. Uniunea Europeana este discutabil functionala, Statele Unite sunt deja in recesiune, iar NATO are anumite probleme functionale, practic un rodaj, o “digerare“ a noilor admisi in alianta, o adaptare la extindere si la criza care vine. Apar diverse probleme de coruptie, scandaluri de spionaj, gen Willem Matser, ofiter de informatii olandez si fost oficial NATO, cu parteneri romani, poate in legatura cu retele de trafic de droguri si spalare de bani. Apar nume de miliardari, de potenti financiari, ca Tender, apar complicitati in afaceri gen oil-for-food din Iraq, scandaluri gen Blackwater. Nume ca Tender, Patriciu, poate Becali-MApN si altii sunt implicate in finantarea partidelor politice si a schimburilor Est-Vest. Boom-ul imobiliar din zona, din Romania a permis “sanitarizarea” unor mari sume de bani, iar clarificarile nu sunt dorite de nimeni. Probabil toata lumea a avut de castigat din acest export de servicii in noua economie, economie a serviciilor si know-how-ului. In zona se negociaza traseul conductelor trans-europene de gaze, proiecte concurente, cum ar fi Nabucco, South-Stream sau gestionarea celor deja existente, cum ar fi Drujba, cu extinderea acestora. Rusia incearca sa-si recastige controlul politic in zona, avand controlul economic asupra a cel putin 60% din economia Romaniei – de verificat. Si in Rusia exista un clivaj intre generatii, intre formari, cu o polarizare economica puternica. Si Romania, ca si Rusia, are probleme demografice serioase – scaderea populatiei, migrari masive, inegalitati economice. Rusia s-a recuperat relativ bine economic gratie “jocului“, putem chiar sa-i spunem un pic exagerat ca un santaj cu hidrocarburi asupra Europei Centrale si de Vest. Complexul militaro-industrial este functional in Rusia, performant, dupa cifrele publice disponibile. Asa ca fosta Uniune Sovietica – noul imperiu Tzarist – incearca sa-si recastige controlul politic si eventual militar in zona. In Romania sunt in perspectiva apropiata primele alegeri uninominale pentru Parlamentul national, unde clasa politica este aproximativ cea pe profilul “komsomol”, la fel ca in Rusia. Perspectivele de schimbare sunt reduse, mai ales ca multi dintre cei cu potential si-au continuat cariera in Europa, America de Nord, iar unii, chiar in Japonia… Subiectul istoriei de fata, 42 de ani, inginer absolvent de automatica (Universitatea din Craiova) si avionica (Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada) are formare tehnica, cinefil entuziast, sublocotent de parasutisti in rezerva, politically aware, cu destule contacte in lumea politica. Fratele, tot ofiter de parasutisti, cu experienta tehnico-comerciala vasta si mult mai conectat la lumea politico-economica locala. Miza jocului este modernizarea si dotarea multor institutii, printre ele, suplimentara, ar fi achizitionarea a 48 de avioane de lupta, aproape 5 miliarde de Euro valoarea contractului. In plus, ar mai fi si indeplinirea obligatiilor NATO – achizitie si participare pe teatrele de operatiuni, dotarea Politiei, serviciillor, asistenta medicala la cerintele zilei, invatamant competitiv pentru cerintele UE. Atunci cand zona este foarte disputata de europeni, americani, rusi si multe elemente arabe-musulmane, multi dintre acestia din urma – se afirma in presa de investigatii, de scandal sau pur si simplu de senzatie – fiind agenti dubli, chiar tripli, ce poti sa te astepti. Sa presupunem ca in zona exista o coloana a V-a rusa veche, care era in contact cu familia – poate ca moartea unui unchi din partea mamei, in accident de motocicleta in ’63, nationalizarea unui atelier de productie la inceputul anilor ’50, urmata de evacuarea din casa a bunicilor, poate chiar moartea tatalui, cand posibil ca a depus rezistenta recrutarii in servicii a fiului cel mare sau al amandoura. Cam acesta ar fi contextul. Investitorii majori din zona sunt din industria aluminiului si auto, precum si altii mai mici in domeniile petrol-hidrocarburi-energie. Deci Balcanii de Vest, cu traseele rutiere si energetice, si achizitionarea unor cantitati mari de echipamente militare, pentru re-tehnologizarea si modernizarea armatei nationale, si implicit, orientarea clara intr-una din directiile NATO, europene sau transatlantice. Clasa politica este predominant de stanga, “colorata” oarecum dupa curentele europene. La PPE (Partidul Popular European) a aderat relativ recent o aripa a fostului FSN, partidul format dupa revolutia-lovitura de stat din dec. ’89, curios, virand de la socialism catre centru-dreapta. Coincidenta, aceasta migrare s-a produs dupa atacul terorist de la Madrid din martie 2004. Elita economica locala, nationala, este si ea relativ recenta, cu profile diverse, unii cosmopoliti, versati, experimentati, altii pur si simplu oameni de paie, fara anvergura in competitivitatea mondiala sau europeana, cu tendinte autocratice si cu limitele de rigoare. Capitalul de pornire, speculativ, al oligarhilor si poate al notabilitatilor locale s-a acumulat in perioada embargoului din fosta Yugoslavie… Atunci s-au creat si micile sau mai marile complicitati, parteneriate ale notabilitatilor locale cu serviciile de informatii partenere, atunci s-au pregatit si relatiile utile pentru afacerile rentabile de mai tarziu… Spunea cineva implicat in memorabilele “traficuri” de frontiera ale anilor ´90 ca numai cei care traficau cate o canistra de carburant erau prinsi, cei care tranzitau vagoane sau garnituri de tren beneficiau de imunitate deplina. Poate ca in acest mod au aparut si viitoarele modele de produs bani negri pentru partide, prin “metamorfozele” CLU-CLM, combustibil lichid usor, vandut ca motorina, cu fraudarea accizelor si altor taxe… Autorul, fiul cel mare, implicat mai mult formal decat faptic in crestin-democratia romaneasca din ’91. Intre timp, PNTCD, partidul respectiv aproape a disparut, fiind transformat intr-o afacere pur imobiliara, mai mult nominativa, iar pozitia lui pe scena politica fiind ocupata de PDL, fosta aripa FSN, cea care a migrat spre centru-dreapta. Sa ne inchipuim ca s-a incercat recrutarea mea, autorul, fiul cel mare, prima data in ’82, in anul II de liceu, urmata de alte tentative, in ’86, in facultate, in ’91, dupa facultate. Sa presupunem ca in ’92 am avut norocul sau printr-un concurs de imprejurari, am fost ajutat sa scap, prin emigrare in Canada. Posibil ca acolo sa fi fost urmarit foarte atent, iar opiniile mele politice, sociale si economice sa fi fost monitorizate foarte atent, iar concluzia acestei monitorizari sa fi fost ca sunt un pic cam de dreapta, ne-convenabile pentru anumite evolutii in timp ale societatii romanesti. Poate ca in ’94, dupa vizitele mele repetate in Romania, am devenit in mod clar un “subiect”, un “obiectiv” de recrutare. Probabil folosirea mea in scenarii si jocuri politice a fost un eventual Plan A. Poate ca simultan s-a pregatit si un plan B, de rezerva, care sa-l utilizeze pe fratele meu, Miron, semananand cu mine destul de mult, ca si contingenta, plan de avarie… Sa presupunem ca echipa socialista veche, dogmatica, poate gen Ion Iliescu-Silviu Brucan-Adrian Paunescu-Vasile Bulucea si comunisti-socialisti din Oltenia, poate eventualii reprezentanti actuali ai Internationalei a IV-a sau a V-a. Sa presupunem ca datele necesare au fost date de apropiati, cunoscuti inca din copilarie, care cunosteau detalii minore din copilarie ale celor doi frati. Unul dintre eventualele surse ar fi o ruda indepartata, Mihai M., apropiat-angajat al unor firme din anturajul echipei unui reputat politician de stanga, actor-regizor-producator, super-erou, cu state vechi, si probabil, unul dintre regizorii-scenaristi-producatori ai “revolutiei” din decembrie ’89. Parca Ion Iliescu era cel care facea apologia unei asa zise “democratii originale”, apoi apologia capitalismului de tip suedez, iar acum, din China, predica despre o tara si doua sisteme. Poate ca el cu scenaristul sef si regizorul posibil al Revolutiei din decembrie ´89 au planificat aparitia unor politicieni de PR (Public Relations) si a unor “investitori de mucava”, gen personajul Eftimie Belciug din filmul “Ticalosii”. In cazul in care s-au avut in vedere aceste 2 planuri, A (fratele cel mare) si B (fratele cel mic, ramas in tara) pe acelasi nume, pe aceleasi “credentials”, cele internationale, atunci presupunem ca o operatiune UM0215/0962 sau MapN l-a urmarit si controlat pe cel din tara, iar o alta SIE/MApN l-a urmarit pe cel din strainatate, in tarile relativ aliate si prietene, Canada si SUA. Este posibil ca mie, Mihai, cel care a lucrat in aeronautica, sa mi se folosit identitatea, eventual un set de acte false, canadiene si romanesti date unui traficant de arme ca Victor But, cel arestat in Asia de Sud-Est in martie 2008. Dupa toate aparentele, Victor Bout a vandut armament pentru mai multe tari NATO, Israel, dar si Rusia si Ucraina… Trecand prin Boeing, Bombardier-Canadair, am acumulat expertiza pe aeronautica, si in acelasi timp, am intrat in contact cu anumite persoane, poate unele implicate in prezent in proiecte importante. Daca se avea in vedere programul de inzestrare a armatei cu avioane, cu transportoare, asemenea contacte devin utile, asemenea “credentials”, diplome, contacte, ajuta in negociere. Poate ca si revenirea mea in tara, in 1998, in perspectiva contractului Bell Helicopter, cu integrare locala in aeronautica a fost oarecum un pretext pentru a genera crearea unui “lot” de expatriati ieftini, romani, un fel de consultanti disponibili pentru diverse scopuri… poate subiect de monitorizare informativa permanenta, un fel de “pepiniere de idei”, subiecti de training pentru agenti externi sau cine mai stie ce alte proiecte, private sau oficiale… Dupa proiectele si afacerile incercate de mine in domeniul privat, unele intrerupte de concurenti mai puternici, altele de lipsa clientilor, am avut o serie de tentative de angajare in industria militara sau aeronautica locala. Am avut de-a face in martie 2003 cu UTI, partenerul local Lockheed Martin in proiectul GapFiller, proiect de dotare si modernizare cu radare de radio-locatie a spatiului aerian national, militar, dar si civil. Nu am fost interesat de angajare, proiectul fiind deja lansat, in desfasurare avansata. Au mai existat si alte proiecte civile, ca DacAir lui G.C. Paunescu, care a “capotat” in 1998 din cauza falimentul Bancorex, in timpul guvernului CDR. Este posibil ca atunci G.C.Paunescu sa fi devenit ostil PNTCD-ului, si poate ca si mie, Mihai, si poate ca in final sa fi inclinat spre planul B, Miron. Nu stiu, nu am certitudini. In fond, intr-o tara, oricine are dreptul la opinii politice, mai ales daca acestea nu sunt extremiste. Poate ca legaturile intre G.C.Paunescu si Becali, clubul FC Steaua si diverse evenimente si subiecte media, gen scandalul Mihai Viteazu, sau scandalurile “Bricheta” si “Valiza” nu sunt decat simple surogaturi de stiri si informari, simple perdele de fum si subiecte de stiri comode pentru media, create de grupuri relativ obscure, “ocultate”… sau poate doar simple evenimente media utile in perioade de criza, cum este cea din prezent. Dupa cele 3 luni petrecute la inceputul lui 1996 in Romania, cautand o angajare in Bucuresti, a urmat toata seria de situatii de la Bombardier Defense Systems Division, Mirabel, QC, care poate ca avea in vedere ofertarea pachetului de achizitie de avioane si mentenanta, cu eventuala mijlocire a prof. P. si fiul (amandoi originari din Tg. Jiu, fosti in Maroc). Ma gandesc ca poate deja eram doar un nume, o acoperire pentru altcineva. Sa fie cumva un scenariu gen “Sacalul”, cel filmat in Montreal, unde creezi imaginea unui personaj rau… Nu stii daca este joc sau coincidenta. Cum spunea fostul meu vecin Jason, koreanul din Calgary 2007, poate ca sunt Illuminati, poate doar este o teorie a conspiratiei… S-au intamplat evenimentele, atentatele care au constituit etape ale GWOT (Global War on Terror), a Razboiului Contra Terorismului, cu WTC 9/11, Madrid 3/11, 2004, atentatul din Metroul Londonez din 2005. Poate ca multi dintre “jucatorii” locali erau si ei destul de ostili PNTCD. Poate ca eram eu in plus, si Planul B era cel avut in vedere, cu gemenul-sosie Miron. Poate ca anumiti cunoscuti, fosti profesori, poate si colegi, absolventi cu mult inaintea mea a Automaticii Craiova, cum ar fi si actualul presedinte PNTCD au “facilitat” aceasta disparitie intentionata. Curios, si Marian Petre Milut, actualul presedinte PNTCD, apropiat al lui Gigi Becali, si eventualele activitati de transfer tehnologic Est-Vest pe domeniul IT militar din perioada anilor ´80 sa fie ceva legaturi… Curios, si Ovidiu Tender este fiul unui apropiat al lui Ion Iliescu, ofiter de graniceri, sau de informatii militare. Din ce stiu, toti cei care au fost cumva implicati in impiedicarea stergerii PNTCD, a disparitiei acestuia de pe scena politica au suferit mai mult sau mai putin anumite condamnari, de la asa-zise “flagranturi” de contrabanda, de conducere sub influenta bauturilor alcoolice, si de ce nu, eventuale traficuri de influenta, cu caltabosi, palinka si alte astfel de “materiale strategice”, sau poate, un furt de identitate camuflat in acuzatii de spionaje, tradare, etc, in bun spirit stalinist. Curios, scandalul “palinka-caltabosi” a aparut la scurt timp dupa un relativ conflict cu un var de al meu prin alianta, legat de anumite depozite bancare, fin al unui membru marcant local PDL, apropiat al UTI Romania, director in cadrul Primariei Craiova. Sa fi facut respectivul ing. Petre Ion si varul meu parte dintr-un montaj al unei structuri PDL, sau au conexiuni cu anumite “operatiuni” speciale de export de armament exportate din Romania. Sa fie acestia in legatura de afaceri sau de partid cu chestorul in rezerva Ctin. Tulitu, primarul PDL Bechet, poate cu Radu Berceanu, presedinte PDL Dolj, si cu suportul unora ca sen. PDL Udristoiu implicati intr-un fel de musamalizare si acoperire a situatiei furtului de identitate posibila? Sau toate aceste presiuni nu au fost decat niste miscari politice, de intimidare sociala, marginalizare economica si facilitare a recrutarii mele in anumite sisteme informative, private sau oficiale…? Poate ca aceasta urmarire mai mult sau mai putin “apropiata” a mea a inceput din anturajul chestorului acum in rezerva C. Tulitu, din vara 1998, poate cu complicitatile unor ofiteri din Politia Judiciara Dolj, sau din serv. Economic. Poate ca si furtul banilor unor clienti potentiali, delegatii de la Vinicola Averesti Husi, fie inscenat de catre acestia, fie pregatit de un “colectiv” apropiat Politiei din Bariera Vergului (Sect. 3 sau 4 Bucuresti) a facut parte tot din astfel de dosare necesare, “just-in-case”. Poate ca defunctul col. Loja si cunoscutii lui de la Directia Vamala Dolj sa stie mai multe despre acea situatie… Poate ca protectorii lor din diversele servicii de forta sa fi pregatit o recrutare, sau poate ca protejau informativ operatiuni speciale cal. 7.62mm intre Dragasani si Vama Bechet… Imi amintesc despre un fost coleg de liceu si mai indepartat de facultate, devenit intre timp ofiter DNA (Directia Nationala Anticoruptie), pe care l-am si gazduit pentru o noapte sau mai multe in apartamentul meu din Bucuresti, sect. 5, cand sotia lui sau el aveau anumite examene de sustinut…. In acelasi bloc isi avea apartamentul si fostul presedinte PNTCD Ion Diaconescu. Am anumite banuieli ca toate aceste presiuni au inceput oarecum dupa intalnirea posibila din 1982 cu ing/gen. DIE Stefan Alexie, cu acoperirea de Instructor PCR din partea CC al PCR pentru Dolj, si oarecum coordonator al activitatilor de spionaj Olcit Craiova. Se spune ca respectivul gen. Alexie este unul dintre apropiatii si arhitectii FNI, cu falimentul lui din mai 2000. Curios, directorul FNI Dolj a fost un locatar al bunicilor mei, aproape evacuati din casa si atelierul lor din Bechet-Dolj, la inceputul anilor ´50. Curios, persoane ca tov. Dindere, fostul presedinte al Raionului Gura Jiului din perioada, apropiati ai sen. PSD Ion Predescu, actual judecator al Curtii Constitutionale, precum si apropiati ai poetului PSD Adrian Paunescu. Tov. Dindere se pare ca a urmarit oarecum evolutia familiei mele, urmarind atat confiscarea atelierului lui Ion Dobre, cat si scoaterea din invatamant si intrarea in CAP a celorlalti bunici, Bulacu, si “re-educarea” spre invatamantul superior a tatalui meu. Poate ca si moartea lui Paul Dobre are ceva de a face cu anumite lucruri din “tema” Dindere. Sa fi fost tov. Dindere, originar din Mehedinti, din zone aproape defavorizate, un membru al unei posibile Coloane a 5-a estice? Am inteles ca respectivii au foarte multi protejati si oarecum “dependenti” in noile servicii secrete, politie, dar si in Justitie… multi dintre politicienii social-democrati din zona fiind oarecum scoliti in anturajul Dindere… Ma intreb daca “trecerea” mea printr-un mediu relativ controlat nu s-au protejat identitatile si acoperirea unor agenti de care eu sau tatal meu aveam cunostinta. Poate ca tatal meu a avut relatii apropiate cu personalitati ca Amza Pelea sau anturajul acestuia. (vezi Dr. Ion Homeag, prieten de familie cu ai mei). Nu stiu si nu am cunostinte despre miscarea Meditatia Transcedentala si eventualele francmasonerii din perioada comunista, in care poate ca tatal meu sa fi fost participant, ca si alti intelectuali din zona. Poate ca vecinii/cunoscutii au fost sub presiune pentru a facilita o recrutare, un “framing”. Sefa de scara a fost cunoscuta apropiata si vecina a poetului Marin Sorescu. In toamna 2004 am fost “mana de campanie” PNTCD, ajutandu-l benevol pe dr. Boiangiu, atunci pe cale sa fie scos dintre cei care faceau jocurile in partid. Cred ca era sponsorizat de Dinel Staicu – SIF5 si de sirienii/egipteni Bakri, front sau spate al unor interese de constructii in zona. Am lipit afise, am batut satele sudului Doljului, a fost interesant, am vazut satul real roman, nu cel media, cel PR-agro-turistic… Imi amintesc martie 2005 cand impreuna cu Emil Dumitrescu si Cornel Boiangiu am facut un drum la Poiana Mare, unde se refaceau alegerile locale. Atunci Boiangiu a incercat sa se intalneasca cu Ion Iliescu, aflat si el in zona pentru campania PSD. Acesta insa aparent l-a evitat pe Boiangiu… Asta a fost impresia mea. Posibil ca Boiangiu sa incerce sa-si arate o carte de joc, eventualul plan in care Mihai ar fi fost folosit, si nu Miron, asa numitul Plan A (…. de verificat …). Daca ipoteza mea este corecta, si Iliescu mergea pe planul B, posibil ca si co-scenarist, cu Sergiu Nicolaescu sau cineva din SIE – vezi Fulga, fostul director, brasovean, fiul unui apropiat al lui Iliescu, atunci planul A, pe care incerca Boiangiu sa-l sprijine si sa aiba loc in “jocuri” l-a deranjat pe Iliescu si l-a respins din start, evitand contactul respectiv, intalnirea din zona. Aparent Cornel Boiangiu a sarit in barca PD si s-a apropiat de Traian Basescu, Presedintele in exercitiu, prin aprilie 2005, cred ca inainte de criza ostatecilor. Probabil i s-a aratat clar ca nu are carti de joc… eu ne-fiind probabil decat o piesa de sacrificiu in curand, probabil o planificata “disparitie” in sistemul medical, religios, sau un sans-papiers in Europa de Vest, cu numele schimbat, cu diplomele radiate etc… Probabil o situatie gen Mihail Sebastian, evreul nationalist, care in cine stie ce jocuri a fost prins, sau la ce evenimente a fost oarecum martor. Am oarecum impresia ca fostul condamnat anticomunist Cornel Boiangiu a functionat ca un provocator nationalist, un provocator xenofob, un fel de profiler… Aparent inadaptatul si turbulentul politic Cornel Boiangiu, cu aparenta sa rezistenta nationalista-anti-comunista, a dereglat activitatea mai multor partide de dreapta. In cazul aproape defunctului PNTCD, constat ca el a fost cel care a adus la conducere echipa “groparului” M.P.Milut. Prin martie-aprilie 2005 s-au intamplat mai multe lucruri: In martie urma sa plec in UK la formarea/cercetarea in fiabilitate, eu ne-gandindu-ma la coincidentele 9/11 (posibilitate) si la 3/11 Madrid (alta coincidenta, dar poate fi doar numerologie…). Atunci colega mea Diana Neamtu imi sugereaza eventualitatea unui post de sub-prefect dupa eventualele anticipate, fara sa garanteze nimic concret, bineinteles. Probabil ea era in misiune sa ma tina sub control, in zona lor de interese, ca piesa de negociere. Rapirea jurnalistilor a anulat anticipatele, cu tot circul mediatic si probabila spalare de bani si schimb de prizonieri sau ce o fi fost la mijloc. Ohanesian aparent nu are voie sa vorbeasca timp de 25 sau 50 de ani, desi sunt convins ca are toate informatiile. S-ar putea ca in momentele anterioare rapirii, dupa congresul de constituire PPCD, din 5-6 martie 2005, Ohanesian sa fi documentat cine stie ce teorie a conspiratiei, si atunci o varianta interesanta a fost rapirea din Iraq, pentru acoperirea acesteia si “sifonarea” unor bani… S-au atins mai multe obiective, s-a pus un “capac” la o situatie potential spinoasa… Probabil ca eu eram o piesa de negociere/santaj asupra unor parteneri in acest GWOT, poate identitatea unor agenti secreti, dubli, tripli, cum a fost cazul asa-zisului “terorist” sirian, Omar Hayssam, a carui mediatizata plecare-evadare pare mai mult un ecran de fum, si poate un pretext de lupte intre anumite factiuni ale politicii nationale. Astfel, o posibilitate ar fi ca un fost prim ministru, asa-zis “regele termopanelor”, probabil impins de santajistii din spate, cei care au girat sifonarea a 700 milioane euro TVA returnat ilegal, plus eventuale afaceri trans-frontaliere, arme, droguri, si sclavia moderna, femei, lucru la negru, trafic de persoane, combustibil, materiale strategice. As vrea sa stiu la ce data am fost eu trecut in sistemele informatice ca “to be observed”. O coincidenta o vad eu in mai ’99 cand am importat de la Lyon de la un anume Garnier, casatorit cu o angajata superba a Postei Romane articole tip “army-surplus”. Atunci am ratat vizita Papei Ioan-Paul II la Bucuresti, cu intalnirea cu Patriarhul Teoctist, unul dintre evenimentele secolului 20. Sa fi fost o situatie, o ratare deliberata, un proiect de lunga durata al serviciilor, romane, ruse sau NATO? Sau mai degraba au fost niste agenti locali implicati in treaba asta pentru binele “cooperativei”? Sa fie tot ei cei care au “vizitat” apartamentul mamei mele in mai-iunie 2007, cand eu eram in Calgary? Sa fie cumva tot ei campionii la schimbat nr. de inmatriculare sugestive, gen FNI, PNT, KGB SYE etc… Sa fie ei cei care au un atelier de serigrafie pentru T-shirt-uri cu continut mai mult sau mai putin sugestiv? Cred ca pe “scheletul” unor miscari sub-terane studentesti, acestia pot plimba si fete si baieti cu orice inscriptionat pe ei. Poate ca si beneficiarii finantarilor PHARE din zona au putut contribui si ei cu plase, 50 bani/buc., cu mesaje si ele mai mult sau mai putin manipulative. Ramaneau de coordonat “trecerile”, pozitionarea purtatorilor pe anumite trasee. Poate asa inteleg si agresivitatea unor “femei puternice”, poate o masonerie feminina deosebit de penetranta, de agresiva. In fond, ai un subiect de antrenament, ca in Discovery, Spy School. Fraierul sta pe banii lui, iar noi ii servim ce dorim… Acestea s-au intamplat in toamna 2007 si tot anul 2008, deci mult mai tarziu, dar par ca o maskirova clasica. Tot in 2005 Dr. Boiangiu a incercat sa ma implice conjugal cu niste fete cu relatii destul de vizibile in sfera serviciilor sau a structurilor informative “dejiste”. Casatoria a fost o mare greseala, desi aveam banuieli ca tatal ei este implicat la nivel, sau macar in contact, dar nu foarte inalt in servicii. Am crezut ca el o protejeaza, incearca sa o scoata din joc. Diana, atot-stiutoarea mea colega, dar pana la urma, aparent un handler, un controller sau macar profiler, imi sugera ca fosta sotie vrea sa plece casatorindu-se cu un purtator de dubla cetatenie. Atunci pot sa inteleg eu august 2006, cand fosta sotie era foarte curioasa sa afle cand imi expira pasaportul romanesc. Probabil ca in acel moment urma sa raman fara pasaport, se facea o “metamorfoza” Mihai in Mihail, exact ca si situatia antrenorului Victor Piturca pe aeroportul Otopeni. Probabil astfel eram redus la nivelul de obiect de trafic uman, fara istorie cu pasapoarte, disparand si vizele anterioare. Posibil deveneam un bolnav psihic sau un caz social, fara mijloace materiale si fara istoric. De verificat ar fi daca in locul meu intra cineva in loc, pe diplome, acte, sau doar eram eu destabilzat, supus sub presiuni diverse… Poate doar eram “adoptat” de o familie puternica, care avea controlul asupra unor eventuale pretentii litigioase in incapacitarea mamei mele la 6 saptamani dupa 11 septembrie 2001. Cum spunea un fin cunoscator al servciilor secrete romanesti dejiste si ceausiste, Securitatea stie sa-si acopere foarte bine urmele… Acesta a fost parca scos din linia de succesiune de agentul komintern-ofiter GRU Emil Bodnaras la inceputul anilor ´80. Posibil ca atunci intra in loc un alt Mihai Anatol Bulacu, cu alte diplome de studii, poate ca acesta era Victor But, cel arestat in Asia de Sud-Est. Probabil secretariatul Univ. din Craiova si a Colegiului Carol I din Craiova stiu ce si daca s-a eliberat ceva pe numele meu cu fotografiile respectivului. Complici sa fie cumva dir. adj. – prof. Rotaru, foarte prompt cand am intrebat despre diploma de bacalaureat, despre “cotorul” acesteia, dupa “situatia” de la Secretariatul Universitatii Craiova, unde la scurt timp a re-aparut diploma, de fapt “cotorul”. Poate ca onor dep. PD Diana Busoi, Gelu Visan sa stie ceva despre o eventuala operatiune. Sunt convins ca si Radu Berceanu si M.J.Marinescu stiu despre un eventual GPS diferential pentru auto-land, amandoi fiind ingineri aeronautici, toti acestia fiind membri in partidul “transformer-ilor” din FSN in PPE, in Crestin Democratie. Pana si Iliescu, din liber cugetator s-a transformat in crestin practicant. Sper ca timpul va clarifica, va limpezi aceste lucruri, si va infirma anumite scenarii paranoide… 12 – The script for a personna substitution November 9, 2008 If the anti-KGB division still is active in the SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) or any other service, if maybe some retired and now publishers of recent history like the retired intelligence col. Philip Teodorescu would talk, they might have a feeling and eventually might help with some valuable hints, if GWOT or some other reasons are not called by different interests. Perhaps it is just about recycling, paper, metals, as well as intelligence officials, blackmails old and new, kept ready for use… The value of archives is unvaluable, in politics as well as administration. Perhaps one remember the Valev economic doctrine from the ´50s, when Romania was to be some agricultural area. Perhaps this is the situation, and it is time for us to face, and give up any thoughts for something else. It is all about facing some kind of economic development. In my case, the unpleasant feeling was that I was somewhat abused and used, probably by using my identity, my set of papers. It is very unpleasant to think it is possible to happen this in Canada. Possibly there were some links between some people I knew, such as translators-interpretors and eventually Military Intelligence agencies from the ex-USSR. Possibly this “recycling” in the intelligence field assured some kind of partnership, and possibly the prepared identity theft of mine has been re-used later and put on the market. Possibly it was some kind of “full-service-package”, the arms-trader, Mr. Victor Bout, along with his credentials, his papers. I think my aerospace degree from Canada might have been somewhat helpful in giving credibility to the graduate of Military Intelligence school of the USSR. Curiously, there are some allegations that the arrears in the delivery of the Airbus 380 super-jumbo came from some problems with electrical systems and wiring. Coincidence, this is just a small coincidence, and it could be only the subject for an industrial espionnage movie script, such as Casino Royale, the recent 007 starring Daniel Craig. When the competiton in the aerospace is so fierce, any means of accomplishing this are useful, eventually even using military intelligene experts as major Victor Bout at the Hamburg and Toulouse plant for avionics and electrical design. At that time, I was somewhat trying to assemble harnesses in a poor region of Romania, trying to create jobs… Perhaps MEP Marian Jean Marinescu, having the same technical training as me could help with hints in the complexity of making a wire shop functional. The only development in Oltenia, local and regional that worked there was just scrap iron, banking frauds, VAT scams and business bankruptcies. There are allegations about money laundering, prostitution trade and worker abuse and exploitation, mostly in labour trafficking in Spain and Italy, but those are just allegations. The globalization process is evolving, is not stopping, and it seems in this process, Romania is and will be losing. A state is like a business, without funding and competence, it is hard to get results. Sole TV information and grade B and C shows are hardly bringing competence, allow development and value creation. I remember somebody from Argentina mentionning the Perron way of development, and a gradual disappearance of industry. Perhaps, Romania is just trying to produce capital, but not capitalists. I might now somewhat using findings from international business press when stating this. Unfortunately, Romania looks a bit too much like Pakistan and other Central-Asian states, and there are not many efforts in avoiding this evolution. It is somewhat possible that my identity theft was made with complicity between Bombardier DSD in Montreal-Mirabel, where a ret. gen.. was group director, I think his name was Gordon Diamond. As Bombardier DSD now L-3 Communications was involved in aircraft maintenance with McDonald Douglas F-18, now a Boeing company, there might have been some paranoic links between my 10 weeks employment in a 70% ex-military work environment and my future assignment with Boeing Commercial Electrical. I have very good thoughts and remember well after my colleagues from Boeing, the strong competencies and also the skiing available in the close Rockies. One of the greatest managers I ever had was Mr. Jon Rider from Boeing, a real team-builder, a strong integrator of personalities and competencies. I was somewhat made aware of potential risks by an ex-hyppie colleague of mine, who was bragging about being drugged with LSD by the FBI or some other intelligence agency. I consider these just like doubtful taste jokes. It is somewhat possible that the identity was somewhat used by intelligence agencies, possibly an ex-colleague of mine at Boeing, with whom I was car-pooling, to have been before his Boeing employment involved with millitary, and was somewhat following my evolution. For what purpose, it is hard to say. Curiously, I see some license plates with “BALA”. Paul Bala was a friend of my father, phylosophy and history graduate, academic, involved in religious studies. He was an employee of the Romanian Academy of science in the ´70s, when after a divorce, he committed suicide. Curious were his fractured arm and leg, when found hanged. It looks like one of those suicidals, like the Roberto Calvi – Blackfriars Bridge in London. When too much intelligence, sensitive knowledge and contacts are involved, such accidents could happen very easy. I remember the death of Canadian Gerald Bull, shot – allegedly – by intelligence trying to stop him in his Iraqi cooperation for arms of mass distruction. This is the cause for which I am trying to clarify I am not a spy, not an arm traffiquer, and feel that somewhat I was “framed” and made a suspect. Was I just a cover, a smoke-screen for some major event, was I just a provider of identity for covert projects, I do not know. I know that after my return from Calgary May-June 2007 I was put under strong pressures in Craiova, and “flooded” with spam mails about paramedics, about Viagra, Cyalis, about forensics training. Maybe I was flooded with the same spams as any other user of Yahoo Canada mail service. Perhaps there are many people working more or less online involved in some project of data-mining, a very vague but probably actual project of artificial intelligence. Perhaps my marriage in 2006 was just like a final evaluation and eventual closure of the Plan A, in which I, Mihai, has been evaluated and found as not very convenient for usage. Perhaps at that moment it was somewhat decided to switch to the Plan B, in which Miron, my brother was to be used instead of me, for a future political character, or perhaps it was just covering-up the usage of my identity, perhaps by military intelligence agencies for arms dealings, possibly by Mr. Victor Bout. Was this identity theft prepared somewhat in 1992 when I applied fot the aerospace engineering degree in Montreal, was it somewhat decided later, during employment for some Canadian and European aerospace companies, or maybe when working for Boeing, I do not know and do not have any proofs. Maybe all was just a kind of an exercise, negotiation and pressures, through which some interested groups gained power and influence…. Maybe it was about a ex-father-in-law trying to show power, to keep busy, or maybe there were some other groups interested in showing their power and trying to minimize the political manoevering of that group. Was it purely a marriage, was it more a recruitment tentative, or maybe just the cover-up for a substitution, it is difficult to know. Was it some conspiracy theory involving 9/11 perpetrators, and somewhat a coincidence occurred in my case when travelling from London, UK to Koln, and the Madrid 3/11 bombing happened, possibly like a panic manifestation of the global conspirators… Was it just a contracted job to neutralize a possible aspirant political player, by intelligence related or controlled people? The later looks more likely somewhat, by the possible use of depositions and statements made at some international organizations. Was it in my case a marriage, or just the cover for some political manoevering? Was my wife free, or was she controlled or even trained at some intelligence formation courses? Apparently, following my resistance to entering certain political and business interests, I was to be somewhat “disposed”, put to the side. Probably the amount of money put into my eventual recruitment was relatively important, and the only choice was to destabilize and “corner” me into a kind of unstable and possible even “fabricate” a terrorist or politically dangerous profile. With some intelligence, police, law enforcement or even Ministry of Justice, this was easy to produce in Romania. Possibly, if an identity theft or some other conspiracy took place in North America, help for the cover-up was available… Maybe even Boeing and now Ford Corp. executives were helpful in providing some hints and means. I am very curious if it was just a fight between automotive related business interests or between defence corporations… As long I was still in the Romanian political scene, I was still subject to those interests. Possibly the ending, the my elimination was arranged by the possible insertion of some covert listening device, and therefore being reduced to a social marginal and transformed into an unskilled and unusable citizen… It is about human rights, and meddling into political life, in Romania, by intelligence groups… All the other media, manipulations and news issues, were just cover-up and somewhat covering the trails. In a conspiracy theory, if you do not have terrorist and enemies, you have to somewhat produce some, like in “Wag the dog” movie, Hollywood production with strong political activism. Eventually, a medical, psychiatric or some mistical behaviour had to be “facilitated”… It is just possibly some struggle between struggling automotive group interests, between military-industrial groups, using all the means. As my old colleague of mine from Boeing Martin Nix welcomed me when we met, “Welcome to the … military complex”. He was bragging about being drugged by intelligence or spooks at some moment, but how he was somewhat an ex-hyppie, he was difficult to be believed. Maybe or possibly my ex-boss Jon Ryder was more in the now about some future events. I feel it was a kind of win-win situation, winning being anywhere available for the people with the means…. It is somewhat a struggle between Airbus and Boeing, between Ford and BMW, between Lockheed Martin and EADS, as well as possibly rivalry between the German psychiatry and US psychiatry… between Siemens and GE or Philips… It is like in negotiations, ask high, offer to pay very low when offering. It´s all about negotiation. Maybe Radu Berceanu should continue in acting as the perfect Ministry of Transportation in his government, and I should try to pay as soon as possible my debt to the Canadian government, and look for an engineering or technologist job, and forget about all the funny characters in Romanian politics. Perhaps is time for dish washing and movimg fast forward… Probably what I saw like a sort of intelligence or law enforcement pressure for recruiting was just the closure and the covering of a potential law-suit. Was it something related to my identity theft, was it related to an insurance fraud, stock manipulation, I do not know. The coincidence that seems strange is the Madrid 3/11 2004 bombing, when I was en-route in the EuroLines bus to Cologne, Germany, from London. Perhaps, if that was such identity theft, panic intervened and a new event had to be created. Probably it is just a coincidence, and the terrorists and their handlers have a liking for numerology and “11”. I remember the June 13-15 1990 repression in Romania, after which president Ion Iliescu acquired considerably extra power and acquired full control. There were some audio files regarding the arson of some Police and Gendarmery buses and 4WDs, apparently by government personnel asking for guidance. Those files were somewhat played on TV channels. A coincidence I find in Toronto when reading on the Internet about Mr. Dinu Patriciu RomPetrol suit and ex PM Mr. Adrian Nastase, both of them having somewhat suits or hearings at this time. I am not sure, but I feel I was somewhat caught between the two parts, the Socialists and the Centrist and used somewhat for pressure in cleaning some justice charges for Leftist party financing. Both Mr. Nastase and Mr. Patriciu are somewhat economical or political players in the centre and left political scene in Romania. The present centrist the Liberal Democrat Party (PLD), ex FSN, are somewhat the product of president Traian Basescu decision in switching from Socialist International to Centrist, the European People Party. This occurred some time after the 2004 national elections, and about one year after the Madrid 3/11 2004 train station bombing. Perhaps if in Canada, in Calgary, I was somewhat put under some watch list, or even subject to Science Fiction surveillance means such as an ear insert, it was due to links between the centre government in Romania, and negotiation with some Canadian counterparts. Right now it is playing in theatres “The Listener”, starring Ben Stiller… I wonder about this movie. A coincidence after my return from Calgary was the resignation from politics of Mr. Romeo Raicea, chairmen-I thiink- of the Foreign Intelligencce Control commission of the Romanian parliament, member of the PD (now PDL). My feeling was I was somewhat pressured by the so-called centrist in Craiova, maybe to be available for a “closure” by the leftist… Or maybe those were just games, to keep some people busy, and to cover an identity theft. Would it be maybe that some doctor, friend somewhat of mine, now psychiatrist in the Penitentiary system of the US in California to be involved in the rendition programs? I really doubt, but San Diego is close to Hollywood, and consulting all the time brings significant financial rewards. Perhaps Radu… was somewhat involved in new Phoenix programs regarding psychological ops. As he has most of my “relationship” story, he should completely aacurate in providing an accurate profile. I think we had somewhat girlfriends in the same circle, and one of our friend was branded as gay. Perhaps all the and were just jokes between old high school pals. It is somewhat possible that probably after my divorce the conclusion that I am difficult to handle or I am not useful any longer has been taken, and probably the need for my usage has been somewhat subdued, possibly just as a witness for some future depositions, as a pressure and insurance. Probably this way the Internet or other medical or religios cover-up scripts have been somewhat prepared: schyzophrenia, Alsheimer, HIV/AIDS, or monastery registration. Some kind of semi-containment had to be somewhat envisaged. I was recently asked by an official if I have a police record or some indicments. Fortunately I do not have yet, but I do not know for how long. Probably the script of the team who somewhat searched my mother´s apartment and who went through my papers has something in mind. I do not have an idea who they might be, but surely, they are intelligence area related, and probably covering-up or building a case for a cover up and possible scripts for a framing. I think that they do know for sure the details about my mother medical conditions, along with real causes and the way of indicting these medical situations. That team should be completely in the know for an eventual conspiracy about WTC 9/11 2001, about a possible Madrid 3/11 2004 train station bombing, probably about a possible identity theft of mine either by arms dealing groups, either by industrial espionnage groups. That team should probably know in what mediations, negotiations and political dealings have my depositions of last year have been used, and are protecting these informations, trying me somewhat into a detention, indictions or medical incapacitation way. They are protecting some situations, scripts and political personnages. I wonder about the reason of the recall of two Canadian ambassadors in Romania and one Romanian ambassador in Canada, shortly after the journalists kidnapping case in Iraq, in Spring 2005. Coincidently, Prof. Liviu Maior is the father of the acting director of Romanian Counter-Intelligence Services, and also a close friend of Mr. Ion Iliescu. I also “happened” to meet only Romanians at the Canadian embassy in Bucharest, after my return from Calgary, Alberta. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but I feel my ex-father in law was somewhat in close relations with the ex-President of Romania, Mr. Ion Iliescu. He might have been somewhat not satisfied with our rapid separation, and he wanted in some way to keep silent his ex son-in-law. Perhaps there were somewhat interests from a possible “conspiracy theory” in which 9/11 was perpetrated by some conspirators, or maybe just the silencing for my possible identity theft. Maybe it was about just a father protecting his daughter and teaching a lesson to his ex son-in-law, like in some Eastern civilizations. Maybe what I felt like some pressures, a kind of guidance, “dressage”, in French, to be steered toward the socialists was somewhat pressured by intelligence services, probably Romanian, or just private local contractors for some major political players, global. Perhaps in this sequence might belong also my depositions in Geneva, CEDO Strassbourg and International Court of Justice, The Hague, last year, Spring. Maybe I was supposed to be just a pawn to be quickly disposed, after my depositions “sold” and favors obtained… From the Internet message eventual archive of the last three years, some medical-psychiatric scripts were somewhat envisaged, like suggested Schizophrenia, Alsheimer, and a lot of pressure about alleged HIV/AIDS. I somewhat have seen this content of suggestions in and AOL.COM, the late Internet mail provider in Warsaw, in the so-called New Europe. was sponsoring strongly some authism campaign. I do somewhat consider that my use of identity was prepared when working for Boeing Commercial Group 777 in 1997. Perhaps Dr. Cornel Boiangiu and his awarding of the “American Eagle” at the Columbia University or in New York was a kind of “cover” for my eventual identity theft. It seems there have been some strong financial support for the medical sector in the Psychiatric field in Romania. Dr. Boiangiu was also a kind of disturbing element in the centre-right field in Romania, being somewhat involved with intelligence services, alleged to be under-cover colonel. I think that with my trip to Calgary in May-June 2007 I somewhat facilitated a neutralization of mine. I do have some feelings that in my left ear might have been some MEMS wireless audio devices implanted in the external auditive channel, some kind of “covert” surveillance. I consider this to be a completely unrealistic hypothesis, but anything is possible. Suppose that some intelligence private covert interests decided to use my depositions and contacts in putting pressure on some groups. Perhaps it was a kind of confrontation between the South-Western Romania, involving eventually Mr. Berceanu, Mr. Furtuna, my ex-father-in-law and possibly Dr. Boiangiu and his intelligence services associates. This kind of MEMS audio wireless devices are available commercially. I do not have any idea who might have an interest in such audio listening, but in this way, I was surely to be excluded from all political and social life, and to be considered as a person with disabilities. It is a very smart move, in excluding someone from political, social, economical and an attack to the dignity of life and human rights abuse. This way, the eventual intelligence, justice, Witness Protection or who knows what “so-called” “justice crusaders” were just covering-up the identity theft and the possible disabilisation of my mother. If there have been intelligence, military intelligence with arms dealing contacts, or just rivalry, control and recruiting, one do not know. It actually seems just a cover-up, the elimination of the risks of a winning human rights abuse case in Romania, eventually with connections in Canada. It is always easy to silence someone you do not control, to incapacitate or disabilize him, just covering former sensitive situations. If there were scripting interests from the movie industry, if there were financial groups with connections and partnership in the intellligence and political field, for sure all seems finally as a cover-up, covering the trails and minimize the risks of a litigation. Was I somewhat related to a possible but unlikely 9/11 WTC conspiracy and the 3/11 Madrid bombing, or were my identity papers somewhat have been used by arms dealing or some intelligence operatives when I was in Craiova, who might know. It seems like a Robert Ludlum novel, and it might possibly just be. There are surely no connections between Mr. Radu Berceanu, the PDL, switching fast from Socialism to centre-right, and their contacts with financials group in Canada, and with the Rosia Montana Gold Corp – Gabriel Resources project, or was my ex-father-in-law trying to steer me toward the PSD, the Social Democrats in Romania. It seems at some moment I had some value in the political, justice or intelligence services, probably with my depositions… After producing those depositions, it was just about silencing me, kind of “disposing” me… Military-law enforcement-intelligence was the best mean in obtaining this at a cost competitive rate. Other possibilities were using medical system cover-up, Neurology, Psychiatry. There were also some alternatives for de-credibilization of alleged homosexuality, convenient for a powerful ex-in-law family, or religion internation… (monastery.. but unlikely). Anyway, it seems I had somewhat too many choices, and not enough financial means for political career in Romania. I consider 100% correct a dental doctor graduate from Cluj University, who emigrated in Israel and later in Canada who somewhat said that in Romania, people are “disposable”, somewhat for single use. What is the reason for changing two Canadian ambassadors in Romania, in less than 5 years? The recall of prof. Liviu Maior, the Romanian ambassador to Canada, father of the actual SRI Director happened somewhat in the aftermath of the Iraq journalists kidnapping in 2005. Eduard Ohanesian, one of the kidnapped stated about some links in arms exports between Mr. Videanu, Mr. Berceanu and intelligence and arms dealing involved also in oil interests. Somewhat, the PDL is an advocate of the Rosia Montana Gabriel Resources mine project, and possibly they are somewhat involved in supporting this local development. The problem is if I was somewhat “framed”, pictured, protraited as a potential religious zealous, potential terrorist to be eliminated and financially destroyed. There are allegations between links in the finance, intelligence and the Hollywood movie industry… Until now, the PDL staff and leadership have been somewhat “dearlings” of US interests, therefore I am sure they have the upper hand in any negotiations. Perhaps they are actually trying to fabricate also local scapegoats, just-in-case. In the leadership, central and local, of the PDL there are many ex-intelligence officers, and many covert, after CNSAS (the organisation for Securitate links research) and media leaks. Perhaps to those intelligence links and partnerships I due my return from Switzerland of last year, May 2008, the change of name Mihai -> Mihail, the pressures on my brother, but very delicate to prove or to substantiate. I do not know the corporative structure of the ISS services, guarding and providing facilities services to the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva and The Hague, at the International Court of Justice. Possibly they have some “cosier” link to eventual intelligence interest involved in a major cover-up, but I think they are just professionals, and not involved in some “foul” plays. Perhaps I should watch my back, just not to be framed in who knows what way. I was asked by the consular officer in Berne in April 2009 if I do have criminal record. Until recently, I do not have, but with proper setting, anything is feasible, just money, financing and partnerships… Probably there are some old “recycling interest” and “assets” involved somewhat in AECL and eventually the Bombardier Sweden deal with the Bucharest MetroRex, under the Videanu – I think – tenure at the city hall. Possibly some links had to be protected, by declaring unstable a perceived or framed whistle-blower. I do really doubt if I ever had proper e-mail and voice freedom of communication. I started to have suspicions since 2002, some time after my mother AVC. Perhaps some major cover-up was in place at that moment. There are many news about the PDL staff and links to the old Karaman intelligence ring active in the ´60s and ´70s in Paris around the NATO headquarter. Allegations were about Mr. Petre Roman and his wife, as daughter of ambassador. Somewhat I submitted in February-March 1996 a resume to Mr. Roman, and perhaps something was somewhat set in motion after this meeting, in Craiova. Usually middle-men in politics are people sure and safe, with extensive knowledge of international affairs. Some of the most famous are Mr. Kissinger, and probably each country has some of their own. There were some jokes about a dead born “political product” issued somewhat from Karaman environment, and I do not understand who this might be. Maybe it is somewhat some Sterling project, with an equivalent in the oil-and-gas field, such exploration in the Black Sea. Possibly that Sterling product elaborated by the Karaman interest group was adopted by Mr. Dinu Patriciu, by the purchase of RomPetrol, and mostly the PetroMidia refinery. Would be possible that Sterling product to have been conceived in 1988 at the Casa Capsa in Bucharest, during my brother military service, the possible Plan B? I feel that I have somewhat been some piece of negotiation, a witness for some financial and business dealings between global groups. Perhaps the scoreboard for the 50 billion USD scam, the loss of 1 billion by Mr. Patriciu in 2008 in his KazMunaiGas dealings, the actual GM Corp. near bankrupcy, the EADS share drop in 2004, the almost 1 billion USD of Reader´s Digest in 2008, the loss of 1 billion USD by Siemens Corp. and its legal problems with the US Stock Exchange are just exchanges between some major financial groups. Possibly I am some withness for these exchanges, as possible witness and reason for some possible “fuck-ups”, some house-secrets, half-spoken truths, skeletons in the closet like possibly the WTC 9/11 2001, and possibly the Madrid 3/11 2004. I do not know who the Romanian part in those negotiation is, but possibly someone in the jud. Furtuna, my ex-father-in-law, either in the SIE (External Intelligence Service, with his Armaggedon files, investigated by Mr. Ohanesian until his kidnapping), or some regional potentates, like possibly Mr. G.C.Paunescu, media billionaire. It seems that all is just a dialogue, between local middle-men, like a dog race, each team fighting for a piece of the deal. It is very unpleasant to be used like the negotiation token, a rent-for-witnessing token, like I feel I have been. My mail filtering, my financial demise, the pressures in the environment, and, after June 2007, all the “medical products”, suggested and “inserted” somewhat in the media, local, the Internet have isolated me. It is some kind of human rights abuse, of abuse of confidence, of financial discrimination, with complicity of intelligence services. In my mother incapacitations, seems like physical incapacitations, and kidnapping. It is just about destroying and trying to blackmail a person, framing him, in order to gain public postings and influence. It is about Romanian and European politics, and about influence peddling and human rights abuse. I am confident that Canada justice system might be more in knowledge to sort these issues, but due to commercial-export-asset protection, they might not be willing to sort them. This is probably the reason for some “peddling” with e-mail accounts, voice mail and some other means of pressure, mostly starting with my Calgary 2007. Was it some connection, old project starting with Mr. Jean Clip, a Belgium business owner I met somewhat in 1994 in Montreal and some arms dealing, with the possible Victor Bout use of my identity? Am I been used like a “live-bait” by some intelligence interests, and finally due to be financially destroyed? If that possible MEMS insert is real, then I am abused by some intelligence services, and probably used like a leverage on some players in the international business market… This strange paradox seems to be very dangerous. it is like the “Michael Clayton” movie in which the attorney, deal-fixer Mr. Clayton (G. Clooney) fights to survive, and the more verbal, starred by Mr. Dustin Hoffmann, is somewhat “euthanasied”. I hope this is not my case, but seems like a suggestion “shoveled” on me, pushed on me, if my situation was of person with limited civil liberties, less freedom of communication, and reduced work and employment options. Was I somewhat preppared for a “quick kill”, a “closing”, or was I somewhat expected to disappear in process, just waiting… The late situations seems very likely, if the pressures of relocation in remote areas still persist. I was somewhat made under “marriage pretenses” not to remain into Switzerland, after my UN HCR depositions, played by possible intelligence groups. Am I somewhat “disposed” and used like during the Tzarist Siberia era? Is it just a psychological warfare and game played on me, or am I kind of Guantanamo detainee in limited freedom, with very reduced job and employment options, exposed to some kind of “euthanasia”, by natural or induced means? Why I do not have me and my mother access to normal medical means in Romania, and almost Nazi means of medical incapacitation have been used on her, to immobilize? Are ex-president Mr. George Bush and his GWOT, along with Mr. Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, (possibly in the Carlyle-Blackwater interest group) involved in these situation? It is very unlikely, probably just they belong to some finance-busines groups… Probably the whole internet game and Romanian media “play” was somewhat a smoke-screen to the “disappearance” phase. Media scripts and plots are to be used, tested, and suits are to be avoided, with human rights abuse, along the way…. Was it possibly that I am to be used like a “straw man” for some “providential” foreign investors, like Mr. Frank Timis in his Rosia Montana dealings, Australian-Canadian investor? Mr. Radu Berceanu was somewhat using “power brokers”, some foreign passport bearers. For the VAT scams many Arabic citizens have been used. Possibly the GWOT provided a good cover for producing the “disappearance” of possible withnesses. It seems that in my case some “fooling” with medical means has been used, like the present coincidence of prof. dr. Udristoiu being a Senator for the PDL. He somewhat “inherited” Dr. Boiangiu seat in the Romanian Parliament, as another psychiatrist from Craiova…. Is he a pawn, was I a “failed pawn”, or was I just being used and my family subject to human rights and medical abuses, and financial dillapidation and intimidation, like the Raba near-accident from March 2000, toward my participation to a business meeting with my – then – competition? Is it just about political and freedom speech in Romania, recycling and re-use of political and intelligence characters, and elimination of independent voices, like in Thirld-World regions, in EU? Is it perhaps about playing and creating “political pawns” in the European Union? In 2006 – 2007 there were some commercials for the Altex stores, belonging to Mr. Ostahie, with the subject claiming “somewhere else those there were cheaper”, dressed in mental hospital apparel. A small coincidence was that the subject of that commercial was somewhat similar to my physical appearance. Was it then the moment of my eventual elimination and de-credibilisation, and that commercial just a “low-blow”? Was Mr. Dan Ostahie in the know, was it just a coincidence…? Curiously, it happened at the moment when a Canadian passport-bearing person was arrested in Romania and/or Canada, and when two Romanians were retained when making photos in a US military base in Iraq. Those happened short time after my divorce in November 2006, but they were probably just coincidentals. It is somewhat likely that either I was used as a pawn for producing those depositions for international organizations, for possible negotiations, and myself having been somewhat in a kind of detention, either what I perceive are just covering the identity of some agents in my close environment. I can somewhat understand then the theft of my agenda, notebook and mobile phone in Germany, Switzerland in March-May 2008, and lately, in May 2009 in Canada. I somewhat joined the “big league”, possibly by the content of the people I know. I am somewhat played, but who those playees are, it appears somewhat unclear. I wonder how is it possible to have a “fake” BBC FM, with fake website, fake podcasts. I tried to enter in touch with Mr. Mugur Ciumageanu, a psychologue or psychiatrist involved in PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) programs. He had posted his podcasts on the GalaxyFM 95.5 BBC Romanian edition, in the Fall of 2007. Perhaps it was just part of a kind of PsyOps games, continuation of some NATO manoeuvres. Perhaps on the PTSD fake-podcasts it was my hand-over to the Romanian medical-intelligence-justice handling, with subsequent medical abuses…. after my return from Canada. If the possible MEMS audio implants were made, it was the beginning of the desired “disappearance”, substitution or something else, a cover-up, without doubts. Was it intended some Litvinenko bodyguard type cover-up also? I also do not know what to understand about the impossibility of getting in touch with my family in Romania. When using the phone of a local charity organization, I was somewhat connected to very interesting voices, ladies… and told to wait. Am I somewhat kept uncommunicado, or it is just a week-end game? Would it be possible that my ex-wife, and her father contacts could somewhat make me disappear after something that I felt like a kind of recruitment process into some “fruit”, a medical Guinea pig? Perhaps it was an easy method of making disappear a witness, under so called “humanitarian” and medical reasons. Would it be possible to use NATO and intelligence related resources, possible this MEMS hearing device to convert me into some kind of “listening” device, the same like the SigInt platforms used in law-enforcing agencies, proposed in the Summer of 1996 when working for Bombardier DSD? Could be there any links between some pseudo-podcasts, bogus mp3 recordings on FM by some GalaxyFM 95.5 in Craiova in the Summer of 2007, after the Black Sea NATO manoevers? It seems Mr. or Dr. Mugur Ciumageanu, the author of some of those podcasts was unavailable for discussions, or is this person real? There are some links between PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Amsterdam and some persons from the Romanian psychiatric environment. Maybe the possibly PTSD-financed campaign was just to put a lid, to make somebody somewhat disappear, with “Phoenix program” kind of means… With some connections and support from the law-enforcement and Romanian justice system, the “lid” was relatively easy to set-up, like the “pirates” from the Caraibians. Perhaps even some money could have been “squeezed” through this kind of clinical testing… I really would like to know what was behind the Florian Lesch, the gas-recipient terrorist, exactly during my training session for ReliaSoft Warsaw. Would it be that Mr. Lesch was some “product” of clinical testing, of some “medication cure” by colleagues of Dr. Boiangiu or Prof. Udristoiu. Perhaps this was somewhat the reason for Mr. Romeo Raicea to exit the Romanian politics, as Chairman of the Foreign Intelligence for the PDL, and possibly somewhat “promoting” Ms. Udrea as a replacer of Prof. Herlea for ICD (Centrist Democrat International) for Romania. With some “accidents” like Mr. Lesch, and possibly who know how many of those marginally-unstable characters, it is easy to have “Just-in-time” “terrorist-on-demand”. It is relatively easy to create a terrorist profile, unstable, easy to use for compromising a political movement or business organization. I suggest this script, as it had somewhat happened to me: shortly after my return from Calgary 2007 I had the chance to buy a Volvo T850, not stolen, and waiting to receive the registration certificates. Unfortunately, it has just one key, and there were some problems with the air-conditionner. Maybe some groups have been somewhat tampering with the air-filtration, or maybe there were some particles in the filtration system. In any case, some persons were interested in having a look at the car, and coincidence, those persons have somewhat been involved in the logistics for the 2008 Bucharest NATO Summit. Was it possibly a relation to the Romanian SPP, or to movie director PSD sen. Sergiu Nicolaescu? Was it rogue, was it framing? Who are then the comandeers, the persons deciding and financing the financial dillapidation of an independent person? Was I intended to be use for political purposes, or was I to be used as an identity provider, or was it just the tie-up, the cover-up of some previous scripts? Was it someone from the PDL Craiova, a city councillor named Cherciu, somewhat putting pressure on my brother, were some of his ex-colleagues, most of them ex-sport persons, belonging to law enforcement agencies, and therefore, subject to eventual hierarchical pressure? The Volvo has been registered on the name Cherciu in UK, somewhat. Were those in commercial relations with names Iacubov, Iancu, RAFO, RomPetrol? Maybe somewhat UTI Romania got a hold of my eventual situation or status or abuses, and somewhat could obtain a “slice of pie” in some architectural work in Craiova, as a kind of international cloud and “backing” for the Craiova City Hall and my family situation. My contacts with UTI Romania have started shortly after March 2003, after the second Iraq war, with a job interview. Anyway, it seems that my mother apartment was high-tech monitorized, even the word-processing being real time monitoriset, sometime with a passage of siren of ambullance or Police cruiser. Is it harassment, or was it just a coincidence, but tens of times… Was it my ex-wife family, was it some well connected business group involved in politics? I wonder who is behind the media show concerning the “pink pony”, who, coincidentally, seems to be inspired by real situations, and I have a deja-vu senzation. It would be interesting to see and dig for the Romanian Cultural Institute in Bucharest and New York, and about the tips provided by some interesting characters to pop artists. Have those art creators been used blindly, or where they somewhat in the know? What was then the meaning of the exhibition of semi-pornographic artefacts on New York 5th Ave… Was it art, was it media-militancy-political pressure? Was it cover up? There was also last year after my depositions with Humarn Rights organizations in Europe some media-news “pressing”, some black-white feminine staff around Dr. Oprescu, Bucharest mayor, in Summer-early Fall 2008. Beautiful ladies, one in black, one in white garments, with fancy sun-glasses. Usually the lady in clear garments was somewhat looking like my ex-wife, some Leonardo daVinci Monalisa kind. Was it some game played to my ex-family, was it pressure on me? There were scandals in the Romanian Orthodox church about some christian activism, and maybe with my political membership in the PNTCD I was somewhat to be “pictured” as a religious activist, to be somewhat “castrated” and due to be medically cured… Maybe the aftermath of Madrid 9/11 preferred some other kind of centrist parties, and other representatives and political parties were preferred. Probably I was considered as an expendable, to be quickly disposed, one way or another. There are some reports about former intelligence officers very active in the oil industry in Romania, and also allegations about scams in the so-called oil for food in Iraq programs. There were indictments for persons like Mr. Phil Bloom. Most of the oil companies have been somewhat purchased by major international groups, therefore those persons participations might just be historical. I wonder if I have somewhat had some implants or installations made on me without my knowledge, like those seen in 007 Quantum of Solace. This scandal with wireless devices started around June 2008 related to High School graduation. I would like to know who and on what authority and under what rights, who could have faked or produced this kind of documents allowing this to be done. I remember in Lausanne being me shown to have a MRI or head scan. I somewhat found on web searches something about aluminium foil head covering as schyzophrenia syndrome. Maybe I was just a guy to be quickly “terminated”, disposed socially, after being completely wiped out financially. Maybe my ex-wife or someone trying to do her a favour decided to implement a script like this, “bending” around all corners legal and human rights aspects. A bit of arm-twisting is good for showing who is the boss! Maybe then the Plan B, using my brother in my place and having me detained in some way was envisaged to be put in practice. Hopefully, both Plan A and Plan B would eventually survive… like a full track-covering and cleaning. I personally do not understand the fascination about the Lady Di story. I do not have lectures and information on this subject. I greatly appreciate her deeds. My marriage with SF has somewhat been similar to the “Balanta” movie of Pintilie, with all toxic associations and mis-aliances. I think as in tango, in marriage one does need two. From what I see, my market value has been mostly for alleviating the pressure on Mr. Adrian Nastase justice investigations and charges, probably in slowing the inquiries. Probably any possible connection, economical, political was used in trying to find a cover-up and closing at the lowest financial cost the possible fallouts. It is just about money, like the 3000 billion dollar war… The power brokers in Oltenia somewhat covered 700 milion Euro in VAT scam, and their fee should be somewhat appreciable. Therefore any attack, any media, news insert or even financial participation in movie productions is possible, depending on the amount. It is easier to suggest 200000 Euro to get lost in New Zealand, probably money not even to be payed, just a “in the trunk” kidnapping to be set up, like in 2005, possibly. Aparent, valoarea mea de piata a fost in “spalarea” dosarelor Adrian Nastase, premierul de “fier”, impiedicarea avansarii in cercetarea penala asupra acestuia. Probabil ca in momentul in care am inceput sa dau dovada de initiativa, de personalitate, s-a avut in vedere doar folosirea mea ca piesa de presiune prin eventuale depozitii la ONU Human Rights Commission, CEDO Strassbourg si la TPI Haga… Este oarecum ca si in Commercial Avionics, COTS – Commercial-off-the-shelf, un fel de uz dublu. Daca poate fi folosit la un proiect, incerci sa-l re-folosesti si in alt proiect. Este vorba despre reciclare, despre re-utilizare… Sa consideram ca “broker-ii” in acest proces au fost niste “siloviki” locali, care m-au plasat cumva intr-un fel de detentie tip Guantanamo, un fel de “regenta”, brokeraj cu fotbalisti, gen situatiile din lumea fotbalului. Cu un pic mai multe presiuni, se putea chiar instaura o “umbrela” medicala, infectioase-HIV-SIDA, neurologica sau psihiatrica, internare religioasa, poate… Scenarii pot fi multe, ceea ce este absolut necesar este sa existe o valoare reala de piata, pentru a crea in mod real presiuni in justitia internationala, respectiv putere in negociere… Drepturile omului sunt relative, iar cu complicitati locale, poti trece peste multe. Cu cat esti mai marginalizat, cu atat poti fi mai usor de manevrat… Este oarecum ca in Spying Games, unde Redford il recruteaza pe Brad Pitt in modul acesta… I do think there are some connections between the Gabriel Resources-Barrick Gold concern and my return from Calgary. In some way, there are connections between Mr. Radu Berceanu, possibly, or eventually another group of power brokers involved in the respective deal. I am not sure if it was the retired judge C.Furtuna, my ex-father-in-law or Mr. Berceanu who kind of tried to take advantage of this situation. It is only about power brokerage, just about money. I have the feeling Jud. Furtuna is rather close to Mr. Ion Iliescu, and in some ways, he was trying to steer a situation. If in my case it was about identity theft, for the purpose of Mr. Victor Bout arms dealing, then it all makes sense. There are allegation that former intelligence officers related somewhat to the Justice Ministry in Romania were involved in Angola arms exports and debt collection, involving Mr. Armas, an ex-senator of Mr. Ion Iliescu party. Mr. Armas associates in those arms dealings seems to somewhat have been retired gen. Ureche. At some time it was alleged that gen. Ureche was involved in the investigations and suicide/assasination in police custody of ing. Ursu, and also in the investigations and pressures on prof. I.P.Culianu, assasinated in 1991 in Chicago, USA. It is not clear if in my case it was just the cover-up for the identity theft and eventual use of my identity and credentials by a group of eventual rogue ex-intelligence officials converted into arms dealing, or it was eventually the cover-up for some larger situations, such as the Differential GPS used for precision landing… More likely it seems to be the use of my identity by arms dealing interests, along with strong support by government officials. Very likely seems that those eventually retired officials took advantage of such a negotiation “card” and in some way tried to “have their way” in the handling of the situation and its “fallouts”. Very possibly a strong support has been provided in Ontario by mining interests, eventually involved in the Rosia Montana – Gabriel Resources mining project. This project was at some time been blocked by the European Union due to environment standards. It is somewhat possible that by holding such “negotiation asset” as an identity theft or DGPS and Madrid 9/11 related coincidences, to succeed somewhat in the steering of such difficult negotiations in security issues, and obtaining a favourable result. It is just an hypothesis, nothing just a small conspiration theory. Very likely that my depositions from Geneva UN HRC, European Court of Human Rights Strassbourg and Intl. Court of Justice The Hague had some power in pressuring some groups in providing a favourable position and a positive result for the eventual involved parties, for a kind of consulting fee. I think that all the content, spams and other un-sollicited mail were somehow just a “play”, a mean of creating some kind of Virtual Reality environment. You can somehow correlate Viagra and Cialis suggestions with the impression of a “menage-a-trois”, when living with a person and having the phone on the ex- name…You can eventually understand some un-written but Police enforced restraints to pass close to the ex- residence… Very likely those un-communicated Police restraints were coordinated with the e-mails, with some behind the scene medical “fabricated” documents. It is somewhat possible to find that the media inserts about HIV/AIDS, about Schizophrenia or Alsheimer were just part of this eventual cover-up. I think that my brother Miron was under some blackmail by either active or retired intellligence officer, related to either my ex-father-in-law or either Mr. Radu Berceanu. By using my complying brother pressed with Police pressure, they could cover the identity theft and later claim medical incapacity. It is just an hypothesis, but the name change Mihai -> Mihail seems to somewhat allow this cover-up. I do not know if ret. Justice Furtuna, presently attorney is providing legal guidance to the above mentionned mining concern, but certainly Mr. Berceanu has been an advocate for the mining project, with all the environmental hazards involved. I do not understand if the marriage with my ex- was just a mistake, or it was a more elaborated plot of cover-up for the eventual identity theft and subsequent use of this situation for political pressures, in some international negotiations…. If involved parties were Mr. Dick Cheney and Blackwater Corp., a lot of leverage was available for the groups “handling” my case and controlling my situation… I am very curios of the identity of the group involved in the “pink pony” art scandal in Summer-Fall 2008 in New York, and would like to know who was recording and tapping my mother and my ex-wife residences. It seems there were so many leaks regarding to those recordings that everything seemed like a real TV show, a kind of “Big Brother” production. I wonder if there are not also available internet downloads of events and situations that happened at those locations, or if those were not broadcasted over the Internet or some semi-private intelligence network…. I felt very deranged by the sirens passing cars, everytime when I was typing or writing some e-mails on my computer, in Craiova, since my return from Calgary, in July 2007. I do not understand what kind of video monitoring might be possible to have in 30 seconds at latest a Police or Ambulance car passing, everytime something sensitive was written in Craiova on my computer. Somewhat, this situations is repeating in Toronto, at beginning of May 2009. Is it a pure and clear violation of basic human rights, a clear abuse of human rights, or is it just money, power, greed and Public-Private-Partnership? My feeling is that the cover-up in Craiova, with all the pressures to settle without even trying to file a law suit were somehow sponsored, financed or even “scripted” in Canada or the USA. It is not very clear if those cover-up groups interest were private, were covert, intelligence, or were just a game…. What seems clear, is the human rights abuse in Romania, with the PPP between rogue intelligence and business groups… One can not expect in Canada to meet support and backing for such situations, due to its standing in liberty, human rights, opportunities, freedom of speech… 13 – 11 Years as a Hostage in Romania? October 22nd, 2008 Today. October 22nd, 2008 I have a feeling I am not any longer a piece in the eventual ongoing negotiations, to be seen is the stake, the purpose of these negotiations. Sooner or later, these negotiations will somewhat clear out, but I have to avoid the provocations, the low-blows, my financial distruction, demise, by various means, the repetitive pressure on me to join some intelligence related agencies or law enforcement forces. I found later some rumors, allegations that the intelligence pressures were done somewhat by local contractors for NATO partners for covering-up the situation until now. In Canada seems to have been reports on continued pressure on former Guantanamo detainees who made the mistake to return to their countries, and even torture, along with financial distress… For my family, it seems these pressures and interests produced the incapacitation of my mother, in 2001 and later in 2002, when possibly there were fears I will remain in France, for IT contracting. In May 2007 happened the death of my aunt, Oprica Mateescu-Dobre, probably due to some food digestion complication. Around Christmas 2007 happened the death by gas intoxication of my friend, somewhat, Mihai-Mishu Solea in Bailesti, leaving alone in a small town. I remember somewhat my strange status in September-November 2007, possibly having been subject to some “pharmaceutical clinical studies”, with strong head-aches. Coincidentally, around that time happened the death of gen. Silinescu, ex-deputy director SIE, and later in Spring 2008, the road accident of a general, psychiatric doctor in Bucharest, possibly involved in PTSD projects in Romania. I do not know if after my trip to Calgary I was subject to some North-American tentative cover-up, or was it local intererests contracting… It is possible that those pressure to belong also somewhat to my ex in-law family, just to keep open some political prospects for her, or for her-ex husband, somewhat. He was involved locally into administration and politics, therefore anything is possible. I do not know if what happened to my family was just a serie of coincidences, or it was constant pressure to dismise me financially and be a pawn for some local politicking or who knows what kind of power games. I had later the feeling that I was intended to be some witness-on-demand. During my marriage, I had the feeling I was pressed, “cornered” in some role playing, but I did not get the complete feeling on which role I was intendend. My impression is that my ex-father-in-law was somewhat negotiating on my behalf. Perhaps the June 1st 2009 positive report on Justice-Internal Affairs by the EU was somewhat obtained by political manoevering and negotiating. If my status for Romanian and NATO partners is like a Guantanamo detainee, therefore I am not eligible for any political or administrative posting in Romania. The question is who and when manoevered this. Was it about financial, social dismise, was it about complete disappearance, it is to be seen. Perhaps I was perceived as some possible future player in Romania, and some interests decided to complete liquidate me, by framing me as some religious activist or some political extremist. Or perhaps my identity was “loaned” to some arms dealing group, as Mr. Victor Bout. Perhaps by trying to put together those memories I will have a whole sight, a complete view of the last 19 years. Coincidentally, today a small turboprop plane crashed on the Zurich airport, airport where I closed my “circuit” without money and trying to find some support and justice and ease of pressures on me and my family. On my return flight Zurich-Bucharest beside the LOT airplane was a ground support vehicle marked 311. Perhaps that number was coincidental to the Madrid Attocha Train Station 3/11 2004 bombing and reasons behind that incident are common knowledge in intelligence circles. That bombing produced the demise of the centrist government in Spain and brought the Socialist party in power. Some time later, in Romania, the ex-FSN, 1989 resulted party of Ceausescu overthrown, the PD switched from left to centre. It seems the law-enforcement and economical pressures in Craiova were somewhat from political appointed law enforcement officials related this party. I do not know, I know what that happened and am glad to be out of that “political jungle”. Curiously, the Madrid 3/11 2004 happened when I was in the EuroLines coach between London-Victoria and Cologne, Germany, where the EASA – European Aircraft Safety Agency is located. Perhaps local “siloviki” or perhaps strong man at national leve Poate ca “siloviki” locali sau nationali, poate chiar fosti vecini de bloc-scara din Craiova s-au ocupat de eventuala “acoperire” a acestei situatii, asa-numita protectie informativa, si ei au fost cei care au tras avantaje directe din aceasta “musamalizare”, de tinere sub capac a acestei situatii. Ei sunt eventual cei care au putut negocia si obtine functii si pozitii, au acoperit mai mici sau mai mari afaceri. Nu este problema mea ce au facut ei, problema mea este ce mi s-a facut mie si familiei mele, daunele morale si materiale suferite, provocarile si diversele situatii de asemenea natura. Poate ca numai acoperirea unor complicitati in atacurile de la World Trade Center din 11 septembrie 2001, care in loc sa fi fost facute de piloti sinucigasi arabi au fost facute in genul Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT), folosind eventual DGPS – Satellite Landing System si eventuale “back-door”-uri informatice in sistemele de avionica sau de Flight Controls. Curios, mare parte din soft-ul Avionics Suite-ului Honeywell era in acel moment dezvoltata in India… Este pura teoria conspiratiei, dar poate fi si adevarata… din pacate. Din ce stiu, intreaga flota aeriana comerciala a fost pusa la sol pentru una sau doua zile dupa 9/11 2001. Poate ca au trebuit astfel reparate si inlaturate eventuale back-door-uri informatice. Coincidenta, subiectul M.Eng.-ului meu de la Ecole Polytechnique din Montreal din 1995 – 1996 a fost despre aplicatiile GPS-ului Diferential in aterizari de precizie, lucrare predata inainte de angajarea mea la Boeing Commercial 777 Electrical in Everett, WA. Daca una dintre cele doua variante, ca am dat identitatea mea unor traficanti de arme gen Victor Bout, sau ca a existat un astfel de hacking informatic in atacurile din sept. 2001 de la Pentagon sau World Trade Center New York, nu pot sti. Ceea ce constat este ca am fost retinut in Romania, poate ca un fel de “generator” de idei, ne-platit, bineinteles, cu promisiunea doar a unui post politic sau administrativ. Cand nu am vrut sa virez pe stanga politica, am fost tratat in pur spirit sovietic ca un disident, chiar cu abuzuri aparent farmaceutice… Pana si casatoria mea a aparut tot un fel de tentativa de recrutare-dresare, spre stanga… Ce pot atunci sa inteleg? Daca sechestrarea a existat cu adevarat, atunci probabil ea a generat bani si influenta cuiva. Mai greu de inteles si de vazut este cui a generat ea aceste lucruri… Coincidenta prima a fost rularea in British Airways Seattle-London a Conspiration Theory, la 4-6 saptamani dupa ce imi fusese furat portofelul in Seattle-Everett, WA. What kind of compensation can I get for my almost 11 year as some kind of hostage in Romania? I ca Ce pot obtine eu oare pentru sechestrarea mea de 11 ani in Romania? Constat ca eu am fost un motiv, macar pare ca as fi fost ratiunea unui santaj, probabil gestionat de gasca Iliescu-Sergiu Nicolaescu etc, gasca care a reusit sa se mentina bine la putere, “in sa”, sa puna mana pe putere si sa acapareze cea mai mare parte a economiei tarii, iar restul sa o vanda in interesul propriu. Ei au patronat jaful national, punerea pe butuci a industriei, mafia fierului vechi, a lemnului, mafia petrolifera CLU-CLM (echipele de la RAFO Onesti si Jimbolia, jaful din Petrom), “inteparea” bancilor BankCoop, Albina, Dacia Felix, Bancorex, Religiilor, BRS, BID si restul, poate si un pic din falimentul Bancii Turco-Romane. Dupa una dintre ultimele mele postari se pare ca a aparut o tentativa de green-mailing – aparent un atac asupra Bancii Transilvania (sa se astepte un white-knight de-al nostru, mai “bronzat”), ca si salvator, si poate sa preia ieftin actiuni? De ce nu? Sa fie acest atac o razbunare, un pont de platit olandezilor, eventual echipei Rekkers, ori “gasca” isi “umfla” muschii, incercand sa-si delimiteze teritoriul? Poate ca este echipa veche de “acoperiti” din banci, care mai pun la cale un “buf”, se mobilizeaza, isi verifica nivelul de preparedness. Nu stii niciodata – eu sunt complet in afara jocului – dar mie mi se sugereaza sa am familie, copil. Cand ii vad plimband pe “demonstratori”, “figurantii” defilanti de strada, pe re-educatorii astia de Craiova cu copilul in brate, ai impresia ca ei sunt dintre “milogii” nostri de “afara”, cersetorii cu copii, cu traficul de copii, persoane, prostitutie, trafic de organe. S-au integrat perfect “baietii” nostri in mafia transnationala. Sa fie cumva o situatie gen P2, loja din Italia cu Licio Gelli si cu prabusirea Bancii Ambrosiano, de fapt echivalentul estic al situatiei respective, cu sinuciderea avocatului sau contabilului Roberto Calvi sub Blackfriars Bridge in Londra? Poate ca tot tipi gen Togliatti et comp, cu complicitatile stangiste gen Romano Prodi, poate ca si cunoscuti de-ai mei, cu vederi mai stangiste, din tara sau din diaspora, Franta, Germania, Canada – sper ca nu – poate ca ei sunt dintre cei care fac jocurile, poate fac legatura. Este foarte posibil ca tot ceea ce mi s-a intamplat, cei 11 ani de experiente si proiecte de afaceri din Romania aparent curios de ne-inspirate au avut o ratiune. Mai mult ca sigur si basculanta care era cat pe ce sa ma accidenteze la intersectia Valea Cascadelor in martie 2000 a avut un sofer cu un proiect clar de intimidare, ca in Rusia… Privind retrospectiv, foarte posibil ca observarea si tinerea mea sub urmarire sa fi inceput cu tentativele de recrutare din 1982 facute probabil de gen. DIE Stefan Alexia, si mr. Cizmaru. Cred ca in 1994 am atras oarecum atentia acestora, probabil atunci cand am incercat sa-l contactez pe indepartatul var Mishu Negritoiu, atunci consilier prezidential la Cotroceni. Posibil ca eram tinut sub urmarire de fiii vecinei, avocata Pomponiu, Victor Pomponiu fiind personal MAE in Elvetia si aparent coleg de liceu cu Adrian Nastase… In mod cert, am avut chiriasi in apartamentul meu pe Cathy Zanescu si firma de publicitate-panotaj GlobalMedia a magnatului PrimaTV Cristian Burci… Cathy era prietena de familie cu fostul primar PSD al Craiovei Vasile Bulucea, de fapt fost ministru comunist si activist de varf, moldovean sau basarabean, nu stiu precis. Nu cunosc legaturile de afaceri si grup ale acestora, dar inteleg ca Burci este in anumite parteneriate cu firma Protan, cu Miron Mitrea, cu lumea fotbalului, in general. Poate ca se pot intelege aceste lucruri doar avand cunostinte serioase ale culiselor lumii fotbalului si al actionariatului real al echipelor si cluburilor, al sponsorilor acestora. Cred ca posibila situatie a actelor mele, a schimbarii de nume din Mihai in Mihail a fost acoperirea pentru o “neutralizare”, o destabilizare tacita, progresiva. Este foarte posibil ca identitatea sa-mi fi fost folosita de Victor Bout, dar este foarte greu de probat. In mod cert, am fost un fraier care mi-am cheltuit timpul si banii, fiind “muls” pe gratis de idei, de opinii, un consultant ieftin. Daca insa prin mine s-au facut presiuni si santaje asupra aliatilor, atunci este mai grav si nu este problema mea. Ceea ce este cert, sunt incapacitarile facute mamei mele cand eu eram pe cale sa plec din tara, si decesele matusei mele, poate ca intoxicarea cu gaze a lui Mishu Solea in decembrie 2007 in Bailesti, blocarea conturilor firmei fratelui meu in momentul in care eu eram la Geneva dand anumite depozitii. Aparent, sunt manifestari de sechestrare de persoana, desi foarte bine voalate… Este bine sa le pun pe hartie, pentru ca un accident il pot avea foarte usor, sau o intoxicatie cu cine stie ce medicament cu reactii adverse sau o supra-medicatie… Parca si IPS Patriarhul Teoctist a fost oarecum operat in viteza, grabind decesul acestuia. Din ce stiu, majoritatea “potentilor” politici si financiari romani urmeaza tratamente sau interventii chirurgicale in strainatate… Am oarecum convingerea ca “umbrela” locala a eventualei mele sechestrari a fost Dr. Cornel Boiangiu, cu al lui Vultur American, cu legaturile lui la Columbia University, NY. Sa fie cumva Cornel Boiangiu agentul “rogue” CIA din Charlie Wilson’s War? Nu cred, dar are competentele intelectuale, sahist competitional, are experienta “grea” de psihiatrie politica, are si relatiile de putere gen care-pe-care, cu Costin si Adrian Georgescu. C.B era cel foarte grabit sa dea ochi cu Ion Iliescu la Poiana Mare in martie 2005, poate sa ma prezinte si “vanda” Bunicutei. Marele dizident anticomunist CB pare mai degraba o “conserva” a liniei dure Kominterniste. Se intampla sa existe agenti dubli si tripli, dar nu stiu ce sa cred despre el, despre CB. Duminica trecuta dep. PNL Horatiu Buzatu, arhitect mai putin realizat, ca si mine, cu ingineria, si-a avut vernisajul expozitiei foto la Teatrul National Craiova. Am vazut fotografii ale lui si ale fetei lui, inclusiv din Noua Zeelanda, si multe teme care ciudat, imi pareau cunoscute recent. Cam mare aceasta coincidenta, doar amicul meu Mihai Morozan din anturajul staffului lui Ion Iliescu-Sergiu Nicolaescu imi sugera emigrarea in Noua Zeelanda in aug-sept. anul trecut. Tot el avea si sugestia de 200000$ pentru Australia. Tot suma asta mi-o “arunca” si “fosta” mea, femeie puternica. Poate ca pana la urma, daca nu “marsam”, mi se putea intampla o situatie gen Romanita si Adrian Iovan, cu vre-un vanator destoinic in rolul lui Iovan, iar eu, sotul, in rolul “vanatului”. Hai sa nu exagerez, doar sunt “ciornele” pentru un scenariu de thriller politic. Sa fie toti in aceeasi “lucratura” Komintern-Internationala IV-a, sau sa fie doar “coada” unor operatiuni mai sensibile, gen cele povestite de Ohanesian sau de EvZ, operatiuni speciale, cu armament si alte chestii? Cat sa fi primit canadienii, ce presiuni sa se fi exercitat asupra Staples Business Depot ca sa ma determine sa revin in tara in iulie anul trecut. Sa fi fost cei 2-3 din ultimele 2 saptamani israelieni “seriosi”, adevarati, prezenti in magazin sa ma tina sub lupa? Sa fi fost iranieni? Cine stie ce a fost, si pentru cine a fost toata chestia asta utila, dar pentru mine in mod cert nu. Gurile rele spun ca banii negri, fondurile acoperite ale echipei din zona ar fi pe undeva pe la 1.5 miliarde euro, bani care aluneca, se rostogolesc intre firmele si oamenii nostri din Top 300. Nu stiu nimic, nu sunt platit pentru asa ceva, si nici nu merita sa-mi bag nasul in afacerile altora. Am “sapat” doar pentru mine, sa am un eventual thriller realist, un scenariu realist. Poate ca daca exista cu adevarat o Romanie democratica, iar eu sunt cu adevarat liber, pot sa-mi gasesc un job pe bani adevarati, si preferabil pe profil tehnic, ingineresc, sper in aviatie sau mentenanta aeriana. La numai 3-4 ore dupa ce am spus cu voce tare in eventualul “studio audio-video” de la Casa Plesa – Biblioteca Omnia, ca echipa Iliescu “i-a avut la mana” pe vestici cu anumite lucruri, s-a intrerupt sedinta CSAT de la ora 14 din ziua respectiva, continuandu-se la ora 16, cu discursul primului marinar al tarii. Dupa chestia asta a aparut scandalul celor 1000 de Logan-uri de 70000 Euro pentru Politie-MIRA, contract, curios, in valoare de 700 milioane euro. Sa banuiesc ca am avut dreptate cand am spus ca vesticii au fost jucati de o gasca, de un clan, poate de echipa Iliescu. Poate ca si onor fostul meu socru CF facea parte din echipa de negociere. Parca ieri si Dick Cheney a avut o problema cardiaca. Astazi, 16 oct. a aparut in Ziua un articol despre ceva agenti coreeni, probabil nord-coreeni, printre care si o femeie, o Mata Hari. Sa fi “recrutat” ceva fete de-ale noastre echipa coreeana in timpul operatiunii Daewoo in Craiova? Imi amintesc anul trecut cum mi s-a blocat laptop-ul Acer, cel pierdut in Elvetia in martie 2008. Am avut oarecare banuieli ca acesta ar fi a fost si el “infectat” cu un eventual malware in timpul cyber-attack-ului asupra Lituaniei. Prin martie 2007 am facut un search asupra unui anume Marcel Iancu (parca acesta era numele), craiovean, personal MAE, probabil SIE, expulzat parca din Sudan, Japonia, si la momentul respectiv, la post intr-una dintre Koreei, mi s-a blocat calculatorul. Foarte foarte curios lucru, acest blocaj. Cine sa fie respectivul Iancu nu stiu, am o mica banuiala ca ar fi ginerele prof. Nicolae Andrei, fostul meu director de la Colegiul Carol/Nicolae Balcescu, fratele fostului ministru de externe Stefan Andrei. Poate ca astfel se explica si intamplatorul meu vecin Jason Hong, Koreanul din Calgary, security de schoala, fost misionar catolic SAMD… Probabil atunci cineva deja avea in vedere “crearea” unei crize mistice, simptom schizofrenic clasic in medicatia psihiatrica sovietica, din ce am inteles. Cu aceasta criza mistica, schizofrenie, se rezolva o izolare definitiva sau pe termen lung pentru o eventuala voce cam incomoda, sau probabil un martor incomod, daca 9/11 s-ar fi intamplat prin DGPS… Asa ar avea sens si disparitia unor diplome, in Romania, in Canada, ca un cover-up. Daca se reusea o criza mistica, urmata de o intrare in manastire, se rezolva usor, ieftin si discret un eventual scandal potential… O internare pe termen lung face bine, dispare un “element”, poti justifica o supra-medicatie, o moarte mai accidentala, fie TBC, fie un alzheimer, fie o afectiune psihiatrica presupus violenta. S-a incercat sugestia unei “internari” in manastire ortodoxa… Poate ca mi s-a parut, poate ca am perceput gresit o eventuala substitutie a mea cu fratiorul, pe actele mele insa…. Nu stii, nu ai date, nu ai probe. Poate varul comisar Hoanca al fostei sotii, seful de la SPCLEP Craiova – Evidenta Populatiei sa stie mai multe. Cine sa fie acest “caracter” Jason Hong, 403-891-8113,, Poate ca exista vre-o legatura intre privatizarea Daewoo, echipa Alexa-CF, si Jason Hong, David Lee, colegul meu de la Boeing 777, posesorul de Subaru 4×4, Korean, cu familia caruia faceam car-pooling la Boeing, ca sa putem folosi parkingul intern (3 calatori in masina). David Lee era fost militar Korean. Poate ca intr-o combinatie paralela este si “fata in bascheti”, Marcelica, consateanca.. cea pe care am sunat-o la Londra, pe 9 sau 10 martie 2004, pana in plecarea spre Swindon, cea pe la care am trecut dupa “teapa” primita lucrand la FLS Aerospace, unde am fost atras de la Boeing, practic scos de la Boeing… Curios, FSL Aerospace era in 1997 in legaturi de contractare aeronautica cu TAROM, din cadrul Min. Transporturilor lui Radu Berceanu. Cine stie cine si ce organizatie e bagata in toate acestea… Cred ca este foarte posibil ca o legatura sa existe intre Marcelica si Taher, sirianul de bine de la Rapid si de la Electroputere, poate ca si Omar Hayssam. Nu stiu mare lucru despre “balteala” de la Electroputere, dar un post de marketing sau in CA-ul de acolo ar fi foarte util, mai ales ca pana acum mi s-a servit doar muie…. Cred ca trebuie sa bat si eu tactul pe masa la PNL sau PDL, si sa am si eu un mandat de deputat si ceva AGA, doar toate “fetzele” astea atat de dubioase isi au locul. Mai probabil este insa ca se urmareste “tinerea mea la capac”, sub capac fie Law Enforcement in Romania, fie medical sau religios. Pt. Marcelica, pentru Taher, pentru David Lee, pentru Jason Hong, pentru eventuala mea substitutie-tentativa cu fratiorul, pentru AVC-ul mamei mele, pentru fractura ei de col femural si imobilizare completa la pat, pentru infectia ei urinara, pentru lipsa completa de asistenta medicala…. Pana la urma, am impresia ca PNL-ul a ramas o “coaja”, un shell pentru gasca Ion Iliescu-Sergiu Nicolaescu-Petre Roman, cu accesoriile lor CF, Cornel Boiangiu, Radu Berceanu. Sper sa ma insel, dar nu prea cred. Platim din plin pentru multe contracte, vai de ele… Este cazul sa am si eu job-ul meu – PNL, nu PSD, cum vrea gasca. Am o eventuala reputatie, cat mi-a ramas din ea, dupa inregistrarile facute probabil de SF-Dragancea-Horatiu Buzatu, in apartamentul SF, dar avand abonamentul RomTelecom pe numele lui Dragancea, si probabil staff-ul lui Dinel Staicu. Curios menaj, pana la urma… Se spune ca “gasca” aceasta l-a lichidat si pe gen. Gusa prin iradiere, parca, iar pe gen. DSS Doicaru prin otravire cu insecticid. Poate ca moartea in ambulanta a lui Max Banusch a fost si ea o coincidenta utila… Pai sa am eu incredere in ce vad pe cablul RCS-RDS? Poate ca totusi ceea ce vad este virtual, un mediu informativ artificial, creat doar pentru mine, Video-on-Demand, care sa ma ajute sa dispar, sa “derapez” complet in ireal, sa visez pana la aparitiea vre-unei boli terminala sau vre-un abuz de-un fel sau altul…. Poate ca daca am totusi o discutie cu sen. Ioan Talpes, fostul director SIE, “tatic” al multor operatiuni CLU-CLM, as afla mai multe, desi greu de “muls” asa ceva. Nimeni nu este de capul lui, presupun ca toti au lucrat la comanda, ca nu s-au facut “derapaje” individuale. Am marea impresia ca aceasta echipa este si in afacerea celor 1000 de ambulante, cu “rumanul” Ion Tiriac, cu Herbert Stein, cu Ioan Rus poate. Doar la Herbert Stein de la AutoItalia lucreaza si Morozan, si “Balaurul” Popescu, staff-ul senatorial al lui Iliescu… Poate ca o legatura P2 sau ceva similar, nou, este posibila. Poate ca si Cornel Panait, si Popeci, si George Ilinca, si CF, poate si Suvaina, si fratii Bakri, si Oliviu Gherman, “augustul” ambasador la Paris si fost sef al senatului Romaniei, si cine mai stie… Nu stii ce sa crezi, dar la Viena s-a “sinucis” casierul familiei Ceausescu, Marin Ceausescu. In “voiajul” meu de vagabondaj pana in Tirol, parca am schitat ceva notite in OBB despre Pandora, si surpriza, seara am si dat peste barul Pandora, in apropierea Garii de Vest., West-Bahnhof, si am citit si despre un “rabbit beheaded”. Parca in campania de locale din Craiova s-a tot vorbit despre ceva muie unui iepuras…Sa fiu eu iepurasul respectiv? Sa fie implicat in asta si tov. Nescu, fostul vecin de sub de la Mercur, in aceast ilustra organizatie? El a fost secretar III, economic la PCR Dolj, avand acces larg la multe dosare si dosarele… Deci, daca “ciordeala” in Romania de Sud-Vest a fost in total de 1.2-1.5 miliarde euro, sau doar 8-900 milioane, nu stiu. Stiu ca pe mine m-au tinut “baietii” ostatec, si cine stie ce mi se poate intampla, aici sau oriunde in lume. Consider ca ar fi necesara o compensatie, si nu “maradona” asta! Maica-mea eset in starea in care este, eu sunt un fel de prizonier de 11 ani, iar din ce se pare, de 14 ani este in desfasurare un eventual furt de identitate sau doar tentativele mai mult sau mai putin reusite de recrutare… Cert este ca ieri seara am auzit ca Sergiu Nicolaescu a lovit, tamponat 2 turisme, ca Dick Cheney ar fi avut probleme cardiace, ca azi Victor Piturca a fost “saltat” din Aeroportul Otopeni de procurorii DNA, ce sa mai zici… Unde sa pleci, iar de “maradonele” de interviu-angajare, nu prea am chef sa marschez, m-am saturat, sunt cam batran deja. De vazut este daca totul a fost sechestrare, furt de identitate sau ce a fost, si interesant de inteles ar fi care a fost sistemul de “parghii” si “leverage” in obtinerea avantajelor. 16.10.2008 16 – Poemul Pedagogic al lui Makarenko – Invatamant si pedagogie 2 dec 2008 Prin 2002 am incercat sa realizez un portal web gen bursa a metalelor, un fel de serviciu anex al BRM, pentru vanzatorii de fier vechi. Cineva, un cunoscut, activ si relativ solvabil pe piata asta, mi-a sugerat sa las balta chestia IT pentru metale, deoarece piata este a “trader-ilor” bronzati, care au o vechime si o senioritate pe vanzari-marketing, care de la 3 ani probabil si-au facut intrarea in vanzari – de la bilete de film si fotbal, chewing gum, seminte – iar la 40 de ani au deja zeci de ani de practica. Atunci, scoala lor a vietii este mult mai puternica decat un invatamant naiv, facut de angajati prost-platiti, ne-interesant, care nu-si poate pastra personalul, nu poate atrage personal, iar uneori pare controlat de persoane cu alta agenda decat cea pentru care sunt oficial in post. Teoria conspiratiei este buna, dar numai pentru un sofer de taxi, care-si bea cafeaua intre clienti, pentru un sofer de VIP, de limuzina neagra, care asteapta boss-ul de la meeting. Eu nu sunt nici una, nici alta, invatamantul nu m-a atras, cel liceal, iar in cel univesitar, un onorabil universitar pe profil aeronautic din Craiova a sugerat ca “entry price”, poate inceputul negocierii, materialele si cursurile de la Ecole Polytechnique. Sa fi dorit el ceva de la omologul lui Jules O´Shea “free of charge”? Intre timp, din ce stiu, si-a propulsat familia in posturi. Deci, in concluzia, invatamantul este totul, pregatirea in domeniu, calitatea si agenda formatorilor. Ei vor ghida si gestiona derapajele eventuale, ei vor tolera sub-calitatea, ei vor putea recruta si selectiona personajele utile pentru viitor. Marius Ghita, fostul antrenor de atletism al lui Miron, al fratelui, reprosa mamei mele ca nu ne-a crescut bine, ca nu avem tupeu. El insa, nici el un tupeist, a “evadat” in Australia cu fetele si sotia. Deci inadaptatii in lumea dura a “clanurilor” romanesti nu au sanse. Eu sunt un inadaptat, un solitar, sau un lider? Sunt inclinat sa cred in primele ipoteze, atunci falimentul personal in dog-eat-dog life este inevitabil. In lumea anglo-americana este clasica maxima urmatoare: cel care poate, face el; cine nu, ii invata pe altii! “Makarenko, Anton Semionovici (1988-1939), pedagog si scriitor sovietic, unul dintre fondatorii principiilor si al educatiei comuniste. Sistemul sau pedagogic este axat pe educatia prin munca si prin colectiv. (“Poemul pedagogic”, “Steaguri pe turnuri”).” Mic Dictionar Enciclopedic 1972, Editura enciclopedica Romana. Dupa cum imi povesteste mama mea, Makarenko s-a ocupat de problema copiilor orfani de razboi, cei din Razboiul Civil din Spania, problema vagabondajului la copii, insertia sociala. Se pare ca s-a aplicat din plin aceasta metodologie asa-numitelor persoane cu origine nesanatoasa, etc. Reeducarea de la Pitesti a fost se pare facuta pe aceste metode. Probabil psihiatria romana are multe astfel de metode, in categoria “metode de sertar”. Un analist si jurnalist de la IHT si New York Times relateaza de metode similare de restrangere a libertatilor si drepturilor individului in Europa de Est a tranzitiei folosind anumite metode psihiatrice. Tot respectivul se pare ca a facut anumite investigari in moartea jurnalistului BBC Georgi Markov, otravit cu o umbrela pe un anume pod la Londra. Makarenko a fost unul dintre ideologii integrarii in colectiv. Se pare ca si in media romaneasca, probabil la nivelul consilierilor soft, majoritatea provenind din servicii, apare ca un leit-motiv aceasta re-educare, aceasta integrare in comunitate. Se spune ca atunci specialistii pedagogici si academici care faceau excecs de zel la aceste precepte pedagogice erau considerati discipoli ai numitului Makarenko. Daca ar exista totusi o legatura intre anumite personaje din psihiatria doljeana, un politician de stanga, fost judecator, in prezent judecator la Curtea Constitutionala, si sfintele precepte makarenciene? Poate ca despre onorabilul fost senator, unul dintre cei aflati pe anumite biletele, intre jud. CF si intre echipa care a “ingropat” PNTCD-ul, sprijinind echipa impostorilor imobiliari ai lui Milut exista o legatura? Daca asa-zisul “flagrant” al DNA catre fostii demnitari PNTCD Remes si Muresan a fost instrumentat de personaje din acelasi anturaj, makarencian. Imi amintesc de dr. Geta M. si sotul ei Tavi, ea o cunoscuta a mea care imi povestea despre doi frati, vecini ai ei, adolescenti, dintre care unul a intrat in lumea drogurilor, evoluand prin furatul si vandutul bunurilor din casa. Poate ca asasinatul din toamna trecuta a soferului lui fostului director al Bazelor Sportive Dolj de catre un angajat al Min. Justitiei, care aparent se droga vine din aceste metode de lucru cu omul. Probabil se revine rapid la aceste metode, dupa perioada de relativa dezghetare actuala. Vom trai, sper, si vom vedea! 20 – Cover-up oltenesc Sa ne gandim la scenariul urmator, inceput de jucatorii majori globali si continuat oarecum “pe genunchi” de gasca locala. Sa presupunem ca in toamna 1996 s-a pus la cale o conspiratie monstruoasa, paranoica, care a dus la actualul razboi contra terorismului. Sa presupunem ca prin lucrarea DGPS dupa Honeywell SLS-2000 dat de sefa mea Halina Brand la Innotech Aviation, am intrat cumva in scenariul care a dus la 9/11 de la World Trade Center New York. Poate ca fara voie am ajuns sa am la dispozitie documentatia care a permis un asemenea eveniment. Poate ca prin cuplarea intre aterizarea de precizie cu GPS diferential si hack-urile facute de programatorii, de back-door-urile lasate in avionica, in FMC (Flight Management Computers), s-au putut transforma de niste ipotetici teroristi din India intregi flote de aviatie in UAV sau UCAV-uri zburatoare, care puteau fi ghidate de la distanta sa se transforme in avioane kamikaze, situatie similara sfarsitului celui de-al doilea razboi mondial. Honeywell isi sub-contractase mare parte din software-ul din avionica in India, si fara o supervizare foarte bune, anumite back-door-uri, anumite malware-uri puteau sa ramana ne-detectate in sistem, permitand un control asupra acestor avioane… Sa speram ca nu este asa, dar este posibil ca ratiunea “grounding-ului” intregii flote aeriene sa fie acesta, dupa 9/11 2001. Poate ca este doar un scenariu de cosmar, dar poate fi si o realitate. Spuneau unii dintre inginerii de la CAE ca este suficient un pilot si un caine sa piloteze un avion modern, pilotul sa bea cafeaua, iar cainele sa supravegheze pilotul sa nu adoarma sau sa aiba initiative… In concluzie, DGPS impreuna cu anumite back-door-uri din avionics suite plasate de persoane rau intentionate ar permite transformarea avioanelor in UAV, aparate zburatoare sinucigase. Sa presupunem ca acest scenariu de mai sus, sunand poate paranoic, ar fi la baza atacurilor sinucigase din septembrie 2001 de la World Trade Center New York, si de la Pentagon, cele care au determinarea GWOT-ului prin evenimentul numit 9/11. Eu, Mihai Anatol Bulacu, nascut la Corabia, 2 mai 1966, absolvent de Automatica Craiova (1985 – 1990) si M.Eng. in Avionica de la Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (1993 – 1996), aflat sub urmarirea informativa a diverselor servicii de informatii romane, a unor fosti agenti ai spionajului extern roman, cum ar fi gen. DIE/CIE Stefan Alexie, acesta aflat poate sub jurisdictie si subordonare catre FSB/SVR, ulterior, serviciul de Spionaj actual sovietic. Sa presupunem ca tentativele de recrutare din liceu, facultatea, si post 1990, oarecum esuate au fost continuate si observate, supervizate de servicii gen SVR, de rezidenta GRU din Romania, sau poate de anumite operatiuni tip “foreign flag” in Romania, dar si pe teritoriul Canadei, SUA, chiar poate in momentul angajarii la Boeing Commercial, la Innotech Aviation Montreal, cu operatiuni in Canada dar si la Moscova. Cu complicitati diverse, cu amestecuri diverse, sub diverse modalitati si controale si controlleri, probabil cineva a exploatat precizia DGPS-ului, combinata cu back-door-urile din avionics suite ale Honeywell. Este foarte posibil sa fie servicii estice, este posibil sa fie contractori privati, gen armate sau contractori majori gen Halliburton, KBR, Blackwater, pot fi puteri din lumea a treia, gen India, Korea de Nord. Poate ca si producerea unor catastrofe gen Katrina, uraganul din Golful Mexic sunt si ele rezultatele unor astfel de lupte globale intre grupuri si blocuri de putere. Sa presupunem ca s-au produs astfel atacurile teroriste de la New York si Washington, din 9/11 2001. Subiectul istoriei, Mihai A Bulacu, este insa la momentul respectiv in Romania, dupa un lant de evenimente oarecum curios. A fost aproape sa aiba o afacere de succes, cu tubulatura flexibila din Grecia, stopata oarecum curios de un semi-accident, mai mult o intimidare in pur gen rusesc, oligarhic de accident rutier, cu basculanta. Aparent, accidentul si scoaterea mea din afacere a fost urmarita de “capusele” de pe langa combinatul Oltchim-Rm. Valcea, cel mai mare producator PVC din Europa de Sud-Est. La cel mult doua luni dupa respectiva intimidare, a urmat falimentul FNI (Fondul National de Investitii), insumand o “tunderea” investitorilor cu aproape 2 miliarde de dolari. Curios, se spune ca intre “creierele” FNI ar fi si gen DIE7CIE Stefan Alexia, consilier personal al lui S.O.Vantu. Actorii reali locali probabil au fost multi ofiteri de informatii, dintre care col. Untaru, care cunostea bine familia mea, si probabil a urmarit atent evolutia mea dupa revenirea in tara, mai mult sau mai putin provocata in Romania, cauzata oarecum de mediatizatul proiect Bell Helicopter Cobra, proiectat sa sedesfasoare in 1998-2000…. La nivel central, national, gen. DIE Stefan Alexia se pare ca era oarecum “creierul” actiunii FNI. Poate ca si disparitia certificatului meu de nastere in vara 1998, cand urmam cursul de brokeraj la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti sa fi facut parte din acest scenariu. Posibil ca in echipa de expats din conducerea BVB (Bursei de Valori Bucuresti), de fapt re-intorsi in Romania se aflau anumite persoane mai mult sau mai putin acoperite… Curios ca eu nu am avut nevoie de certificatul de nastere decat in 2000, la preschimbarea permisului de conducere la Craiova. Din ce stiu, dosarele se pastreaza doar 5 ani, deci nu pot verfica daca in acel certficat aparea Mihai sau Mihai. Cert este ca permisul era Mihai… Tot in apropierea mea a fost si prof. Dan Nicolae, posibil col DIE/SIE, fost prorector cu strainii la Univ. Craiova. Dan Nicolae a fost totusi una dintre persoanele care mi-a dat chiar referintele pentru M.Eng.-ul de la Politehnique, Montreal… Este totusi posibil ca in Canada, in mai-iunie 2007 sa se fi facut o substitutie in safe depozit box-ul de la CIBC Downtown din Calgary a certificatului de nastere, desi este complet implauzibil…. Curios, Dan Nicolae a avut in 2000 – 2002 o operatiune de dezvoltare de software in Avionica angajand fosti ingineri de la Avioane Craiova, ca Titel Cizmaru. Poate ca aparentele EICAS, FADEC sa fi fost doar niste tentative, dar poate ca au totusi au avut o finalitate concreta. Poate ca si fostul student al acestuia Marian Petre Milut, actual presedinte al PNTCD sa fi fost in aceasta “combinatie”. Daca insa in combinatie au intrat si “oligarhii” ca Dinu Patriciu, care a primit RomPetrol in 1999, impreuna cu Petromidia, sau Ctin. Popeci, oligarh local, operator politic din spatele scenei locale, atunci o “teorie” a conspiratiei poate aparea. Poate ca exista o legatura si cu presedintele patronatelor G.C.Paunescu, la a carui companie aeronautica incercasem o angajare in martie 1996.. Unii ca ei au putut sa-si “acopere” spatele, sa-si acopere avutia. Poate ca au intrat in combinatie si ofiteri de informatii ca gen. DIE Stefan Alexie, din anturajul conducerii FNI, poate creierul acesteia, cu colaboratul lui local col. Untaru, care cunostea bine familia mea.Poate ca au aparut si anumite complicitati in cadrul SRI, cum este gen SRI Zamfir, seful Contrainformatiilor, sau al Directiei Anti-Terorism. Poate ca este o conspiratie socialista, euro-socialista, cu sprijinul fostului sen. PSD Ion Predescu, activist PCR de linie veche, actual judecator la Curtea Constitutionala. Poate ca au intrat in proiect si persoane ca si comisarul Bica, si fostul meu socru, jud. Ctin. Furtuna, poate ca au intrat si personaje din SIPA, un serviciu de informatii foarte eficient, care in prezent se pare ca nu da socoteala nimanui, este completely unaccountable, dupa parerea multor analisti. Daca au aparut complicitati intre socialistii lui Predescu-Furtuna-Adrian Nastase, atunci cu logistica SIE – Silviu Predoiu (rrom), SIPA, relatii estice sau cu India. Poate ca Radu Berceanu, fiu de posibil agent komintern, cu echipa si colaboratorii acestuia, cu actualul VP al EPP, Marian Jean Marinescu, inginer electric aeronautic, cu pregatire academica similara cu a mea, acestia fiind probabil in cunostinta asupra acestei “monstruoase conspiratii”, au facilitat evenimentele majore. It´s all about money! Sa presupunem ca AVC-ul mamei mele (Accidentul Vascular Cerebral), petrecut la aproape 6 saptamani dupa 11 septembrie 2001, cand intentionam sa plec in Germania de Sud-Elvetia, i-a alarmat si determinat pe partenerii locali ai acestei conspiratii tip Soderbergh, determinand sa apeleze la echipe medicale si la un anumit de incidente cauzate de cauze medicale… Intra asistenta medicala Mihaela Coman, amica lui Liviu Bobeica, poate din anturajul RAFO Onesti, al fratilor Iancu, sau Tender, sau poate Patriciu, cu totii implicati in afacerile lucrative cu combustibil usor CLU-CLM. Radu Berceanu este si el un actor regional in afacerile cu CLU-CLM, ca si operator de benzinarii. Sa presupunem ca aceste personaje urmareau retinerea mea in Romania, sub control apropiat. Poate ca exista si interes din partea partenerilor lui Radu Berceanu, de la SIF 5 Oltenia, cu Dinel Staicu si asociatii acestuia. Poate ca si “varul” senator PNL Mario Ovidiu Oprea sa stie mai multe, poate chiar datoreaza aceasta pozitie chiar faimosului 9/11. De verificat! Curioasa a fost si fractura si imobilizarea completa a mamei mele in nov-dec 2002 dupa drumul meu si tentativele de contractare IT la Paris. Acolo am intrat oarecum in contact cu comerciali de la SAGEM, care poate erau in cunostinta de cauza asupra adevarului 9/11 si a autorilor reali…. Sa fie socialismul global, sa fie KBR, sa afie India, sa fie manevre si carti de negociere pentru statutul tziganilor in Europa… Nu se stie. In mod cert, intre 2001 – 2004 in Dolj s-au “sifonat” aproape 700 milioane USD returnari frauduloase de TVA, folosind diferite firme si personaje pitoresti… Pentru aceste inginerii financiare, nimeni nu a fost serios tras la raspundere, nu s-au facut tentative serioase de recuperare a pagubelor. Probabil mare parte dintre sume au finantat oarecum scena politica, in general socialista, social-democrata. Curios, am observat anumite corelatii – o impresie, de fapt – intre starea procesului oligarhului rus Mihail Khodorkovski, Platon Lebedev, si deportarea acestora in Siberia. Din ce retin, Platon Lebedev ar fi bolnav de SIDA. Am impresia ca pe situatia mea sunt “grefate” alte situatii juridice, si probabil se “testeaza” reactia partilor, pentru a se putea decide cursul evenimentelor. Posibil ca pe un buget de aparare juridica al Yukos se pot juca anumite scenarii, pe “cobai” mai mult sau mai putin constienti… Ar fi o teorie complet paranoica, dar, curios, au aparut anumite coincidente temporale… Poate ca exista o legatura undeva, facuta prin cine stie ce asociere… In vara 2002 am fost la KID Systeme Buxtehude – Hamburg, unde posibil am atras atentia la interviul respectiv inginerilor de la EADS-Airbus, care au retinut coordonatele si detaliile privind persoana mea. Poate ca urmatoarele evenimente au fost doar etape in “cover-up”-ul ulterior. Poate ca si drumul meu in Anglia la Swindon, oarecum in sincron cu Madrid 3/11 2004, exact cand eu eram in autobuzul de intoarcere sa fi fost in aceasta linie. Poate ca si “spatele” rapirii jurnalistilor din Iraq in primavara 2005 sa fi fost tot o parte de cover-up, sau doar o plata partiala pentru acoperirea adevarului… Este foarte posibil ca pentru acoperirea “scurgerilor” de informatii sa se tot fi facut plati, mai mici sau mai mari… Vom vedea oarecum si cum si unde se intampla anumite lucruri… Mai mult ca sigur interviul din ianuarie 2007 de la Pilatus Aerospace din Elvetia a fost momentul adevarului, eu intalnind fosti colegi de munca din Canada. Atunci s-au confirmat anumite lucruri, si multe din etapele cover-up-ului au devenit inutile, simple “sifonari” si abuzuri de fonduri, resurse si probabil de functie. Posibil ca dupa ianuarie 2007 s-a renuntat la negocierea cu o echipa din zona Olteniei, probabil Furtuna-Patriciu-Boiangiu, mai ales dupa divortul meu de Simona Furtuna. Atunci cand am ajuns in Canada, in mai 2007, o oportunitate a aparut pentru jud. Furtuna si colaborare cu o eventuala echipa psihiatrica – un scenariu neuro-psihiatric – Alzheimer – ceva droguri, sau o re-educare tip Makarenko. Daca se mai “arunca” un pic de “morcov” cu cifra 5 (mandat de prezidentiabil), pai cum sa nu ai un eventual naiv pe care sa-l joci… Mai pui in joc si diverse teme gen “Cel mai iubit dintre pamanteni”, cu reeducarea makarenko, cu hartuire pentru diplome. Asa subiectul poate astepta in continuare, la nesfarsit, iar treaba merge inainte… Sa fie inca furtul de identitate activ oare? Posibil ca pentru familia Furtuna sa fi cooperat fratele meu Miron, sub presiunea fam. Furtuna si a eventualilor lor parteneri, sau poate sub presiunea echipei Bakri-SIF5-Cornel Boiangiu. Poate ca Miron a fost un partener de negociere mult mai comod pentru “gasca” locala decat eu, el ne-avand optiunea cetateniei canadiene. Curios a fost ca primul lucru dorit de Simona Furtuna dupa casatoria rapida a fost ca eu sa renunt la cetatenia canadiana, sub pretextul unui post de notar… foarte indepartat. Probabil jud. Furtuna considera ca eventualul “cont” Mihai Bulacu-DGPS ca un atuu de negociere in jocurile locale sau nationale de putere, ceva de vandut, influenta, “cloud”. Daca era cumva prestator juridic in dosarul RomPetrol sau A. Nastase, avea carti puternice de negociere… Posibil ca printr-un abil santaj, o astfel de carte de negociere sa fi dat suficienta influenta in pastrarea in functii, in aducerea in functii in tara a unor persoane utile, si sa fi permis chiar influentarea unor cauze juridice… Sa fi fost Simona Furtuna o sotie puternica, sau a functionat ea ca si ofiter de informatii, profiling si altele, in timpul menajului nostru de maximum 10 luni? Numai cineva care stie jocurile si parteneriatele familiei Furtuna se poate pronunta… Ei dupa destule aparente au incercat o izolare a mea sub diverse pretexte medicale sau diverse, cu pretexte si complicitati diverse… Nu stiu cine a pregatit schimbarea de nume Mihai -> Mihail, cu sugerate crize mistice, curios, simptome de schizofrenie, eventual fortarea internarii in spatiul manastiresc ortodox… Poate ca ratiunile stau in echipa de la St. Serge Paris, si apartenenta sau colaborarea unor inalte fete bisericesti ortodoxe in retele informative vechi sau mai noi… Cred ca adevarul si istoria reala sunt depozitate de echipa DIE-CIE Oltcit, “pastorita” de gen. Alexie, cel care a incercat sa ma recruteze in primavara 1982… Poate ca si Madrid 3/11, si rapirea jurnalistilor din Iraq, si posibilul “cal troian” in EPP numit acum PDL sunt legate… Astfel o aripa a produsului komintern numit FSN 1990 numita acum PDL a reusit sa ocupe centrul-dreapta scenei politice, iar PNTCD-ul este redus la tacere, infiltrat si incadrat cu “elemente sigure”, practic neutralizat. Cred ca autorii acestei operatiuni sunt faimosi politicieni cum ar fi Cornel Boiangiu, auto-declamat ca dizident de frunte anti-comunist, dar initiator de diverse infiltrari nationaliste si xenofobe, “facator” de jocuri in Oltenia, si posibil santajist, cu acolitii lui ca agentul Trica de la Sectia II… Sa fie si altii ca si comis. Bica, si jud. Predescu, Furtuna, Radu Berceanu? Cine sa stie, dar in mod clar, zona este plina de agenti dubli-tripli, si scena politica foarte viciata… Probabil ca pentru mediul de informatii inca din 1998 devenise clar ca eu voi fi oarecum folosit in anumite proiecte, cel putin identitatea sau CV-ul meu… Atunci poate ca au aparut “traficurile” gen Tigareta I, II, III, diversele miscari, poate ca si accidentul aviatic al avionului de afaceri Falcon al Ministerului de Externe grec, poate ca si semi-accidentul cu basculanta de la Valea Cascadelor, care mi s-a intamplat in martie 2000, marcand oarecum iesirea mea din legatura de afaceri cu Plexaco din Grecia. Ma gandesc ca este posibil chiar ca si retragerea relativ abrupta din politica a pres. Emil Constantinescu si a PNTCD sa fi fost oarecum influentate de acest monstruos scenariu de conspiratie, scenariu care a determinat pe multi dintre actorii scenei politice a momentului sa se gandeasca de doua ori daca merita continuata prezenta pe scena politica, mizele fiind la asemenea nivel. Poate ca asa s-a pregatit situatia AmEx al meu care poate a ajuns in anturajul SIF5, poate ca s-a lansat o urmarire audio-video complexa a mea, a familiei mele, a apartamentului mamei mele, cu parteneriate SRI-SIE-SIPA, locale si centrale. Posibil casatoria cu Simona Furtuna a fost o modalitate de “adoptare”, o “infiere”, un fel de luare sub “tutela” a mea de catre o “familie puternica” din zona, un fel de “capac”. Doar ea si fostul ei sot si posibil partener Sergiu Dragancea au fost prezenti la primul Revelion dupa intoarcerea mea in tara. De vazut daca importul army-surplus din 1999 din Franta nu a fost cumva regizat de echipa Oltcit, poate cu parteneriatul politiei Dolj, a unor apropiati ai cms. Bica, cu ulterioare monitorizari SRI-DIICOT, poate ca si SIPA…. Trebuie sa existe pe undeva si ratiuni pentru punerea unei mani in atela a Simonei inainte de drumul ei la New York din sept. 2006. Poate ca era doar o mica tentativa de presiune viitoare… Ce este clar, este “izolarea” mea, tratarea ca si dizident, instabil, si de vazut cine a incercat si pus in lucru astfel de scenarii in lipsa, implicandu-ma. Cine si cu ce parteneriate, nu se stie. Clar este ca Boiangiu este psihiatru, iar seful lui prof. Udristoiu este actual senator PDL. Consilier local PDL si coordonator al Politiei Comunitare si locale Craiova este un “cunoscut” al meu din 24 sau 25 dec. 1989, Radu Theodor, fost sef al Pasapoartelor Dolj, cunoscut oarecum al unor prieteni de familie… deci cineva care avea acces la foarte multe date si arhive… Cine a mobilizat resursele, jucatorii, figurantii, cine a dat numerele de masini dintre cele mai diverse, treaba lor… Cert este ca saptamana aceasta a fost arestat directorul interimar al Serviciului de Informatii al Ministerului de Interne… Poate ca si alte persoane au fost suspendate, mutate, dar nu stiu si nu ma intereseaza. Un lucru cert este insa ca in Dolj s-au “sifonat” 700 milioane Euro sau USD, poate sub “umbrela” unui 9/11, poate chiar prin facilitarea atentatului de la Madrid 3/11 2004 si trecerea ulterioara a unei factiuni FSN la crestin-democratie. Eu am fost martor in procesul contra “stergerii” PNTCD-ului, proces care a inghetat totusi radierea acestui partid, dar a generat oarecum daune de 500000 Euro pentru initiatorul actului, prof. Lucian Orasel, si cam atat… Eu sunt somer, marginalizat, si va trebui sa plec din Romania spre Canada, UK sau o tara functionala. Romania este un “failed state”. Cred ca depozitiile mele de la CEDO, UNHCR Geneva si TPI Haga nu au facut decat sa dea “atuuri” juridice pentru dosarul RomPetrol-Dinu Patriciu, Adrian Nastase – Zambaccian, si poate posibil pretext pentru rapirea jurnalistilor din Iraq…. Eu sunt momentan falit, inginer somer, si hartuit oarecum de “gasca” de “siloviki” din Dolj… De ce oare, nu am inca raspunsuri… Cert este ca am avut anumite tentative si presiuni de “retinere”, detainment, gen internare HIV/SIDA, sugerate vag in mediile concernului Ringier, TBC, sugerat din anturajul Boiangiu, presiuni psihiatrice-neurologice – Alzheimer – probabil de pe linia SRI – Cristian si Liviu Maior si cine mai stie cate, daca au fost sau nu reale… sau doar sugestii vagi, voalate din anturajul mogulilor de presa, Voiculescu, Vantu, sau chiar din TVR al socialistului Sasha Sassu. Care dintre acestea au fost pentru mine, nu pot sti, cert este ca au fost multe “baloane” in aer… Neun und neunzig Luftbaloon… Foarte curioase au fost insa si “jocurile” petrecute in timpul angajarii mele de aproape 3 luni din iarna 2008 la Assystem Romania din Pitesti si Bucuresti, cu diverse “jocuri” de personaje si suspect de multe hartuieli si provocari. Curios, a aparut de atunci o anumita miscare “Borsecul”. Coincindental, in mediile Ringier a aparut oarecum o “Afacere Borsecul”, care insa este foarte vaga, si da mai mult aparenta de eveniment de presa, de eveniment de rezerva, oarecum. Aceasta Afacere Borsecul seamana curios de mult cu actualele afaceri de spionaj USB Floricel sau de “interlopul” PDL Costel Iancu, unele urmarite si instrumentate de Siguranta Militara, iar altele de SRI-DIICOT si altele. Poate ca si acestea au fost genul de “operatiuni” de sertar, pregatite just-in-case, pentru persoanele potrivite in caz de urgenta… Este o impresie, dar i n aceste situatii am observat mici apropieri de situatia mea… si m-am simtit oarecum vizat de anumite inscenari…. Probabil este doar o impresie in cazul acestui al meu “jurnal de sertar”…. De inteles ar ramane presiunile facute de intrare sub jurisdictie militara, in structuri de forta, de “personaje” curioase cum sunt koreanul Jason Hong in Calgary, sau oferta oarecum voalata facuta la Paris de Cristi Nisipasu de ??colonel?? aflat el aparent sub presiuni… Se rezolva astfel usor cu un “capac” militar, gen Politie Militara, Metro Cash Carry, sau informativ acoperirea ulterioara medicala a unui posibil dizident… Consider ca si manevrele fostei sotii au fost fie de neutralizare politica, fie de recrutare… De ce oare? Cum eu practic am parasit de trei ani scena politica, si sunt in cautare activa de munca pe piata internationala in domeniul tehnic de varf, nu pot considera aceste situatii si provocari decat eventuale tentative de recrutare a mea de anumite servicii de spionaj industrial, private sau de stat… care actioneaza poate contra intereselor nationale romane, canadiene, NATO sau UE… Despre ofiterii acoperiti din Justitie, nu am de gand sa incerc sa le inteleg jocul, si nici sa discut cu unii pe care poate ca ii cunosc. Cert este ca P.M. Bacanu a castigat doar la CEDO un proces contra lui Nicolae Vacaroiu, dr. Sorin Oprescu, fiu de general DSS se pare ca este impins in niste jocuri pe care nu cred ca are sens sa le faciliteze, partenerii SIPA cum ar fi ing. Armas, vara Mioarei Roman, traducatoare de engleza si franceza, turnatorii din justitie, sa fie toti sanatosi… Despre facultatea de Drept din Craiova, cu participarile, parteneriatele si sponsorizarile ei, numai de bine. Despre Rodica Stanoiu, fosta delatoare, numai de bine… Sper sa nu am alte “hartuieli” administrative si juridice, cu diplome, acte, si fara agresiuni fizice… Al cui sa fie oare numarul acesta, placutele acestea de inmatriculare? RomaniaLibera 5 martie 2009: Judecatorii turnatori se apara intre ei in problema securitatii – aparent un articol de urmarit 20 – Cover-up oltenesc Sa ne gandim la scenariul urmator, inceput de jucatorii majori globali si continuat oarecum “pe genunchi” de gasca locala. Sa presupunem ca in toamna 1996 s-a pus la cale o conspiratie monstruoasa, paranoica, care a dus la actualul razboi contra terorismului. Sa presupunem ca prin lucrarea DGPS dupa Honeywell SLS-2000 dat de sefa mea Halina Brand la Innotech Aviation, am intrat cumva in scenariul care a dus la 9/11 de la World Trade Center New York. Poate ca fara voie am ajuns sa am la dispozitie documentatia care a permis un asemenea eveniment. Poate ca prin cuplarea intre aterizarea de precizie cu GPS diferential si hack-urile facute de programatorii, de back-door-urile lasate in avionica, in FMC (Flight Management Computers), s-au putut transforma de niste ipotetici teroristi din India intregi flote de aviatie in UAV sau UCAV-uri zburatoare, care puteau fi ghidate de la distanta sa se transforme in avioane kamikaze, situatie similara sfarsitului celui de-al doilea razboi mondial. Honeywell isi sub-contractase mare parte din software-ul din avionica in India, si fara o supervizare foarte bune, anumite back-door-uri, anumite malware-uri puteau sa ramana ne-detectate in sistem, permitand un control asupra acestor avioane… Sa speram ca nu este asa, dar este posibil ca ratiunea “grounding-ului” intregii flote aeriene sa fie acesta, dupa 9/11 2001. Poate ca este doar un scenariu de cosmar, dar poate fi si o realitate. Spuneau unii dintre inginerii de la CAE ca este suficient un pilot si un caine sa piloteze un avion modern, pilotul sa bea cafeaua, iar cainele sa supravegheze pilotul sa nu adoarma sau sa aiba initiative… In concluzie, DGPS si back-door-ul din avionics suite permit transformarea avioanelor in UCAV, chiar sinucigase. Sa presupunem si scenariul urmator, si mai paranoic, care interfereaza cu scenariul global, GWOT si 9/11. Eu, Mihai Anatol Bulacu, nascut la Corabia, 2 mai 1966, absolvent de Automatica Craiova si M.Eng. in Avionica de la Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, aflat sub urmarirea informativa a diverselor servicii de informatii romane, a unor fosti agenti ai spionajului extern roman, cum ar fi gen. DIE/CIE Stefan Alexie, aflat oarecum sub jurisdictie si subordonare catre FSB/SVR, ulterior, serviciul de Spionaj actual sovietic. Sa presupunem ca tentativele de recrutare din liceu, facultatea, si post 1990, oarecum esuate au fost continuate si observate, supervizate de servicii gen SVR, de rezidenta GRU din Romania, sau poate de anumite operatiuni tip “foreign flag” in Romania, dar si pe teritoriul Canadei, SUA, chiar poate in momentul angajarii la Boeing Commercial, la Innotech Aviation Montreal, cu operatiuni in Canada dar si Moscova. Cu complicitati diverse, cu amestec divers, sub diverse modalitati si controale si controlleri, probabil cineva a exploatat precizia DGPS-ului, combinata cu back-door-urile din avionics suite ale Honeywell. Este foarte posibil sa fie servicii estice, este posibil sa fie contractori privati, gen armate sau contractori majori gen Halliburton, KBR, Blackwater, pot fi puteri din lumea a treia, gen India, Korea de Nord. Poate ca si producerea unor catastrofe gen Katrina, uraganul din Golful Mexic sunt si ele rezultatele unor astfel de lupte globale intre grupuri si blocuri de putere. Sa presupunem ca s-au produs astfel atacurile teroriste de la New York si Washington, din 9/11. Subiectul istoriei, MAB, este insa in Romania, dupa un lant de evenimente oarecum curios. A fost cat pe ce sa aiba o afacere de succes, cu tubulatura flexibila din Grecia, stopata oarecum curios de un semi-accident, mai mult o intimidare gen rusesc de accident rutier, cu basculanta. Aparent, accidentul si scoaterea mea din afacere a fost urmarita de capusele de la Oltchim-Valcea, cel mai mare producator PVC din Europa de Sud-Est. La cel mult doua luni dupa respectiva intimidare, a urmat falimentul FNI, cu o frauda de aproape 2 miliarde de dolari. Actori locali au fost multi ofiteri de informatii, dintre care col. Untaru, care cunostea familia mea, si probabil a urmarit atent evolutia mea dupa revenirea in tara, mai mult sau mai putin provocata in Romania. La nivel central, gen. DIE Stefan Alexia era oarecum “creierul” actiunii FNI. Poate ca si disparitia certificatului meu de nastere in vara 1998, cand urmam cursul de brokeraj la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti sa fi facut parte din acest scenariu. Tot in apropierea mea a fost si prof. Dan Nicolae, aparent col DIE/SIE, fost pro-rector cu strainii la Univ. Craiova. Dan Nicolae mi-a dat chiar referintele pentru M.Eng.-ul de la Politehnica. Curios, Dan Nicolae a avut in 2000 – 2002 o operatiune de dezvoltare de software in Avionica cu fosti ingineri de la Avioane Craiova, ca Titel Cizmaru. Poate ca aparentele EICAS, FADEC sa fi fost doar niste tentative, dar poate ca au avut o finalitate concreta. Poate ca si fostul student al acestuia Marian Petre Milut, actual presedinte al PNTCD sa fi fost in aceasta “combinatie”. Daca insa in combinatie au intrat si “oligarhii” ca Dinu Patriciu, care a primit RomPetrol in 1999, impreuna cu Petromidia, sau Ctin. Popeci, oligarh local, operator politic din spatele scenei locale, atunci o “teorie” a conspiratiei poate aparea. Unii ca ei au putut sa-si “acopere” spatele, sa-si acopere avutia. Poate ca au intrat in combinatie si ofiteri de informatii ca gen. DIE Stefan Alexie, din anturajul conducerii FNI, poate creierul acesteia, cu colaboratul lui local col. Untaru, care cunostea bine familia mea. Poate ca disparitia certificatului de nastere din 1998 sa se fi datorat aceluiasi anturaj. Poate ca au aparut si anumite complicitati in SRI, cum este gen SRI Zamfir, seful Contrainformatiilor, sau al Directiei Anti-Terorism. Poate ca este o conspiratie socialista, euro-socialista, cu sprijinul fostului sen. PSD Ion Predescu, activist de linie veche, actual judecator la Curtea Constitutionala. Poate ca au intrat in proiect si persoane ca si comisarul Bica, si fostul meu socru, jud. Ctin. Furtuna, poate ca au intrat si personaje din SIPA, un serviciu de informatii foarte eficient, care insa nu da socoteala nimanui. Daca au aparut complicitati intre socialistii lui Predescu-Furtuna-Adrian Nastase, atunci cu logistica SIE – Silviu Predoiu (rrom), SIPA, si relatii estice sau cu India. Poate ca Radu Berceanu, fiu de posibil ofiter komintern, cu echipa si colaboratorii acestuia, cu actualul VP al EPP, Marian Jean Marinescu, inginer electric aeronautic, fiind in cunostinta asupra acestei “monstruoase conspiratii”, au facilitat evenimentele majore. It´s all about money! Sa presupunem ca AVC-ul mamei mele, petrecut la 6 saptamani dupa 9/11, cand intentionam sa plec in Germania de Sud-Elvetia, i-a alarmat si determinat pe partenerii locali ai acestei conspiratii tip Soderbergh, determinand sa apeleze la echipe medicale… Intra Mihaela Coman, amica lui Liviu Bobeica, poate in anturajul RAFO Onesti, sau fratii Iancu, sau Tender, sau poate Patriciu, din afacerile cu combustibil usor CLU-CLM. Radu Berceanu este si el un actor regional in afacerile cu CLU-CLM, ca si operator de benzinarii. Sa presupunem ca aceste personaje urmareau retinerea mea in Romania, sub control apropiat. Poate ca exista si interes din partea partenerilor lui Radu Berceanu, de la SIF 5 Oltenia, cu Dinel Staicu si asociatii acestuia. Poate ca si “varul” senator PNL Mario Ovidiu Oprea sa stie mai multe, sau poate ca datoreaza aceasta pozitie chiar faimosului 9/11. De verificat! Curioasa a fost si fractura si imobilizarea completa a mamei mele in nov-dec 2002 dupa drumul meu la Paris. Acolo am intrat oarecum in contact cu comerciali de la SAGEM, care poate erau in cunostinta de cauza asupra adevarului 9/11 si a autorilor reali…. Sa fie socialismul global, sa fie KBR, sa afie India, sa fie manevre si carti de negociere pentru statutul tziganilor in Europa… Nu se stie. In vara 2002 am fost la KID Systeme Buxtehude – Hamburg, unde posibil am atras atentia la interviul respectiv inginerilor de la EADS-Airbus, care au retinut persoana mea. Poate ca urmatoarele evenimente au fost doar etape in “cover-up”-ul ulterior. Poate ca si drumul meu in Anglia la Swindon, cu Madrid 3/11, exact cand eram in autobuzul de intoarcere sa fi fost in aceasta linie. Poate ca si “spatele” rapirii jurnalistilor din Iraq in primavara 2005 sa fi fost tot o parte de cover-up, sau doar o plata partiala pentru acoperirea adevarului… Vom vedea oarecum si cum si unde se intampla anumite lucruri… Mai mult ca sigur interviul din ianuarie 2007 de la Pilatus Aerospace din Elvetia a fost momentul adevarului. Atunci s-au confirmat anumite lucruri, si multe din cover-up-uri au devenit ne-necesare, ci doar “sifonari” de fonduri si resurse. Posibil ca dupa ianuarie 2007 s-a renuntat la negocierea cu o echipa din zona Olteniei, probabil Furtuna-Patriciu-Boiangiu, mai ales dupa divortul meu de Simona Furtuna. Atunci cand am ajuns in Canada, in mai 2007, o oportunitate a aparut pentru jud. Furtuna si echipa lui psihiatrica – un scenariu neurologic – Alzheimer – ceva droguri, sau o re-educare tip makarenko. Posibil ca pentru familie sa fi cooperat fratele meu Miron, sub presiunea fam. Furtuna si a eventualilor lor complici, sau poate sub presiunea echipei Bakri-SIF5-Cornel Boiangiu. Poate ca Miron a fost un partener de negociere mult mai comod pentru “gasca” locala decat eu, ne-avand optiunea cetateniei canadiene. Curios a fost ca primul lucru dorit de Simona Furtuna dupa casatoria rapida a fost ca eu sa renunt la cetatenia canadiana, sub pretextul unui post de notar… foarte indepartat. Probabil jud. Furtuna credea ca are un atuu de negociere in jocurile locale de putere, ceva de vandut. Daca era cumva prestator juridic in dosarul RomPetrol sau A. Nastase, avea carti puternice de negociere… Sa fi fost Simona Furtuna o sotie puternica, sau a functionat ea ca si ofiter de informatii, profiling si altele? Numai cineva care stie jocurile si parteneriatele familiei Furtuna se poate pronunta… Ei au incercat o izolare a mea sub diverse pretexte medicale sau diverse, cu pretexte si complicitati diverse… Nu stiu cine a pregatit schimbarea de nume Mihai -> Mihail, cu eventualele crize mistice, eventual fortarea internarii in spatiul manastiresc ortodox… Poate ca ratiunile stau in echipa de la St. Serge Paris, si apartenenta sau colaborarea unor inalte fete bisericesti ortodoxe in retele informative vechi sau mai noi… Cred ca adevarul si istoria reala este depozitat echipa DIE-CIE Oltcit, “pastorita” de gen. Alexie, cel care a incercat sa ma recruteze in primavara 1982… Poate ca si Madrid 3/11, si rapirea jurnalistilor din Iraq, si “calul troian” in EPP numit acum PDL sunt legate… Astfel o aripa a produsului komintern numit FSN 1990 numita acum PDL a reusit sa ocupe centrul-dreapta scenei politice, iar PNTCD-ul este redus la tacere, infiltrat si incadrat cu “elemente sigure”. Cred ca autorii acestei operatiuni sunt faimosi politicieni cum ar fi Cornel Boiangiu, posibil dizident de frunte anti-comunist, dar initiator de diverse infiltrari nationaliste si xenofobe, “facator” de jocuri in Oltenia, si posibil santajist, cu acolitii lui ca agentul Trica de la Sectia II… Sa fie si altii ca si comis. Bica, si jud. Predescu, Furtuna, Radu Berceanu? Cine sa stie, dar in mod clar, zona este plina de agenti dubli-tripli, si scena politica foarte viciata… Probabil ca pentru mediul de informatii inca din 1998 devenise clar ca eu voi fi oarecum folosit in anumite proiecte, cel putin identitatea sau CV-ul meu… Atunci poate ca au aparut “traficurile” gen Tigareta I, II, III, diversele miscari, poate ca si accidentul aviatic al Falcon-ului Min. de Externe grec, poate ca si basculanta de la Valea Cascadelor. Poate ca asa s-a pregatit situatia AmEx al meu care poate a ajuns i n anturajul SIF5, poate ca s-a lansat o urmarire audio-video complexa, cu parteneriate SRI-SIE-SIPA, locale si centrale. Posibil casatoria cu Simona Furtuna a fost o modalitate de “adoptare” a mea de catre o “familie puternica” din zona, un fel de “capac”. Doar ea si fostul ei sot si posibil partener Sergiu Dragancea au fost prezenti la primul Revelion dupa intoarcerea mea in tara. De vazut daca importul army-surplus din 1999 din Franta nu a fost cumva regizat de echipa Oltcit, poate cu parteneriatul politiei Dolj, a cms. Bica, cu ulterioare monitorizari SRI-DIICOT, poate ca si SIPA…. Trebuie sa existe pe undeva si ratiuni pentru o mana in atela a Simonei inainte de drumul ei la New York din sept. 2006, poate ca era doar o tentativa… Ce este clar, este “izolarea” mea, tratarea ca si dizident, instabil. Cine si cu ce parteneriate, nu se stie. Clar este ca Boiangiu este psihiatru, iar seful lui prof. Udristoiu este senator PDL. Consilier local PDL si coordonator al Politiei Comunitare si locale Craiova este un “cunoscut” al meu din 24 sau 25 dec. 1989, Radu Theodor, fost sef al Pasapoartelor Dolj, cunoscut oarecum al unor prieteni de familie… deci cineva care avea multe date… Cine a mobilizat resursele, jucatorii, figurantii, cine a dat numerele de masini dintre cele mai diverse, treaba lor… Cert este ca saptamana aceasta a fost arestat directorul interimar al Serviciului de Informatii al Ministerului de Interne… Poate ca si alte persoane au fost suspendate, mutate, dar nu stiu si nu ma intereseaza. Un lucru cert este insa ca in Dolj s-au “sifonat” 700 milioane Euro sau USD, poate sub “umbrela” unui 9/11, poate cu facilitarea unui Madrid 3/11 si trecerea unei factiuni FSN la crestin-democratie. Eu am fost martor in procesul contra “stergerii” PNTCD-ului, proces care a inghetat radierea acestui partid, a generat oarecum daune de 500000 Euro pentru initiatorul actului, prof. Lucian Orasel, si cam atat… Eu sunt somer, marginalizat, si va trebui sa plec din Romania spre Canada, UK sau o tara functionala. Romania este un “failed state”. Cred ca depozitiile mele de la CEDO, UNHCR Geneva si TPI Haga nu au facut decat sa dea “atuuri” juridice pentru dosarul RomPetrol-Dinu Patriciu, Adrian Nastase – Zambaccian, si pretexte pentru rapirea jurnalistilor din Iraq…. Eu sunt momentan falit, inginer somer, si hartuit oarecum de “gasca” de “siloviki” din Dolj… De ce oare, nu am inca raspunsuri… Despre ofiterii acoperiti din Justitie, nu am de gand sa incerc sa le inteleg jocul, si nici sa discut cu unii pe care poate ca ii cunosc. Cert este ca P.M. Bacanu a castigat doar la CEDO un procecs contra lui Nicolae Vacaroiu, dr. Sorin Oprescu, fiu de gen DSS se pare ca este impins in niste jocuri pe care nu cred ca are sens sa le faciliteze, partenerii SIPA cum ar fi ing. Armas, vara Mioarei Roman, traducatoare de engleza si franceza, turnatorii din justitie, sa fie toti sanatosi… Despre fac. de Drept din Craiova, cu participarile, parteneriatele si sponsorizarile ei, numai de bine. Despre Rodica Stanoiu, fosta delatoare, numai de bine… Sper sa nu am alte “hartuieli” administrative si juridice, cu diplome, acte, si fara agresiuni fizice… Al cui sa fie oare numarul acesta? gen. Ureche SMB SIPA – Rodica Stanoiu Slatina jud. Stere Learciu jud. Nicolae Popescu Brezoi – Buz???? jud. Ioan Ionescu ICCSJ Dir III DSS Bucuresti – 1964-1967 Contrainformatii Interne – H. Lido RL 5 mar Judecatorii turnatori se apara intre ei in problema securitatii A Daniela Crasnaru – Salonul de poezie de la Stockholm 21 – The Sterling contract and the national Romanian Tetris game April 4th 2009 We might consider the following paranoid political script, but having feasible likeability of being real. These days, when the billionaire real estate baron Gigi Becali, the owner of Steaua Bucuresti football club is arrested, to be kept in custody for 29 days after having tried to make himself justice by punishing the alleged thieves of his expensive limousine, one start to ask himself if the chain of coincidences, the events and situations that have been happened myself, my mother and my family, in a smaller mather have any chances to be real, and not just simple coincidences. One start to think that the eventual operators, script writers, puppeeteers of the eventual Oltenia cover-up, local writers, but with strong and tight backing in the highest circles of power are not getting angry and acting correctiving by my tryings of claryfying my situation and the one of my family. Anyway, I am not a slave, I´ve been living on my own money, I tried doing honest business in Romania, and am not at all a secret agent, of some James Bond type. I am just a 43 years old un-employed Canadian-Romanian engineer, divorced, who tries vainly in Romania to earn a decent living without hurting anyone else, and who tries sincerely to go ahead. When the country starts to behave like some concentrationary regime, when nothing works, when successful honest business is very unlikely, what can you do? We are living in some kind of Central Asia democracy, a kind of failed state, where most of the power games are done by Russia, and we are just witnessess to what it´s happening. In such a dire situation as mine, I am trying to “protect”, to clarify what has happened involving me and my family in the last 11 years since returning to Romania after my North-American residence. I do not know and I do not have all the data to say for sure if it has been a kidnapping, if it was some abusive use of my identity and credentials by characters in the intelligence and secret services area, or just some abusive use of my situation by eventual rogue characters, in pure merchantile purposes, but using government and intelligence resources… It may happen to have been just a kind of “dressage”, of straiteghning a not very convenient kind of behaviour by local “siloviki”, local people in power position. It seems a lot like the old line communist school of disposing and abusing people, of having them handy for some political projects or other kind of projects. Maybe it was just a way of keeping available cheap competence by various kind of means, or to have subjects with extensive Western exposure for various semi-official intelligence projects… It is very difficult to understand what it is and what happened really in my situation and my family situation. After all the likelihoods, characters from the intelligence, retired, people with whom I happened to be in some way in contact, exerted a control and pressions on me, my family and my close environment. It seems the hard core of this group belongs to leading people from the old DIE (External Direction of Information of the old Securitate – DSS), with possible links in the East German intelligence services, of the old German Democrat Republic. It is very likely that this situation, chain of events, chain of coincidences to have involved people like the now dead general DIE-SIE Silinescu (allegedly intoxicated with dioxine), maybe the ex-director of SIE (actual Foreign Intelligence Service) Ioan Talpes, ex member of Parliament, ex. Dupa toate aparentele, dupa persoanele din sfera serviciilor cu care am fost oarecum in contact sau le-am simtit in control in apropierea mea, se pare ca sunt foste cadre de conducere din fosta DIE (Directia de Informatii Externe), cu legaturi probabile in serviciile de securitate din fosta Germania de Est. Este posibil ca in aceasta situatie, lant de evenimente, sau serie de coincidente sa fie implicate personaje ca defunctul gen. SIE Ilinescu, poate ca gen. Ioan Talpes, fost deputat, consilier prezidential, director SIE sa fi fost la curent cu aceste evenimente. Am o mica banuiala ca in aceasta situatie legata de mine, de eventuala mea implicare in anumite scenarii, sunt implicati si posibili agenti secreti romani, in prezent in Corea… poate un anume Marcel Iancu. Nu stiu daca acest craiovean Iancu nu cumva este chiar ginerele fostului director al Liceului Nicolae Balcescu. Coincidenta curioasa, astazi, 20-21 aprilie 2009, cand continui scrierea acestui auto-roman, sunt pe aeroportul din Copenhaga, avand bagajele pe un carucior inscriptionat Sterling. Sa fie vre-o legatura intre Sterling-Copenhaga si Afacerea-contractul-Sterling, lansat in 1992 si mine? Improbabil, dar totul poate fi legat, mai devreme sau mai tarziu. Poate ca exista o similitudine intre dezmembrarea companiei petroliere Yukos a magnatului Mihail Khodorkovski, exilat in Siberia, si eventualele negocieri care au loc privind persoana mea, folosirea identitatii mele in diverse “combinatii”. Poate ca pana la urma totul este doar un simplu joc, mai mult sau mai putin cancan. Cred ca a existat o interferenta intre mai multe scenarii si proiecte, apropiate insa destul de mult oligarhului Dinu Patriciu. Nu am date, nu am nici faptele care sa confirme acest lucru. Daca da, daca insa am fost perceput ca fiind o “piesa”, un “pion” al acestuia, in mod clar am primit loviturile care le primesc in mod clar apropiatii lui. Eu, spre deosebire de acestia, sunt complet insolvent material, am fost “curatat” complet de bani si de tot. In mod clar, am avut de-a face cu profesionisti in ale informatiei si manipularii, sper sa reusesc sa ies complet din acest mediu relativ toxic. Am impresia ca sunt posibile doua cauze pentru actualul curs al evenimentelor din jurul meu: unul ar fi eventual acoperirea folosirii GPS-ului diferential pentru autolanding, pentru Controlled Flight Into Terrain, acoperire facuta de partenerii romani ai celor care ar fi pus la cale aceasta monstruoasa masinatiune… Ipoteza este posibila, dar foarte putin plauzibila. Mai probabil este ca identitatea mea sa fi fost folosita de catre anumite personaje sau grupuri implicate in traficul de armament global, scenariu gen filmul lui Nicholas Cage, “Lord of War”. Aceasta ipoteza pare plauzibila, avand in vedere ca Romania este atat exportator si producator, cat si eventualele parteneriate cu producatorii din zona de armament si munitie. Ar mai exista si un al treilea scenariu, mai “domestic”, cum ca as reprezenta un consultant la indemana in anumite situatii, poate si un fel de “cobai” pentru diverse experimente sociale. Curios, in 1997 in zborul British Airways Seattle-London a rulat Conspiration Theory (Warner Bros), avand in distributie pe Mel Gibson si Julia Roberts. Curios, dupa 8 ani am ajuns sa fiu casatorit cu fiica unui judecator pensionar de la echivalentul Curtii Supreme americane. Casatoria nu a mers, dar cauzele sunt dintre cele comune in tranzitia romaneasca. Curios, in perioada de dupa divortul meu din noiembrie 2006 au aparut doua situatii foarte curioase, unul fiind arestarea in Montreal – parca – a unui canadian “fictiv”, aparent spion rus, Philip Hamelin?? de verificat, si dupa ceva timp, arestarea a doi muncitori romani intr-o baza din Iraq, din cauza unor fotografii facute in zone interzise, faimoasa afacere Tamplarul si Electricianul. Poate ca acestia doi au fost complet benigni, dar acel eveniment a dus la schimbarea rapida a directorului SIE – aparent inadaptat la colectivul de conducere – si a ministrului de Externe de la acea data. Tot la cateva zile dupa divortul meu din nov. 2006, dupa o prezentare a produselor ReliaSoft la Univ. Tehnica Brasov si la Tarom Serv. Tehnic, in timp ce ma intorceam de la Bucuresti in rapidul Bucuresti-Craiova, un bolovan, un pietroi, a traversat doua randuri de geamuri, cel exterior si cel dinspre culoar, exact in pozitia in care eram eu, doar ca in compartimentul din fata… Cred ca acest lucru s-a intamplat intre Videle si Rosiori, daca nu ma insel, pe 15 sau 16 nov. 2006. Auzind la TV la stiri despre un anume Sile Pietroi, ma intreb daca exista cumva vre-o legatura posibila intre semi-accidentul din rapidul Bucuresti-Craiova si acel clan… Sanse ca eu sa fi fost vizat consider ca sunt foarte putine, dar acest mic incident este de retinut… Cred ca in compartimentul din fata era un returnat din Franta, iar Politia TF i-a luat acestuia o declaratie de martor pentru aparentul act de vandalism complet fara sens. Eu nu i-am dat atentie, fiind oarecum surprins de “proiectilul” care a traversat geamurile pe locul pe care ma aflam eu, doar cu un compartiment in spate. Este posibil ca undeva sa fi “intrat”, sa fi fost vizat cumva intr-un fel de experimente si mici scenarii cu tenta hollywoodiana. Este de retinut incendiul din 1 iunie 2008, de la Universal Studios (detinut 80% de GE si 20% de Vivendi), care a produs “Meet the Parents” si “The 40 years old virgin”. “Collateral Damages”, avandu-l in distributie pe pompierul salvator Arnold Schwarzeneger a fost produs de Warner Brothers. Cu Ben Stiller nu am alte asemanari decat ca avem cam aceeasi varsta. Stiu ca trebuie sa vad “Flight 93”. Nu am date despre film, nu am nici internet acum… Curios sunt si despre seria Bourne, bazate pe romanele lui Robert Ludlum, produsa de Universal Studios. In iulie sau august 2007, la foarte putin timp de la intoarcerea mea din Calgary, a aparut “Bourne Ultimatum”, unde, curios, personajul negativ semana curios de mult cu o persoana pe care o cunosc din Craiova… Sa se fi platit astfel niste polite, sa fi fost un joc intre grupuri puternice? O coincidenta interesanta este ca in toamna 1990 am vazut “Bourne Identity”, prima versiune, la Mihai Morozan, amicul mecanic auto angajat in anturajul SPP-Sergiu Nicolaescu si altii, anturaj din care s-ar putea sa faca parte si persoana “pictata” in ultimul film din seria Bourne. In acel moment lucram la IEMI SA, firma aflata oarecum in portofoliul de intreprinderi “strategice” nationale. Este foarte probabil ca eu sa fi fost subiectul unui furt de identitate facut de romani, poate si de canadieni, furt “demascat” oarecum de francezi prin seria de evenimente care a dus la arestarea in Thaylanda sau Malaysia a lui Victor Bout. Probabil in seria aceasta de evenimente s-ar plasa si plecarea lui Omar Hayssam, posibilele legaturi de afaceri ale acestuia cu Dinu Patriciu – fotografiati apropiati intr-un aeroport din Sudan. Posibil ca angajarea mea la Assystem Romania, firma franceza, sa fi deranjat anumite persoane, de unde si desele provocari de acolo. Imi amintesc si de o iesire cu o cunoscuta, doctorita, la Irish Pub-ul pe Bd. Titulescu, in acea perioada. Curios, Golf-ul fetei – doamnei, de fapt – a fost “hartuit” de soferi indisciplinati in zona Mihai Bravu… Curios, dupa acea “hartuire”, fata a declinat la orice tentativa ulterioara de intalnire… Similar, prin noiembrie 2007, o cunostinta angajata la Vodafone Shop Craiova, pe care incercam sa o cunosc, a plecat subit din magazin… fara explicatii si aparent fara urme. Parca prea se incearca o izolare a mea, generarea unui profil de ratat social… Fara bani, fara o relatie serioasa, devii cobai sau subiect pentru diverse presiuni… Este vorba de cover-up pentru ceea ce i s-a intamplat mamei mele, este o recrutare ascunsa, este o distrugere pur si simplu, cu intentia restrangerilor drepturilor si libertatilor fundamentale ale cetateanului… ceva este, probabil cate un pic din fiecare…. Poate ca astfel s-a incercat sa se realizeze o “Afacere” Borsecul, poate mai mult mediatica. Poate ca pana la urma, arestarea lui Gigi Becali nu a fost decat o perdea de fum pentru alte lucruri sau situatii in desfasurare. Cert este ca in perioada angajarii mele la Assystem Romania in Bucuresti si Pitesti a avut loc la o sucursala BRD Craiova apropiata mie o devalizare de 2 milioane Euro, cu complicitati interne… Curios, Assystem lucra doar cu BRD Societe Generale. Este posibil ca undeva sa existe o legatura intre Jean Clip, fostul patron din Belgia al unor amici, pe care cred ca l-am intalnit in iarna 1994 sau 1995 in Montreal, si afacerile cu armament. Nu stiu, nu am datele necesare. Mai probabil este ca totul sa fie doar o intoxicare… Aparent, multe persoane din anturajul juridic sunt deranjate de aceasta tentativa a mea de “limpezire”, de clarificare a unor evenimente. Nu sunt sigur daca este vorba doar de ratiuni pecuniare, de speranta unor onorarii de proces, sau este vorba de anumite planuri si manipulari anulate sau impiedicate prin initiativa mea. Este posibil ca sub pretextul unei clarificari juridice deschisa de familia mea sa se fi intentionat o tergiversare, o intarziere sau chiar o musamalizare completa si imposibilitatea de castigare a unor daune morale sau materiale pentru posibile agresiuni fizice sau economice asupra mea si familiei mele… Inclin sa cred ca acest grup din anturajul justitiei si al serviciilor secrete a contractat oarecum realizarea unei acoperiri a unor secrete ale istoriei recente, si incearca sa obtina sau sa-si intareasca avantaje materiale controland situatia familiei mele si a mea, fam. Bulacu. Foarte probabil este ca aceste persoane sa fi fost implicate in AVC-ul mamei mele petrecut la 6 saptamani dupa 11 sept. 2001, poate ca si fractura de col femural din nov. 2002, care au incapacitat-o complet. Este posibil sa existe anumite legaturi chiar si cu decesul matusii mele Oprica Mateescu (nascuta Dobre) din mai 2007, cand eu ajunsesem in Calgary. Poate ca exista anumite legaturi si cu decesul prin intoxicare cu monoxid de carbon al cunoscutului meu Mihai Solea, din Bailesti petrecuta in 23 – 25 dec. 2007. Constat in aceste zile o presiune mediatica in anumite grupuri de presa, media sau TV, cu anumite stiri cu o tenta tendentioasa. Vad de asemenea anumite iesiri TV ale unor politicieni ca Marean Vanghelie, sugerand arestarea a trei ziaristi. Nu stiu daca sunt amenintari, sau doar pregatiri ale terenului pentru anumite actiuni viitoare. Este insa curios ca ele vin dintr-o zona mai “gri” a politicii, marcand sau continuand anumite atacuri. Stiu ca in Sect. 5 am avut in proprietate un apartament, pe care l-am vandut in speranta unor afaceri cu terenuri. Mie afacerile nu mi-au iesit, dar multi altii au fost mult mai norocosi. Poate ca Vanghelie este o ruda indepartata a lui Ovidiu Vanghelie, unul dintre “lucratorii” din spate din Primaria Craiova, cu apropiati in serviciile secrete, parteneri in activitati politice cu Adrian Nastase. Daca insa situatia mea personala, a familiei mele, probabil ca si depozitiile depuse la ONU Human Rights Commission Geneva, CEDO Strassbourg si International Court of Justice TPI Haga din primavara 2008 de catre mine sunt folosite abuziv de catre acest grup pentru negocierea unei imunitati in justitie sau mai mult pentru statutul Tziganilor in Europa, atunci consider ca noi suntem sechestrati si supusi unui regim de distrugere. Este posibil ca aceasta folosire abuziva sa fi fost facuta de actori din spatele scenei politice, din sfera serviciilor, iar multi dintre cei care au intrat in aceste evenimente sa fi fost folositi in orb. Consider foarte probabil ca aceasta “ocultare”, izolare a familiei mele a fost oarecum orchestrata de o factiune a UM 0962/0215 Dolj si Olt, probabil de fostul meu vecin col. Sandu si sotia acestuia, pro-decan al Fac. de Drept Craiova, colega cu Adrian Nastase, fost prim-ministru al Romaniei. Curios este momentul acesta in care UM 0962/DGIP este practic decapitat, prin arestarea directorului numit al acestui serviciu. Curios, dupa arestarea directorului DGIPI a urmat demisia sefului politiei, chestorul Tutilescu, sincron cu alegerile din Moldova si protestele de strada de la Chisinau. O alta situatie neplacuta este ca in prezent in Craiova nu se mai poate receptiona canalul EuroNews pe RCS-RDS, putin inainte de inceperea campaniei pentru alegerile europarlamentare din 2009… Practic am intrat in categoria asezarilor urbane de categoria II din Romania… Trist… Este foarte probabil ca afacerea Sterling, daca a existat un proiect politic, sa fi inceput oarecum in 1982 in actuala Casa Plesea din Craiova, in prezenta ing. Alexa, probabil generalul DIE Stefan Alexie, director adjunct, sef pe Directia Francofona, posibil sef chiar si al lui Silvian Ionescu, printre altii, rezidentul DIE din portul Anvers (Belgia). Acea intalnire posibil ca a marcat inceputul urmaririi mele apropiate informative, cu scop de recrutare sau de folosire in politica sau cine stie in ce fel de proiecte mai mult sau mai putin covert… 1991 – drum afaceri Chisinau-Cernauti cu tatal lui Nicusor Beletei… Sa se fi implicat unchiuletul KGB in “fisharea mea”? 1992 – emigrare in Canada; intalnit bursieri CEU Praga, Ctin. Zaman 1992 – aparent semnare a contractului Sterling de guvernul Stolojan pentru RomPetrol 1994 – Incercare de intalinire la Cotroceni cu Misu Negritoiu si posibil atras atentia lui G.C.Paunescu 1995 – interviu Metro Cash & Carry Romania – sa fi atras atentia lui Ion Tiriac? 1996 – martie – refuzat oferta de angajare la DacAir al lui GCPaunescu; plecat ulterior in Canada 1998 – primavara – interviuri de angajare; refuzat post Connex BTS 1998 – iunie – import Peugeut, posibil intrat sub observatie grup Siloviki Craiova, col. Loja, Rodica ?? directoare adjuncta Dir. Vamala Dolj, posibil col. Costel Tulitu… 1998 – toamna – intrat in legatura cu Plexaco SA Athens 1999 – accident mortal Min. Adjunct de Externe grec, in Falcon Business Jet 1999 – privatizare RomPetrol catre Dinu Patriciu 21 – The Sterling contract and the national Romanian Tetris game April 4th 200 We might consider the following paranoid political script, but having feasible likeability of being real. These days, when the billionaire real estate baron Gigi Becali, the owner of Steaua Bucuresti football club is arrested, to be kept in custody for 29 days after having tried to make himself justice by punishing the alleged thieves of his expensive limousine, one start to ask himself if the chain of coincidences, the events and situations that have been happened myself, my mother and my family, in a smaller mather have any chances to be real, and not just simple coincidences. One start to think that the eventual operators, script writers, puppeeteers of the eventual Oltenia cover-up, local writers, but with strong and tight backing in the highest circles of power are not getting angry and acting correctiving by my tryings of claryfying my situation and the one of my family. Anyway, I am not a slave, I´ve been living on my own money, I tried doing honest business in Romania, and am not at all a secret agent, of some James Bond type. I am just a 43 years old un-employed Canadian-Romanian engineer, divorced, who tries vainly in Romania to earn a decent living without hurting anyone else, and who tries sincerely to go ahead. When the country starts to behave like some concentrationary regime, when nothing works, when successful honest business is very unlikely, what can you do? We are living in some kind of Central Asia democracy, a kind of failed state, where most of the power games are done by Russia, and we are just witnessess to what it´s happening. In such a dire situation as mine, I am trying to “protect”, to clarify what has happened involving me and my family in the last 11 years since returning to Romania after my North-American residence. I do not know and I do not have all the data to say for sure if it has been a kidnapping, if it was some abusive use of my identity and credentials by characters in the intelligence and secret services area, or just some abusive use of my situation by eventual rogue characters, in pure merchantile purposes, but using government and intelligence resources… It may happen to have been just a kind of “dressage”, of straiteghning a not very convenient kind of behaviour by local “siloviki”, local people in power position. It seems a lot like the old line communist school of disposing and abusing people, of having them handy for some political projects or other kind of projects. Maybe it was just a way of keeping available cheap competence by various kind of means, or to have subjects with extensive Western exposure for various semi-official intelligence projects… It is very difficult to understand what it is and what happened really in my situation and my family situation. After all likelihoods, characters from the intelligence, retired, people with whom I happened to be in some way in contact, exerted a control and pressions on me, my family and my close environment. It seems the core of this group belongs to leading people from the old DIE (External Direction of Information of the old Securitate – DSS), with possible links in the East German intelligence services, of the old German Democrat Republic. It is very likely that this situation, chain of events, chain of coincidences to have involved people like the now dead general DIE-SIE Silinescu (allegedly intoxicated with dioxine), maybe the ex-director of SIE (actual Foreign Intelligence Service) Ioan Talpes, ex member of Parliament, ex. Presidential adviser, former SIE director, might be in the know with all these data and have all the facts. I do have a small hint that in all these situations, related more or less with me are implicated a number of Romanian secret agents, among them one in Korea, possibly a certain Marcel Iancu. I do not know if that person is the son-in-law of the ex director of my Lyceum, the present Carol I national college in Craiova, prof. Nicolae Andrei. A strange coincidence, today, April 20-21 2009, when I follow-up in the writing of this journal, of this novel, I am on the Copenhagen airport, my luggage on an airport cart bearing the Sterling inscription. I wonder if there are any relations between Sterling-Copenhagen and the Sterling contract, launched in 1992 and myself… Very unlikely, but with plenty of immagination, one can find and figure some links… Maybe there are some likelihoods between the dismembrance of the Yukos oil company, oil empire, the exiled olygarch Mikhail Khodorkovski, presently in Siberia, and eventual negotiations involved myself, possibly involving the use of my identity and credentials in certain arms-dealings. Probably, it is very likely all is just a game, more or less pure media events, with some manipulations.. I think that there was a certain interference between some scripts and projects, maybe having some backing from Mr. Dinu Patriciu. I do not have any facts, proofs, supporting these allegations. If it was true, very likely is that I have been perceived and used as a pure pawn, a kind of “asset”, and me and my family just received some blows for acts in which I did not have any involvment. Maybe I have been treated as an ally of Mr. Patriciu, and received the blows as a member of his team. The problem is that I have been “cleaned”, left without any finacial means, my professional career put into a deadlock, and been all the time under pressure of manipulations, stress by real professional in apparent political games. I just hope to succeed in getting out completely of this relatively toxic environment. Am impresia ca sunt posibile doua cauze pentru actualul curs al evenimentelor din jurul meu: unul ar fi eventual acoperirea folosirii GPS-ului diferential pentru autolanding, pentru Controlled Flight Into Terrain, acoperire facuta de partenerii romani ai celor care ar fi pus la cale aceasta monstruoasa masinatiune… Ipoteza este posibila, dar foarte putin plauzibila. Mai probabil este ca identitatea mea sa fi fost folosita de catre anumite personaje sau grupuri implicate in traficul de armament global, scenariu gen filmul lui Nicholas Cage, “Lord of War”. Aceasta ipoteza pare plauzibila, avand in vedere ca Romania este atat exportator si producator, cat si eventualele parteneriate cu producatorii din zona de armament si munitie. Ar mai exista si un al treilea scenariu, mai “domestic”, cum ca as reprezenta un consultant la indemana in anumite situatii, poate si un fel de “cobai” pentru diverse experimente sociale. Curios, in 1997 in zborul British Airways Seattle-London a rulat Conspiration Theory (Warner Bros), avand in distributie pe Mel Gibson si Julia Roberts. Curios, dupa 8 ani am ajuns sa fiu casatorit cu fiica unui judecator pensionar de la echivalentul Curtii Supreme americane. Casatoria nu a mers, dar cauzele sunt dintre cele comune in tranzitia romaneasca. Curios, in perioada de dupa divortul meu din noiembrie 2006 au aparut doua situatii foarte curioase, unul fiind arestarea in Montreal – parca – a unui canadian “fictiv”, aparent spion rus, Philip Hamelin?? de verificat, si dupa ceva timp, arestarea a doi muncitori romani intr-o baza din Iraq, din cauza unor fotografii facute in zone interzise, faimoasa afacere Tamplarul si Electricianul. Poate ca acestia doi au fost complet benigni, dar acel eveniment a dus la schimbarea rapida a directorului SIE – aparent inadaptat la colectivul de conducere – si a ministrului de Externe de la acea data. Tot la cateva zile dupa divortul meu din nov. 2006, dupa o prezentare a produselor ReliaSoft la Univ. Tehnica Brasov si la Tarom Serv. Tehnic, in timp ce ma intorceam de la Bucuresti in rapidul Bucuresti-Craiova, un bolovan, un pietroi, a traversat doua randuri de geamuri, cel exterior si cel dinspre culoar, exact in pozitia in care eram eu, doar ca in compartimentul din fata… Cred ca acest lucru s-a intamplat intre Videle si Rosiori, daca nu ma insel, pe 15 sau 16 nov. 2006. Auzind la TV la stiri despre un anume Sile Pietroi, ma intreb daca exista cumva vre-o legatura posibila intre semi-accidentul din rapidul Bucuresti-Craiova si acel clan… Sanse ca eu sa fi fost vizat consider ca sunt foarte putine, dar acest mic incident este de retinut… Cred ca in compartimentul din fata era un returnat din Franta, iar Politia TF i-a luat acestuia o declaratie de martor pentru aparentul act de vandalism complet fara sens. Eu nu i-am dat atentie, fiind oarecum surprins de “proiectilul” care a traversat geamurile pe locul pe care ma aflam eu, doar cu un compartiment in spate. Este posibil ca undeva sa fi “intrat”, sa fi fost vizat cumva intr-un fel de experimente si mici scenarii cu tenta hollywoodiana. Este de retinut incendiul din 1 iunie 2008, de la Universal Studios (detinut 80% de GE si 20% de Vivendi), care a produs “Meet the Parents” si “The 40 years old virgin”. “Collateral Damages”, avandu-l in distributie pe pompierul salvator Arnold Schwarzeneger a fost produs de Warner Brothers. Cu Ben Stiller nu am alte asemanari decat ca avem cam aceeasi varsta. Stiu ca trebuie sa vad “Flight 93”. Nu am date despre film, nu am nici internet acum… Curios sunt si despre seria Bourne, bazate pe romanele lui Robert Ludlum, produsa de Universal Studios. In iulie sau august 2007, la foarte putin timp de la intoarcerea mea din Calgary, a aparut “Bourne Ultimatum”, unde, curios, personajul negativ semana curios de mult cu o persoana pe care o cunosc din Craiova… Sa se fi platit astfel niste polite, sa fi fost un joc intre grupuri puternice? O coincidenta interesanta este ca in toamna 1990 am vazut “Bourne Identity”, prima versiune, la Mihai Morozan, amicul mecanic auto angajat in anturajul SPP-Sergiu Nicolaescu si altii, anturaj din care s-ar putea sa faca parte si persoana “pictata” in ultimul film din seria Bourne. In acel moment lucram la IEMI SA, firma aflata oarecum in portofoliul de intreprinderi “strategice” nationale. Este foarte probabil ca eu sa fi fost subiectul unui furt de identitate facut de romani, poate si de canadieni, furt “demascat” oarecum de francezi prin seria de evenimente care a dus la arestarea in Thaylanda sau Malaysia a lui Victor Bout. Probabil in seria aceasta de evenimente s-ar plasa si plecarea lui Omar Hayssam, posibilele legaturi de afaceri ale acestuia cu Dinu Patriciu – fotografiati apropiati intr-un aeroport din Sudan. Posibil ca angajarea mea la Assystem Romania, firma franceza, sa fi deranjat anumite persoane, de unde si desele provocari de acolo. Imi amintesc si de o iesire cu o cunoscuta, doctorita, la Irish Pub-ul pe Bd. Titulescu, in acea perioada. Curios, Golf-ul fetei – doamnei, de fapt – a fost “hartuit” de soferi indisciplinati in zona Mihai Bravu… Curios, dupa acea “hartuire”, fata a declinat la orice tentativa ulterioara de intalnire… Similar, prin noiembrie 2007, o cunostinta angajata la Vodafone Shop Craiova, pe care incercam sa o cunosc, a plecat subit din magazin… fara explicatii si aparent fara urme. Parca prea se incearca o izolare a mea, generarea unui profil de ratat social… Fara bani, fara o relatie serioasa, devii cobai sau subiect pentru diverse presiuni… Este vorba de cover-up pentru ceea ce i s-a intamplat mamei mele, este o recrutare ascunsa, este o distrugere pur si simplu, cu intentia restrangerilor drepturilor si libertatilor fundamentale ale cetateanului… ceva este, probabil cate un pic din fiecare…. Poate ca astfel s-a incercat sa se realizeze o “Afacere” Borsecul, poate mai mult mediatica. Poate ca pana la urma, arestarea lui Gigi Becali nu a fost decat o perdea de fum pentru alte lucruri sau situatii in desfasurare. Cert este ca in perioada angajarii mele la Assystem Romania in Bucuresti si Pitesti a avut loc la o sucursala BRD Craiova apropiata mie o devalizare de 2 milioane Euro, cu complicitati interne… Curios, Assystem lucra doar cu BRD Societe Generale. Este posibil ca undeva sa existe o legatura intre Jean Clip, fostul patron din Belgia al unor amici, pe care cred ca l-am intalnit in iarna 1994 sau 1995 in Montreal, si afacerile cu armament. Nu stiu, nu am datele necesare. Mai probabil este ca totul sa fie doar o intoxicare… Aparent, multe persoane din anturajul juridic sunt deranjate de aceasta tentativa a mea de “limpezire”, de clarificare a unor evenimente. Nu sunt sigur daca este vorba doar de ratiuni pecuniare, de speranta unor onorarii de proces, sau este vorba de anumite planuri si manipulari anulate sau impiedicate prin initiativa mea. Este posibil ca sub pretextul unei clarificari juridice deschisa de familia mea sa se fi intentionat o tergiversare, o intarziere sau chiar o musamalizare completa si imposibilitatea de castigare a unor daune morale sau materiale pentru posibile agresiuni fizice sau economice asupra mea si familiei mele… Inclin sa cred ca acest grup din anturajul justitiei si al serviciilor secrete a contractat oarecum realizarea unei acoperiri a unor secrete ale istoriei recente, si incearca sa obtina sau sa-si intareasca avantaje materiale controland situatia familiei mele si a mea, fam. Bulacu. Foarte probabil este ca aceste persoane sa fi fost implicate in AVC-ul mamei mele petrecut la 6 saptamani dupa 11 sept. 2001, poate ca si fractura de col femural din nov. 2002, care au incapacitat-o complet. Este posibil sa existe anumite legaturi chiar si cu decesul matusii mele Oprica Mateescu (nascuta Dobre) din mai 2007, cand eu ajunsesem in Calgary. Poate ca exista anumite legaturi si cu decesul prin intoxicare cu monoxid de carbon al cunoscutului meu Mihai Solea, din Bailesti petrecuta in 23 – 25 dec. 2007. Constat in aceste zile o presiune mediatica in anumite grupuri de presa, media sau TV, cu anumite stiri cu o tenta tendentioasa. Vad de asemenea anumite iesiri TV ale unor politicieni ca Marean Vanghelie, sugerand arestarea a trei ziaristi. Nu stiu daca sunt amenintari, sau doar pregatiri ale terenului pentru anumite actiuni viitoare. Este insa curios ca ele vin dintr-o zona mai “gri” a politicii, marcand sau continuand anumite atacuri. Stiu ca in Sect. 5 am avut in proprietate un apartament, pe care l-am vandut in speranta unor afaceri cu terenuri. Mie afacerile nu mi-au iesit, dar multi altii au fost mult mai norocosi. Poate ca Vanghelie este o ruda indepartata a lui Ovidiu Vanghelie, unul dintre “lucratorii” din spate din Primaria Craiova, cu apropiati in serviciile secrete, parteneri in activitati politice cu Adrian Nastase. Daca insa situatia mea personala, a familiei mele, probabil ca si depozitiile depuse la ONU Human Rights Commission Geneva, CEDO Strassbourg si International Court of Justice TPI Haga din primavara 2008 de catre mine sunt folosite abuziv de catre acest grup pentru negocierea unei imunitati in justitie sau mai mult pentru statutul Tziganilor in Europa, atunci consider ca noi suntem sechestrati si supusi unui regim de distrugere. Este posibil ca aceasta folosire abuziva sa fi fost facuta de actori din spatele scenei politice, din sfera serviciilor, iar multi dintre cei care au intrat in aceste evenimente sa fi fost folositi in orb. Consider foarte probabil ca aceasta “ocultare”, izolare a familiei mele a fost oarecum orchestrata de o factiune a UM 0962/0215 Dolj si Olt, probabil de fostul meu vecin col. Sandu si sotia acestuia, pro-decan al Fac. de Drept Craiova, colega cu Adrian Nastase, fost prim-ministru al Romaniei. Curios este momentul acesta in care UM 0962/DGIP este practic decapitat, prin arestarea directorului numit al acestui serviciu. Strangely, after the arresting, mostly a suspension of the designated director of the DGIPI, the intelligence service of the Romanian Interrior Ministry, it was quickly followed by the resignation of Mr. Tutilescu, the chief of the Romanian Police, and shortly afterwords, street protests in Moldavia, in Chisinau. Another unpleasant information is that in Craiova one can not receive any longer the EuroNews TV Channel on the RCS-RDS operator on the basic grid, actually the sole TV cable provider in the area. This happens to take place shortly before the European elections in the summer of 2009. Practically, Craiova does not belong any longer in the first tier of Romanian cities, sadly… I find it very likely if a certain Sterling affair really existed, if there ever was a political project bearing this name, this project had to be started in some way in 1982 in the present Plesea Building in the historical part of Craiova, involving the then Alexia engineer, but possibly the DIE general Stefan Alexie, deputy director, in charge with the Francophone division, possibly superior even to Silvian Ionescu, among others, DIE residentt in Antwerpen (Belgium). That meeting seems to have meant for me the beginning of a kind of close surveillance, in Romania and eventually in Canada, with the aim of recruiting, of use in political projects or God knows in what kind of purposes, possibly my identity… Any speculation stays open, by lack of facts and proofs… 1991 – drum afaceri Chisinau-Cernauti cu tatal lui Nicusor Beletei… Sa se fi implicat unchiuletul KGB in “fisharea mea”? 1992 – emigrare in Canada; intalnit bursieri CEU Praga, Ctin. Zaman 1992 – aparent semnare a contractului Sterling de guvernul Stolojan pentru RomPetrol 1994 – Incercare de intalinire la Cotroceni cu Misu Negritoiu si posibil atras atentia lui G.C.Paunescu 1995 – interviu Metro Cash & Carry Romania – sa fi atras atentia lui Ion Tiriac? 1996 – martie – refuzat oferta de angajare la DacAir al lui GCPaunescu; plecat ulterior in Canada 1998 – primavara – interviuri de angajare; refuzat post Connex BTS 1998 – iunie – import Peugeut, posibil intrat sub observatie grup Siloviki Craiova, col. Loja, Rodica ?? directoare adjuncta Dir. Vamala Dolj, posibil col. Costel Tulitu… 1998 – toamna – intrat in legatura cu Plexaco SA Athens 1999 – accident mortal Min. Adjunct de Externe grec, in Falcon Business Jet 1999 – privatizare RomPetrol catre Dinu Patriciu Ch. 22 – Power Plays June 4th, 2009, Toronto I try to close my investigations with this last chapter, after having some insight about what seems to have happened. This happens just after mailing again the depositions made last year at the UN Human Rights Commission, at CEDO Strassbourg and at the International Court of Justice, The Hague. It seems that my trip to Toronto was somewhat needed, perhpaps even the ex-presidents Bush and Clinton was somewhat a rogatory commission related perhaps to the WTC 9/11 and possibly to Madrid 3/11. Finally, Presidents, even of the USA are just the person in power at the moment, not actually the power… I somewhat think that now, after so many years, seems very likely that an eventual identity theft and usage was planned long time ago, perhaps gen. DIE Alexia and other of the Intelligence Officers in Craiova somewhat planned this. Perhaps the father the truck driver and ex-engineer from Buzau Iulian Teodorescu was somewhat in the know. Perhaps the meeting in late-Fall 1993 or Winter 1994 in Montreal with the businessman from Brussels, Jean Clip, was somewhat the first situation in a serie of events very interesting and actually. Would it be possible that the now bankrupted Belgium businessman to be somewhat involved in arms dealing. He was at some moment located in the Tenerife islands. He was the first “Timberland” person I ever met. What is the reason of this noise about Timberland boots, as advertised on the rendition flights, anyway? It is somewhat possible that Mr. Clip was somewhat in the know of what happened to my identity after my 1997 Boeing employment. Is Mr. Clip involved in some way in any business dealings, involving arms exports? I remember my night spent in 2001 in the Bruxelles Central Train station, because of railworker strike, and the interest of a Zairean citizen, in discussing with me… Was he just investigating, “fishing” somewhat? Then I think I was returning from Ireland, from Dublin, where I was looking for employment. It seems somewhat I was all the time travelling in some kind of VPN, of Virtual Reality situation. There are some rumors about some University of Toronto Virtual Reality projects, in creating some “special”, fake reality… Perhaps one outsource detention to Cuba, Syria, Jordan, and the IT warfare to Toronto… What I do not understand, why was I the subject to this continuous IT attack and intoxication? Was my identity used by arms dealing groups like Mr. Victor Bout, perhaps by Mr. Jean Clip, or was it because the WTC 9/11 and possibly because the Madrid 3/11 possible “fuck-up”, or just smoke-screen in industrial espionnage or sabotage…. I can see in the newspapers in Toronto all the major themes from my e-mails, spams and all the “salad” and content. Was it in some way this kind of re-education and IT content “served” to many people, just to keep them busy and get reactions? Is it some way like in Systems Theory in Automation, the step-input? Then, who should pay for these “Guinea pig” treatment, for this kind of guerrilla warfare IT training, and my lost time? Is is the Canadian government or is it University of Toronto and the sponsors for these projects? Anyway, it seems the Toronto contractor seems to be U of T, and the purpose was some kind of detention, retention or what you can name it… Probably the first step done by Romanian intelligence and law enforcement in eventual framing or “keeping” me busy was the import of Army Surplus from France. I wonder if Jean Pierre Garnier from Lyon really exists, or was it some bogus character and its IDs also. There were some ATF suggestions around me, and perhaps this was really some project for ATF pressures (Arms Tobacco Firearms, US agency). The driver, the transporter, was a person close to col. Bica, chief of Dolj region police force, with close ATF relations. Was col. Bica some kind of local contractor, or just partner in some cover-up? After the intimidation with the truck from March 2000, when I was somewhat pushed out of the importation of hoses from Greece, I sold once some hoses to a consular person with a Honda Accord some hoses. Was that person related to a gentleman from Bessarabia, from Moldova, I met in 1999 at some agro show? Or perhaps there are around just games, some kind of, like I saw some time ago on some bags… Radu Berceanu, a very knowledgeable person and in the know, partner in many business transactions involving Canadian industry products, was sometime joking on TV about an aspiring politician looking too attentive to registration plates… Maybe he was also knowledgeable about some U. of T. Virtual Reality projects. What can I say about the incapacitation of my mother when I was about to leave Romania every time or when there were fears I might meet some real business opportunities or to find employment. What about my aunt, even 82 years old, about the 51 years old friend somewhat “gassed” with carbon monoxide for Christmas 2007, as a somewhat “general” warning for all the “agenda of contacts”. I do wonder what is in my internal ear, is it just some MEMS recording-transmitting device, or is it something more complex… It is large enough to trigger some metal detection equipment either hand-held, either airport stationary. Was I purposedly disabled, like my mother? Is it really some kind of Dr. Mengele type of bio-medicine? Then Nurnberg law and legal sentences eventually should apply to those who somewhat signed and envisaged those measures… It´s all about money, is it not? With this kind of pressure, either some bio-medicine items, with Internet e-mails and all the medical crap, it is easy to generate the desired product. Time to get out of North America, and go to Germany, France or Switzerland, where hopefully those means are not allowed. Probably there were some relations between Dr. Cornel Boiangiu, his American Eagle award, and Dinu Patriciu, whose business account seem to be frozen these days. Perhaps his partnership with the ex-CIA officer Phil Stevenson are related to other dealings, and the “Sterling” contract is just for fun…. My brother was in business dealings with companies from SIF 5 Oltenia, and maybe he was somewhat under pressure. It seems all that happens presently is just the cover-up, the closure of some project, and I have to cover my back, just in order to survive. The “perpetrators”, with their intelligence partners, are cleaning the tracks, the foot-prints. The Romanian partners were somewhat under business dealings. I remember my waiting for 6 months waiting for an answer from the Munich based European Patent Office. It was just some reason to wait, maybe for future use. I do wonder what is my real health status, and wonder if my vaccination for tropical business contracts trips when working in Mirabel at Bombardier DSD was really a vaccination. I remember the American Express corporate… What if ret. gen. Gordon Diamond was actually just profiling me, preparing for some use of my IDs. Perhaps he, Chris Koening, son of some IMP Halifax-Nova Scotia ret. col. were somewhat profiling? What if I already was Victor Bout when working for Bombardier DSD? Perhaps now is just the closure of the Bout file… Or perhaps it was not Bout, it was some Airbus-EADS A380 file, justifying even some Madrid bombing…. My impression is that starting with my two months spent in Calgary I was somewhat under some covert witness protection program, and wonder on whose authority and signatures… I have the impression it was somewhat related to Halifax interests, and it is possible some MEMS listening device was put in place. I do have the impression there are some medicacl and psychiatrics involved, including some Budapest institute. From what I know, in Hungary, the FBI has a large regional training centre. Therefore, the cover-up, closure, with eventual “liquidation” is provided by the FBI. Is it then some FBI meddling in the political Romanian life, was I at some moment intended to be some political player, or am I just a detainee, a kidnapped by some FBI interests or business groups with its support? Was my mother disabilitated by these groups? Was under pressure Staples-Busines Depot from Calgary to get rid of me, ASAP, to operate the “covert” detention in Romania, even towards starvation…? Everything is possible. I remember the intimidation of a friend of mine, one evening in Bucharest, on Mihai Bravu Bd, and cars jockeying around her VW Golf. She was employed by some pharmaceutical company, and after that night intimidations, she denied any subsequent meeting. Is it this some part of intimidation, of detention, or perhaps it was not feeting some U of T.”script” about personal relationships…. I wonder if my ex-wife was following her US visa in August 2006 taking part at some UN Terrorism meeting in New York, beginning September 2006. Perhaps her bandaged hand, left hand, was just a preparation of some Canadian-style of profiling-husband-wife conflict, just in case… It´s all about recycling, about blackmail and cheap scripts… I remember her apartment somewhat “painted” with smashed remote controls… FYI… Perhpaps references from neighobours should be taken also about her, not just my file… I wonder in what power brokerage deals has been involved ret. Jud. Furtuna, just to understand about his “backing”, his financial standing, and to what pressures and long-reach I am exposed. If he is partner with Radu Berceanu, therefore Canada, mostly Toronto is very unreliable, possibly even dangerous: Bombardier Transportation, Boeing at Tarom, AECL, Rosia Montana – Gold Corporation. I do have a feeling that the Clinton-Bush lecture in Toronto and the passing in the European Parliament of the Justice & Internal Affairs in Romania has been somewhat brokered by some leverage, by some power brokers. Possibly I was somewhat “horse-traded”, my depositions of last year, and the report was favorable. Perhaps this was also the lack of aid from the Canadian Embassy and Consulate last year in Switzerland, just to get rid of me, after the almost rendition from Calgary. Am I somewhat under some under-cover, “armstronged” on me and my brother Miron WPP coupled with psychiatric custodian, to wait for some natural or accident causes disappearance? The behaviour in Toronto might show this, just projecting “sport”, charity employment. There were plenty of gaming about blue-black combinations, yellow-black. Probably everything comes from the automotive industry, colour-code-marking. It´s all about money, avoiding any litigation, and eventually “disposing” witnessess. There seem to be some links and coincidences about Bob Quick from Scotland Yard and gen. Tutilescu resignation in Romania, about the same time. There was also the resignation of Ms. Jaqui Smith, Home Secretary. Is it the scandal so high? My law enforcement joining seemed somewhat similar to the Litvininenko poisoning, very likely some kind of “disposable” witness. Romania has been importing some penal code projects from Canada, and it is possible the U. of T. Virtual Reality to be part of the “horse-trading”. There seem to be some Labour UK involvement, some resignation about false expenses. Perhaps it was about some possible meddling in my situation… The Halifax based IMP Group, with his Innotech Aviation in Montreal have extensive operations in Russia, and maybe they were depositing at some time in some favor-bank. I remember presidential adviser Octavian Belu claiming about some people dopped, to be suspended for two years from the sport life. Was he talking or was he in the know about some air-heating in Calgary 1624 26th Ave SW, or about some Volvo climate system, in Romania, also 2007. What game is this presidential adviser Belu playing, and for who? It is very likely this is some identity theft, but the beneficiary was international, probably business groups, involving either Western and Eastern Bloc military equipment traded. Was it Victor Bout, was it Jean Clip, you do not know. What is curious, is the coincidence of the crash of AirFrance AF447 Airbus A330 Rio-Paris, in the same time with flight from Toronto-Pearson of A380, first commercial landing here. Those are very dangerouse coincidences, and it is time to get out of this heat, from here… I hope this possible MEMS listening device is not explosive or something, like in those Hollywood movies, and the radiation is not too strong to produce some brain or other cancer. It would be a very convenient way of witness elimination… Was I just some kind of witness, was I the provider for an identity theft, was I the “Guinea pig” for some intelligence groups, or just the pawn between power brokers, to be disposed ASAP after usage… It is anyway about human rights abuse, and for these some officials had death sentences at Nurnberg, Germany in 1947-1951. Possibly now there are just games how to cover the abuses and the wrongdoings without paying anything, just to offer some MIA (Missing in Action) or death-on-duty cop, for statistics… Canada or Romania… PETITION – raw Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Mihai Anatol Bulacu, born on May 2, 1966 in Corabia-Olt-Romania, having my Romanian residence in Craiova, Cl. Bucuresti M8A, Apt. 3, Romania, phone 0040251414705, previous GSM numbers 0040 722325354, 0040 733380419, e-mails mihai.bulacu(at), mabulacu(at), and presently residing at the Gateway, Toronto, 107 Jarvis St , M5C 2H4, 416-368-0324, and personal voice mail, 416-604-5951, but with problems for accessing sometime those communication accounts. I am writing you in order to ask for assistance against perceived limitation and restriction of my basic human rights, by deprieving me of the possibility to exercise my professional training, by means of limitating the commmunication and limiting my options and means of finding employment. I have the feeling that this started in 2002, with GSM mobile and e-mails. There are strong pressures on me to drop any litigation or eventual suit for my aparent retention in Romania by the incapacitation of my mother, by me joining law enforcement agencies, in Romania. It is possible that this is just to avoid any law suit. I am under strong professional pressures since my depositions of last year at the Geneva UN Human Rights Commission, the European Court of Human Rights in Strassbourg and the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, last year, in Spring 2008. I consider this some means of witness intimidation, pressures to silence a witness, and possibly to eliminate me somewhat by financial to basic needs. I was under large pressures, peer and environment, with allegation of being a rasist, gay behaviour, HIV-AIDS, or religious extremist. It is somewhat possible that those were because of my temporary membership in a Centrist-Democratic party in Romania (PNTCD), but I consider this a minor cause, the main reason being the cover-up and elimination of a witness regarding an identity theft or my witnessing to some aerospace situation. I consider these as witness intimidations and pressures to join either a law-enforcement agency or intelligence related groups. I have the feeling these pressures are coming from some private intelligence groups, or defence-aerospace related interests. I have been previously being employed by Boeing Aerospace in Everett, WA and Bombardier Defence Systems Division in Montreal, Canada, and it is possibly that I have somewhat witnessed some situations or solutions to be protected, or it was about a possible identity theft, by arms trafficking groups, or industrial espionnage. It is possible this identity theft involved both my Canadian and Romanian IDs and personal documents. My possible retention in Romania started shortly after September 9/11 2001 by a vascular head stroke of my mother, when I was to leave Romania in one day for southern Germany, and one year later, by her broken hip with total bed incapacitation. The broken hip happened when I was in Paris, tendering software outsourcing services, along with some ex-aerospace engineers from SAGEM, a French aerospace company. My mother second head stroke happened when I was in Geneva, making a deposition, in March or April 2008. It is possible that my retention in Romania was due to either my precision Differential GPS approach and landings when working for an M.Eng. in Avionics-Electrical Engineering, or by my identity documents being been used by arms dealing groups and interests. It seems possible that Mr. Victor Bout, the arms dealer arrested in March 2008 was been using my IDs, being about of the same age. The largest coincidence is the Madrid 3/11 2004 Madrid train station bombing, happening when I was en-route from London-Victoria Coach Station toward Koln, Germany. I heard in the bus about the bombing, and coincidence is the fact that in Koln is located European Aviation Safety Agency, related to navigation and aerospace matters. It is possible that some cover-up was somewhat created or it was a pure coincidence. Perhaps someone thought I was intending to seek an audience with that organisation. I do ask for help in locating myself in a region or place of my own choice, preferably Germany, France, Italy or Switzerland, and not related to Boeing or Lockheed Martin interest groups, and in protection to have employment at my level of training, or close to this. I also ask for support and protection about my e-mails and spamming with allegations of HIV-AIDS, autism, psychiatric, Alsheimer diseases and suggestions for paramedic enrollment or my pressure to do just basic manual jobs. I think those come from a pressure to financially eliminate me. I do not have any proofs, physical, about e-mail retention, filtering, or by withholding of phone calls, screening voice mails by phone and communication companies, Internet, voice, GSM, but I am somewhat under pressure and have the feeling that potential employers are put under pressure not to hire me, as a kind of employer elimination options. I do not know if this happens because my depositions at Human Rights organisations, because my work experience in the aerospace field with Boeing Commercial, Bombardier Defense Systems Division, or because of my work on precision landing project with Differential GPS. It is somewhat likely that I was the subject of an identity theft by arms trafficking groups, or by industrial espionnage, involving eventually in a sabotage at EADS-Airbus Toulouse & Hamburg, producing a project delay for the Airbus A380, with large financial profits for eventual stocks manipulator. This delay happened shortly after the Madrid 3/11 2004 train station bombing. What I can prove and state is just the moment of these situations, and my family medical and my personal financial state, aparently to keep me in Romania, incomunicado, for possible identity theft purposes. I do ask for protection in relocation myself, legal aid and with support to have employment at my training level, and not to be subject to these intimidations. It seems there are just pressures of some lobby groups supporting Aerospace products and companies, but involving large sums of money and with huge influence.